5) In the minipage with table insert an ERT with the following
using package capt-of allows
\captionof{table}{the caption tex}
I thought there was such a solution. I just could not find it.
Thanks, I'll add this to the wiki instead.
Matthew Gates wrote (10.11.2005 09:19):
> On Wednesday 09 November 2005 19:16, K. Elo wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I installed JabRef a couple of days ago and have a simple problem:
> > I just cannot open my bibtex (.bib) file created and maintained
> > with KBiBTeX. Each time I try the following er
Martin A. Hansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Hi Martin!
> so my suggestion is: how about joining in in #lyx/freenode with in a certain
> time-window every day? would european evening time be best?
Good idea :-)
I apologize for being so ignorant not to know for the #lyx :-(
Johan Ingvast wrote:
> Johan Ingvast wrote:
>> Hi
>> Since I don't want to spend too much space in my article, I'd like to
>> have a table just next to a figure inside one float.
>> I want a figure caption on the figure and a table caption on the table.
>> I've tried different ways but not
On Wednesday 09 November 2005 19:16, K. Elo wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed JabRef a couple of days ago and have a simple problem: I
> just cannot open my bibtex (.bib) file created and maintained with
> KBiBTeX. Each time I try the following error message appears:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
hello list members
the lyx mailing list is busy as always, and it is delightful to see all
sorts of questions (also off topic ones) are answered and debated in a
friendly atmosphere.
i was wondering if some of the lengthy threads would benefit from being
discussed on IRC - and i am wondering why
The recent thread 'Forget Windows' produced lot of traffic and different
solutions/suggestions were thrown out.
Thinking about it, I got an idea which I'm presenting here.¹
Lars wrote: "Note that code share is in the very high 90's %. It is
packaging that takes time, and you won't get that
Dear list,
The usual way to use bibtex / natbib is
1. use bibtex database, (insert -> bib and toc -> bibtex reference)
2. turn onnatbib from layout -> document
3. insert citation reference, select references and choose citation style.
Problem occurs when I use bib entries directly (key some,
I installed teTeX-3.0 some time after building LyX-1.3.5 (Qt). I had
been running teTeX-1.0.7. The Latin Modern fonts are installed as
part of the teTeX-3.0 installation, and I can use them in the normal
text of a LyX document via the FAQ instructions \usepackage{lmodern}.
However, the dropped c
Thanks to everyone who answered.
Ah, yes, I missed the meaning of this multicolumn check. And yes, I do
have TableExamples.lyx but didn't know about it.
Who needs intuitive when you can ask questions to a user's group?
I installed JabRef a couple of days ago and have a simple problem: I
just cannot open my bibtex (.bib) file created and maintained with
KBiBTeX. Each time I try the following error message appears:
at net.sf.jabref.imports.OpenDatabaseAction.openIt(Un
Johan Ingvast wrote:
Since I don't want to spend too much space in my article, I'd like to
have a table just next to a figure inside one float.
I want a figure caption on the figure and a table caption on the table.
I've tried different ways but not come up with a satisfying solution.
> "David" == David Wolfson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David> Yes, it would appear that it is. Sorry, bugzilla's not in my
David> mental list of 'places to look for help'.
That's understandable. Thanks for confirming that it is not yet
another issue.
>> I know someone proposed a fix, but I l
On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
Note that you can declare a single cell to be "multicolumn" if you want it
to have unique borders.
Also, if you want the column to have entries left justified, but the column
header to be centered, you need to declare that column header cell
Myriam Abramson wrote:
Is there a way to control the borders of a cell as opposed to a row or
column? I have Lyx 1.3.5.
Basically, I would like the headers of some of my columns to take
several columns.
Highlight the header cells, right click and in the Table Settings tab of
the pop
> David> Having registered a document, if I load it from the master it
> David> is locked, but has no version history, and cannot be unlocked
> David> from lyx. I'm guessing this is something to do with where rcs
> David> logs the changes, but I can't see any relevant looking 'rcs'
> David>
I'm not sure, but I don't think it's possible to redirect stderr
separately on windows.
Depends on the version. Redirection works in XP but not in 9x. (IIRC
there's a free third-party program to implement it in 9x.)
Hi all,
I writing a book (Koma script) in portrait mode,
I want experiment with landascape mode,
all ok, but page of title, extra title and dedicated
appears in portrait.
Is a bug?
Marcelo Acuña
1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam
> "David" == David Wolfson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David> Having registered a document, if I load it from the master it
David> is locked, but has no version history, and cannot be unlocked
David> from lyx. I'm guessing this is something to do with where rcs
David> logs the changes, but I c
_/ On Wed 09 Nov 2005 13:49:06 GMT, [Myriam Abramson] wrote : \_
Is there a way to control the borders of a cell as opposed to a row or
column? I have Lyx 1.3.5.
Basically, I would like the headers of some of my columns to take
several columns.
I assume you are referring to cel
Is there a way to control the borders of a cell as opposed to a row or
column? I have Lyx 1.3.5.
Basically, I would like the headers of some of my columns to take
several columns.
(Thanks to whoever did it for re-subscribing me to the dev list)
I'm making this last post to both lists and then will try to find the
time to look into things on the lyx-devel side.
As I alluded to before, NeXT/OPEN/GNUstep/Cocoa allows one to
dynamically add and remove language support from
Angus Leeming ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Bugzilla, but discuss it first on lyx-devel. It's probably something
> trivial on your side.
OK. I sent it to the dev-list.
> Use the gmane news interface then. You can read and post from
> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.devel
Don't use news a
Helge Hafting wrote:
> Still, I really liked the way lyx 1.3 starts in less than a second.
> Lyx 1.4 needs 5 seconds to start, even with no document and
> debugging turned off.
You are probably compiling with g++'s debug iterators. Try recompiling
having configured with --disable-stdlib-debug and
Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.) wrote:
> I have a .lyxpipe.in and .lyxpipe.out but how can I now set a branch
> to active from the unix command prompt? Are there any examples on
> how to do this?
> If not, is it possible to use an external file to "use" to set the
> status of the branches in an opened
Gour wrote:
> I pulled from the cvs yesterday and it does not compile.
> What is preferred method to report things: dev-list or bugzilla?
Bugzilla, but discuss it first on lyx-devel. It's probably something
trivial on your side.
> (I had negative experience with bugzilla reporting a dead-keys bug
i use suse 10 with lyx 1.3.6 and tetex 3
When i compile my work with pdftex and view it with adobe reader i become
the following error message: "In der Schrift Roman ist der Wert für /Widhts
What can i do?
MfG Jojo
10 GB Mailbox, 100 FreeSMS/Monat http://www.gmx.net/de/
I'm writing a large document, so have a master document with a number of
include files. This all works well, and I normally load the master document
and load the individual files from within it.
Having completed first drafts of some parts of the document, I'm now trying to
use version control.
Angus Leeming wrote:
Yes, fltk is a very nice little toolkit. In fact, it's the successor
to the XForms library that we do use in one of our frontends.
However, before any eager soul jumps on this frontend bandwagon, I'd
like to introduce a note of caution and suggest that you really,
John Coppens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Anyway, I see there is some interest (mine included) for a native GTK+
> version, so I'll try and compile one (I suspect it compiles at least?).
> Who is the person to take contact with for hints/diffs/ etc? Is that John
> Spray?
I pulled from the cvs yes
Gour wrote:
Helge Hafting ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
Not really. The win32 version of lyx does not in any way make it a
more "serious" solution. More accessible of course, but no
more serious.
Who said that?
Me? Marc?
Sorry, seems I messed up the quotation. Look at earlier m
> "Martin" == Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The idea is that each frontend author is free to implement the
>> dialogs as he wants. There is no contraint on their layout and/or
>> text.
Martin> But that's a bug, not a feature, right? We _should_ strive for
Martin> uniformity.
I am trying to get an idea on how to work with lyxserver.
My idea is to have one master document with many child docs where the
master doc sets all branches. Ideally we would also have one master file
and a "config utility" that sets the branches in the state we want them.
I have a .lyxpipe.
> On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Georg Baum wrote:
>> lyx -dbg latex 2>err.log
> I'm guessing this assumes bash or sh as the shell?
On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Georg Baum wrote:
> Abel Fernández Fernández wrote:
> > Is there any way of write debug info in a text file?
> > I do this --> lyx -dbg latex
> > for show debug info, but this write into console.
> You can redirect the standard error output to a file on unix systems:
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