
Thanks for the fast answer. I normally use \usepackage[koi8-r]{inputenc}
\usepackage[russian]{babel}, and tried the \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}
\usepackage[koi8-r]{inputenc} from cyrguide. No luck, fontwise.

The thing is, that although I can already get LyX to write in Russian, the
end result is a, ugly bit-mapped font. My original hope was that the cmcyr
fonts were actually vector fonts, but this doesn't seem to be the case if
cmcyr is the real default. Or if it is a vector representation of a
bitmapped font!

In English I use \usepackage{ae} to get decent fonts.  I thought that there
might be a similar workaround for Cyrillic.

I guess I'm looking for an easier answer than having to convert and import
my own fonts, which is way beyond me at this point.



> From: Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 00:39:06 +0100
> To: Peter Ringwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Activating Russian vector fonts
>> After reading the following exchange, I downloaded the cyrillic cmcyr fonts
>> and started to learn how to install them, only to find out that the
>> (unpatched) fonts were already a part of teTeX for Mac. Lots of hard work
>> avoided.
>> My question is simply - what ERT or preamble does one need to add, and what
>> config changes are needed to use these fonts in the printed output?
>>>> Help me please! How can I create with LyX pdf-file, in which vector
>>>> cyrillic
>>>> fonts
>>>> are used?
>>> You can install the cmcyr-fonts:
>>> ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/fonts/cyrillic/cmcyr/
>>> But don't forget to install the patched fonts:
>>> ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/fonts/cyrillic/cmcyr-encoding-patch/
> You have to change the encoding. You find a detailed description how to
> use cyrillic here:
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/doc/cyrguide.pdf
> (cyrguide should be part of your LaTeX-distribution)
> The babel option (language) is set in the menu Edit->Preferences->Language.
> The encoding for 'inputenc' could be changed in the menu
> Layout->Document->Language->Encoding.
> The encoding for 'fontenc' must be changed in the preamble, e.g. add
> \usepackage[T2A]{fontenc}. (In LyX with XForms, it can be set in the
> preferences, but I can't find this menu in LyX with QT.)
> Is this a bug or have I overseen it?
> regards Uwe

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