Just a copy of my answer I have sent today for the Lyx-Users-List:
> export:
> Files/MiKTeX/miktex/bin://Perl/bin//:/jdk1.3/bin:/WINNT/system32:/WINNT:/W
> INNT/System32/Wbem:/enhydra3.0.1/bin:/usr/local/jad: bad variable name
Obviously you have a space character in your PATH! And the space char is
located in your path to Miktex!
As I can see you have installed Miktex 2.0 which by default installs into
C:\Program Files\MikteX
in an english environment. Solution: Reinstall Miktex into C:\MikTeX\....
and it should run!
P.S. Sorry for the delayed answer but first it was weekend and second we are
working on a new win32-version and have a lot of trouble therefor!