I wrote:
>>The encoding for 'fontenc' must be changed in the preamble, e.g. add
>>\usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}. (In LyX with XForms, it can be set in the
>>preferences, but I can't find this menu in LyX with QT.)
>>Is this a bug or have I overseen it?
Yes I've overseen it. The option for 'fontenc' is
o: Peter Ringwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Activating Russian vector fonts
>> After reading the following exchange, I downloaded the cyrillic cmcyr fonts
>> and started to learn how to install them, only to find out that the
>> (unpa
After reading the following exchange, I downloaded the cyrillic cmcyr fonts
and started to learn how to install them, only to find out that the
(unpatched) fonts were already a part of teTeX for Mac. Lots of hard work
My question is simply - what ERT or preamble does one need to add, and w
After reading the following exchange, I downloaded the cyrillic cmcyr fonts
and started to learn how to install them, only to find out that the
(unpatched) fonts were already a part of teTeX for Mac. Lots of hard work
My question is simply - what ERT or preamble does one need to add, and