hi when snowleopard is released, if I archive and install will
migrate my current home folder across?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to t
No one knows for sure, but as long as you select "Keep user data" and
"Keep Network settings" everything should be as you left it before
doing the archive and insall.
On 20-Jul-09, at 12:08 AM, william lomas wrote:
> hi when snowleopard is released, if I
Scott, glad I could help.
I hate linux, but gotta admit, if you need to do data recovery from a so
called screwed hard drive,
You can't go past a linux interface.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Scott How
Thanks yes I understand all your pro's and cons.
Yeah I've got msp from a windows mobile device that I gave up around a year
ago. And now use talks on my n82.
It's a number of different things that I'm hesitating over, such as size
and useability while on the go that are some of the things
So does a new message come first or do you have to scroll down to find it.
I don't mind the nokia texting method but I'm always open to change.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of patrickneazer
Sent: Sunday, 19 July 2009 10:39 p.m.
simon i'd just go and try one if i were you as reading about it
isn't going to let you see it, smile
On 20 Jul 2009, at 10:15, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> So does a new message come first or do you have to scroll down to
> find it.
> I don’t mind the nokia texting method but
Yes ALex there is no reason why an archive and install would behave
any differently. Of course always having a backup is a must because
anything can go wrong.
On Jul 20, 2009, at 3:37 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> No one knows for sure, but as long as you select "Keep user data" and
I am curious if anybody can explain this. I have been going to the Nfb Newsline
Online site and having my Newspaper emailed to me. The Newspaper consists of 4
DAISY files. If I copy and paste these files onto an SAID card using my iMac, I
end up with 8 files in the folder which seem to be
That was the case for both Tiger and Leopard installs. The take
control books will have a Take Control of Upgrading to Snow Leopard
which if experience is any clue will come out on the release date of
Snow Leopard will describe the advantages and disadvantages of any
install options.
What I mean is no one knows if Apple will even provide such an option
in SL.
On 20-Jul-09, at 3:42 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Yes ALex there is no reason why an archive and install would behave
> any differently. Of course always having a backup is a must because
> anyth
It may sound silly, but ruling out all possibilities, is there a
chance you are pasting twice.
On 20-Jul-09, at 5:57 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> I am curious if anybody can explain this. I have been going to the
> Nfb Newsline Online site and having my Newspape
Are you sure one is a duplicate. One may have a . before it and be a
file used by the Mac OS.
On 20-Jul-09, at 5:57 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> I am curious if anybody can explain this. I have been going to the
> Nfb Newsline Online site and having my Newspaper
True, but archive and install has been typical of past installers so I
would think they would continue that. Since Apple went with a Users
folder for all user documents and preferences it makes it much easier to
swap out the OS without effecting the users data.
Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Robert,
Not got a sollution, more of a question. I think I've seen the same
behaviour you described. Next time it happens, can you check the file
sizes of both copies you get? For me, it was always that one was the
full size of the file, the other would be tiny like 32kb or something.
Sometimes I find that I'm interacting with the tool bar, even though I
didn't tell VO to; simply stopping interaction with the toolbar allows
me to navigate more freely.
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:
The window chooser is also the only way I found to back to the force
quit window in the finder. If I pop up Force Quit (apple option escape)
and then move focus somewhere else, I would have through Apple Tilde
would have eventually brought focus back to the force quit window, but
it doesn't. So
Because it is not tied to any other application, but a system dialog.
You can also do "Command" + "Option" + "Escape" to get back to the
Force Quit window.
On 20-Jul-09, at 8:46 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> The window chooser is also the only way I found to back to the for
Hi folks,
Is it possible to do audio editing on the Mac using Voice Over? Is it as
good as the results you'd get on the Windows side with say Sound Forge?
Take good care
You received this message because you are subscribed
I have another possibility to look at.
When I copy files from my iMac to a compact flash card which I use in
a Braille Lite Millennium 20, and then use the m20 to access the card,
there are files which have a "period" (spelled out for clarity) before
the file name.
This might be what you'r
Hi Alex and Mark,
I can confirm this bug. I find myself interacting with the toolbar,
and must stop doing so to navigate newly loaded web pages. Strange, as
I've never had issues where my focus was automatically taken to a
specific item in other programs.
On 7/20/09, Mark Baxter wrote:
> Somet
It is possible. I've not done it, so I'd wait for others to chime in,
but the quick anser is that it is possible.
On 20-Jul-09, at 9:11 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Is it possible to do audio editing on the Mac using Voice Over? Is
> it as
> good as the re
I do not believe that I am pasting the articles twice. I tried the process a
couple of different times being very careful about pasting and I ended up with
eight files both times. I still haven't figured it out.
Robert Carter
- Original Message -
From: Alex Jurgensen
To: macvisionarie
yes, it's possible. The program of choice seems to be Amadeus Pro,
though there are other options, depending on your needs. I'm only just
starting out with Amadeus, so can't offer too much there, but having
used Sound Forge for years, Amadeus is very different and takes some
getting used t
I will check the file sizes but I believe you are correct that one of the
duplicate files was very small in size. I just don't understand why the mac is
creating these small files with the same names as the original files.
Robert Carter
- Original Message -
From: Scott Chesworth
To: m
If indeed they are smaller, they have a "." before them. Tis is a
hidden file in OS X and contains file information for the file if I
understand the concept correctly
On 20-Jul-09, at 10:24 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> I will check the file sizes but I believe you are
I bet they are files starting with the period character and I didn't realize
that the period was there because I did not have punctuation set to speak the
period character.
Robert Carter
- Original Message -
From: Bob Hill
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday
I'm not totally sure about this, but it seems to me that if you first
insert something in the document body and then cut it to the clip-
board, you can then paste it to the layout area and it will be located
in relation to where you intend it to be.
You could also just do a cut and paste to
Hey Josh, is this a true multitrack editer, or just 2 tracks?
Can you voerlap stuff?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 12:23 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Is it
I've been mucking around with Audacity on the mac myself. Editing
commands work fine, though voiceover doesn't announce all that JFW
under Windows is rumored to. Apparently track names are spoken and
such. This would be very useful on the mac, but as of right now I uave
to guess which ones are h
There are a miriad of options for audio editing on mac, with many of
them being superior to Sound Forge. Finding a stable powerful and
accessible one seems to be the catch.
Since you mentioned Sound Forge my guess is you're after 2 track
editing over the ability to multitrack.
Fission f
Yup, having checked, mine are prefixed with a period here. I seem to
recall an explanation of this way back, though couldn't easily find it
in the archives. The general jist was that these smaller files are
something that mac os uses to keep track of something or other (s
technical haha), an
It does Scott thanks
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Chesworth"
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Is it possible to do Audio Editing on Mac OS X with VO?
> James,
> There are a miriad of options for audio editing on mac, with many of
> them being superior to S
Yes, Amadeus Pro is a multi-track editor. :) As I said, I'm still
learning how to use it.
Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Lioncourt
Music: http://stage19music.com
Mac-cessibility: http://www.Lioncourt.com
Blog: http://lioncourtsmusings.
wow, that's awesome.
Keep me posted on how it works. I'd be curious to hear more about it.
How much is the program?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 1:23 PM
To: macvisionaries@googl
HI Robert, Scott, and Others,
>> Robert Carter wrote:
>>> I am curious if anybody can explain this. I have been going to the
>>> Nfb Newsline Online site and having my Newspaper emailed to me. The
>>> Newspaper consists of 4 DAISY files. If I copy and paste these files
>>> onto an SAID card u
Thanks Esther,
As always you answered all of my questions.
Robert Carter
- Original Message -
From: Esther
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Date: Monday, Jul 20, 2009 11:57:54
Subject: Apple Double Format "Dot Underscore" files [was Re: NFB Newsline files
and the mac]
> HI
Hello Simon and all:
I want to ask you what you mean by using it on the go. I am asking
because unless there is something I am missing ... and there may
be ... the iphone is quite usable. That does not mean you have to use
it ... it just means that your usability concerns may be misplaced.
Hello Simon and all:
I am playing catch up in email so if this has already been
answered ... forgive me.
The newest message appears at the bottom ... and ... quite honestly I
have not checked if there is a setting to alter this. however,
presuming there is not, it is quite easy to get to th
There's also sound studio. Of all the audio editors on the Mac, its
interface is probably most similar to Sound Forge. However, that
being said, I'm not sure I'd recommend buying it. It hasn't been
updated in at least a year. Plus it is more expensive then amadeus Pro.
That being
one of those options I think folk find useful even if it does gobble
some drive space. I like the migration option personally, but I have
used the archiv
On Jul 19, 2009, at 8:32 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
> You need to get a copy of Stuffit Expander it is free and will ask for
> the password.
> Where do I find this file at?
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener
Hi, I do not have any problem with voiceover getting stuck, but on
some sites such as www.livejournal.com fo9r example, safary seems to
lovk up sometimes not sure why.
On Jul 19, 2009, at 11:29 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
> Hi listers,
> Do any of you have this problem? I recently
Robert, those are a part of the Mac file system and I think they refer
to those as resource forks. I can't recall because it has been a
while, but although annoying, they can be deleted and are created only
when you copy or delete files from the card. I thought there is a
command line that
Esther, as usual, you came through once again. That is what I was
trying to remember, but couldn't recall if it was resource fork or if
there was also a data fork as well. Thanks for the info again.
On Jul 20, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Esther wrote:
> HI Robert, Scott, and Others,
>>> Robert Car
I've heard that once people get good at it you hold a key on the left
side of the virtual keyboard and tap with a finger on the right hand or
vice versa. For now I end up hunting with one finger and tapping with
another for every key. Like VO on the Mac I'm finding many iPhone apps
are fairly
Is your typing slower on the Iphone than on the mac? It seems like it
would be since you're just using two fingers.
On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> I've heard that once people get good at it you hold a key on the left
> side of the virtual keyboard and tap with a finger o
In episode #4 of the Mac-cessibility Round Table Podcast, knights
Darcy Burnard, Holly Anderson, Cara Quinn, and Josh de Lioncourt
discuss our impressions of the iPhone 3GS after a few weeks, how
VoiceOver for the iPhone has been accepted by the visually impaired
community, third-party app
it's $40 us.
On 20-Jul-09, at 1:57 PM, Jed Barton wrote:
> wow, that's awesome.
> Keep me posted on how it works. I'd be curious to hear more about it.
> How much is the program?
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> ] On Behalf Of Josh de Lioncourt
Actually, I recommend the UNarchiver. It is listed on BookShare's site
in the Tools section, but here's the direct link:
Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Lioncourt
Music: http://stage19music.com
Folks, there has ben a lot of questions and so forth on GPS and the
iPhone. I thought you all would find this article of interest perhaps.
Begin forwarded message:
> Date: July 20, 2009 4:20:00 PM EDT
> Subject: Apple looking to improve GPS route-planning estimates
> Source: AppleInsider
> A
If I assign a bunch of songs to a playlist, and later delete the
playlist, do the songs get deleted, or do they go back onto their
original playlist? Silly question, but safer to ask first then whine
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmai
There is no original playlist. If you mean the Music playlist where
all teh songs are, they never leave it. They simply have aliases in
the playlists that point to them. The only thing that gets deleted
when you delete a playlist is the alias. However, deleting form the
Music Pl
Exactly; thanks for confirming what I assumed to be the case. :)
Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
MSN: burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:
You received this message because you are sub
Ive been teaching and writing about computers and related technologies
for several years. I've been interested in the Mac since I heard the
Main Menu show describing access to Tiger, and I finally bought a Mac
about a month ago. I've had the inevitable moments of frustration that
I'm sorry to hear that you have been hit by the same malidy that
struck me when I first switched. Parralels is indeed inaccessible. I
recommend VMWare Fusion for $89 or if you're a student $49. Virtualbox
is free for non-comercial use and is $30/year for comercial use.
I played with the Mac terminal last year and got some help from people
here re its accessibility. I'm now using my Mac a lot more and want to
get the most out of the terminal so am requesting wisdom from others out
>From the command line I really need the ability to do developmen
Hi alex,
Thanks for your note. The main reason I
need Windows is that I write computer tutorials for National Braille
Press. Since a lot of blind people still use Windows, I have to
include steps for accomplishing things in Windows, and the only way I
can be sure those steps are correct is
Hello Anna,
Welcome to the list. I'm not sure that there are many list member
with current experience running Parallels, and I recall from earlier
discussions that users found problems with the Video intercept
handling, at least in earlier versions of Parallels, that were not
present in
Does anyone know if the issue where vo would skip text and other things
on pages has been resolved? Last time I used it which was before my mac
mini was fried, I noticed that vo would skip sometimes emportant text on
pages as if it was not there. For example on my school online class
room pa
No problems. For those little chors as I call them, use Virtualbox and
try to get NBP to pay for it if you can't afford it or VMWare Fusion.
It would be nice to see NBP do Mac tutorials. Maybe you can suggest
On 20-Jul-09, at 8:17 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
Hi Esther and all,
Thanks so much for your post. I tried installing Window-Eyes, and it
almost works. When I start Windows, Window-Eyes functions. I can open
the Start menu and browse the Web with Internet Explorer. I can switch
to Finder, change VoiceOver preferences, and then switch back
I use it all day with varied success. Nano is a new eddition to my
toolbox and it seems to have a few qwerks, but nothing major. I also
used to use VIM, but found it crashed a lot with VO.
You are correct that interacting and moving the VO cursor is the only
way to read prior tex
Hi, I only tried the imac briefly in the apple store last week, but it can it
be possible that it runs american braille? I dont mean the braille table, i
sometimes use an american brialle table myself but I eman braille in general. I
once got a brailleletter from the states and found it difficul
Hello, I must say 2 usb ports is a bit meager. My current 2-year-old toshiba
laptop has 3 and I found that a bit little, i wa shoping to go up to at least 4
in my next laptop. I mean, I have an usb printer, scanner, headset, external hd
external soundcard etc etc etc. I guess I will have to shif
Hello Anowk,
Apple only provides American Braille, both contracted and
uncontracted. My husband has provided French and Norwegian
uncontracted Braille, but if you want Dutch Braille, please send me
the code and my husband will provide it for you. We need the 8-dot
patterns with the corresp
a friend of mine said he can find a key and tap it twice once he has
found it to insert it
On 20 Jul 2009, at 22:44, Ryan Mann wrote:
> Is your typing slower on the Iphone than on the mac? It seems like it
> would be since you're just using two fingers.
> On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Chri
66 matches
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