Custom dynamic function

2019-12-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I am trying to make a shortcut which could easily create dynamic texts without having the necessity to create a specific variable each time. Here is my attempt : --- \version "2.19.82" dynI = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line (#:left-align #:normal-text "this is a long

Re: Custom dynamic function

2019-12-17 Thread foxfanfare
I didn't see that post back in time. Thank you, I'll look into that! -- Sent from:

Makefile document improvement

2020-03-15 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I'm currently learning the use of Makefile and how to automate the creation of lilypond files. In the process, it's important to keep a clean repertory structure, as suggested in the documentation

TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, Could anyone could tell me what's wrong with my shortcut? It's printing the spanner correctly but not the text: rit = #(make-music 'TextSpanEvent 'span-direction -1 'span-type 'text 'span-text "rit.") \score { \new Staff \relative c'' {

Re: TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > span-type and span-text are for dynamic text spanners (e.g. > CrescendoEvent). You can set these music properties for a > TextSpanEvent, but Text_spanner_engraver will just ignore them. > > Instead, you should \override or \tweak the bound-details of TextSpanner > to attach

Re: TextSpanner shortcut

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > No worries. Does this help? That's perfect! Thank you very much :) -- Sent from:

Re: TextScript baseline in Dynamics context

2020-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
Stefano Troncaro wrote > Hi Kieren, I was not aware of that function. Thank you for sharing it and > thank you Harm for coding it! Very interesting function! But I think there is a bug when using a separate Dynamics line. See the following example: \version "2.20.0" << \new Staff \relative c'

Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, Quick question, I made the following shortcut which draw an arrow of custom lenght: #(define-markup-command (arrow layout props size) (number?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:line (#:fontsize 3 (#:general-align 0 -1 (#:override (cons (quote thicknes

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
Of course, thanks! -- Sent from:

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
But I don't understand, why is that shortcut also not working then? #(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2) (string? string?) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup { \overtie \line { \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } } } #}))

Re: Markup-Command shortcut

2020-04-10 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > > \version "2.20.0" > > #(define-markup-command (subUp layout props f1 f2) (markup? markup?) >(interpret-markup layout props > #{ \markup \overtie \concat { #f1 \hspace #0.15 #f2 } #})) > > subst = #(define-music-function (f1 f2) (markup? markup?) >#{ \finger

Manual in the terminal

2020-04-17 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I know you can access to the manual page inside a terminal with "info lilypond", but I was wondering if there was also a similar option available to access the "internal documentation", without having an access to the internet and without having to download the pdf page? It would be so hel

GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-09 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I'm trying to configure a template for my orchestral works but I have a problem with the GrandStaff vertical distance. You can take the template proposed in the manual to see the problem: You can see in the str

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-09 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > On 2018-10-09 7:15 am, foxfanfare wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> I'm trying to configure a template for my orchestral works but I have a >> problem with the GrandStaff vertical distance. You can take the >> template >> proposed in the manua

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Thanks for your reply SoundsFromSound, unfortunately, this doesn't solve my problem. I may have been unclear of what the problem is. I tried to understand how it was possible to configure in LP a full score layout. I searched for some templates and read how family groups works (

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > This works better for most of the > cases, but in this example, I was unable to group the celli and double > bass > staves... Answering my own problem here. I don't know how I got it, but after some experimentations, I found: \set StaffGroup.systemStartD

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote >> With a little bit of scheme, it should even be easy to make this into >> a function accepting to parameters, indicating that k staves starting >> with the n'th staff should be braced. > > Here is an implementation of that. Unfortunately I do not know if/how it > is p

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote > Hi, > >> Thank you for this little function Lukas! It is very good and useful. >> Would >> it be possible to add to the list the choice for "square" or "bracket"? >> Some >> editions are using squares for grouping Violins 1-2. >> > Ah, do you mean an extra bracket? No pr

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote > Hi, > >> The StartDelimiterHierarchy gives the possibility to change the first >> bracket by anything you want, for instance: > [...] >> It would be interesting if your function can manage also that! > I guess this is what happens when you start coding before agreeing on

Re: GrandStaff vertical distance

2018-10-13 Thread foxfanfare
Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote > I disagree that LP does not follow the standard engraving rules. It just > seems to me that \new GrandStaff etc. imply a certain semantics which is > perfectly alright for, e.g., an orchestral Piano part, but just does not > apply for the braces connecting Violin 1 and

Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-29 Thread foxfanfare
Hi fellow lilyponders! I would have need some of your help understanding how the Point & Click option works. I switched from Windows to Linux some weeks ago (please be gentle with me, I'm still a noob in this world!) and I'm trying to set-up a minimalist desktop. I've installed ArchLinux and confi

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
Hi Federico, thank you very much for your answer. I managed now to see the exact position with your correct LYEDITOR synthax. One problem solved :-) BTW, I thought I had to make the export variables in my .bash_profile, is there any difference in setting them in the .bashrc file? Still I cannot u

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
Federico Bruni-2 wrote > I have a blog post draft (since some months...) for on > this subject. It's not released yet because I had some troubles > configuring Windows and especially Mac. Hopefully I'll finalize it next > week (the last famous words...). Funny you mention it, I

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-30 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > Still I cannot understand how to mange the URI links. About my > environment, > I'm not using gnome but a minimalist tilling window manager (i3) on a > clean > install of arch. I may have forgotten to install some packages? I checked, > I > have the x

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote > That doesn't tell me whether you run a DE or just a WM. Sorry I thought it was clear as i3 is a WM. I haven't install a desktop environment, the $DESKTOP_SESSION command returns a blank line. I have spent several hours yesterday trying to figure out where the problem is but

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you both for you help. Federico Bruni-2 wrote > How did you install lilypond? From Arch repository? Or from > installer (the .sh file)? Yes I did install Lilypond directly through arch repository via pacman. cat `which lilypond-invoke-editor` returns #!/usr/bin/guile1.8 -s !

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-01-31 Thread foxfanfare
OK, I tried $ vim --servername foo --remote (which gives me the output E247: no registered server named "VIM": Send failed. Trying to execute locally) and also $ vim --servername foo But when opening the PDF file in vim, I still get the same error messages... -- Sent from: ht

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-01 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote > What PDF? Please show the actual commands you used. > > You need to start the server *before* you try to connect to it with a > client: > > $ vim --servername foo > > and then, at a different location, type: > > $ vim --servername foo --remote > > and that should o

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-01 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > And again, what is strange is that I have to launch zathura through vim if > I > want it to react to the link. If I launch the PDF alone in Zathura and > click > on the link, for instance > textedit:///home/remy/Documents/test/ > goes directly

Re: Reducing top margin for a single page in a score

2019-02-04 Thread foxfanfare
Andrew Bernard wrote > I am doing a long string quartet. The full score sits nicely in the middle > of an A4 landscape page with a generous top margin. But there's a solo > viola part that's very dense and the staves fill out the whole page very > tightly right to the bottom, and it looks clumsy be

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-04 Thread foxfanfare
Hey David, David Wright wrote > I'd be interested to know what configuration command you're using in > zathura to handle the clicks. Actually I didn't change anything in my zathura config file yet. I use Zathura + zathura-pdf-poppler as it allows me to update the pdf automatically when it is act

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-05 Thread foxfanfare
Okay, I think I solved the issue. I'll update this post with the correct solution and some of my configuration when I'd be sure it's working properly (for those interested!). -- Sent from: ___ lilypon

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-20 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everybody, I didn't take the time to update the thread earlier because of intense working, but I wanted to write a little more about the issue and the solution that worked. I hope this could help some people who wants to make a working environment for LP between VIM and zathura. BTW everything

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-21 Thread foxfanfare
edes wrote > it's fairly easy to have basic completion, you just need to define a > dictionary for lilypond. Thanks, I'll look into that! David Wright wrote > Had you told us why vim is essential, as opposed to gvim? Because as far as I know, just configure in .bashrc export EDITOR="gvim" is en

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-22 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > That is the reason why I call zathura from within vim. But I understand > your > point and where the problem is. As zathura and vim are sharing the same > terminal, lilypond-invoke-editor message from zathura will appear in my > vim > file... > > So it

Re: Configuration Point & Click

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Hey David, There were some lags on the nabble forum some days ago, and I didn't saw your answer before posting my solution using "nohup". I just tried yours and I think it's better (at least the code is shorter!). And I learnt a new command at the same time:) For those interested, the mapping g

Re: Gvim and lilypond and emacs

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Andrew Bernard wrote > I am beginning to think a more extensive section on setting up point and > click is needed in the manual. Perhaps when I comprehend it and deal with > all the matters like 'press ENTER ...' appearing every time I click the > PDF > and so on I could draft something. I'd still

Re: repeat title

2019-02-24 Thread foxfanfare
Yes, and don't forget to add the page numbers to the right or left with: \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first \number \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mai

Re: The Guide to getting Point and Click going with Gvim under Ubuntu 18

2019-03-01 Thread foxfanfare
I tend to agree with Andrew on that, it may be impossible to set-up a guide that could work in all cases, due to the variety of environments. Maybe it is the reason the original guide is lacking so much of information... >From my perspective in trying to figure out how to make a set-up with VIM, I

Re: The Guide to getting Point and Click going with Gvim under Ubuntu 18

2019-03-01 Thread foxfanfare
Federico Bruni-2 wrote > The main part about point and click in general and the configuration in > Linux is basically ready. I just have to make a final review. > I'll split the Windows part in a new post and probably pass the Mac > post to Davide, if he has time to finalize a draft he sent to me

Re: How to decrase the inbeam space

2019-03-02 Thread foxfanfare
Павел Буданов wrote > Or is there any command for automatic scaling notes with all elements > including beams? > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > lilypond-user@ > > > > example.png (9K) >

Re: \acciaccatura collision

2019-03-18 Thread foxfanfare
I personally don't see that as a bug, since avoiding the collision would make the slur too tiny... -- Sent from: ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I wonder if there is an option to set a staff-padding value for hairpins? I cannot find it, I would like to change the default distance of the hairpins which I find a bit to close to the staves. Here is an example: \relative c { \time 3/4 \clef bass | r4..^"too closed" fis'16~\> 4

Re: Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-19 Thread foxfanfare
Kieren MacMillan wrote > Also, please post examples that compile without errors. =) Oups, yes, here it is: \version "2.19.82" \relative c { \time 3/4 \clef bass | r4..^"too closed" fis'16~\> 4 | f(\! e) -- | (\< 2)\! | 4( ) | g4.( fis8) 4 } \relative c { \time 3/4 \clef bas

Re: Haiprin staff-padding

2019-03-20 Thread foxfanfare
Valentin Villenave-3 wrote > You could try something like: > > \layout { > \context { > \Staff > \override DynamicLineSpanner.outside-staff-padding = #1.5 > } > } Thanks for the tip Valentin, unfortunately, it doesn't work as expected... (I just realized that for some reasons, the f

Automatic beaming with rest

2019-03-31 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I have a score to write with a lot of beaming upon rests. Here is a short example: \relative c' { c8 c c c c c c c c r c r c r c r c[ r c] r c[ r c] r } By default LP make the beam duration of a half note in 4/4. But is there a way to make the second line of my example to look lik

Re: Automatic beaming with rest

2019-03-31 Thread foxfanfare
Kieren MacMillan wrote > The documentation explicitly says “the autobeamer will not put beams over > rests or bar lines” > (;). > I hope someone [with real Scheme-fu] offers you a function/callback/hack > that will do it autom

Function for /score block

2019-04-24 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I have a piano book to write with several individual pieces. I'm currently setting my environments and I have decided to devide in several files all the configuration (one for the meters of all pieces, one for the dynamics, etc.). I am working on a file which will set the layout of the sco

Re: Function for /score block

2019-04-26 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you very much Aaron and David! I didn't really understand your conversation which is above my competences but I was able to adapt your example with my situation. This will save me a lot of time... ! -- Sent from:

RE: Transpose

2019-09-10 Thread foxfanfare
I think the problem is that you're trying to engrave an a\minor chord in the root position from a c\major in second inversion. Lilypond won't guess how to adjust that with the transpose tool. But it should work smoothly if you use the same chord position for each tonality. -- Sent from: http://

Re: \bookpart question

2019-09-18 Thread foxfanfare
Jacques Menu Muzhic wrote > What is the logic behind that being rejected, and the need to use a \paper > block instead, which does what I want actually? I Jacques. I think the page-count should be in a \paper block instead, and at the end. Ex: \bookpart { \new Staff = "HautboisDeux" \wi

Improving ly files readability

2019-09-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, This isn't a topic I was able to find in the archive. It may be not a very interesting subject for most of you, but I hope to learn a bit more about your own practices for making your files more readable and maybe improve mine. By that, I mean, how do you use the comments lines to make cle

Re: Input syntax question

2019-09-30 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > Whether it is prudent to do such a thing is another matter. (: That's interesting, because I find very complicated to deal with variables without any digits... especially when composing multiple pieces works. But why would for instance \"01" not be safe? -- Sent from: http:

Re: Input syntax question

2019-10-01 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > Well, I was commenting more on the use of syntactic elements and emoji > within the name. > > I use letters (e.g. ChorusA, ChorusB) and Roman numerals (e.g. StanzaI, > StanzaII) when naming variables, to avoid the need to use actual numbers > that could be confused for durati

Music function interfere with variable name

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, In my piano scores, I use a lot a music function which can draw little hook to indicate the hand separation. We discussed this in this post : I currently use the code that Harm wrote last year. The

Re: \partial and measure numbers

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
N. Andrew Walsh wrote > As I used to understand it, that first bar, with nothing but a rest, would > count as bar 1. But in my score, it's getting counted as "measure 0". Is > that expected behavior? Hi, The traditional behavior is to not count a partial measure in the total, so yes it should be

MetronomeMark customization

2019-10-11 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I wanted to customize the default appearance of the MetronomeMark. I wrote some little functions to achieve that and I used them a lot in my recent works. But now, I have in mind to prepare a new style sheet for which I would like to avoid as much as possible my customized function, but

Re: Music function interfere with variable name

2019-10-12 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote > Naming a variable X will likely crash LilyPond since X is already used > to designate the X axis and quite a bit of Scheme code depends on it. > Try using longer variable names. That's what I thought. Thank you David. -- Sent from:

Makefile help!

2019-10-16 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, I'm currently working on a big project and learning how to use a makefile for convenience. I'd like to know if some guys here knows how to write a proper loop? I have the following example which can generate the PDF for every single movement of a large set of pieces (there is 35 pieces in

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-17 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote > Try something like: > > piano-solo.%.pdf: \ > $(general) \ > dialogs.%.ily \ > global.%.ily \ > notes.piano-solo.%.ily \ > pedals.%.ily > ... > > Have a look at "Syntax of Static Pattern Rules" in make documentation > $ info make >

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-17 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > I can now choose which piece I want to generate, but do you know how I can > also generate all the 35 pieces with the same command? (if possible) I just understood how to achieve that, sorry for the noise! -- Sent from:

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-18 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > I would suggest using \bookOutputSuffix, but you can certainly use a > little Scheme to concatenate the strings: Is it also possible to use that kind of code with \include ? I tried something like: num = "01" %\include "../../ily/global/global.01.ily" \include #(string-join (

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-18 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote > So you need to > put basically anything after the assignment to "num" before calling the > \include statement. Thanks for your answer David, but I'm sorry I'm not following you here. What should I call before the include statement exactly? Because the whole point is that what

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote > I don't get your point. If you say that the assignment is not placed > somewhere separate from the \include statement, it's a bit hard to see > why you don't just roll the string in question into the \include > statement in the first place. The usual use case for an assignme

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
Hi all, Another question... In the documentation page, about Make, there is that rule which will make the PDF and the MIDI and move them in their own directory. %.pdf %.midi: $(LILY_CMD) $<; \ if test -f "$*.pdf"; then \ mv "$*.pdf" PDF/; \ fi; \ i

Re: Set /bookOutputName to Conjunction of Variable and String

2019-10-19 Thread foxfanfare
Aaron Hill wrote > Would using a function help? Thanks Aaron for your answer. I tried your solution but it crashes in my situation. I think I understood where the problem is, it seems to be because of the use of a variable, for instance: \version "2.19.83" fetch = #(define-scheme-fu

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote > piano-solo.%.pdf: \ > $(general) \ > dialogs.%.ily \ > global.%.ily \ > notes.piano-solo.%.ily \ > pedals.%.ily > ... Little update for those interested by that problem, actually, that solution doesn't work properly. In that example

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
Karl Hammar wrote > Where have you found that? In the LilyPond documentation: I think I found the problem and it is related to that part. I copied the beginning of the example you can see in the documentation, for instance: CPU

Re: Makefile help!

2019-10-20 Thread foxfanfare
foxfanfare wrote > Thanks for the idea. I will look into that, but if I understand correctly, > I > have to launch the command separately from the Makefile? The idea was to > include everything in it... But since I obviously have to change the > beginning of my Makefile and get ri

Re: OpenLilyLib with Windows

2018-04-01 Thread foxfanfare
Hi! I'm a new user of Lilypond and I'm trying to figure out if this software could answer my needs in term of score engraving! I'd like now to include the font bravura but I fear that I'm also stuck with the same problems I read in this topic! I also work with Windows 10, Lilypond 2.19.80 and F

Re: OpenLilyLib with Windows

2018-04-01 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you for your quick answer! I allready read this notation reference page, but I was confused with other articles wich refered to this openLilyLib stuff... When I applied your settings with #(set-global-staff-size 17) and later #:factor (/ staff-height pt 20), I find the result a bit strange

Re: OpenLilyLib with Windows

2018-04-01 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you for your answer! It is also wonderful to see such an active community! I guess I'll have to learn a lot more by reading all the notation guide before bothering everybody! -- Sent from: ___ l

First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-02 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everybody, Instead of spoiling the thread about OpenLilyLib I started to ask some questions, I thought better to start a separate thread in order to ask some of my newbie questions! I started working on LilyPond

Re: OpenLilyLib with Windows

2018-04-02 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you for all your answer. I started a separate thread for my other questions. Andrew Bernard wrote > Amusingly, the thing I like most about lilypond is that out of the box > with > no tweaking it looks nothing l

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-02 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you for answering Helge. I didn't know the code was necessary to solve my issue! Here is the excerpt : > \version "2.19.80" > \language "english" > > %Definitions and shorthands > > % switch from upper staff to lower and vice versa > toLH = { \change Staff = "LH" \voiceOne } > to

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-02 Thread foxfanfare
The problem was solved thanks to Brian B ! For those interested, I used the override command to add some space within the two staves: \overrideProperty Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-system-details #'((alignment-distances . (12.5)))

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-03 Thread foxfanfare
New question: Is it normal in those measures that the slurs in voiceOne of the left hand are too long and doesn't fix themselves with the 8th notes stem? Does this mean I have to "shape" all of them or am I missing something here?

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-05 Thread foxfanfare
David Kastrup wrote > To wit: mapping primordial piano music with its > loose relation of notes and ad-hoc voices and connecting articulation to > LilyPond's concepts is pretty much the worst-case of complex music you > can deal with. Orchestral/choral/symphonic music is comparatively > straightfo

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-06 Thread foxfanfare
Thank you for your comments David. If I understand correctly what you are implying, maybe learning lilypond in order to engrave complex piano music isn't a such good idea after all? -- Sent from: ___

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-06 Thread foxfanfare
All right! Thank you for all your encouraging comments. So I'll continue my efforts in learning this awesome but complex software. I have two weeks of vacations coming on, so more time to figure it out! Unfortunately, I have to start learning with this kind of piano piece because 95% of my work ar

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
ge this default behavior?! But after reading this post <> wrote by Janek Warchoł, I start to think maybe it is usual to adjust them manually! :-) Mark wrote > FoxFanFare, > > I set Chopin's Nocturne No. 12.

RE: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote > Urs, > > The link provided is nothing like the Chopin Etude #23, Op. 25 No 11 in my > Paderewski edition. > Hofstadter in his book "Goedel, Escher, Bach: The Golden Braid" offers a > mathematical/contrapuntal analysis. > > Mark Because it's Godowsky :-) 53 Studies on

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-09 Thread foxfanfare
I checked with Gould book and upload an extract. gould.jpg Thomas Morley-2 wrote > Instead I had a quick look through some editions of major publishers. > As a result I wouldn't say the end of the Slur should always "align > itself w

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Simon Albrecht-2 wrote > On 09.04.2018 20:24, foxfanfare wrote: >> \scaleDurations 2/3 { c16( f' aes \clef treble f'[ d f~] } > > By the way, I use c16*2/3 in such cases. > > Best, Simon Thanks for the tip! It is indeed very convenient! *** I have a new question

\include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everyone, I want to use the /include command to separate my style sheet, as suggested by some of you. I made two files : "" which contains the music, and "configuration.ily" for my house-style. The files are in the same folder and I can get it easily to work on my local computer drive.

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Sorry. Here it is: Thx -- Sent from: _

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Thanks for your answers. In fact, I just found the problem isn't due to the \include command but more in the original "ly" file that doesn't work (apparently) when it is placed on my NAS! ... even if the directory of the NAS is added in Frescobaldi. For exemple: 1. I generate in Frescobaldi a ch

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Giampaolo Orrigo wrote > I had success in doing it, but instead of using IP addresses I mapped the > remote drive to a logical drive. Maybe you want to try that. > > Giampaolo Orrigo, MBA It worked! Thank you very much Giampaolo, problem solved! :) I don't know if this "bug" come from Frescobal

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
SoundsFromSound wrote > On 4/12/2018 11:54 AM, foxfanfare wrote: > So I am very sorry for the delay. I've recorded over 20 new > videos but am still editing many of them. I hope that my tutorials can > continue to help others discover the amazing capabilities (and > communi

Override music fonts for specific glyphs

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everyone, I can't figure out very clearly how music fonts work in LilyPond. I installed properly several fonts which I can use easily with the command: \paper { #(define fonts (set-global-fonts … )) That's fine, but is it possible then to change the font for a specific glyph? I

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote > I see no filenames. I only see // which > looks like an incomplete URL, but lacking its protocol (like HTTP:). > I can only assume when you mapped the files to a drive letter, > you got the syntax correct. Would this reference help? > > https://msdn.

Re: Override music fonts for specific glyphs

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
Noeck wrote > Hi, > > I also asked that some time ago. I can’t find the thread (I am > notoriously bad at finding anything on the list archive). > I use it for the clef. > > This should work: Oh thanks! I also searched the forum about this subject and yet cannot succeed to find this thread! I wa

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
SoundsFromSound wrote > Yes, you're correct. It's a valid shared path (don't worry about the > Samba share stuff). > > When I map drives for sharing like this, I have success using the > computer name vs. the IP, for what it's worth - even though both > *should* work for all applications... >

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-12 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote > Then I think that's the filename you need to use. I assume > "Starting lilypond-windows…" means you're running on a windows box. Oh I see what you mean. But no! Frescobaldi starts compiling with this Starting lilypond-windows.exe ... but I'm running on Windows 10...

Re: \include command and local network folders

2018-04-15 Thread foxfanfare
David Wright wrote > It might be worth posting screenshots of Fresco failing with correctly > specified filenames, particularly if you want to report a bug. > > What happens if you run your test file directly from LP, both .ly > and .ily files—does that work correctly? If so, there may be a > prob

Ottava mark: edge dashed line

2018-04-16 Thread foxfanfare
Hi everyone, I cannot figure why I cannot change the ottava mark as I'd like. I am interested in using a dashed line, but also for the right edge, as shown in this exemple:

Re: Ottava mark: edge dashed line

2018-04-16 Thread foxfanfare
Oh, I just found a clue to do that: \version "2.19.80" \relative c' { \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details = #`((left . ((Y . 0) ; Change the integer here (attach-dir . ,LEFT) (padding .

Re: Ottava mark: edge dashed line

2018-04-16 Thread foxfanfare
Noeck wrote > Thanks. The dotted-line sounds better than a dashed-line with > dash-fraction zero. But the output seems to be the same and the issue in > the top-right corner, too. The dots are not aligned. It just depends on > how long the line is. I don't understand your issue, for me it looks gr

Re: Consistent vertical alignment of annotations, disable time signiture

2018-04-16 Thread foxfanfare
Robert Hickman wrote > Works correctly, I found variations on the following with google, which > was > giving a syntax error: > > \context { \Staff \omit TimeSignature} If I understood correctly, this syntax is good, but works for the layout block as a "global" preset. \omit Staff.TimeSignature

Re: Ottava mark: edge dashed line

2018-04-16 Thread foxfanfare
Noeck wrote > As I said, I think it’s a question where the line starts: on the left or > on the right and then it’s kind of luck how they meet in the corner. I see what your means. But even if the line started on right, you'll get the same problem at the left then no? The distance from the "8" tex

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