Am 12.06.2013 10:59, schrieb Liviu Andronic:
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Jan Ulrich Hasecke
> wrote:
>> You can write a bestseller with a pencil or with vim/emacs. LyX could be
>> a publishing environment producing high quality pdfs and ePubs ready for
>> distri
It is flattering to say, hey John Doe the great novelist is using LyX,
but much more important is another question.
Is LyX the right tool for a publisher who wants to publish printed books
and ebooks from the same source, which is what publishers want to do
today. At least this is what I want to d
Hi Richard!
Am 29.05.2013 16:33, schrieb Richard Heck:
> We are very pleased to have received support from the Google Summer of
> Code to have a student, Josh Hieronymus, work on LyX's XHTML and ePub
> export capabilities. We know that there are several people who are
> interested in this matte
I want to publish ebooks and typeset books from the same source, because
today nearly all new books are offered as ebooks and as printed books.
Up to now I didn't find a good solution working out of the box.
Sphinx, the documentation system written in Python offers multiple
output formats fr
aspell under fink does not work for me, but I am very new to Mac OS X.
How did you install cocoaspell?
After quite a long period I am back, now using lyx on Mac OS X. For
some years on my Linux boxes I worked with emacs+auctex and TeXmacs,
which is a really interesting software, but yet still with some
The reason for me to use LyX again is quite simple. LyX just works on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Spitzmueller) writes:
> Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
>> /src/lyx starts fine.
>> But I cannot type anything.
> Do you have a modified bind file (Preferences->Look'n'Feel->Interface)? What
> does the console say?
I had no problems to compile this version on Debian Woody.
/src/lyx starts fine.
But I cannot type anything.
"Schauen Sie sich doch an, wer in den großen Produktionsfirmen
rumläuft: Töchter von reichen Eltern. Die kosten wenig, aber dürfen
Vorschläge machen - und das sieht m
chebira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to know if ther are some converters from Lyx documents to
> RTF or DOC format.
I never found a better solution than this bad solution. ;-)
1. Convert Lyx to HTML via tth
2. Start StarOffice :-( , load the HTML-File
3. Save the HTML-File as Sta
> Thanks Jan and all that are helpping me, but where I should read this?
"Die Schnecke baut ihr Haus nicht, sondern es wächst ihr aus dem Leib."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher Heft A 31
Hallo Alexandre!
Am Mon, 05 Mär 2001, schrieb Alexandre Gonçalves Jacarandá:
> On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> > Have a look at the koma-script package with a modified article-,
> > report- and book-class. It has an improved titlepage.
> >
> Thanks Jan a
Hallo Alexandre!
> Hi, one more time I need help to format an cover sheet to my work. I
> need to insert my name at top of sheet, title at middle, academic
> grade note above in middle right and date at botton of page.
> Help!!!
Have a look at the koma-script package with a modified article-,
Hallo Johannes!
Am Mit, 07 Feb 2001, schrieb Johannes L. Braams:
> It's a bug and it is repaired in babel 3.7
I cannot find babel 3.7 on Where can I get it?
Eine Weltbürgerin zieht aufs Land,1518,53445,00.html
Please have a look at the attached example-file. When I click into the
last cell in the right column (6,00) with the left mouse to aktivate
the new red text-border and then click inside of the redborder the
right button to get to the tabular-menu, LyX turns black.
Wo ist die M
Am Don, 01 Feb 2001, schrieb Herbert Voss:
> please send the ~/.lyx/preferences
Here it comes!
Es lebe die 43 Stundenwoche!
Hallo Herbert!
Am Mit, 31 Jan 2001, schrieb Herbert Voss:
> Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> >
> >
> > There is no logfile visible under Anzeigen --> LaTeX Protokoll (Show
> what happens? nothing or an empty logfile-window?
Pop-up: LaTeX Protokoll says:
Kein LaTe
Hallo Jean-Marc!
Am Don, 01 Feb 2001, schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
> An elaborate search is certaily something we'd like to have. This is
> unfortunately a bit difficult to do...
A little help would be an OK-Button in the search-panel. Then I could
type in a word, hit RETURN (without using the
There is no logfile visible under Anzeigen --> LaTeX Protokoll (Show
--> Logfile?)
Debian 2.2
LyX 1.1.6 compiled with debmake
Über Nüsse, Jogurt und Schalentiere
Is it possible to have a search-function similar to the emacs search?
I want to jump to the search-string simply typing "C-s search-string
RET". With the given search-panel I have to use the mouse.
www.juergen-rü - und tschö!
Hallo Rainer!
Am Die, 30 Jan 2001, schrieb Rainer Hoffmann:
> Verblüffend, alle meine juristischen Bekannten jammern, daß sie ohne
> Englisch heute nicht mehr auskommen, anscheinend ist dort immer noch
> Latein die gängige Umgangssprache. Und die Benutzer einer Sprache,
> die von etwa der Hälft
Hallo Marcus!
Am Die, 23 Jan 2001, schrieb Marcus Beyer:
> So my wish for LyX 1.2: Please remove the support for bitmap fonts!
Its a joke, isn't it?
Y2K-Bug: Jelzin rechtzeitig abgeschaltet
Hallo Paul!
Am Mon, 22 Jan 2001, schrieb Paul Lussier:
> something that no other word/document processor (commercial or otherwise)
> could ever claim to have :)
About Wordprocessors I know nothing. In Emacs I can do this. Currently
I use Emacs with Auctex and Reftex to write my papers. Sometim
Is it possible to pipe a text region to a shell command like wc?
I need to know how many chars a paragraph uses, so I would like to
mark it and then pipe the text to wc.
Wem gehört die Einheit?
Debian 2.2
Selfmade .deb
When I press M-d with emacs-bindings (kill word) in tables the cursor
jumps always to the upper left cell.
When I press the right mouse inside a table being in the middle of a
word to get to the table-menu the cursor jumps right outside the
68 in der CDU
Just playing around with lyx 1.1.6 I discovered an error using the
external inset with a XFig-Graphic. Lyx converts it to eps so that
pdflatex returns an error because of a wrong extension. Wouldn't it be
better to include a graphic without extension and to convert the XFig
also to png or p
Hallo Dekel!
Am Fre, 12 Jan 2001, schrieb Dekel Tsur:
> Put the attached script in your path, and then
> change the dvi->fax converter command to ' $$i'.
Thanks! It works.
So I think I can switch to the new 1.1.6-release.
For all Debians: python-base and python-tk must be install
Hallo Dekel!
Am Don, 11 Jan 2001, schrieb Dekel Tsur:
> The new export code allows you to define an unlimited number of
> custom exports.
Mh I tried the following:
1. In "Preferences" I added a Converter DVI --> Fax
2. In the field Converter I put 'faxspool $$i' (without the quotes)
3. I click
Hallo Andre!
Am Son, 07 Jan 2001, schrieb Andre Berger:
> export LC_ALL=de_DE ; lyx
No. Same result. Perhaps a mixed-up language-file?
> Another idea; are you sure there's gettext installed?
dpkg -S gettext brings up a long list of files.
> try to recompile using deb-make instead of config
I just compiled lyx-1.1.16pre3 on Debian 2.2.
All went smooth. I configured with the option
Now the menus are in english and only very some of the dialog-boxes
(open-file) are in german. Was it the wrong option?
When I launched lyx for the first time and change
Hallo juergen!
Am Mit, 27 Dez 2000, schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Is it possible to connect with mysql-Databases or do I have to use a
> special formate?
Have a look at the koma-script-package. You can create serial letters
with scrlettr.cls
Read the koma-guide: scrguide.tex
Hallo Dekel!
Am Son, 17 Dez 2000, schrieb Dekel Tsur:
> The fax support in 1.1.6 is only for GUI fax programs.
Oh, bad news. :-(
I am happy with faxspool/faxrunq/sendfax
kaum hat man sich an die langenunterhosen gewoehnt,
hoppeln die schokohasen durch die kaufhaeuser.
(Ingo Mac
Hi Dekel!
Am Don, 14 Dez 2000, schrieb Dekel Tsur:
> On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 12:35:49PM +0100, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
> > That is the question. ;-)
> >
> > There is no menu-point "Fax" anymore.
> Install ksendfax, and then do edit->reconfi
That is the question. ;-)
There is no menu-point "Fax" anymore.
Es lebe die 43 Stundenwoche!
Hallo Nabil!
Am Don, 07 Dez 2000, schrieb Nabil Hathout:
> Did you get a debian pakage or did you compile lyx-1.1.6pre2 locally ?
I compiled it. Yes it would be nice to have a debian package. But I
think this is only a pre-version. ;-)
Singe Gondoliere!
Hi LyX-Users!
Is there anything like reftex for LyX? Reftex with Emacs+AucTeX
nearly automagically inserts labels for each section. It would be nice
if each heading, table, figure etc. gets a label by default. Are there
any plans?
BTW: lyx-1.1.6pre2 looks very nice. I had no problems to install
Hi all,
after half a year of absence here I am back again to hear about all
the good new things in LyX!
I would like to have an auctex-like keybinding in Lyx. Does anybody
have an apropiate keybinding-file?
Deutsche Leitkultur
Hallo Jean-Marc!
Obviously I had a bad day yesterday, because I cannot reproduce my own
solution. I am sorry for confusing the list.
> What version of LyX is that?
> You mean that quoting the whole string
> does not work? Strange.
Yes it does work. But then I get only one font. No ita
Hallo Lyxers!
A month ago I had the problem using ttf-fonts with spaces in their
names. With the help of some other lyxers I now found the solution.
If you want to use a font like this:
-ttf-aldine401 bt-medium-r-normal-roman-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
You have to put quotes only around the _space_
> > There is indeed a TeX/LaTeX newsgroup, and it is NOT overrun by spam.
> > Take a look for yourself, comp.text.tex, and you'll see what I mean.
There are some questions in this group concerning LyX but not
New Lyx-Users will probably ask more questions concering LaTeX than
concerning L
Hi Allan!
> > -ttf-humnst777 bt-medium-r-normal-roman-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
> Try putting quotes around it. "..."
It works, but only with the whole font-name. Therfore it is not
possible to use short-cuts als -*-humnst777. The consequence is that
the other shapes (eg. italic ord bold) does n
I'm experimenting with xftt and I discovered that it is not possible
to use all TTF-Fonts available.
Fonts with spaces in their names are not loadable.
For example:
-ttf-humnst777 bt-medium-r-normal-roman-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
lyx Version 1.1.3
juh's Sudelbu
Jan Ulrich Hasecke * Ihr F r e e l a n c e r
Text * Konzeption * Werbung * PR * Internet
Telefon: 0212-2331483 / Telefax: 0212-2331483
I found a minor bug in 1.0.4.
When I use the dinbrief-template, uppercase umlaute like ÄÖÜ are
displayed as AOU, when I type them right inside the "Briefkopf"-field
or "Adresse"-field.
It occurs on Sparc- and Intel-Linux.
The fields are typeset correctly, but it's a little confusing.
Allan Rae schrieb:
>On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:
>> What do I have to write into the shell field? I want to have the
>> resulting PDF-File in the working directory.
>Set the filetype required to LaTeX (as you did) and enter:
>pdflatex $$FName
Hi Lyx-Users!
I wonder whether it is possible to invoke pdflatex via the
custom-export feature.
I used the custom export function, switched on latex format and in the
shell command field I inserted
| pdflatex
or simply
but with no result. I only found a texput.log in the tmp-dir.
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:
>If you want to compile lyx from source, you need a recent enough C compiler.
That's it. I compiled lyx 1.1.1. on my Red Hat SUN LX with a gcc 2.90.29
without problems.
I will look for a newer compiler for my Open Linux Intel-Maschine.
Mh, perhaps
On 28 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>I do not think you will be able to compile LyX with gcc 2.7.x now. The
>only possibility of doing that is probably to use STLport
>(, which replaces libg++ 2.7 with a _much_ better version.
>However, I am not sure that LyX will compile
Hi Jean-Marc,
On 27 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>What version of gcc are you using?
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/
gcc version
>Did you install the libg++ stuff
I fear not, locate libg++ gives no output. I'll look for it.
on Caldera Open Linux 1.2 with kernel 2.0.33, I get this error while
compiling after successful configuring
../../src/support/LIstream.h:23: iostream: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [formula.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/juh/compile/lyx-1.1.1/src/mathed'
make[2]: ***
On 25 Oct 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>Did you try running reLyX from the command line? What error message do
>you get?
Good hint!
Text::TeX::Begin::Group::Args \begin{labeling} -
Changing environment labeling to layout Labeling
String `{' expected, not found at
Kommunikation: Werbung & PR
Jan Ulrich Hasecke Telefon 0212 / 2 33 14 83
Goldstraße 8Telefax 0212 / 2 33 14 84
42697 Solingen
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Juergen Vigna wrote:
>I don't think that the best answer to a problem someone has with a software
>is "install some other software"! And lyx & linux work also with efax!
Yes, especially when this problem occurs on maschines using this
better software. *Sometimes* my tmp-file
On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Richard Palfalvi wrote:
>an I turned on "Match all of the following"
Try "Match any of the following"
juh's Sudelbuch
Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Sven Gustke wrote:
>I had the same problem. Copy all files of linuxdoc-sgml into
>/usr/TeX/texmf/tex/latex/linuxdoc-sgml/ and start texconfig. Use the option
>rehash - rebuild ls-R database. Now latex use this style.
>But now I can't use the dvi view of an linuxdoc document
Hello Lyxers,
i have a script which deletes from time to time things in /tmp
When lyx is running and the script deletes temporary lyx-files in
/tmp, you can not quit lyx. Lyx complains:
Error! Couldn't delete temporary directory
It is certainly a feature. But is it necessary? ;-)
Just an idea:
Would it be useful if you can
word - by double click
line or *all-the-words-in-italic* - by triple click
I had just to change all italics to small-caps.
juh's Sudelbuch
Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Oliver Eichler wrote:
>Sure I could manually insert a page break, but this would
>completely disturbe the auto-formating and produce "Windows
Why that? Do you used the book-class, where you want to have all
last lines on the same position? I think, that latex will
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
>> > Try the Layout->Paragraph->Lines menu, this should solve your problem...
>> I do not have such a menu in lyx 1.0.3. Do I have to upgrade to
>> 1.0.4 or so?
> Look carefully, that option is there a long time ago.
Sorry, you are right. Bu
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos wrote:
> Try the Layout->Paragraph->Lines menu, this should solve your problem...
I do not have such a menu in lyx 1.0.3. Do I have to upgrade to
1.0.4 or so?
juh's Sudelbuch
Literatur und Satire per E-Mail
On Mon, 23 Aug 1999, Efram Burlingame wrote:
>restarted it. I am a broken man and in need of help, what have I
>missed(not knowing a bit of latex)?
How did you write your own class, not knowing a bit of latex? You
must be a wizard!;-)
>Did I:
>1)not put the .cls file in the correct place?
On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Robert Kerr wrote:
>I can't seem to get the abstract done correctly, and I'm using the
>pagestyle empty, but I still get a number on the first page. How can I
>turn that off?
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try multicol.sty in the preamble, then you can define n-col
François Patte schrieb:
>"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:
>> >>Sometimes (many times) I get the message: error when I want to see the
>> >>dvi (or ps) file. When I try to see what is this error the answer:
>> >>missing \begin{document}.
>> >>
>> >>What is the meaning of this message? What can I do i
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