Hi all,

Another question... In the documentation page, about Make, there is that
rule which will make the PDF and the MIDI and move them in their own

%.pdf %.midi: %.ly
        $(LILY_CMD) $<; \
        if test -f "$*.pdf"; then \
            mv "$*.pdf" PDF/; \
        fi; \
        if test -f "$*.midi"; then \
            mv "$*.midi" MIDI/; \

For my project, I would like to create new folders in the PDF and MIDI
directory because I have to many files. As I am working on a project with
different versions, I would like for instance to do something like
PDF/versionA/... PDF/versionB/... etc. which would be more easy to navigate.

Does someone knows how I can test if the filename contains for instance
versionA in it, then if true, move it to its specific folder? I am
struggling with that problem for several days now but I'm not able to find
the solution...

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