foxfanfare wrote
> That is the reason why I call zathura from within vim. But I understand
> your
> point and where the problem is. As zathura and vim are sharing the same
> terminal, lilypond-invoke-editor message from zathura will appear in my
> vim
> file...
> So it would seem a better way to configure that would be to set a shortcut
> which first opens a new terminal and then launch zathura within... I'll
> try
> to figure this out, right now I don't know how to achieve that...

After a lot of experiments, I think I found the correct way to manage it.
Here is my new configuration in lilypond.vim 

" <F6>  view pdf with zathura 
map <buffer> <F6> :!i3-sensible-terminal -e nohup zathura "%<.pdf" &

Now vim opens a new terminal (i3-sensible-terminal could be replaced by
whatever terminal you use) and launch zathura in it before closing it. Now
messages from zathura are not interfering with the original ly file.
Everything works as expected! The only little annoying thing is that a new
file called nohup.out is created in the home directory. I guess it may be
common in linux, I'm not used to that, I personally don't like to see a lot
of files or folders I haven't created in my home directory...

So, I think I finally managed to get working correctly Point & Click in vim,
thought it wasn't as easy as I would have expected... Thank you everyone who
helped me solving that issue, especially Federico and David for the time
they spent trying to replicate my problem and helped me figuring it out!

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