Alberto wrote:
> Hi at all,

Hi Alberto,

> as i subscribed this mailing list some years ago. I'm posting now my first
> mail, principally for two reasons. As first i'm italian and i don't speek
> very well english; as second i'm "obliged" to use lyx for my thesis...and i
> need help! :)
> I tried to use lyx some years ago, when i installed it, and now. I have
> mainly these problems:
> 1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not sure
> of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this question
> seeing the other problems. (I hope...)

IMO book class is o.k. The most obvious difference to the other main classes 
(article, report) is that books have real chapters that start a new page.
I'd recommend to use not the standard book but either scrbook (that is "book 
(koma)") or memoir, because these two are much more flexible. KOMA has been 
designed with regard to European typesetting conventions.

> 2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
> the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
> bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
> decide where the page number must be printed?

This is a feature. There is a convention in book typography that the first 
page of a chapter has no headers and either no page numbering at all or in 
the footer. You can change this to whatever you need. The overall style can 
be changed with Format->Document->Page Style. Then You can do some fine 
tuning with LaTeX magic. Just ask!

> 3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put
> their names on the authour field. i would like something like this:
> cippo lippo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ....
> (on the middle of the screen) but if i put all these lines into the author
> field i obtain a line that is printed on a single line but it is too long
> so it is cutted at the end of the screen.
> But if i create more author fields i see only the last field (in the above
> example i see only: lappo frappo [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Does this help?

> 4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
> As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
> (of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
> books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
> of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Do you use bibtex? I'd recommend that. You can use a graphical tool (e.g. with Linux) to edit the database. The database 
has file has to be placed in a directory where LaTeX can find it 
(~/texmf/tex/bibtex/bib/) or in you documents directory and then included 
with Insert->Lists&ToC->BibTeX Reference). Then Input->Citation...
There's even a nifty tool where you can generate bibtex entries from an query (the site is in german, but that should not matter):

> 5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
> images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
> i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
> between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
> the wrapped area, but it does not work.... :(
> I use the wrapped area so i can put at the end of my thesis a figure list
> too.

Can you send a small example showing the misbehaviour?

> Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! i
> wrong?

This list is probably not a good place to ask that ;-)


> If you need document, some other details, anything, ask! I
> will answer as soon as possible.
> Some advices will be appreciated...
> Thanks in advance....
> Alberto

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