Hello Please help me. I'm tryng to get LyX to produce files with cyrillic ( bulgarian) fonts and print them. What do I have: KLyX 0.7x (I'm going to compile LyX.1.1.5 in 2-3 days) , ghostscript and one real Type 1 cyrillic font all installed on RedHat 6.2. My goal is to use this font for Lyx screen and at the same time for PostScript output and printer. For the LyX screen it's OK. But I couldn't get this font into the output *.ps file that LyX produces - there are only %$&%&*^ in GhostView. It is not ghostscript - he knows about the font. What should I do? To investigate LyX or Ghostscript's options/conf. files? Maybe substitution of fonts? 10x in advance. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com