Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Eric Oyen
all I can say to those sticker prices is: OUCH! now way I can afford anything close to this unless I happen to have a minimum $30k a year job. -Eric On Oct 19, 2010, at 4:15 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Eric: > Carolyn back atchya. If I remember right, (always a risky proposition), the > ea

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Eric Oyen
I wish you were closer as well. most of the blind here in phoenix seem to live on the far side of town from me. :( btw, aren't you in europe somewhere or did I miss that? -Eric On Oct 19, 2010, at 5:31 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Eric: > Well, this is going to be interesting. I was just talk

Re: Washington Post articles?

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Well, I finally got my beloved Washington Post to work again. For a recap, I was getting a "scroll area" that was not intractable with when I went to any articles that were recent. (Perhaps all articles). I scanned through the "Develop" menu. This is a menu of tools that no non-webdeveloper shoul

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Allison, Not only Braille displays, but everything is more expensive here in Europe. I certainly can't afford the Braillino if I don't get financing for it. I'll just have to live with my horrible old PAC Mate 20, just the display, no note taker. Cheers, Anne On 19 Oct 2010, at 23:45,

Re: How to delete programs from your Mac?.

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Well, getting Office for the Mac was a mistake if you are blind, I am not sure why you would have the Dock activated overtime you start, I can't imagine that is actually Microsoft. Fore removing "simple" programs, one can just drag the folder from the application window into the trash. (or comman

Re: copy question

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Take a look at this script. The main portion of the script is in the "ProcessFiles" action. This script is meant to be a "Folder Action". It looks at all files moved to the folder, and if they are images, it will create a copy of the image as a TIFF file in a selected folder. I might be interpr

Re: Is there a way to document VO crashes?

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Both operating systems have this functionality to some level. There are security concerns that the vendors take seriously, that limit the usability of the automated crash reports. It is significantly better to use "feedback" channels with recipes (directions) for causing a crash. Especially if s

Jaws issues with a bootcamp configuration

2010-10-20 Thread Kiran Kaja
Hi All, A quick search through the forum didn’t give me any relevant results. So, if this has been asked before, many apologies. Long story short, I am using a MacBook Pro 15 inch running Snow Leopard and Windows XP SP3. For work purposes, I need to use Jaws on the Windows side of things and I a

Re: Jaws issues with a bootcamp configuration

2010-10-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi! First question. Did you install the drivers? I assume you have, in which case, you shouldn't have a problem at all with these keys when using the regular built-in keyboard, at least. You may want to check if the home and end keys work separately. I have only had this issue with the Apple W

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread erik burggraaf
That'll be a nice unit right there. I wish two things about the refreshabraille. One, that they offered a 32 sell version for under 3 grand. Hum, I guess that's two right there isn't it? And the other that some one sold them here. Then we could get them funded. I'd have no problem buying r

Re: How to delete programs from your Mac?.

2010-10-20 Thread Hayri Tulumcu
press Vo/shift/ m at the same time, altså control+option+shift and then M. Select remove from doc from the following menu! - Original Message - From: "Chenelle Hancock" To: Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:33 AM Subject: How to delete programs from your Mac?. Sent from my iPhone

Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread M. Taylor
Hello All, Yesterday, while exploring my Mac, I inadvertently pressed a keyboard combination that caused me to hear a kind of clicking sound when typing; it was wonderful. That is, if it were still enabled, while typing this message to you all,, I would be hearing the tic sound each time I pre

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mark, I suspect that you inadvertently put the caps lock on, and that you were typing everything in capital letters. Cheers, Anne On 20 Oct 2010, at 14:15, M. Taylor wrote: > Hello All, > > Yesterday, while exploring my Mac, I inadvertently pressed a keyboard > combination that cause

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
OF course, there is the type writer sound program. That's a good way to go also. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!! Skype Name: barefootedray On Oct 20, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Mark, > > I suspect that you inadve

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
how do you activate the type writer program? Kawal Gucukoglu On 20 Oct 2010, at 01:22 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > OF course, there is the type writer sound program. That's a good way to go > also. > > > Sincerely, > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! > > Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac us

issues with the type writer keyboard app

2010-10-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Okay. I purchased a registration key for the type writer keyboard app; but, I can not find where to pu tthe key in to the program. I know that the menu for this program appears to the right of the menu bar, but, I cannot get to it. Can somebody remind me how this is done; if in fact it can be

RE: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Anne, You know what? You're right Now that I think about it, I did discover that I had accidentally turned CapsLock On. So that was the reason, eh? Wow!!! A brilliant diagnosis. Thank you. Mark -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvision

RE: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread M. Taylor
Ray, Where may I find this TypeWriter Sound program for my Mac? Does this program come with the Mac OS? If not, where may I find it? I'm assuming that there is a way to configure the program to automatically launch at startup or something like that? I appreciate any info you can provide.

to Eric O:

2010-10-20 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Eric Not sure shere the Europe idea came from. I'm just a Chicago native living in Denver.:) Carolyn Haas On Oct 20, 2010, at 1:11 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: > I wish you were closer as well. most of the blind here in phoenix seem to > live on the far side of town from me

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Eric: I thought I'd herd there was an issue with charging the refreshabraille taking forever. Or did I imagine that?:) Carolyn Haas On Oct 20, 2010, at 3:43 AM, erik burggraaf wrote: > That'll be a nice unit right there. I wish two things about the > refreshabraille.

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread erik burggraaf
I hadn't heard that, but I don't hear everything. I do have quite a lot of experience with baum displays, and the spec looks really good on paper. We can't get them here, so all I know is what the brosure says. We really should fund them though. It would give humanware a run for their money

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi: You most likely have enabled caps lock, (below your tab key:) I guess the only issue with having that on is you'd be shouting everything you wrote; since all caps is thought to imply shouting.:) Carolyn Haas On Oct 20, 2010, at 6:15 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > Hello All,

for eric B re braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Eric: Ok, I remembered that someone here has the refreshabraille, and said it takes hours as in quite a few to charge.:) I love this exchange of pros and cons, and I'm really looking forward to working with the mac or perhaps someday an iPad with a display. But, only if Rehab will help.:)

Re: What happens when you use a PC keyboard on a Mac?

2010-10-20 Thread matthew
MessageHi, I have used a pc keyboard on a mac with no problems. the windows key becomes your command key and ault is remaped to the opsions key. If you go through the setup assistent with vo then on one of the screens it will tell you to press a key on the keyboard before it can continue,

Re: for eric B re braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Carlyn and others, When I bought my Mac mini, I didn't ask rehab. Reason is I don't need it for work so I just bought it. And now I am helping a friend buy a refurbished Macbook. Sometimes we just do things for ourselves. I did it for the challenge! Isaac - Original Message - Fr

Re: to Eric O:

2010-10-20 Thread Eric Oyen
nevermind me. my brain has been frazzled for the lazy few days (pain and lack of sleep). -Eric On Oct 20, 2010, at 7:42 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Eric > Not sure shere the Europe idea came from. I'm just a Chicago native living > in Denver.:) > > > Carolyn Haas > > >

Re: braille display

2010-10-20 Thread Eric Oyen
honestly, I am not sure. never having never owned one, I can't give you a good answer. some rumors indicate a problem with the charging system. those are rumors only until confirmed. -Eric On Oct 20, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote: > Hi Eric: > I thought I'd herd there was an issue with

Re: Jaws issues with a bootcamp configuration

2010-10-20 Thread Kiran Kaja
The drivers are installed. And the home, end, page up and page down keys work fine on their own or when used with Shift or Control. It is the Capslock which they have a problem with. Thanks, Kiran Kiran Kaja wrote: > Hi All, > > > > A quick search through the forum didn’t give me any relevant resu

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Scott Granados
Heh adding a mechanical typewritter sound would be cool. I have an old style bell ringer, that would be a good match. I learned to type on a mechanical typewritter so that would bring back great memories. On Oct 20, 2010, at 5:22 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > OF course, there is the type writer s

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Hmm, pop over to the tidbits site, they have reviewed keyboards that are noisy, and I think there was also a discussion of folks that have converted IBM Selectric typewriters to be computer keyboards. Jon On 20/10/2010, Scott Granados wrote: > Heh adding a mechanical typewritter sound would be

Digit-Eyes Released! Version for iPod Touch and upgrade for iPhone 4

2010-10-20 Thread Nancy M
We are delighted to announce the release of the version of Digit-Eyes that works on the camera-equipped iPod Touch and which more fully utilizes the features of the iPhone version 4. Here is the summary of changes: * operates on the camera-equipped iPod Touch; * uses the flash on the iPho

Isaac off topic

2010-10-20 Thread 504 area
Isaac, Yes I bought mine too. I Use PC at work but at home I wanted a mbP. it was cheaper than the Dell I bought after Hurricane Katrina (OK I know computers have gone down in price in yes - 5 years). JFW and I were having some bumps in the road. New owners for Feedom Scientific I just do no

selecting text on web pages?

2010-10-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello aiPhone users. Can someone please guide me on how to select text on a webpage using the Bluetooth keyboard and voiceover gestures. Thanks Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: face book: youtube: http://youtube.

How do you delete an application from the dock.

2010-10-20 Thread Chenelle Hancock
R Sent from my iPhonehi all, I want to say thank you for your help. Chenelle -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

The mac using braille display...

2010-10-20 Thread David Hole
Hi folks. Does anyone of you using braille know a way to make the use of braill displays on the mac morefficient? On windows using for example jaws, checkboxes are marked like "< >" and "" on the braille display. On the mac the checkboxes are just like the voice speaks it, "checked" and "unchec

Re: Something weird with the Adress Book..

2010-10-20 Thread David Hole
Hi. Something new to add here... I have another user on my Mac, and when I tried logging in whit that one everything worked well. I don't want to create a whole new user just becoz of that. So, where can I find the settings for AB and set to "default" so it maybe works as it should? Thanks in

Re: Isaac off topic

2010-10-20 Thread ISAAC OBIE
Julie, I understand what you're saying! I just bought another braille display and I am going to try to match it up with a Macbook for a friend of mine. I am going to need to use a usb to serial cable. It's going to cost some money though! Firrst I've got to get the unit repaired. then I have to

Re: Something weird with the Adress Book..

2010-10-20 Thread Colin M
Hi David! I had a look at the preferences in AB! And the only thing I can suggest is, when in AB open preferences with command+comma, and go to the tool bar and interact with it! In there are 5 options one of which is accounts button vo+space bar on that, in the accounts settings you'll have 2 ta

facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello mac users. This is just to let you know that the face time beta for mac is accessible and works quite well. I've only found one un labeled button in the preferences. Enjoy. Matthew Campbell -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Scott Granados
Do you have a pointer to download the beta? On Oct 20, 2010, at 2:44 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote: > Hello mac users. > This is just to let you know that the face time beta for mac is accessible > and works quite well. > I've only found one un labeled button in the preferences. > Enjoy. > Matthew

Re: Jaws issues with a bootcamp configuration

2010-10-20 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Is Boot camp Like Fusion? If so I can help you with the jaws key problem. Assign the accent key as special caps lock key and your problem with jaws will be resolved. I'm using a Mac Book Pro with fusion. Kawal. On 20 Oct 2010, at 17:46, Kiran Kaja wrote: > The drivers are installed. And the

password not ticking!

2010-10-20 Thread joe quinn
well, to make a long story short, when i enter a password in the Mac, it doesn't tick as text is being typed... i dunno how i managed to not have it do that, but... any ideas anyone? __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 5513 (20101007) _

Re: password not ticking!

2010-10-20 Thread Colin M
Hi Joe! It depends on if you mean for example, in a online page some of the sites do not support that feature! This is not a mac issue rather the sites! Also I have come across before you can type your password you have to do a mouse click with vo+shift+space bar and if this is the case you get t

Re: password not ticking!

2010-10-20 Thread joe quinn
i was actually talking about in general, passwords don't tick... i'll try taht mouse clikc thing you talked about... On Oct 20, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Colin M wrote: > Hi Joe! > It depends on if you mean for example, in a online page some of the sites do > not support that feature! > This is not a ma

Re: Jaws issues with a bootcamp configuration

2010-10-20 Thread Colin M
Hi Kiran! I do not use any of the bootcamp or others and do not have jaws or stuff! But from some of the posts I've looked at and from what you said in your earlier post, have they change the keyboard settings to standard function keys in the keyboard settings in system prefs! I do not know if th

Re: password not ticking!

2010-10-20 Thread joe quinn
when i do that mouse click command, it goes into the menu bar... huh? - Original Message - From: Colin M To: Cc: Colin M Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:13 PM Subject: Re: password not ticking! Hi Joe! It depends on if you mean for e

Re: Making My Mac Tick Again

2010-10-20 Thread Mike Arrigo
The one time I've heard this is when your caps lock is turned on and you begin to type, not sure if there are other clicking features. On Oct 20, 2010, at 7:15 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > Hello All, > > Yesterday, while exploring my Mac, I inadvertently pressed a keyboard > combination that caused m

windows and the mac?

2010-10-20 Thread joe quinn
I've got fusion 3, and whenever i go into windows 7 and press the down arrow key, VO likes to ding at me! something tells me this isn't supposed to occur.. any ideas on how to make VO not talk during my windows session, aside from disabling it entirely? i press command g to direct input into the

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Chris Snyder
If you go to and search for the term "facetime" you will find that the first link that comes up is Facetime for the mac. Click on that, and then there will be several headings talking about what you can do. Eventually, there is a frame that says something like Choose a download site or

FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Hooper
It’s Apple, thought I’d pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other than novelty and portability? Personaly, I would be worried about it breaking, etc. From: Apple [] Sent: Wednesday

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
the thing I don't like is the noise gate. it cuts off words and can make things hard to understand. but all in all it is accessible. There is an unlabeled button with no help tag in prefs though. On Oct 20, 2010, at 6:43 PM, Chris Snyder wrote: > If you go to and search for the term "f

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread joe quinn
how would this be used? like, i assume it'd be with connected cameras? but how would i benifit form that, oweing to the fact i've got a mini, with, obviously, no camera? - Original Message - From: "Chris Snyder" To: Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 8:43 PM Subject: Re: facetime for

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I can use it with my isite cam but you can choose the cam you will use under video. Good luck. On Oct 20, 2010, at 8:20 PM, joe quinn wrote: > how would this be used? like, i assume it'd be with connected cameras? but > how would i benifit form that, oweing to the fact i've got a mini, with, >

Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-20 Thread GEOFF WAALER
Greetings Robert, I suspect most on the list already received this directly. In a subsequent email Apple mentions the inclusion of SD drives and lighter weight. HTH. Geoff On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:49 PM, Robert Hooper wrote: > It’s Apple, thought I’d pass it along. Does anyone on the list have

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Matthew Campbell
It probably wouldn't because you don't have a camera. If you did you could call other macs, iPhone 4s, and iPod touch 4th gen. On 2010-10-20, at 11:20 PM, joe quinn wrote: > how would this be used? like, i assume it'd be with connected cameras? but > how would i benifit form that, oweing to the

Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello, Why would you worry about this breaking more than any other computer? The entire thing is made out of metal. It has a solid state hard drive. No moving parts. Ricardo Walker Twitter & Skype: rwalker296 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197 On Oct 20, 2010, at 10:49 PM,

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Ian McNamara
so is this sort of like skype then? Ian McNamara. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@g

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
It kind of is except less complex in my opinion. On Oct 20, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Ian McNamara wrote: > so is this sort of like skype then? Ian McNamara. > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "MacVisionaries" group. > To post to this group, send email

Re: facetime for mac is accessible! Yay!

2010-10-20 Thread Ian McNamara
cool may take a look at this app i am hoping to get an ipod touch soon. I would like an ipad but it's two bulky in my apinyon. I have to say i found it interesting on the apple hotnews how the ipad seems to be helping autistic children. Ian McNamara. -- You received this message because you

Re: Something weird with the Adress Book..

2010-10-20 Thread Esther
Hi David, I haven't been following this thread, but if your initial problem was not being able to read your Address Book, and you tried to solve it by creating a new user account, it sounds to me as though the original problem was that the preferences for your Address Book got corrupted.  A co

Re: Something weird with the Adress Book..

2010-10-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think onyx also checks for corrupted plist file sas well. I do this every time i run theprogram every month or so. good luck and hope the problem is fixed. On Oct 20, 2010, at 9:36 PM, Esther wrote: > Hi David, > > I haven't been following this thread, but if your initial problem was not > b

RE: Teaching Mac to sighted people

2010-10-20 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Esther or anyone else that can help. I'm trying to purchase a couple of ebooks from O'Reilly's ebook site and keep getting a weird thing happening. Everytime I fill in the credit card details I hit continue and it tells me that the charge will be taken from my credit card, once I confirm / r