Johan Ingvast wrote: > Johan Ingvast wrote: >> Hi >> Since I don't want to spend too much space in my article, I'd like to >> have a table just next to a figure inside one float. >> >> I want a figure caption on the figure and a table caption on the table. >> >> I've tried different ways but not come up with a satisfying solution. >> I've scanned the archives but not found anything but how to put two >> figures/tables side by side, not the both kinds at the same time. >> >> >> The best I found was to use the nofloat package which has defined >> tabcaption and figcaption separately. This made it possible to make a >> one by two table inside a figure environmen, set a fixed width of each >> column and insert the table and figures inside the cells. >> >> Then manually creating the captions by placing >> ERT: \tabcaption{My table caption} >> in the first cell. And >> ERT: \figcaption{My figure caption} >> in the second cell. >> This is ok, however, I'm not convinced that the nofloat package screws >> other things up. > > > I stumbeled over a solution, different from the other proposed, when > reading the manual for memoir (which is excellent). > Here is the way I think it should be solved. Assuming the first is > figure and the second is a table: > > 1) insert a figure float > 2) Insert two minipages side by side, adjusting their widths > (alternatively a table) > 3) insert the graphics and the table > 4) on the row after graphis and table inside the minimpages create a > caption where the caption text is placed. > 5) In the minipage with table insert an ERT with the following > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
using package capt-of allows \captionof{table}{the caption tex} Herbert