I wrote:
>>The encoding for 'fontenc' must be changed in the preamble, e.g. add
>>\usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}. (In LyX with XForms, it can be set in the
>>preferences, but I can't find this menu in LyX with QT.)
>>Is this a bug or have I overseen it?

Yes I've overseen it. The option for 'fontenc' is set under Preferences->Outputs->LaTeX->Tex Encoding

And now to your question:

The thing is, that although I can already get LyX to write in Russian, the
end result is a, ugly bit-mapped font. My original hope was that the cmcyr
fonts were actually vector fonts, but this doesn't seem to be the case if
cmcyr is the real default. Or if it is a vector representation of a
bitmapped font!

The original cmcyr are bitmap fonts, but as I wrote:

>>>>But don't forget to install the patched fonts:

They are also available as T1-fonts. In the readme of this patch, they write:
"Type1 outlines of CMCYR fonts (from BaKoMa collection)..."
So possibly you have to install BaKoMa first.

I've never tested them, so this is all I could help you.

regards Uwe

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