On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 09:37:27AM +0200, Claus Hentschel wrote:
> As I can see you have installed Miktex 2.0 which by default installs into
> C:\Program Files\MikteX
> in an english environment. Solution: Reinstall Miktex into C:\MikTeX\
> and it should run!
Sometimes it is possible to inst
Hi All,
viele danke!
I have some more comments on the documentation issue. Yes, thanks for
the information.
(1) I stared at my screen for an hour or so, and found also the problem
with the 'space'. I then
tried to run the script using:
c:\path\to\bash\bash.exe -e Setup1.sh 1.1.6fix1
and i
Just a copy of my answer I have sent today for the Lyx-Users-List:
> export:
> Files/MiKTeX/miktex/bin://Perl/bin//:/jdk1.3/bin:/WINNT/system32:/WINNT:/W
> INNT/System32/Wbem:/enhydra3.0.1/bin:/usr/local/jad: bad variable name
Obviously you have a space charac
Hi ...
I have followed instructions regarding the installation of LyX on
Microsoft. I have all components working on my W2K box. xwin512, ghostview, MikTeX,
and I have unpacked LyX161fix1 into c:\cygwin. When I change into c:\cygwin
and run the setup batch file ... there is a flash as the program