Just starting with LyX and LaTex , I learned for T2 font package that allows using of
cyrillic fonts. There was not difficult to make simple tex file using this package an
to print a good optput page with cyrillic text on it. Could I do it with LyX?
At 09:54 20.10.2000 'ã.'tory.lst, you wrote:
>You should probablt get a version of your xforms library compiled for
>glibc2. You can find one on the xforms download sites (not sure about
>where to get a rpm, though).
Yes , thank you. Now everiting works fine.
At 16:18 18.10.2000 'ã.'tory.lst, you wrote:
>This looks wrong to me. I don't know what you mean 4.11 version, but
>generally you never copy anything to /usr/X11R6. Instead, you do a
>sequence of steps "configure (with options)" "make" and "make install"
>which does they copying and it makes sur
At 10:58 16.10.2000 'ã.'tory.lst, you wrote:
>>>>>> "CEO" == CEO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>CEO> Hi Trying to compile LyX 1.1.5 after ./congigure I get the
>CEO> following: ... Cannot find libXpm library ... This library exist
Trying to compile LyX 1.1.5 after ./congigure I get the following:
Cannot find libXpm library
This library exist in my /usr/X11R6/lib directory, version 4.11. Following
instructions in ISTALL file I tryed:
./configure --with-extra-lib=/usr/X11R6/lib
and received the same error mes
Please help me. I'm tryng to get LyX to produce files with cyrillic ( bulgarian)
fonts and print them. What do I have: KLyX 0.7x (I'm going to compile LyX.1.1.5 in 2-3
days) , ghostscript and one real Type 1 cyrillic font all installed on RedHat 6.2. My
goal is to use this font for L