Well, I'm mighty impressed with that site and everything I've tried from it,
but I've added a load of free apps I found on iTunes for music and radio as
well, and they *all* just work. I know there will be plenty that don't, but
in general, I've never seen so much accessibility in mainstream softwa
They are both very expensive though. I would urge working out which tasks
you can do on the Mac side. The more you can do on the Mac side, the cheaper
the screen reader you will need. If you can use iWork and built in Mac apps
rather than touching Outlook, for instance, you can probably get away wi
While I actually found office 2007 to be just as accessible and usable
as anything else on windows, I agree that it is more pleasant to do
anything on the Mac. I almost bought IWork, and might still do it, but
so far I have found that a free word processer called bean does
everything that I nee
I don't know anything about this side of using a Mac at all. Is there a good
place to learn about it, right from scratch? I'll probably hardly need it,
but would certainly like to know just in case.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
There are a whole number of things I've found I simply can't do,
particularly in Outlook and Excel, simple things like read an email from the
iTunes store without having to put it in the browser, which requires four
individual keystrokes and a long wait!
-Original Message-
From: macvisi
Yeah and I spoke to the dev of adium and they are aware of the bugs I
presented. showed me ticket number and everything.
Take care.
On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Yes Adium and iChat work fie with VO, they are not perfect yet but are
> heading in the right direction and for
As said, look passed the help button on the calls tab in preferences. The
option is right there, as well as being able to turn it off and set seconds as
well as change greeting. IF you have voicemail, you'll see it there. :)
Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gma
> Actually on mine you have to set the seconds under call forwarding and I
> believe when you check the voicemail box the same setting applies.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 12:53 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> As said, look passed the help button on the calls tab in preferences. The
> option i
Hi list,
I have been waiting some form of accessibility for the sound cloud music
sharing service, but so far no good and wondered if there were any safari 5
extension out there which provided a conversion of these flash players to html
5 readable content.
Thanks, and best
Yuma DX®
No, they are two different features.
You are correct, though, in that Call Forwarding has to be checked. The call
will still be sent to voicemail, however, it will not stay unchecked. There is
a setting which governs the duration of an incoming call when someone is
calling, but I can't fin
Hi again!
I think we're missing some options, though. The VOicemail has a default amount
of seconds, however it doesn't look like you can change it at the moment.
Currently, call forwarding may govern it, which is essentially not supposed to
be the case as you cannot change the seconds without
Simon, the update comes by way of Software Update. So, once you run Software
Update, you will get this update along with any other updates and unless you
have turned this off, it should notify you when updates are available.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> So esther,
> If
Hi Dave!
I'm a bit biust, but I think Victoria sounds much nicer than Alex!! :-]
Skype focus_66
On 28 Aug 2010, at 08:15, Dave Taylor wrote:
> They are both very expensive though. I would urge working out which tasks
> you can do on the Mac side. The more you can do on the Mac side, the che
Haha! Victoria scares me, man. I actually have a friend who said Alex sounded
"hot" one time. I think he's the most comfortable voice to listen to for long
periods of time, particularly if you have a headache. He's honestly the best
voice I've heard yet on both platforms, though Infovox Pet
Hi All
Please excuse me for the very off topic post. I really had no one els to ask
about this problem.
I'm setting up someones computer and I'm running into an annoying problem,
After I have installed jaws, every time I turn on the machine I get the message
:The freedom scientific mirror d
In my office, I am the only Mac user. Everyone else uses Outlook running
Windows to keep track of their appointments. Furthermore, they send out
appointment notifications via e-mail that all of us are supposed to put into
our work calendars. Is there an easy way for me to send them my ap
Hello all!
Can someone please tell what is possible with creating Hotspots and Apple
scripts/macros concerning programs which aren't accessible? Is it for
instance possible to tag a specific point on screen with the mouse and then
make a hotspot of of it?
Maybe anybody has a direct link to documen
Hi, Applications key you can use shift f10 if you set your expos`e keys to
something other than f9 through f12.
Then go get the little utility I posted here at the beginning of the week,
which will restore a number pad function to your portable keyboard and you will
have an insert.
It still w
yep as a windows user i am beginning to think that mac for blind
people is the way to go a friend of mine has just bought one and
although where struggling with a fiew things at the momant it looks very
ian mcnamara.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the G
or press command shift D.
Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit http://www.erik-burggraaf.com and click podcasts to read more and
On 2010-08-27, at 10:24 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> I had this happen. I didn
There's also a list at Maccessibility.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:33 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Yeah go to http://www.applevis.com and see what's there. the list is growing
> daily.
> s
> On Aug 27, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Has anyone actually tried / started putting to g
excuse my nose here, but in theory would that let you say tellnet to a site
or service that itself is shell associated?
sorry if I am over guessing what one might do with that sort of bash.
still I would think you could run programs that way?
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Dave Taylor wrote:
I do
Hi Brian,
I teach jaws, window-eyes, and voiceover on a regular basis, and I occasionally
support other screen readers as well. I've placed my comments in the quoted
message below.
I really think you would be better off doing everything on the mac, IE, making
mail hit your exchange server, bu
I use Victoria as well. Prefer her over Alex.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> Haha! Victoria scares me, man. I actually have a friend who said Alex sounded
> "hot" one time. I think he's the most comfortable voice to listen to for long
> periods of time, pa
I would consider window eyes, or better yet, system access, these are great
products, certainly better than jaws in my opinion. I would try system access
first, it's much cheaper than the others and may meet your needs.
On Aug 27, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
> I realize the question mi
Did you look on www.blindcooltech.com. you might have to scrol down to find
it. It might be on the archive page by now, but you might want to look
there and see if you can find it.
Contact info.
MSN/e-mail: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
yahoo: md1616
Skype contact: gra
Hi Scott,
It's demo number 5. Here goes the link
On Aug 27, 2010, at 7:52 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Hi, for a while there was a podcast from Mike Arego (sorry if I spelled the
> name wrong) concerning VM fusion. I can't find it on th
I agree with Eric, however I am myself being forced to use windows for one app.
My problem, I visit and am learning drums with the use of online tutorials.
Each dvd available for stream, but not for download, presents itself with a
flash movie, and one must hit the play button to begin the festi
Hello Ronald,
If an application is not accessible to VoiceOver, i.e. the VoiceOver cursor
cannot enter any or all of a window in that application, there is no way of
making it accessible.
However, unlabelled buttons can now be labelled.
On 28 Aug 2010, at 14:01, RvR wrote:
> H
Hi Anne,
So in other words, VO has to "recognize" an object to make a hotspot out of
it? When a sighted person uses a mouse and points at something you cannot
make a hotspot out of that?
Probably not, are there programs who can do this through scripting or
28 aug 2010 kl. 15.18 skrev Donna Goodin:
> There's also a list at Maccessibility.
Yes, but isn't that list dreadfully outdated?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@go
Hum... Is there a demo we can try? There are a lot of enterprising
individuals on here. Maybe some one can get it to fly.
Erik Burggraaf
Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box.
Visit http://www.erik-burggraaf.com and click podcasts to read more and
Hello group; Has anyone else tried the new versin of real player for
the mac? I recently had some problems with my old version, so i
removed it and downloaded the newest one. with that you also get a
program called real converter. I was disapointed because it wouldn't
let me convert fro
not really, I used the demos and they are all auto play. If anyone would like
to troubleshoot privately, I'd be glad to provide temporary access. Just have
to contact me off list.
On 2010-08-28, at 10:59 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hum... Is there a demo we can try? There are a lot of enterpr
But one thing to bare in mind is that all we can offer are subjective opinions.
Mine is that I've used all three and JFW sucks far far less than those other
two. WindowEyes purports to be rock solid, which in my experience means that
when there's a bug it remains there rock solid for several v
also you should really try nvda
it has really progressed over the year and now has equivalents to the jaws and
windows flat review cursors
I use it for my windows screen reader perminetly and can do just almost about
everything that jaws can do if not better and more stable
seriously give it a lo
Hello Ronald,
On 28 Aug 2010, at 16:49, RvR wrote:
> So in other words, VO has to "recognize" an object to make a hotspot out of
> it?
That's right.
> When a sighted person uses a mouse and points at something you cannot
> make a hotspot out of that?
No, I've tried this and it doesn't work. Vo
Don't forget about System Access. There is a free version you can try. It works
pretty well. The paid version gives you different otions. SA works pretty well
on a Mac running Windows.
On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:19 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Jaws is more or less the standard in terms of you'll
Yes; that was my conclusion as well, that you needed to check call
forwarding and then edit the box for seconds there. There isn't any
other edit box on the whole page, and the only other combo box is for
which number you want it to forward the call to; since I don't have
any numbers, logi
You don't understand me, I think. The issue is that you cannot enable
forwarding unless you enter a number, and thus it will bypass voicemail as
voicemail is routed to if no forwarding is enabled. This means that the box
should count for forwarding, not voicemail, as it obviously becomes d
Eric, you said, "Applications key you can use shift f10 if you set your expos`e
keys to something other than f9 through f12." How do I do this? I also saw
your post about the utility, but didn't really understand waht it was or how to
use it. Is there any way you could explain in a little mor
Hello Anne,
That's a pity indeed. Maybe I will send Apple Accessibility a request for
such feature.
Thanks for the useful information!
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] Namens Anne Robertson
Verzonden: zat
There is the Applevis site that's compiling a list. I think it's
http://www.applevis.com but I could be wrong.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 12:29 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Has anyone actually tried / started putting to gether a list of accessible
> apps for the I devices?
> I know there are a lot of
I am looking into buying an OCR software for the mac. I've done some reading
but wasn't sure on one thing. Can Abby Finereader convert PDF files into
editable documents or am I going to have to get a different program for that.
Also I was looking on their website and saw that there is a ex
Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will not
mind me sending it. I just hope I got your name right.
Begin forwarded message:
>> Hi,
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave to Sp
Hi list,
As the iphone 4 is now in the market, I'm wondering which to buy. The 3gs
has become tremendously cheap these days, and the iphone 4 is 5 weeks
waiting over here in the Netherlands.
Are there any good reasons for a blindy to wait for the iphone 4, or can I
just get myself a 3gs with
Hello everyone,
Can someone please tell me the best way to insert multiple recipients in the
To: CC: or BCC fields of an e-mail message I wish to send? Is each address
separated by a Comma, Semicolon or what? Sometimes, the e-mail address I want
is voiced after just typing a couple of letters
Does anybody know if there is a data sheet containing syntax usage under
Spotlight? What I want to do specifically is fine-tune some of my searches.
For example, I have a folder somewhere on my Mac called "Journal," and I also
have many, many files containing this word. Is there a way to tell
Bookshare has Mac OSX Snow Leopard Pocket Guide. It's a very good book for new
Mac switchers, or for geeks. LOL.
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on www.swagbucks.com/refer/sdbuccia
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group
Hi Mike,
Someone correct me if there is a better way to do this. What I do is after mail
correctly inserts the correct email address into the field, I tab away and then
back. Then I interact with the edit field and move the cursor to the end of the
field. I then put a comma and a spac and start
Hello Michael and list,
I'm no expert, but I do this and it works for me.
In the To field, I like to have just one address.
In the Cc field I begin typing. When the right match occurs, usually quickly, I
just press comma space and begin typing the next address, comma space etc.,
ending the las
I'm a jaws user. However I have tried Windoweyes but didn't like playing chop
sticks all the time. However, I'm getting use to Voice over. Just one thing
to bear in mind with Jaws (Although I have solved it at home with Fusion), the
loss of life's and then the constant calling of FS to g
When it's file names I wish to find and not file content, I like to command tab
to Finder and press command f.
1. I type what I'm looking for,
2, optionally tab over to the check boxes which say contents, file name,
reverse their settings by pressing space on both of them,
3, then, shift tab
Just to add to this, I'm a new Mac user and already agree with your points.
I've been a jfw user for 12+ years and in less than a week already see myself
dropping window intirely.
Having Unix under the hood gives the Mac such a greater level of stability and
usability. You also don't have the
Don't know, haven't looked at it in a while.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> 28 aug 2010 kl. 15.18 skrev Donna Goodin:
>> There's also a list at Maccessibility.
> Yes, but isn't that list dreadfully outdated?
> /Krister
> --
> You received this message bec
Thunder screen reader may be an option, though it costs rather much less
than jaws or window-eyes.On Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Donna Goodin wrote:
I use Victoria as well. Prefer her over Alex.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
Haha! Victoria scares me, man. I actually h
Oh come on fellas, we need a hot Asian girl voice like they have for SAPI 5.
I have to find it again but I did find this voice that was shockingly real.:)
On Aug 28, 2010, at 3:13 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> Haha! Victoria scares me, man. I actually have a friend who said Alex sound
Yes, you have telnet, ssh, ftp and all the standard clients you'd expect. I'm
sure you could enable daemons to accept connections as well although consider
the security implications of doing that please.:)
On Aug 28, 2010, at 5:58 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> excuse my nose here, but in theory
I figured it out, I was searching the page incorrectly.
Used the podcast to get bootstrapped on windows last night. Great podcast
although Mike makes it seem easier than it was for me but that's just because
I'm new.
Actually finding a lot of great podcasts on blindcooltech. Thanks for th
Sucks least is a great way to describe windows screen readers.
I think we're all here for a reason on Macs.
For me JFW was the best fit but that's probably more a factor of me learning
that first and not learning other systems because jfw did what I needed. If
you're in government work JFW wil
How can you have voicemail if you don't have a number? Just curious, I always
just assumed voicemail wasn't an option.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 12:08 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Yes; that was my conclusion as well, that you needed to check call forwarding
> and then edit the box for s
The 4 is faster, better processor, you get facetime and it's not 2 years out of
date. Go with the newer option if money isn't a limiting factor. You'll be
happier especially with the new revisions of the operating system.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi list,
> As th
The following is a small tutorial on how to navigate with VO and
description of the Finder. you can press command+2, to get the view
set tot default. I do not think I wrote that information here.
Please critic. Constructive criticism is welcome.
Being apple, the company created a new an
Donna, Skype uses a name system to talk pc to pc. I could search for your name
and then call you directly with out interacting with a conventional number plan.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> How can you have voicemail if you don't have a number? Just curious, I
> always j
Hi Paul,
Personally, I'd get the iphone 4, if for no other reason than that it has more
processing power and memory, which will help it run faster, and keep it from
becoming out-dated as quickly.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi list,
> As the iphone 4 is now in the
Get the version 4.
The camera is ENORMOUSLY better and if you are planning on using it for any
scanning application at all, you'll want it.
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hi list,
> As the iphone 4 is now in the market, I'm wondering which to buy. The 3gs
No, I know that, I use skype all the time. I just didn't know you could have a
voicemail box unless you shelled out the $$ for a number.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 3:46 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Donna, Skype uses a name system to talk pc to pc. I could search for your
> name and then call yo
Yeah I don't see the option at all on th mac. It looks like it is not there.
the check box is but the edit control is not.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:08 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi again!
> I think we're missing some options, though. The VOicemail has a default
> amount of seconds, however i
No you can shell out some money to get just voicemail but I bought the package.
with out the incoming number for now.
Sarah Alawami
MSN: marri...@gmail.com
aim: marri...@gmail.com:
website: http://music.marrie.org
youtube: http://youtube.com/marrie125
Podcast: http://marrie.podbean.com
On Aug
Huh! That's cool. So far just used the free communication, but am thinking
about buying a package.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 4:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> No you can shell out some money to get just voicemail but I bought the
> package. with out the incoming number for now.
> Sarah Ala
me personally, i'd rather have a sexy english irish or russian voice
on mine. spanish would be good. southern is pretty in a girl friend
but so slow i doubt i'd get any work done. I'm from texas, so i can
say that you all. take care guys, i'm sure the women will chime in
soon with their p
I have voice mail associated with my Skype phone number . I don't
need to have another number answer my Skype calls, though I could do
that if I wanted to pay for it.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group,
guys don't forget about NVDA and system access by serotek. www.nvda-project.org
and www.satogo.com . www.serotek.com . System access works very good with
office2007 and other software. NVDA is yet another good option.
Josh Kennedy
You received this message because y
Kawal, do you use a USB keyboard with the MBP, JAWS and Fusion, or do you just
use the MBP? Will these adjustments in Sharp Keys give the Macbook Pro's
keyboard an insert key and cause the windows keys and alt keys to change
position? Sorry to be so dense, but I'm really having trouble getting
Hi there!
I do not know if you use the address book on your mac!
But when I write an email that has to go to many people, I use cmd\opt\a in the
email window, this brings up my address panel and I can select the name or
names, and you can put as many as you need!
You also get the option to put th
I have used missing sync for both symbian and windows mobile. it's a good
Depending on just what you want to be syncing, you could do it wirelessly
through google.
sync your mac with google and your phone with google although that sort of
happens automatically because ther
Don't you mean "I can say that, Y'all? I'm from Texas too :) I reckon I could
use a voice that sounded like Reba MacIntyre. Hot Dawg! Oh, gosh, been down
here too long dog gone it.
On Aug 28, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> me personally, i'd rather have a sexy english irish or
i've never been sure of the proper spelling of u'all, so i always type
it you all when i want to use it. lol thanks and take care, max
On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:17 PM, Pete Nalda wrote:
Don't you mean "I can say that, Y'all? I'm from Texas too :) I
reckon I could use a voice that sounded like
I loved your thorough description of changing setting t o scroll and navigating
in cobo's free app. I'm having one problem, however, and it must be something
stupid on my end. I note that when I tap the I'm reading button and the shelf
button, I found a couple of Gutenberg books there. O
All well and good to have these tools available on the MAC. The only problem is
that VO access to the terminal is cumbersome at best. My solution to this is to
run a Debian VM and use speakup. Much better access to it's term there, and if
I need to do anything on my MAC i just ssh over and take
Thanks for this info, but I need to know about music, if I hook the droid to
the computer, will it show up as a disk, do I just copy the music to the SD
card that way, or do I have to take the SD card out somehow, since it's a
micro, and didn't come with a standard SD adapter, I don't think?
I finally got it. I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an
applications key. Yea I still can't get F9 through F12. Anybody have an
idea about this?
On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
> I save
Of course, after sending my last message on this topic, I went back one more
time and tried the cobo app, and it worked as described. I don't get it, but I
hope it continues to work.
Mary Otten
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Grou
Hi all,
I will change my rss-reader from netnewswire to gruml. I have already installed
gruml and it works fine...
Now , I just want to import my feedslist from my previous newsreader.
I was looking for a import facility on reader.google.com since gruml has no
function for that.
I went to sett
i'll have to figure out how indaycy works and hope it helps.
talking about bookshare books, do you guys know if the only way to read them on
the mac is using safari?
El 27/08/2010, a las 14:37, Sarah Alawami escribió:
> OH nice! I hope htey come out wiht something. and let's hope
I know the original android phone from TMobile showed up as a disk on my mac. I
wouldn't know about current models, but I'd be shocked if it didn't work that
>> Depending on just what you want to be syncing, you could do it wirelessly
>> through google.
>> sync your mac
I got it on the Mac, I kind of put my hand on the Touch screen and slid, and it
said press Ok to mount as disc, so that's what I did and it worked. I put some
of my music on there and it's great.
Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at
08:00 UT
What aApple refers to as elements or items are referred to as controls
in Windows, but usually only the more technical descriptions of windows
interfaces ever mention that term. Everyone both Microsoft and Apple
used the set of controls from universal computer interface design which
I.B.M. had
Hi, Question for you Droid Users. Does talkback read text messages and read
your typing them? I know it reads emails, calender, and contacts. Thanks in
Advance. I'm wondering about Android more and more, as I can get a Kyocera
Android Phone on Kricket without a contract, and a decent monthly
I use System Access and find it very user friendly, unlike Jaws. Moreover,
System Access is relatively inexpensive. I don't know if it works well with
VMWare, though.
Rafael Bejarano
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [macvisionar...@googlegroups.com]
I second Spanish.
I had a mexican girlfriend for about a year. Great accent!
On Aug 28, 2010, at 2:25 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> me personally, i'd rather have a sexy english irish or russian voice on mine.
> spanish would be good. southern is pretty in a girl friend but so slow i
> dou
It seems to work with VM Fusion. Mike demonstrates this on his podcast. (mac
demo 5).
On Aug 28, 2010, at 10:28 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
> I use System Access and find it very user friendly, unlike Jaws. Moreover,
> System Access is relatively inexpensive. I don't know if it works well
would you mind detailing how you did it?
On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I finally got it. I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an
> applications key. Yea I still can't get F9 through F12. Anybody have
> an idea about this?
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM,
Do you have a pointer to a good image?
On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Keith Watson wrote:
> All well and good to have these tools available on the MAC. The only problem
> is that VO access to the terminal is cumbersome at best. My solution to this
> is to run a Debian VM and use speakup. Much bet
Even easier, use script. First run script typescript.tmp . Next
run your job. Next type exit . Next type col -bx < typescript.tmp
typescript next type rm typescript.tmp finally type less
typescript and find out what happened in your job. I usually just
interact with the scroll area in t
95 matches
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