The problem is; I'm stuck at creating the "minimal Ubuntu
system/debootstrap" base image. In other words: what is the next step
after: "apt-get install debootstrap" ?
Roughly, it should be something like this:
# debootstrap hardy /some/where/hardy http://some-ubuntu-mirror/
# tar zc -C /some/where/hardy -f /my/fai/config/basefiles/HARDY.tar.gz .
And then add your host in /my/fai/config/class/50-host-class, with the
HARDY variable, configure disk, packages, etc..., and start the
...and fail, because /etc/apt/sources.list got overwritten during prepareapt.
Well, he's supposed to write a hook for this, it's paragraph e. of his
blog. I was only completing the debootstrap part , no doubt he will also
have problems with the other parts of the configuration like any of us ;-) .