Michael Tautschnig a écrit :

disk_config sda preserve_always:1,2 bootable:3
primary     /boot     512    ext3    rw
logical     -       22000-    -    -

disk_config lvm
vg vg0 sda5
vg0-swap    swap     2000    swap    sw
vg0-root    /        6000    ext3    rw
vg0-var     /var     2000    ext3    rw
vg0-usr     /usr     6000    ext3    rw
vg0-local   /local   6000    ext3    rw

The installation works fine, but does not preserve my partitions, /boot goes to sda1. The log is on http://paste.debian.net/18763/.

There are in fact two problems here:

1. Your configuration does not specify the partitions to be preserved; you
should have

disk_config sda preserve_always:1,2 bootable:3
primary  -  0  -  -
primary  -  0  -  -
primary     /boot     512    ext3    rw
logical     -       22000-    -    -

Ok, my mistake, I have been mislead by a sentence on the FAI wiki, that seems to mean that the "preserve" option is now given _only_ on the disk_config line:

"The "preserveX" and "boot" options are one of the options now given on the disk_config line..."

Now sda1 & sda2 are preserved, but setup-storage fails when building the ext3 filesystem on /boot (debug log is on http://paste.debian.net/19133/). This is weird, as running 'mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda3' works fine from the shell just after installation has stopped.

2. There was a bug in setup-storage (just reported as #501772), which your
report made visible (thanks!!): It should not have destroyed your partitions,
but instead have failed because your preserve_always specification and the
disk_config wouldn't have been feasible.
Given the corrected disk_config things should be fine even with the current
setup-storage version, but you might also want to try the experimental packages
from http://fai.alioth.debian.org, which include a fix for #501772.

How am I supposed to use this url? adding it to sources.list doesn't work, as there is no Packages.gz file; shall I just use dpkg?


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