Hi all,
Just testing the system, I always do that.
Sorry for this test guys.
Emannuel J. Fernandes
Am 10.05.2010 01:27, schrieb Adrian Diaz:
This problem consist of that on lyx editor i have set up spanish as
language, i do not have
any problem to write *proposición (proposition) or definición
(definition),..etc*, however, when i want to convert
to pdf format there are some misbehavior: for e
I have a problem that i do not undertand.
I have installed the version of Lyx 1.6.5 on my computer. Besides i am
writting my thesis
whit the class document: book (more font sizes). It works almost Ok. but
there is a small problem:
This problem consist of that on lyx editor i have set up spanish a
On 08/11/2009 12:53 PM, Adrian Diaz wrote:
Hi rgheck
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.6.3, and i have set up the Document
book (more font sizes) and in Page Layout -> Headings Style: headings.
I would like to watch all numbers of pages at the botton of center on each
page. Howe
On 08/09/2009 07:36 PM, Adrian Diaz wrote:
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.6.3, and i have set up the Document Class:
book (more font sizes) and in Page Layout -> Headings Style: headings.
I would like to watch all numbers of pages at the botton of center on each
page. However there
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.6.3, and i have set up the Document Class:
book (more font sizes) and in Page Layout -> Headings Style: headings.
I would like to watch all numbers of pages at the botton of center on each
page. However there are number of pages which appear at the top ri
Adrian Diaz wrote:
Hi friends of Lyx
Do you knonw how to set up the line width of tables, the types of lines,
colors of line etc in Lyx?. Could you send some examples?.
Use the menu "Help->Embedded Objects" in LyX to get some examples of this.
I would like to know about of titl
Hi friends
where do i find more option for
\lhead{\nouppercase{\small{\leftmark}}} ?
I am interested too about te option \small{} becouse i need smaller size of
Is there any posibility to put a number? if so, how can i do?
Greetings Adrián
Adrian Diaz schrieb:
Do you knonw how to set up the line width of tables, the types of lines,
colors of line etc in Lyx?. Could you send some examples?.
Everything about tables is described in the EmbeddedObjects manual that our
find in LyX's Help menu.
I would like to know about of titles
Hi friends of Lyx
Do you knonw how to set up the line width of tables, the types of lines,
colors of line etc in Lyx?. Could you send some examples?.
I would like to know about of titles of section, subsection etc. How can i
set up in lyx that the titles do not appear on the top at the right
Adrian Diaz schrieb:
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.5.6 and when i want to watch it by pdf, i
have noticed
that : index of figures, index of tables, general index, and all cross
references (
among chapters, sections etc. and bibligraphy) have a bounding box.
The boxes visualizes the links
El 19/03/2009, a las 20:39, Adrian Diaz escribió:
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.5.6 and when i want to watch it
by pdf, i
have noticed
that : index of figures, index of tables, general index, and all cross
references (
among chapters, sections etc. and bibligraphy) have a bounding box.
I am writing my thesis with lyx 1.5.6 and when i want to watch it by pdf, i
have noticed
that : index of figures, index of tables, general index, and all cross
references (
among chapters, sections etc. and bibligraphy) have a bounding box.
My question is: how can i manage in lyx editor *to not a
Hi All;
Sorry for the late answer. I did check the paths for the converters, but I
couldn't find anything. In windows installation, the "scripts" folder which
contains the converters, is inside of "Resources" i tried the change the
path name, but i ended up getting the
On Wednesday 28 January 2009, rgheck wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Richard Heck wrote:
> >>> An error occurred whilst running python -tt "C:/Program
> >>> Files/Lyx/bin/../Resource"
> >>>
> >>> I will appreciate your help.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure, but I expect that whatever program LyX uses to con
rgheck wrote:
Pavel Sanda wrote:
Richard Heck wrote:
An error occurred whilst running python -tt "C:/Program
I will appreciate your help.
I'm not sure, but I expect that whatever program LyX uses to convert
fig files into a form that LaTeX can use doesn
Pavel Sanda wrote:
Richard Heck wrote:
An error occurred whilst running python -tt "C:/Program
I will appreciate your help.
I'm not sure, but I expect that whatever program LyX uses to convert fig
files into a form that LaTeX can use doesn't exist on y
Richard Heck wrote:
>> An error occurred whilst running python -tt "C:/Program
>> Files/Lyx/bin/../Resource"
>> I will appreciate your help.
> I'm not sure, but I expect that whatever program LyX uses to convert fig
> files into a form that LaTeX can use doesn't exist on your Windows
>Guven Yuceturk wrote:
>> I have question. I am kind of new in using Lyx. I am PhD student in
>> math and I really loved Lyx. It is very useful for me. I am using the
>> version 1.6.1 (latest)
>> I have two computer, one in my office installed Ubuntu, the other one
is my laptop has Windows vis
Guven Yuceturk wrote:
I have question. I am kind of new in using Lyx. I am PhD student in math and I
really loved Lyx. It is very useful for me. I am using the version 1.6.1
I have two computer, one in my office installed Ubuntu, the other one is my
laptop has Windows vista.
My probl
I have question. I am kind of new in using Lyx. I am PhD student in math and I
really loved Lyx. It is very useful for me. I am using the version 1.6.1
I have two computer, one in my office installed Ubuntu, the other one is my
laptop has Windows vista.
My problem is I have some figure
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Adrian Diaz wrote:
Sr Lix
How can i see the number of the equations when i am writting on text
editos fo Lyx?
Hi Adrian,
I can't answer your question, but I would like to recommend that you write
a suitable subject line when posting to the list.
With a good su
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Adrian Diaz wrote:
>> > Sr. Lyx
>> > I have been using Lyx to write my thesis. I have set up the format of
>> > the
>> > page with a class document: "book" and a style of page "fancy". It is
>> > interesting to me to know how i can manage the properties of the s
Sr Lix
How can i see the number of the equations when i am writting on text editos
fo Lyx?
Grettings Adrián
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:48 AM, Adrian Diaz wrote:
> Sr. Lyx
> I have been using Lyx to write my thesis. I have set up the format of the
> page with a class document: "book" and a style of page "fancy". It is
> interesting to me to know how i can manage the properties of the size and
> type of fo
Sr. Lyx
I have been using Lyx to write my thesis. I have set up the format of the
page with a class document: "book" and a style of page "fancy". It is
interesting to me to know how i can manage the properties of the size and
type of font of the headers. I mean to set up
some properties of book cla
You can find the answer in the math manual section 18.1.4
You must use the vphantom space in order to make the second part of your
equation believe it has also an integral in it ...
Hope it helps
strip "right. \left." in the middle of the formula
cheers - SB
On Apr 10, 2008, at 12:53 PM, waleed Abu-Elela wrote:
\sin^{n-2}\theta d\theta >> \right. << HERE
>> \left. << HERE \left(\cos2\alpha\sin^{n-1}\theta_{0}\cos
Dear All
The left bracket is larger than the right bracket which is not nice in the PDF
waleed saad wrote:
Hi sir,
I'm Eng. Waleed, LEX user and i have a problem here.
I want to sumbit a paper to springer journal but it
has a specail format to send which i do not know how
to insert it in LATEX or LEX. I found the name in the
document class but it's unavailable.
Please t
Hi sir,
I'm Eng. Waleed, LEX user and i have a problem here.
I want to sumbit a paper to springer journal but it
has a specail format to send which i do not know how
to insert it in LATEX or LEX. I found the name in the
document class but it's unavailable.
Please tell me how to
Amatex is great. Thank you for the hint.
If you are using Windows, you can copy the Bibtex
information obtained through Amatex and insert
it into your bib file by opening it with Bibedt and
select Record -> Insert
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:10, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Alberto wrote:
> > hi,
> > i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
> > be accept from the server of this ml.
> You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above t
On Thursday 06 January 2005 16:04, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
> > I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know
> > how to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has
> > a good layout or not, but we don't know the name o
Alberto wrote:
> hi,
> i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can
> be accept from the server of this ml.
You have to put the image _inside_ the float (above the caption text). Put the
cursor at the beginning of the caption text and press enter. Then i
On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
I don't know if the my university has a fixed style...and i don't know how
to ask this. Probably my professors as me can see if the document has a
good layout or not, but we don't know the name of the "good layout" with
lyx...for this reason i asked to this mailin
i must be short because there is a limit on the size of the mail that can be
accept from the server of this ml.
thanks and bye
Description: application/tbz
Alberto wrote:
> >IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main
> > classes (article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a
> > new page. I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook
> > (that is "book (koma)") or memoir, because these two are
Hi again, and thanks for all your answer.
I will try to answer to all your email.
On Wed, 6 Jan 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
> > 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
> > sure of what a style i
Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:
>> > http://amatex.informatik-uni-oldenburg.de
>> Hi, Jürgen,
>> thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
>> working :-(
Am Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2005 12:13 schrieb M.B. Schiekel:
> > http://amatex.informatik-uni-oldenburg.de
> Hi, Jürgen,
> thank you for this interesting hint. Unfortunately the above link is not
> working :-(
My fault. It's
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
> ...
> There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an
> Amazon.com query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):
> http://amatex.informatik-uni-oldenburg.de
Hi, Jürgen,
thank you for this interesting hi
Alberto wrote:
> Hi at all,
Hi Alberto,
> as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
> mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
> very well english; as second i'm "obliged" to use lyx f
Alberto wrote:
3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use only one author paragraph and separate the names by a forced line
break (sh
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:
1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)
Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B)
Hi at all,
as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
very well english; as second i'm "obliged" to use lyx for my thesis...and i
need help! :)
I tried to
В сообщении от 1 Апрель 2004 08:50 Pedro написал(a):
> Want subscribe
go http://www.lyx.org
Want subscribe
This message with a virus in it slipped in. It seems that we will soon have
a pretty effective virus prevention in place, so patience please.
In the meantime, please all switch from Windows.
Today at 20:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote absolutly nothing:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
The Behne Family Genealogy Project:
Chris Carlen wrote:
Thanks for the input, folks.
Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
On Wednesday 09 October 2002 10:51 am, Chris Carlen wrote:
> Greetings:
> I am considering using Lyx to prepare some documents. I have tried to
> do it with OpenOffice/StarOffice, but the quality of the formulas is
> inadequate, and the program is too buggy and quirky when the document is
> inc
On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 07:51:56AM -0700, Chris Carlen wrote:
> A question for now:
> Why is the first line of the first paragraph after a section not
> indented, while the first lines of all the following paragraphs are
> indented?
Because this is a standard typography rule.
On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 07:51:56AM -0700, Chris Carlen wrote:
> Why is the first line of the first paragraph after a section not
> indented, while the first lines of all the following paragraphs are
> indented?
Because that's the default chosen by LaTeX, not LyX's doing...
You could toggle bet
On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 07:51:56AM -0700, Chris Carlen wrote:
> Greetings:
Hi !
> Why is the first line of the first paragraph after a section not
> indented, while the first lines of all the following paragraphs are
> indented?
The LyX documentation covers this. Par indentnatio
I am considering using Lyx to prepare some documents. I have tried to
do it with OpenOffice/StarOffice, but the quality of the formulas is
inadequate, and the program is too buggy and quirky when the document is
increasingly complicated. Lyx is my last hope to avoid using Word,
A message sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
was scanned for potentially harmful content.
The suspicious attachment has been removed
from the original message. The cleaned message
is attached in this message.
Contact your postmaster for more information.
Scan report:
Virus 'W32/Klez.H@mm' i
I would suggest that the maintainer of this list shoud set up
attachment filtering rules.
In the past quite a lot of spam comes over this list and now its the
first dialer stuff (win32 *.exe)
On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Peter Drummond wrote:
> So the problem is specifically Xforms. I have not been able
> to fix this in the preferences, by trying other fonts for
> popups and menus - in fact, this tends to make all menus
> go blank until you delete .lyx.
I have been fiddling with these fonts
Hi everyone,
thanks to all the kind people who offered suggestions. First
of all, the screen dpi is set correctly in lyx and XF86
configurations - otherwise the main Lyx sceen would get messed
up, and it is just fine.
So the problem is specifically Xforms. I have not been able
to fix this in
On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Peter D Drummond wrote:
> Hi -
Hi Peter
> have a probably trivial problem, but serious if your eyesight
> is not 100% (like mine). Just installed Lyx on a Dell `Big-boy'
> M40 laptop with 1600*1200 screen (140dpi). The main Lyx window
> handles this jus
On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 06:22:17PM +1000, Peter D Drummond wrote:
> Other KDE (ie, Qt) application programs will scale all the menu
> fonts correctly. Isn't it time we changed over to Qt, guys?
No problem.
PS: Looks like you forgot to attach the patch.
André Pönitz .
On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Peter D Drummond wrote:
>BUT - if you look at menus, all the Xforms fonts in the menus and
>icons become incredibly tiny - obviously they aren't scaling
>correctly. I can't find any information on how to fix this.
Have you tried setting DisplaySize option in /etc/X11/XF86Conf
Hi -
have a probably trivial problem, but serious if your eyesight
is not 100% (like mine). Just installed Lyx on a Dell `Big-boy'
M40 laptop with 1600*1200 screen (140dpi). The main Lyx window
handles this just fine.
BUT - if you look at menus, all the Xforms fonts in the menus and
I've attached the main file from one of my projects. This doesn't
include any of the text, just references to the text, so its small. It
includes the \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter tags, so you can
see how they need to be used. It also includes a bunch of tags that
redefine the
Forgive me with this
Since this is the first time i use Lyx:)
I've try you guys have told me.But i've counfious where or how to put the
latex comand.
I read the manual,and try some it told me.
First i put the comand on the box above the document(status box),didnt
Second i try t
you have to use a couple of latex commands to do it.
just type \pagenumbering{roman} where you want to begin a roman numbering
style and format as latex (format - tex).
after this type the following commands on the page you want your arabic
numbering to start and format as latex
you have to use a couple of latex commands to do it.
just type \pagenumbering{roman} where you want to begin a roman numbering
style and format as latex (format - tex).
after this type the following commands on the page you want your arabic
numbering to start and format as latex
> Adi wrote:
> Hi..
> Im doing my thesis right now,and its format seems doesnt make it with
> lyx.We use page number "i" for the very first page of the thesis to
> the table of contents.Page "1" (one) is started at the first page of
> the firs
Im doing my thesis right now,and its format
seems doesnt make it with lyx.We use page number "i" for the very
first page of the thesis to the table of contents.Page "1" (one) is
started at the first page of the first chapter
How can make this,or can i
On 29-Oct-99 Ramin Yasdi wrote:
> Hallo,
> is there any way to scan photographs, pictures, etc. and include as
> objects into Lyx as Windows does?
Sure just trasform them to EPS files and use the figure-inset!
Greets Jürgen
is there any way to scan photographs, pictures, etc. and include as
objects into Lyx as Windows does?
Cheers, Ramin
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