Ok, at this point I can try the filters and other possibilities of biblatex.
It works and now I can play with it!
If somebody wants to read an abstract in Spanish language about my problem
with multiples bibliographies in LyX I'm going to write it in this page:
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> - When I want to use this system in the final text, composed by parts,
>chapters (they have the bibilographies), sections and subsections, Lyx
> gives an erorr in the output:
> *Use of \...@chapter doesn't match its definition.
> ...textmd{\footnotesize
> \begin{refsec
Some questions related:
- When I want to use this system in the final text, composed by parts,
chapters (they have the bibilographies), sections and subsections, Lyx gives
an erorr in the output:
*Use of \...@chapter doesn't match its definition.
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> What can I say… I works!
> only one question… In the bibilographies appears the works cited. ¿Is
> possible to make it to appear all the works contained in the .bib file?
> e.g. in the bibliography of the first chapter must appears all the works of
> the first fil
What can I say… I works!
only one question… In the bibilographies appears the works cited. ¿Is
possible to make it to appear all the works contained in the .bib file? e.g.
in the bibliography of the first chapter must appears all the works of the
first file, independent of if they are cited or not
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> *Last login: Mon Jul 20 16:18:52 on ttyp1
> Welcome to Darwin!
> ordenador-de-monicreque:~ monicreque$
> /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyx
> bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)
> sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
> sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)'
Yes, here is the output!
*Last login: Mon Jul 20 16:18:52 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
ordenador-de-monicreque:~ monicreque$
bibtexall: running bibtex on Text(2)
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sh: -c: line 1: `bibtex Text(2)'
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Antonio Díaz wrote:
> Aaargh!
> I'm sorry. When I make
> *ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ open Lyx.app *
> —I'm working in a mac— the terminal open the program. I open
> *Text(2).lyx*in LyX and try a pdflatex. But the console say nothing!
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> I think not. When I try it says this:
Well, I'm not Mac user, but it appears you should try to open console from
I think not. When I try it says this:
**ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ Lyx*
*-bash: Lyx: command not found*
Also sprach Antonio Díaz:
> I'm sorry. When I make
> *ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ open Lyx.app *
> —I'm working in a mac— the terminal open the program. I open
> *Text(2).lyx*in LyX and try a pdflatex. But the console say nothing!
Can't you just call the executable (i.e.,
I'm sorry. When I make
*ordenador-de-monicreque:/Applications monicreque$ open Lyx.app *
—I'm working in a mac— the terminal open the program. I open
*Text(2).lyx*in LyX and try a pdflatex. But the console say nothing!
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> Mmmm, OK. Now, when I make a *which bibtexall*, the terminal say
> /usr/local/bin/bibtexall.
> I think it isn't OK, because the warning persist.
We need the console output when you do View>PDF for further diagnosis.
Hi Jürgen:
Mmmm, OK. Now, when I make a *which bibtexall*, the terminal say
/usr/local/bin/bibtexall. I think it isn't OK, because the warning persist.
I've done a *sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/bibtexall *to make it executable
for all users, and texhash to make it locatable.
Iv'e tried with so
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> Bibtexall is in /Users/monicreque/Library/texmf/bibtexall.
This is no executable path.
> If I do *which
> bibtexall* in the console, it says:
> * no bibtexall in /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin
> /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/texbin*
These are your exe
Hi Jürgen:
Bibtexall is in /Users/monicreque/Library/texmf/bibtexall. If I do *which
bibtexall* in the console, it says:
* no bibtexall in /opt/local/bin /opt/local/sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin
/usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/texbin*
And if I do *bibtexall* says:
* bibtexall: command not found
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> "What does "kpsewhich Informe.bib" and "kpsewhich Informe2.bib" on the
> command line reveal?"
> /Users/monicreque/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/Informe.bib
> /Users/monicreque/Library/texmf/bibtex/bib/Informe2.bib
> These are the places where I put the bib files.
Good. So L
"What does "kpsewhich Informe.bib" and "kpsewhich Informe2.bib" on the
command line reveal?"
These are the places where I put the bib files.
"now if you run LyX from the console a
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> Im sorry Jürgen, I send here the correct file…
OK, let's check a few things:
* What does "kpsewhich Informe.bib" and "kpsewhich Informe2.bib" on the
command line reveal?
* please replace bibtexall with the attached version
* now if you run LyX from the console and try to
Im sorry Jürgen, I send here the correct file…
Description: Binary data
Also sprach Antonio Díaz:
> Hi Jünger:
My name is Jürgen.
> I send here the .lyx file used by Jünger wich bibliography paths have been
> modified by me. What happens?
This is a completely different LyX file. It does not contain any \refsegment
commands and points to a different bib file.
Hi Jünger:
"Look at the preamble: you will have to adapt the paths in the \bibliography
command to point to the locations of your *.bib files. In your original
you used non-valid paths, which was probably the reason it did not work for
OK, I've just correct the path to the bibliogra
Antonio Díaz wrote:
> I use biblatex with verbose-trad2 style, and i've read the manual of
> biblatex. The problem is that I have a great trouble with the way to create
> a text lke this, I don't understand anything.
Attached is a modified version of the test file you send me in PM. It works
Hi all:
I'm trying to create a text with diferent chapters, each chapter with a
bibliography, and each bibliography with all the references of an .bib file.
Some of the references of the .bib file are citted in the chapter, but
anothers not. Anycase in the bibilography appears all the cites of the
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