On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
at the beginning of the index.
I added a "\newpage{}" immediately before (without it said the Index was on
previous page, 57) and used that "\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}".
Replying to myself ... for the
On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:
I am using a "book" class. I have a tableofcontents and I have a
printindex{} at end.
How can I get my generated books' table of contents to also have an entry
that says: Index with the correct page number?
Mine does this automagically. Have
On Sat, 5 Nov 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
I am using a "book" class. I have a tableofcontents and I have a printindex{}
at end.
How can I get my generated books' table of contents to also have an entry
that says: Index with the correct page number?
Mine does this automagically. H
I am using a "book" class. I have a tableofcontents and I have a
printindex{} at end.
How can I get my generated books' table of contents to also have an entry
that says: Index with the correct page number?
(I couldn't find this via google, please feel free to point me to the faq
or doc abou