With FAI 3.2.19, I'm trying to install on a host with 3 identical hard
disks a system on Raid5 + LVM. But installation keeps failing in
task_partition, and I can't figure out where my setup-storage config is
disk_config sda
primary -512- -
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Executing: /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2
Command /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2 had exit code 4
Failed to obtain UUID for /dev/sda2
I originally wanted to have one swap slice on each disk, but in this
case the error is on the sdb swap partition:
Executing: /lib/ud
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
So, mysteriously, that information is lost afterwards. Hmm, looking at the code
of vol_id it seems that parted might have overridden the volume id for
/dev/sda2 (instead of /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda3). Could you re-run that failing
installation and, once it abor
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
So, mysteriously, that information is lost afterwards. Hmm, looking at the code
of vol_id it seems that parted might have overridden the volume id for
/dev/sda2 (instead of /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda3). Could you re-run t
# mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda2
# /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda2
I wonder how this mdadm data was still there, though...
Thanks for your help,
Ok, good to know, thanks for testing this. I wonder whether we should do
something about this in set
Alexander Bugl a écrit :
disk_config sda disklabel:msdos
primary / 12G ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro
primary swap4G swap rw
logical /tmp2G ext3 rw createopts="-m 1"
logical /var50G-ext3 rw createopt
Alexander Bugl a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,
thanks for your reply.
disk_config sda disklabel:msdos
primary / 12G ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro
primary swap4G swap rw
logical /tmp2G ext3 rw createopts="-m 1"
logical /var
Alexander Bugl a écrit :
Hi Nicolas!
Could you post the result of the following commands, they are the ones
used by setup-storage to find the disk configuration:
# parted -s /dev/sda unit TiB print
# parted -s /dev/sda unit chs print free
Both produce the same result:
# parted -s /d
Alexander Bugl a écrit :
Tried that, after manually labeling the drive both "parted" commands
produced no errors, so I restarted the installation. But it still stops
with error:
++ debug=1
Calling task_install
Calling task_partition
Partitioning local harddisks using setup-storage
Starting set
Alexander Bugl a écrit :
Oops, I 've missed this line in your former mail, disklist is not
supposed to be empty! Output should be at least "disklist was: sda".
It looks like the nfsroot doesn't see /dev/sda.
After the installation stops with the error, I have a shell on the still
running m
Anyway, now I get this error message instead:
Executing: /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/md0
Command /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/md0 had exit code 2
Failed to obtain UUID for /dev/md0
Error in task partition. Traceback: task_error task_partition task task_install
task task_action task
Hello all,
In Debian Squeeze, the get_volume_group_list function from Linux::LVM
returns sizes in GiB instead of GB, and setup-storage fails on these.
As the module documentation says units are in GB, it looks to me like a
bug in Linux::LVM, caused by a new default behavior of vgdisplay, which
Hello Michael,
After rebuilding my squeeze nfsroot with fai 3.3.4~beta1+experimental3,
setup-storage fails on a disk config that was working with experimental1:
Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at
/usr/share/fai/setup-storage//Volumes.pm line 83, <$config_file>
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Err, sorry, one should really test their code before releasing it.
3.3.4~beta1+experimental7 should be online in a few minutes and finally fix
those problems; at least it worked on my system.
Still failing a little later, I've put the log on
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Err, sorry, one should really test their code before releasing it.
3.3.4~beta1+experimental7 should be online in a few minutes and finally fix
those problems; at least it worked on my system.
Still failing a l
I'm trying to resize the /usr volume while installing a host in squeeze
with 3.3.4~beta2+experimental1, and setup-storage strangely removes the
volume before trying to resize it:
Starting setup-storage 1.2.1+exp
vg0/usr will be resized
Executing: lvremove -f vg0/usr
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
I'm trying to resize the /usr volume while installing a host in
squeeze with 3.3.4~beta2+experimental1, and setup-storage strangely
removes the volume before trying to resize it:
Starting setup-storage 1.2.1+exp
vg0/usr will be resized
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
I think you haven't landed yet :-) There are still some obstacles out there in
space. But let me give you some new coordinates: 3.3.4+experimental1. That
version ought to work better.
Well, /usr is not removed any more, but the kernel seems unhappy :
Hello Michael,
I think you haven't landed yet :-) There are still some obstacles out there in
space. But let me give you some new coordinates: 3.3.4+experimental1. That
version ought to work better.
Well, /usr is not removed any more, but the kernel seems unhappy :
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Hello Michael,
I think you haven't landed yet :-) There are still some obstacles out there in
space. But let me give you some new coordinates: 3.3.4+experimental1. That
version ought to work better.
Well, /usr is not removed any more, but the kernel
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
The much nicer approach is introducing something like preserve_lazy:1 (a tribute
to lazyformat...; but hints for better names are welcome) which causes behaviour
exactly as you described. Shouldn't be too much of a hassle, but I cannot tell
whether it'll be
Hello Michael,
Could you give 3.3.4+experimental2 another chance? That one should not do
pvcreate on volumes that are part of that volume group already.
I found another issue on the LVM resize option : it always preserves the
partition. This is not appropriate, as when resizing /usr like I do o
I found another issue on the LVM resize option : it always preserves
the partition. This is not appropriate, as when resizing /usr like I
do one is expecting the partition to be cleaned before the new
installation. Also, setup-storage fails if the partition does not
already exist :
Can't prese
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
The much nicer approach is introducing something like preserve_lazy:1 (a tribute
to lazyformat...; but hints for better names are welcome) which causes behaviour
exactly as you described. Shouldn't be too much of a has
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
I believe resizing of logical volumes with ext2/ext3 should work as of
3.3.5+experimental1; for the moment, resize2fs will *not* be used on normal
partitions as I'd need to take huge pains to make that work reliably, because
resizing of the underlying partition cannot
In this case, the problem is somewhat unrelated: The partitions don't seem to
fit on disk in this way. That is, there isn't sufficient space for 512 * 1024 *
1024 bytes before sda2.
Was that layout created using setup-storage? Probably yes. What I do suspect is
some rounding issue, and, well t
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
In this case, the problem is somewhat unrelated: The partitions don't seem to
fit on disk in this way. That is, there isn't sufficient space for 512 * 1024 *
1024 bytes before sda2.
Was that layout created using setup-storage? Probably yes. What I do suspect is
In this case, the problem is somewhat unrelated: The partitions don't seem to
fit on disk in this way. That is, there isn't sufficient space for 512 * 1024 *
1024 bytes before sda2.
Was that layout created using setup-storage? Probably yes. What I do suspect is
some rounding issue, and, well th
In this case, the problem is somewhat unrelated: The partitions don't seem to
fit on disk in this way. That is, there isn't sufficient space for 512 * 1024 *
1024 bytes before sda2.
Was that layout created using setup-storage? Probably yes. What I do suspect is
some rounding issue, and, well th
Ok, this will need some more experimental work I'm afraid. Could you try to do
some manual steps and report back before we actually build this into
On that particular host, I'd like to know how
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext3 512B 53687142
You will need one more try, as resize2fs is still complaining:
(CMD) resize2fs /dev/vg0/usr 16777216s 1> /tmp/Hdv5kRmDAd 2> /tmp/FCrWPAlXCo
Executing: resize2fs /dev/vg0/usr 16777216s
Command resize2fs /dev/vg0/usr 16777216s had exit code 1
(STDERR) resize2fs 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Ok, this will need some more experimental work I'm afraid. Could you try to do
some manual steps and report back before we actually build this into
On that particular host, I'd like to know how
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos
parted -s /dev/sda mkpar
Still failing, the last option given to e2fsck seems to be wrong:
Oh well, copy&paste is evil, isn't it? Could you please give
3.4~beta1+experimental6 another try?
e2fsck is still grumpy:
(CMD) e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/usr 1> /tmp/2jcv6xhbVE 2> /tmp/qT7zDl1RU4
Executing: e2fsck -f
e2fsck is still grumpy:
(CMD) e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/usr 1> /tmp/2jcv6xhbVE 2> /tmp/qT7zDl1RU4
Executing: e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/usr
Command e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/usr had exit code 8
(STDERR) e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
(STDERR) e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs
Could you run e2fsck interactively, doing
e2fsck -p -f /dev/vg0/usr
to see whether a safe repair can be done non-interactively? I wonder if your
filesystem is corrupted anyway and that e2fsck run before resize2fs wouldn't
even be necessary otherwise.
Works fine after an fai-sysinfo boo
Is it by any means possible for me to get remote access to that system to do
some more try&error? Otherwise I can just ask to to try to re-do the same steps
setup-storage makes, manually. It's too strange.
I would be happy to give you a remote access but... can't reproduce the
problem to
Today I've got twice the same result with preserve_lazy, where
setup-storage claims that it will preserve volumes, nevertheless
removes them, and then fails because it can't find them. But no
kernel error.
Ok, I had a strange "last;" to break out of the lo
Context: FAI 3.4~beta1+experimental11, disk is empty, and the
preserve_lazy option is set for two LVM volumes.
The volume group is not created by setup-storage, pvcreate is followed
by vgextend instead of vgcreate.
I'm pretty sure this has been working before, I think I have
Context: FAI 3.4~beta1+experimental11, disk is empty, and the
preserve_lazy option is set for two LVM volumes.
The volume group is not created by setup-storage, pvcreate is
followed by vgextend instead of vgcreate.
I'm pretty sure this has been working before, I think I have
successfully used
Context: FAI 3.4~beta1+experimental11, disk is empty, and the
preserve_lazy option is set for two LVM volumes.
The volume group is not created by setup-storage, pvcreate is
followed by vgextend instead of vgcreate.
I'm pretty sure this has been working before, I think I have
successfully used i
jurgen.lams...@telenet.be a écrit :
What I exactly want, is making FAI install Ubuntu 8.04/10.04 and CentOS 5.4 on Dell PE1X50/RX10 hardware, and documenting my journey by
creating a step-by-step guide. I want to use Debian Lenny as installserver/mirrorhost (because I want FAI 3.5.5 a
The problem is; I'm stuck at creating the "minimal Ubuntu
system/debootstrap" base image. In other words: what is the next step
after: "apt-get install debootstrap" ?
Roughly, it should be something like this:
# debootstrap hardy /some/where/hardy http://some-ubuntu-mirro
Dionis Hernandez a écrit :
that such companions
I'm having problems with fai-setup when you create the debian chroot
of a squeeze, it is not me creating the initrd.img, which is necessary
in the netboot. I am using the kernel-image-trunk 06/02/1932 NFSROOT
the file.
You need to use option -U
Using FAI 3.4~beta6+experimental2 (also checked with experimental4 this
morning) for squeeze and LVM, I have a funny fstab problem.
setup-storage looks in /dev/ during installation to build
(CMD) readlink -f /dev/vg0/var 1> /tmp/mPvYMCBCMk 2> /tmp/TcD7OA66rq
Executing: re
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,
Using FAI 3.4~beta6+experimental2 (also checked with experimental4
this morning) for squeeze and LVM, I have a funny fstab problem.
setup-storage looks in /dev/ during installation to
build /etc/fstab:
(CMD) readlink -f /dev/vg0/var 1> /tmp/mPvYMCBC
Hello Michael,
please send a patch against debian-old-2.0 branch of live-boot, thanks.
Patch against debian-old-1.0 (couldn't find debian-old-2.0 in
public live-boot, though shouldn't be a difference):
Michael Prokop a écrit :
* Nicolas Courtel [Mon Aug 30, 2010 at 11:42:33AM +0200]:
I have a similar problem (/var/lib/fai doesn't exist in the aufs system)
with a squeeze nfsroot built from fai 3.3.5 experimental (Lenny), and the
patch does not fit in live-initramfs 2.0.0-1 th
mamadou diop a écrit :
Hello, i have configured my /srv/fai/config/disk_config/FAIBASE so
that after installation the Windows
partition is preserved. I am sure that the Windows partition is
preserved because during installation,
setup_harddisks told me that the /dev/sda1 driver was going to be
When installing in Squeeze a host which was in Lenny, I want to preserve
user data, using a setup-storage config that has worked with an older
version of FAI (well, I'm not so sure, let's say it might have work some
day...); the result is the same with 3.4.4, 3.4.5, and 4.0experimental4
we are currently testing a FAI-Squeeze installation and struggled with the
grub2 installation. We are using the FAI-server v 3.4.5 and install the current
Squeeze grub-ps package v 1.98+20100804-8.
After the installation the system does not boot from the hard drive. It turned
out that '/us
Hello Michael,
The full log is there: http://paste.debian.net/101879/
As I'm utterly slow in processing all mails right now I am too late - the paste
has expired. Could you paste it again, or, even better, send the logs via email?
Of course, here it is. I should have posted it at on
Le 17/12/2010 09:23, Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Use of uninitialized value $p in concatenation (.) or string at
/usr/share/fai/setup-storage//Init.pm line 289.
/dev/sda2 will be preserved
vg0/local will be preserved
(CMD) parted -s /dev/sda mklabel msdos 1> /tmp/A_p3dpsLFC 2> /t
I hope to have addressed all the above problems in
Could you please give that one another try and report back? Could you
even send debug logs in case it works fine? As said in the other
thread just
moments ago, I'm trying to to a bit of cleanup work as well.
Hello Michael,
Executing: mdadm --examine --scan --verbose -c partitions
Previous partitions overflow begin of preserved partition /dev/sda2
I tried several values for the /local volume, but always get the
same message. Here's the debug format.log, which happens to be
pretty short.
Le 10/01/2011 14:49, mamadou diop a écrit :
After creating my virtual machine with xen-tools and restartn xend, i
have this error:
grep:/proc/xen/capabilities: No such file or directory
You might want to check whether /proc/xen has been mounted, and post
your problems about Xen to th
Le 16/06/2011 12:14, Ahmed Altaher a écrit :
Dearest all,
I succeded installing Ubuntu 10.10 from Debian squeeze based FAI.
But my problem is; how could I preserve the 1st partition that
includes Windows 7.
my disk config is
disk_config sda preserve_always:1,2 bootable:3
primary - 0 - -
Le 04/10/2011 18:01, John G. Heim a écrit :
Before we go any further on this problem, I should ask if anybody else
is creating dual-boot systems with Windows 7 and FAI? I think an
important thing to know would be whether this is a FAI problem or if
its just me. I am doing a rather weird Win7 i
Le 24/11/2011 12:10, Natxo Asenjo a écrit :
disk_config sda bootable:1
primary/boot 500 ext3 rw
primary- 4096- - -
disk_config lvm
vg my_pv sda2
my_pv-_swapswap 2048swap sw
my_pv-_root/ 2048ext3 rw
which is
Trying to install a wheezy host using FAI 4.0~beta3+experimental7, I
have some troubles with setup-storage; the current disk partitioning is
the following:
sda1 = primary partition for /boot
sda2 = primary partition for lvm volumes = vg0/root, vg0/usr, ...
The new partitioning should
I note the same problem since a few days, only on amd64 arch : the name
of the NFS server is missing in front of :/srv/fai/nfsroot.
It's not an FAI bug, as FAI has not started at this time, it looks more
to me like a kernel bug. FAI 4 has been working fine for me before this
bug has sho
Le 13/06/2012 13:56, Thomas Lange a écrit :
> I note the same problem since a few days, only on amd64 arch : the name
> of the NFS server is missing in front of :/srv/fai/nfsroot.
> It's not an FAI bug, as FAI has not started at this time, it looks more
> to me like a kern
Le 12/06/2012 19:14, Steve B. a écrit :
I keep getting the error when the target boots; Trying netboot from
:/srv/fai/nfsroot .. Begin: Trying nfsmount -o nolock - ro
:/srv/fai/nfsroot /live/image .. nfsmount: can't parse IP address ' ',
then an endless loop of error can't parse IP address ' '
Le 14/06/2012 17:28, Michael Senizaiz a écrit :
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Nicolas Courtel <mailto:cour...@cena.fr>> wrote:
Le 12/06/2012 19:14, Steve B. a écrit :
I keep getting the error when the target boots; Trying netboot
from :/srv/fai/nfsroot .. Begin: Trying nf
On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 3:13 AM, Nicolas Courtel <mailto:cour...@cena.fr>> wrote:
Le 14/06/2012 19:00, Michael Senizaiz a écrit :
What kernel are you using? Are you using 'boot=live'? The
boot= tells it what script in scripts/ to run after i
Le 15/06/2012 17:46, Nicolas Courtel a écrit :
Well, I'm sure now that the problem is not related to FAI or to my
config : I just need to build the nfsroot with the 27th May Wheezy
snapshot to make my server work fine (of course the initrd only is
Between this snapshot an
Le 24/09/2012 14:03, Thomas Lange a écrit :
On Fri, 21 Sep 2012 22:06:27 +0200, Michał Dwużnik
> by the way - what are the default options of mounting the NFS by FAI
when installing?
> (rsize in particular, atime?)
Using a squeeze install server and FAI 3.4.8 I get these NFS
I'm trying to use dracut in FAI 4.0.5 on a wheezy 64bits server, and the
initial boot on nfsroot quickly goes into kernel panic:
[ 11.578824] dracut: Mounted root filesystem
[ 11.581213] aufs: module is from the staging directory, the quality
Le 23/01/2013 20:54, Sven Schumacher a écrit :
Hello Nicolas,
It looks very similar to my first steps using FAI:
So you tried already adding :vers=3 to your cmdline after the
root=a.b.c.d:/srv/fai/nfsroot in your /srv/tftp/fai/pxelinux.cfg/HOSTNAME
which you created using fai-chboot ?
Is the
Le 24/01/2013 11:22, Thomas Lange a écrit :
>>> I'm trying to use dracut in FAI 4.0.5 on a wheezy 64bits server, and
the initial boot on nfsroot quickly goes into kernel panic:
>>> [ 11.578824] dracut: Mounted root filesystem
FAI 4.0.5 behaves differently from my old 4.0 beta on 2 points, I wonder
if those are bugs or features;
1. In fai-make-nfsroot, procedure copy_fai_files(), the following line
has been added before the script copies the fai configuration files:
return # do not copy fai files at al
Le 10/06/2014 02:41, Peter Keller a écrit :
I have a question:
Sometimes, maybe 2% of the time, when FAI 4.2 finishes installing and is
shutting down to reboot, I get into a state where messages are logged to
the screen about NFS not responding, and then ok, and then not respondi
Hello Bruno,
You need to install also the packages cryptsetup-initramfs and
cryptsetup-run, which may not be installed automatically with cryptsetup.
Le 13/10/2021 à 11:29, bruno pinto a écrit :
When I encrypt my client's disk with cryptsetup, at the end of the installation
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
It was failing when it was trying to insert the unionfs modules. I don't
have the web sites that I found that others were having the same issue. I
just did a Google search on it.
Is there anybody else on the list who has tried to use current FAI on lenny?
To install a multi-boot Vista/Lenny laptop, I need to preserve the first
2 primary partitions of the hard disk.
So I tried the following setup on a test machine, with empty partitions:
disk_config sda preserve_always:1,2 bootable:3
primary /boot 512ext3rw
logical -
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
disk_config sda preserve_always:1,2 bootable:3
primary /boot 512ext3rw
logical - 22000---
disk_config lvm
vg vg0 sda5
vg0-swapswap 2000swapsw
vg0-var /var 2000ext3
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Now sda1 & sda2 are preserved, but setup-storage fails when building the
ext3 filesystem on /boot (debug log is on
http://paste.debian.net/19133/). This is weird, as running 'mkfs.ext3
/dev/sda3' works fine from the shell just after installation has sto
After installing fai 3.2.12, I have a new problem with setup-storage,
with the following disk config; the full log is on
The disk config file is the following:
disk_config sda preserve_always:1 bootable:2
primary - 0-
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
The only thing I've seen that could work better is management of errors
in the disk config file: with the following files, setup-storage seems
to crash, and even suggests to report the bug, whereas it could just say
that the file is lousy.
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
Thanks for the detailed report, this is now known as bug #502462 and fixed in
the experimental packages which are now available using
deb http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/download experimental koeln
in your sources.list (you need to tweak /etc/fai/apt/sources
Michael Tautschnig a écrit :
debug disabled: http://paste.debian.net/19413/,
debug enabled: http://paste.debian.net/19415/,
The second one should be fixed in experimental7, the first one requires a bit
more work it seem
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