Günter Milde wrote:
seminar.cls has a bug that prevents proper working with the "a4paper"
option. (Option "a4" works).
the seminar and prosper packages are still buggy.
The bug prevents use of seminar as doctype from LyX together with the
geometry package and a4 option, as LyX inserts:
Anca Tibor- Attila wrote:
as I remeber, there was a thread a few days ago about text off the page
then you have no hyphenation or the text in typewriter font,
which cannot be hyphenated.
Now, I have another problem: there are a few longer
superscripts in my document. Inside the documen
Herbert Voß wrote:
there is no error, but you still use the wrong
emvironments for the problems.
And in the last example you get different sizes
of the equations, also no error, but looks ugly.
I meant "of the parenthesis" ...
Christian Ridderström wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Karshi F.Hasanov wrote:
I have a long math formula and I can't fit it on one page.
How do In put such fomula in two lines?
..) ?
I put an example for something similar on
Myriam Abramson wrote:
I have 2 figure floats (eps) and it seems that the last figure overlaps with
the first when printing or viewing the document. The figures are fine
in Lyx and they are fine when viewing them outside of Lyx with
What could be the problem? I'm baffled.
Karshi F.Hasanov wrote:
I have a long math formula and I can't fit it on one page.
How do In put such fomula in two lines?
..) ?
use the multline environment of amsmath, then you have
exactly what you want (it's supported
Paul Smith wrote:
copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the cursor and then ctrl-m, which should convert it into
math. Maybe that this causes and error, when LyX tries
to convert it in the right way. Then insert it by hand.
\[ |x| \underset{\makebox[0pt]{$\substack{\uparrow\\(x>0)}$}}{=}
Herbert Voß wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to type, with LyX, a vertical arrow directed to the
equality sign and with (x>0) at the bottom, as described below:
|x| = x
Could somebody here please help me?
copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the curs
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to type, with LyX, a vertical arrow directed to the
equality sign and with (x>0) at the bottom, as described below:
|x| = x
Could somebody here please help me?
copy and paste this into LyX, then mark it with
the cursor and then ctrl-m, which shou
navaja wrote:
> Your .lyx-file works just fine for me (after creating a faked .bib-file,
i.e. references.bib)
Do you see any references at all, i.e. do you see:
test [1]
when you look at the PDF-file? Looking at the DVI-file?
i see test [?] when i look at the pdf file. i havent configured
Hassoun Karam wrote:
As requested, please find attached the log file.
the logfile is absolutely ok
I followed the suggested procedure and it worked fine (I am using gv for
Ghostscript to view .ps files).
remeber that you _must_ use view->PostScript, because
View->Dvi cannot work. The xdvi viewer
Dekel Tsur wrote:
On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 02:05:47PM +0100, Herbert Vo? wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:
(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?
see p.23 in http://www.perce.de/LaTeX/Mathmode-TeX.
Herbert Voß wrote:
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:
(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?
see p.23 in http://www.perce.de/LaTeX/Mathmode-TeX.pdf
should be http://www.perce.de/LaTeX/
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to add "x=0" just below a limit, as it is shown below:
(x,y)-> (0,0)
Could someone here please help me?
see p.23 in http://www.perce.de/LaTeX/Mathmode-TeX.pdf
Robert Orr wrote:
I have used xcircuit to draw my charts and then
load the graphics into lyx. It works very well, not
only for the flowcharts but anykind of simple drawing.
For drawings, which are not too complex, PSTricks
is a good choice. See
Paul Smith wrote:
sure, but it makes no real sense to use LyX for this. Create
your flowcharts with a simple text editor and include it in
LyX, if they are part of another document.
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to ask you whether LyX can be used to draw flowcharts.
sure, but it makes no real sense to use LyX for this. Create
your flowcharts with a simple text editor and include it in
LyX, if they are part of another document.
Paul Smith wrote:
I would like to know how to make a paragraph with a grey background
colour. Could somebody here please help me?
attached a demo file.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 221
\textclass article
Hassoun Karam wrote:
Thanks Herbert for the reply.
These are the results of kpsewhich for the .pro files:
Hassoun Karam wrote:
I am trying the Pstricks package to create box matrices using the
examples from http://www.pstricks.de/Nodes/nodes.phtml.
I imported boxNode.tex into Lyx and run DVI.
However i get three error messages in Xdvi and a simple matrix without
the boxes:
cannot find postscript f
Raphael Clifford wrote:
While I'm about it there is something else I don't know how to do. How
do I turn off hyphenation so that words aren't split over different lines?
- for single words: \mbox{hyphenation}
or with package hyphenat and \nohyphen{ blah ...}
- for a paragraph: \begin{sloppy}
John Levon wrote:
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 07:31:45AM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:
we were talking about page size and not page margin.
Oops, sorry
aehm, nevertheless, it seems to be a qt-bug ...
Nirmal Govind wrote:
I did what you suggested above but the footnote is still on the previous
page. A screenshot of what my table float and the minipage within along
with the footnote text look like are at:
The float is set to use "default p
Marko wrote:
when trying to set the page size of a document to a custom size I notized that
this does not work in Lyx 1.3.2 (QT frontend). Any custom size seems to be
completely ignored!
Attached are two small examples: test1 uses page size A5 (which works); test2
uses a custom page size of 13
Nirmal Govind wrote:
Hi.. I have a footnote within a table in a float. I used the method
specified on Herbert's tips page to include the footnote within the
table. I have the placement of the table float set to default placement.
However, with this setting, the footnote appears on the page that
James Frye wrote:
I suppose this is a more of a general latex question than a Lyx-specific
one, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere else. The
question seems pretty simple, even trivial: how can I get the page number
in the upper right corner of the page, instead of at the bottom cen
Paul Smith wrote:
Dear All
I would like to know whether it is possible to draw an oblique line
connecting two corners of a cell of a table.
see example. For more information look at
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 221
Hartmut Haase wrote:
does someone know an easy way to get a 2-column text floating around a picture
in the middle? I mean something like this:
use ConTeXt
Rich Shepard wrote:
I want to extract a couple of chapters from my book, and put them into a
new document. However, I would like to retain the original numbers rather
than have them renumberd "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2".
Would I use something like \renewcommand{thischapter}{5} on the copies to
Sander Klous wrote:
I submitted this question last week, but didn't get a response. So
I'll give it another try.
I have lyx1.3.3 installed on RH7.3
I downloaded the elsart.layout from
and installed it in ~/.lyx/layouts
In the same di
Samuel Hammer wrote:
does anyone know how to make roman numbers in the text ?
write in preamble:
and then in the text as ERT (TeX)
Ronald Florence schrieb:
Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Actually, it would be better to put new files that are not part
of the
normal teTeX distribution in .../share/texmf.local/tex/latex/.
The .../share/texmf/tex/latex hierarchy could be overwritten by
an upgrade of teTeX.
That's probab
Bradley Navarro schrieb:
For example:
Chapter 1
where I need to be able to define the amount of space in the areas
labeled [space].
Robert Neumann schrieb:
> \fancyhead{}
> \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape Vorwort}
> \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage}
> \cfoot{}
this is stuff which should completely go into the preamble.
Then you have no pagenumbers for dvi and pdf output.
But I want to have pagenumbers!
sorry, I meant
Then you have
Paul Smith schrieb:
Many thanks to whom replied my query!
I may change from MS Windows to Linux... My only hesitation is that I
have some Win32 applications that I often need to use.
which one?
Ed Sawicki schrieb:
Is there a way to enter the copyright symbol from the keyboard using
I've search the documentation and couldn't find it, so I used the ERT
button and put in \copyright.
AltGr-Shift-C on a Linux machine
Paul Smith schrieb:
Could not I have the French label for Theorem in the DVI file by
appropriately changing the amsmaths.inc file? If so, where should I
operate the change? I can change the label for definitions, corollaries,
and so on... but for theorem I do not know how to do it.
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
I prefer latin modern ... ;-) and build my PDF's in general
with VTeX/Free.
I tried out all the combinations again.. the ps2pdf output with cm-super
looked marginally better than ps2pdf with lmodern when viewed on screen
here.. pdflatex with lmodern does look great.. the re
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
No? Actually this point is interesting.. are there any statistics on the
percentage of users in various fields (Sciences, Engg., Arts etc..) who
use LaTeX? (a little bit of Googling didn't turn up anything) I've made
this change to the slide in any case..
there exists no
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
With pdflatex still use latin modern fonts (package lmodern)
or the cm-super (needs a lot of memory). There is no need to
use ps2pdf.
Yes, I played around with these a couple weeks ago and I can't remember
why but I decided that the output from ps2pdf with cm-super was the
Paul Smith schrieb:
ok, I see. A problem with LyX.
Write into the preamble:
It works almost perfectly. Without inserting "\let\thm\theorem" in the
preamble, the output DVI file displays "Theorem 0.1" whereas otherwise it
appears "FrenchTheorem 1.
Paul Smith schrieb:
> The files are here, Herbert.
ok, I see. A problem with LyX.
Write into the preamble:
Paul Smith schrieb:
into the preamble. I'd forgotten that in amsart the
theorem isn't defined.
Herbert, I did as you suggested and the file was perfectly compiled.
However, the label "Theorem" remains on the DVI file. (FrenchTheorem label
does not show up.) I
Robert Neumann schrieb:
I am normally using Lyx 1.20, but I'm planing to switch to lyx 1.3.2. When I
open a document which was created with lyx 1.20 using fanyhdr I encounter a
problem: When I use the pdf preview or export function, the pagenumbers
(created with fancyfoot) were gone. If I'm usi
Todd O'Bryan schrieb:
I actually didn't get a file. I got a bunch of text with backslashes and such. I thought you meant to send it that way.
Here's the problem. If I put that in Typewriter font, but not LyX Code, I can't type spaces to indent correctly. If I put it in LyX Code, then the (a) and (
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
I made a presentation on LyX/LaTeX to the LUG here at Penn State
yesterday. Below is the link in case someone's interested in doing
something similar...
some remarks:
- Overview: nowadays, it is not right, that LaTeX i
Paul Smith schrieb:
Try \renewtheorem{theorem}{... the french word ...}
Thanks, Herbert. But, where should I insert that command?
In the preamble. Layout->Document->Preamble
I did it, but I get the following error message:
LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
Paul Smith schrieb:
Try \renewtheorem{theorem}{... the french word ...}
Thanks, Herbert. But, where should I insert that command?
In the preamble. Layout->Document->Preamble
I did it, but I get the following error message:
LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
This problem depends on your bibliography style or extra packages you
Normally (when using natbib), long citation are broken into lines.
I do use natbib.. I changed the style from asa (Amer. Stat. Assn.) to
plainnat and apalike and it still persists.
> did you r
Paul Smith schrieb:
I am using AMS article document class and I would like to replace the label
"theorem" (in the DVI file) by the French corresponding one. I tried to
change it in amsmaths.inc, but I cannot find therein the proper place to
operate the replacement. Could somebody here please help m
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
Hi.. I'm using hyperref to generate links in my pdf document.. however,
some of these links extend beyond the margin.. any option that I can set
to avoid this?
did you run ps2pdf or pdflatex?
Katrin Pietzsch schrieb:
I tried to insert a figure with a caption beside via ERT, which works
but moves the figure somewhere (see sample file). Any idea, why this
for the second figure (caption beside) and everything
will be ok. And by the way: use always ctr
Hartmut Haase schrieb:
I want to print A4 pages on A3 in a newspaper fashion, i. e. the sequence
should be:
page 1 page n
page n-1 page 2
page 3 page n-2
Is that with LyX or LaTeX possible? If yes, how?
from within LyX create a new document, write in preamble:
Daniele Medri schrieb:
I'm searching a nice style \newenvironment{chapter} for a book.
Could you help me? Where to browse?
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
Hi.. how do I get darker table borders and gridlines? Is there something
I can put in the LyX preamble that will be the default for all tables?
Todd O'Bryan schrieb:
In LaTeX I've been using mfpic because it seems an easy way to create
PDF compatible files and had commands like \function{-8}{8}{.1}{x**2}
which would draw x^2 on a coordinate plane from x=-8 to x=8 graphing a
new point every .1.
this is very easy to handle with pst-plot
Kornel Benko schrieb:
Yes, but for some reason this error was uncorrectable in his lyx-file.
You can cut the image from the caption line
and paste it into a new line with standard layout.
The only problem is, that LyX doesn't realize, that
there was a graphic inserted, so it doesn't write
into the
Mohamed Eldesoky schrieb:
I was following the discussion because I have the same problem.
Alas, your Kornel didn't show any errors, but it didn't show the graph n the
generated dvi or pdf !!!
Alains problem was, that he insert the image into the
caption, which causes an error. It is a bit difficu
Alain DIDIERJEAN schrieb:
Thanks, Herbert, but renaming the image to von-neuman.bmp didn't make any
difference. Here is the part of the file that makes a problem...
ok, I see. You put the graphic into the caption, named with the
label FIGURE#. Always hit enter and put the image before this
Alain DIDIERJEAN schrieb:
Please, help a beginner : I'm working with Lyx 1.3.1 on a Debian Woody.
I've used tables with no problem. Now I try to insert a graphics (.pbm) in an
article document (it's the same in a book) as such, or as a float. It won't
compile and return a bunch (actually 4, or 5
Angus Leeming schrieb:
Ok, Herbert. How do I make this:
span both columns in two column mode?
this should all be possible from within LyX.There mus also be a
layout for the twoculumn abstract, have a look at the mail arch
Andre Poenitz schrieb:
On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 04:40:58PM +, Angus Leeming wrote:
I have the following definition in my preamble.
%% Set the sections to be bold but otherewise the same size
%% as normal text
Biggles schrieb:
So, now my question: Is there any good method in Lyx that makes this
possible? I have tried putting minipages into tables, but that was getting
too complicated. A normal two column layout wouldn't work either I think,
unless there is some command like columnbreak, which still woul
Rich Shepard schrieb:
I can view the Table of Contents; is there a way to print (to disk) only
the TOC?
it is also possible from with in LyX. ???.toc is the
file which holds the toc entries.
Rajil Saraswat schrieb:
On Tuesday 21 October 2003 17:07, Raphael Clifford wrote:
You can produce them in pstricks if you are desperate (I was and did :)
). You then end up with a nice postscript file at least.
Can you provide an example which i can modify, i have never played with
Bradley Navarro schrieb:
Can someone tell me how I might go about getting the first line of the
first paragraph in the abstract to indent? I have the indentfirst
package in the preamble, but this affects all the paragraphs in my
document except for the abstract. Is there some code I can enter in
Another small query ... I need to be able to refer
to an enumaration in various parts of a document,
but starting from different points in the
enumeration. Is there some way to do this? I mean
I have an enumeration:
1. Weather forecasts
2. Items of this kind ...
3. Spo
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
Actually no, I am using pictex.
yes, with xy I meant pictex.
Jerome Schretter schrieb:
I know this problem should/could be posted to a (La)-TeX list too. But
maybe some of you can help me anyway.
I get this error while compiling lyx code:
log file:
Language: germanb 2001/01/26 v2.6k German support from the babel system
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Herbert Voß wrote:
And it is fixed in 1.4cvs.
the font stuff isn't fixed ...
I was not referring to the font stuff. And the thread is not about the font
stuff too.
sure, it was about "A VERY SIMPLE QUESTION" ... :-)
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Herbert Voß wrote:
_you_ find it ok, this was the reason why _all_
have to find it ok. It looks ugly and by the way
it is against every LaTeX rule, if there may be any.
And it is an annoying fact of LyX, just like the
totally outdated font stuff
And it is fixed in
Lars Gullik Bjønnes schrieb:
Herbert Voß <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| this is the wrong way, gives too much vertical space before
| the caption!
Wrong is in the eye of the beholder I guess...
What if I find this extra space just ok?
_you_ find it ok, this was the reason why _all_
have t
Tomasz Koziara schrieb:
Encouradged by the previous feedback, i have two more questions:
1. How to center a figure vertically in the page ( in case it is one and
alone in the page ) ???
demo attached
2. Is it possible to have a picture next to the text ( or text next to
the picture :) ) in verti
John Levon schrieb:
On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 07:10:32PM +0200, Tomasz Koziara wrote:
HOW TO CENTER A TABLE OR A FIGURE (e.g. in float field) IN LYX
There's no need to shout.
Centre the paragraph it is in (Layout->Paragraph)
this is the wrong way, gives too much vertical space before
the ca
Richard Sherman schrieb:
I am getting fuzzy output, unaligned characters, and jaggedy-edged
characters. I'm using Computer Modern, or that's the idea anyway. The
output looks slightly different on Preview, Acroread, and Ghostscript,
but it looks bad on all of them. The results are the same w
Luiz Eleno schrieb:
I defined a new command in the preamble:
\newcommand{\RKe}{\foreignlanguage{polish}{Rafa"l K"edziorski}}
Rajil Saraswat schrieb:
Any advice on this Herbert. Sorry, i am to submit my report this week so i am
hurrying things a bit. If there is no straight solution, i will add an (a)
and (b) manually.
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 221
Katrin Pietzsch schrieb:
btw. Herbert, why is convert a bad choice?
_bad_ maybe the wrong word here. If you have a vector graphic file
then convert creates a bitmap from the vector source.
So convert should be the last choice.
Alberto Sanchez schrieb:
I just updated my system to lyx 1.3.3 using the binary available in the
ftp server for suse 8.2 i386. At the beginning it was running very well,
but I discovered immediatly one big problem. I am writing my PhD thesis
(85 pages so far) and I tried to save the file. Lyx crash
Les Denham schrieb:
I was pleasantly surprised to find that Lyx handles Grace
(http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/Grace/) .agr files as figures.
My discovery of this was completely accidental. Is it documented anywhere?
I'm using Lyx 1.2.3 (yes, I know it's old, but it works for me).
I should
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
There's nothing magic about this. You just need to define a converter
eps->pdf. The preferences dialog should make this trivially easy.
The converter is already defined.. it's epstopdf..
only a question: did you run
pdflatex --shell-escape
otherwise epstopdf cannot work
Nirmal Govind schrieb:
So now, for a solution - I converted the eps to pdf manually using
convert, that cuts off a good 1 in on the right side of the figure.. so
convert is not a good choice for eps files.
I converted it to jpg instead and everything seems to be fine.. I'm not
sure why there's
Saraswat, Rajil schrieb:
I am trying to reference a subfigure in my report but the label is coming
out wrong in the document. For subrefencing i add \label{foo} to my
subfigure and inserted \ref{foo} in the main document. Additionaly,in the
preamble, i have set the command to represent labels by s
yardbird schrieb:
how can I write multi-line equations that are split inside delimiters? I've
tried using two pairs of brackets and masking one bracket in each pair.
However this way it is possible that the delimiters have different sizes in
each row, and if I change the equation later I may hav
Hi Laura :-)
Laura schrieb:
I am having trouble with the chapter heading size (thesis class from
John Weiss). The word "Chapter" is nice & huge, but the chapter number
and the name of the chapter are too small (they are only the size of the
section headings).
I cannot see this, do you have an exa
Herbert Voß schrieb:
but not with ERT, use the lyx solution with
xforms: layout->paragraph->linebreak->below
should be pagebreak instaed of linebreak
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Rajil Saraswat wrote:
However the page break between the Acknowledgement and the TOC seems to be
lost. Maybe this is because of the stuff in preamble.
This is because of the package tocloft, which does not start a new page
between toc, lof, and lot. You have to ins
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
in trying to run dvi I do not get an dvi output, but instead the following
! Unable to read an entire
what happens, when you create a doc which only loads this file?
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Herbert Voß wrote:
write into the preamble
This does not work with the optional argument. Any idea?
the easieast way:
Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
Shrug. This looks like a KOMA bug to me. If you nest the dictum environment
into a chapterpreamble, it works. You have to use some ERT like in the
attached file and place the whole thing *above* the chapter heading.
BTW: You can toggle dictum fonts with
Gordon Wells schrieb:
Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately I'm already using a modified mwbk
class and I'm a bit reluctant to change to another float system at this
should be anyway no problem ...
stage. I've managed to manually adjust caption width using the ccaption
package though. What I would li
Gordon Wells schrieb:
I know I've posted this before, but there was no reply. I would like to
know if it is possible to make captions automatically adopt the width of
their respective figures and tables in particular. I guess this can be
hacked a bit using wrapfloats but they seem to be a bit unrel
Raphael Clifford schrieb:
I have produced a document in lyx 1.3.2 using various postscript images
(some in eps). When I export it as postscript I can view it in portrait
but not in landscape (using gv). Landscape gives me a postscript
interpreter error.
no problem here
P.S. gv 3.5.8, gs 7.05
Andre Poenitz schrieb:
without ams you'll get the default font size,
not scriptstyle.
New Doc, C-m R _ R, 'show dvi' gives me two 'R' in different sizes.
Am I misunderstanding the problem?
okay, a misunderstanding. I meant the superscript not beeing
in mathmode.
Andre Poenitz schrieb:
On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 10:20:30AM +0530, Joby Joseph wrote:
Sorry got it. AMS required...
I don't think so.
without ams you'll get the default font size,
not scriptstyle.
David Obadia schrieb:
My problem is the following:
I'm trying to get 2 consecutive definitions to be considered separate
ones. But if I give them the same layout, LyX will merge them (using AMS
at least).
I was told to ask here for a workaround. Is there a bug fix planned for
insert a new lin
Rich Shepard schrieb:
While I'm becoming more familiar with LyX and LaTeX, I would like some
help in entering equations such as the following:
/0 if f(x) < sup f
| R_i
Paul Smith schrieb:
as far as I know, LyX doesn't know the dfrac macro. You can
write into the preamble
then every frac is written as a \dfrac macro.
Splendid! It works! Just being curious: your solution affects all fractions;
is there some way of having the t
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
(Put \usepackage{floatflt} in the LaTeX Preamble if there are no other
floats in the document)
I tried several places (around the figure, around figure + legends, before and
after the float) but none seems to work.
Please give me a hint
this I posted to comp.text.te
Paul Smith schrieb:
Dear All,
I would like to know whether it is possible to insert, by pressing a button,
a \dfrac into a LyX document. Could somebody here please help me ?
as far as I know, LyX doesn't know the dfrac macro. You can
write into the preamble
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