Hi all: I'm trying to create a text with diferent chapters, each chapter with a bibliography, and each bibliography with all the references of an .bib file. Some of the references of the .bib file are citted in the chapter, but anothers not. Anycase in the bibilography appears all the cites of the file.
I use biblatex with verbose-trad2 style, and i've read the manual of biblatex. The problem is that I have a great trouble with the way to create a text lke this, I don't understand anything. I can't use chapterbib or another package because are incompatible with biblatex —makes an error in the outputs like "incompatible package…"— Is neccesary to make something with the .aux and .bbl files or LyX manage it automatically? Is neccesary make a LyX file for each chapter an a master one with the "child document" system or not? I'm trying to know how resolve this problem, because I'm writing a catalog, and I can post the solution in spanish here: http://www.macuarium.com/foro/index.php?showtopic=295047&st=0#entry2312847 Regards Antonio