Hi All,

viele danke!
I have some more comments on the documentation issue. Yes, thanks for 
the information.

(1) I stared at my screen for an hour or so, and found also the problem 
with the 'space'. I then
tried to run the script using:

   c:\path\to\bash\bash.exe -e Setup1.sh 1.1.6fix1

and it ran OK, handling the space problem fine. However bash died 
because it could not
find the 'start' command. (This might be a problem with my cygwin 
installation of course.)

So the problem lies with 'sh.exe' not being able to handle the peculiar 
Microsoft 'feature'
of allowing spaces in directory and filenames! And the solution to 
re-install MikTex to another
place is a good answer.

(2) The documentation I downloaded stated that MikTex is by default 
loaded into 'c:\texmf',
well with the latest MikTeX, I think I ran its setup routines using its 
defaults, and its defaults
put the program under 'Program Files'. So this could be a problem with 
the documentation.
Perhaps the default downloads have been changed by MikTeX people and 
this has made LyX
documentation wrong. (Yes, you know about this quite well.) 

(3) It would be helpful I think if some more information is put into the 
LyX documentation
indicating the need to have a working Cygwin environment. (I have in 
fact used the Cygwin
than comes with Enhydra, and did not have a new pure Cygwin on my 
machine. (I have installed
one now.))  - I note that the requirement to have Cygwin installed is 
mentioned in the Setup1.sh

(4) Why not replace sh.exe with bash.exe? It handles the spaces! If not, 
then I think there
should be a comment in the documentation saying that because sh.exe is 
like it is, the user
should NOT install components into directories that have spaces in their 
paths. I say this
because I am rather ignorant about Microsoft things and would assume 
that spaces were ok.
They are ok with bash in any case.

Also I see that we are using different environments, and installations 
of things might be
different for different (non-English) environments.

Thanks for help. I will try again to install. (Then I can write my 
thesis too! :) )


Claus Hentschel wrote:

> Just a copy of my answer I have sent today for the Lyx-Users-List:
> ===================================
>> export:
>> Files/MiKTeX/miktex/bin://Perl/bin//:/jdk1.3/bin:/WINNT/system32:/WINNT:/W
>> INNT/System32/Wbem:/enhydra3.0.1/bin:/usr/local/jad: bad variable name
> Obviously you have a space character in your PATH! And the space char is
> located in your path to Miktex!
> As I can see you have installed Miktex 2.0 which by default installs into
>  C:\Program Files\MikteX
> in an english environment. Solution: Reinstall Miktex into C:\MikTeX\....
> and it should run!
> Claus
> P.S. Sorry for the delayed answer but first it was weekend and second we are
> working on a new win32-version and have a lot of trouble therefor!

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