Hi Reinhold, hi everybody,
I find the new documentation layout very impressive, but there's one
feature I'm still missing: the integrated search function!
In the attached html page I have pasted (in a very basic way) a search
box at the top of the tocframe; this is more or less the kind of
2008/9/22 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Would it be possible technically to specify the showLastLength value when
> invoking lilypond instead of putting it in the .ly file? Something like
Yes! Great idea!
(my useless post du jour :-)
2008/9/22 Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That's hard, it probably needs AJAX...
I swear I'll look into the AJAX thingy as soon as I get a life (and
that answers your question about my opera, btw...)
There are several resources such as
2008/9/23 Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In a sigle-staff score, I want to add a manual break but I do not want
> the broken line to be adjusted to the score width.
There's something like
ragged-last = ##t
that does exactly what you're looking for.
2008/9/23 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/9/23 Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> In a sigle-staff score, I want to add a manual break but I do not want
>> the broken line to be adjusted to the score width.
> There's something like
> r
2008/9/23 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We have one on the main page of lilypond.org, but unfortunately
> it often finds hits in old versions of the documentation first.
Hadn't we solved this problem by adding an appropriate robots.txt?
2008/9/24 Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> TIA for any hints how to improve that.
A solution would be to tweak your title markup to give it some
padding; have a look at the padding commands described on
2008/9/22 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Several sections of the Learning Manual and most of the first
> two Chapters of the Notation Reference are ready for review by users, and it
> would be good to bring these to the best possible state before 2.12 is
> released.
Greetings Trevor,
2008/9/27 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Well, I didn't get enough info from this posting to do what I originally
> wanted to do (i.e. hack Lilypond itself to add this option--it would have
> been enough if I knew anything about programming, I guess)
Well, sooner or later someone will find a
2008/9/26 Toine Schreurs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is it possible to insert a blanc first page in that case?
One of the most gifted LilyPonders out there, Nicolas Sceaux, has
posted an example of title page at
(beware, it requires the latest 2.11 series and w
2008/9/29 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I haven't had the time to read all the discussions related to the new
> web layout of the 2.11 documentation, but wonder if I'm the only one who
> miss the possibility to view the full table of contents with all
> subsections expanded.
Hi Mats,
I d
2008/9/30 Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Does anyone else feel like we're doomed to follow Reinhold having good ideas
> only weeks after he's already had them;)
Hehe, this is exactly how I feel right now :-)
2008/10/1 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is this possible now? I'm running into this problem.
Yes, me too. But since I use music functions everywhere, I'm getting
used to typing commands before the affected music.
2008/10/1 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I ran your file with the same results (built Lilypond yesterday from git
> source). I'm on Ubuntu Linux 8.04 if that makes a difference.
This file compiles successfully on Linux64 with a 5-days-old git.
I removed the rest-merging function, by the wa
2008/10/1 Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Now I rebuilt LilyPond with --disable-optimising and it does not segfault
> anymore. I remember having had other issues with the default optimisation on
> my GCC 4.1.2 (from Gentoo), that cause strange formatting problems.
I've just recompiled fr
2008/10/2 Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is there a way to tell Pango, which font to use for this lyric tie? If
> I have both Arial Unicode and DejaVuLGC installed and would like to
> specify that DejaVuLGC was used.
I don't know if this will help, but I've added a link to NR 1.8.3
Greetings everybody,
after six months of hard work (and a significant hair loss as far as
Graham is concerned :-)
I'd like to declare that I officially don't feel competetent enough to
find anything more on my own to improve the 1.8 section of the
Notation Reference, aka "Text".
(and, yes, the fo
2008/10/2 Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I even uninstalled LP an reinstalled it several times rebooting in
> between. I'm slowly running out of ideas. Does anyone have any
> pointers that might help? If you think a verbose log file might help
> solving this, I'll be happy to send you one
2008/10/3 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Be afraid. Be very afraid. :)
I am. Why do you think it took me eight months to complete this section? :-)
> - inspirational headword only uses \italics. Boring. (yeah, I
> know it fits the theme of Beethoven stuff, but since NR 2
> doesn't al
2008/10/3 John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It may be possible to parallelize some portions of LilyPond code to take
> advantage of multi-core machines, which gradually become quite common,
> I'm tempted to have a look at it in the next months, but don't hold your
> breath :-)
Way to go!!!
2008/10/3 Steven Padalino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There seems to be a new notation for text that I can't find mention of
> anywhere in the docs yet. "^" places text above the staff, "_" places it
> below the staff. Now there's "-". What does that do? Based on the
> examples given it looks like i
2008/10/5 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Do you honestly consider LaTeX to be a "word processor"?
Well, at least my personal source of knowledge and wisdom says so:
"LaTeX (pronounced /ˈleɪtɛx/ or /ˈleɪtɛk/) is a document markup
language and document pre
2008/10/5 Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wow, Mark, that is really cool! This should be added to the LSR.
>> Would you like me to add it?
> Sure! But here's a slightly different version that demonstrates the
> con
2008/10/6 sdfgsdhdshd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In the pdf file, lines #3 and #4 collide; i would like between them the same
> space as between #1 and #2, or #4 and #5.
Just add a \null before the second \line.
lilypond-user mailing
2008/10/6 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Can't normal users tag stuff with "docs"? Your or Neil would
> still need to Approve it, but surely you still want normal users
> to indicate whether they think it should be included in the docs
> or not.
Yes, I meant "Approve".
That being said, w
2008/10/6 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Well, your personal source of knowledge and wisdom sucks.
Matter of generation: not everybody was lucky enough to live at the
glorious era of usenet, you know :-)
> I recommend removing \markuplines from the @predef, and change the
> final paragrap
2008/10/6 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> OK, I added it (my first, so please check it out
> and fix it up if necessary). I'd like to ref it
> in the docs.
Hi Trevor,
which one is it?
(PS you may obtain
2008/10/6 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think your conclusion is wrong. As far as I can understand,
> rehearsal marks always ignore the keep-inside-line setting,
Thies: but IIRC they *do* obey to
\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
(in case you need a workarou
2008/10/7 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ravel and Debussy are both PD, as are the early Webern that were published
> in the U.S. before the 1920s.
All of these are unfortunately still held hostages by the French publishers :-(
But six bars of Ravel won't hurt.
2008/10/7 Grammostola Rosea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Wouldn't it be a good idea to have an embedded search engine on the website?
> It would searching for a specific term a bit more easy...
As it happens, I have hired a web-dev to work on it (well, my little
brother actually, but he's still chargin
2008/10/8 Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Han-Wen? Any chance to improve the slur algorithm to fix this?
I'd happily add it to the tracker, but I'd need a report and
(preferably) a png image of what LilyPond does and what it should do.
2008/10/8 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> \relative c' {
> % default, when slur is forced to stem side
> c^( d)
> % positioned manually
> \once \override Slur #'positions = #'(0.8 . 1.2)
> c4^( e)
> % default positioning if there are three or more.
> c^( d e2 f)
> }
Thanks, added as http
2008/10/7 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Aaron,
> maybee this could help You:
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=390
... or (better) this one:
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/9 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> All the more reason to have it available to us! I've submitted the request
> to bug-lily as suggested so perhaps it will appear in a future release.
Nothing yet on the bug list; may I remind you that as a non-subscriber
the first line of any mail yo
2008/10/8 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Just a note to say "thanks" to whoever implemented \drummode and wrote the
> docs for percussion. I finally got around to checking this out today and I
> should have done it ages ago. In my orchestral piece I'd been using normal
> mode in the percuss
2008/10/9 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Werner: I don't know anything about metafont (how the hell do you
write a metafont glyph? Do you write plain source code, or are there
graphic editors somewhere?) but I have tried to draw a glyph in
FontForge (see attached file, you
2008/10/9 Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ah, ok. I'm using 2.10.33 . I'll try the change you propose.
Hi Sebastian,
Most of the collision problems have been fixed in the 2.11 series,
which is now *very* stable (as of the 62nd release!) and is about to
turn into our new 2.12 stable branch
2008/10/9 Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Werner: I don't know anything about metafont (how the hell do you
>> write a metafont glyph? Do you write plain source code, or are there
>> graphic editors somewhere?)
> I write plain code.
What about automatic tools such as mftrace? If you
2008/10/9 ellepi611 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm a beginner with Lilypond and I'd like to know how
> have an inclined piano pedal bracket , like this
Something like:
\once \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'rotation = #'(15 1 0 )
2008/10/9 Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I dont like compiling/installing stuff myself. I just use the
> stable binary packages for my distro, in this case ubuntu.
Compiling and installing are two very different things. Especially
when your program comes with a well-written installer/unin
2008/10/9 Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No… I believe the desired property is #'bracket-flare, so that only the end
> is tilted (not the entire bracket/line).
Yes, we spoke about this with Mats recently:
However, I'
2008/10/9 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Valentin,
> Could you make a png file of your clef? When I tried to open it with
> FontForge it said the file was corrupted or not the right type. Weird.
Better yet: here's a ready-to-use snippet.
altoClef = \markup \postscript #"
gsave newp
2008/10/9 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There were no examples in the manpage (argh!!
> I hate that!!), and it was hard to say exactly how to do it, since the
> disable reverb option was nested inside another option that apparently
> didn't need a hyphen and...(sigh...)
Well, I guess not ev
2008/10/10 Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The blue links are very close to pure blue (#00F), which is a little
> bit intense, but there aren't very many blues that pass the
> guidelines. What does everyone think about this? Are there any
> colors from this design that you like more than
2008/10/10 Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hmm. For some reason Gmail preview messes up the image. It probably
> doesn't like grayscale images. Here it comes again in full RGB.
Looks a lot like
http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=155 to me :-)
2008/10/10 Risto Vääräniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> However, what I'm asking for would be a different way to place the
> parentheses:
> ( # note ) versus the current # ( note ). One option might be creating
> a markup "()" and use extra-offset to lower / raise it around the
> note and accident
2008/10/8 Itzik Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I downloaded an ly file from Mutopia and I am getting many errors and I am
> unable to obtain the printable file.
If you point us to this specific file, we'll (at least I'll) try to
update it on our own and/or tell you how to do it. What operating
2008/10/12 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ah. I see it now. Yes, this is easily fixed. How can I alter this
> snippet? Valentin, this is your purview, right? Is it o.k. if I just make
> these small changes and email it to you?
Yes, please do!
2008/10/13 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> That's a good idea, Trevor, thanks.
So, what's the snippet in the end? :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/4 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This version of the files now do the following:
> - commands are placed after the note they belong to -- ie
> \pdolce behaves just like \p. Except for the "dolce" part. :)
Hi graham,
these functions are quite interesting, but would it be possible
2008/10/15 Patrick Horgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I notice the cool alto clef doesn't have any space in front (to the left)
> like the other clefs. Is this normal for this clef, or does it need to be
> tweaked?
It's just because I found it a bit weird, but you can easily add this
space by comment
2008/10/16 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks for pointing that out, Mats. Valentin
> has editing rights on vocals at the moment.
> I'm sure he'll pick this up.
Thanks for the ping :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/16 Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Reports relevant to your question are #5-8 and #10.
Thanks for the mention; I strongly hope more are to come as soon as I
have some time :-)
Some of the composers I mention in the LilyReport #10 have their own
website, with some very nice examples to
2008/10/16 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> And of course, Trevor B's unique blog:
...oops; the right url being:
(thanks Mats :-)
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/17 Francisco Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/10/17 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> If you have a 64bit processor,
> ... and an Ubuntu 64 bit distribution installed,
Absolutely! Most people with modern computers have a 64-bits capable
CPU and install the "standard" x86 distro (tha
2008/10/17 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Valentine, can you change the snippet?
Done :-)
-- btw: the name is Valentin, without a final `e' (`Valentine' being
the French female version of Valentin :-)
lilypond-user maili
Greetings Seba,
while we're at it, the ERW LSR interface has been down again several
times during the past two weeks (I can't remember exactly the days,
but it never lasts more than a couple of hours). When I wanted to
enter new snippets, I received the following message: "no output from
2008/10/24 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I get the same result on Vista. Here's a minimal
> example which shows the problem:
Hi Trevor,
may i ask you to send a png?
(since you're about the only one who can reproduce it :-)
2008/10/24 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sure - attached.
Thanks - added:
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/25 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> He and his team have already done this work but the datas got lost. So, he
> is really in a very bad situation and searches for people that could help
> him.
I can help a bit, but I need to know what the license of the published
score would be. I am
2008/10/25 Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Now the dilemma: the piano and a vocal soloist have no music at the
> beginning, so their staves should not appear in the first system of
> the full score, but to accomplish this I must fill their partial
> measure with s4 or R4. In the individual
2008/10/25 Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As a workaround, you can remove rhythmic-grob-interface from
> keepAliveInterfaces just for the relevant \partial note:
Much less drastic than my solution :-)
lilypond-user mailing l
2008/10/26 Nick Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> A simple solution: record the screen portion of where the message
>> appear
>> with your camcorder.
> Afraid I don't have one of those...
CamStudio, anyone? :-)
lilypond-user mailin
2008/10/26 Nick Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ^\markup {\tiny {\italic {\column { "right hand the same" "simile la main
> droit"
BTW: Hm... If I may, this is not French :-)
a French would say "comme la main droite"
(note the final e, since "main" is a feminine noun in French)
2008/10/26 Nick Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes, I forgot the final e for droite. But "simile la main droite" appears on
> a couple of scores I have published by Eschig, and they *are* a French music
> publisher.
Then it's a mix between Italian and French :)
(by the way, French publishers are kn
2008/10/26 Mario Moles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Suggestions?
Comment the line 62:
% s1*0^\markup { \large \bigger \bigger { \hspace #-3.0 } }
Then it works.
lilypond-user mailing list
2008/10/26 Eluze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> here it compiles after applying convert-ly
Oh, yes! Of course!!
Mario: \bigger no longer exists: use \larger instead.
lilypond-user mailing list
Greetings everybody,
as Graham recently noted, TextSpanners are currently painful to use:
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "rit."
We really should provide our users with a shortcut: a single command,
less powerful, less flexible but
2008/10/28 George_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> For some reason, about 15 bars into typesetting a piece, whenever I use and
> \< to typeset crescendi, Lilypond outputs this with the word 'cresc.' This
> doesn't happen with \>, the decrescendo prints normally, and it only started
> occurring, as I said,
2008/10/28 George_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I did some tests and they came out perfectly fine, so it has to be something
> wrong with my ly file, right? Except I can't find anything in there that I
> did differently between the crescendo that came out right and the ones that
> started coming out wr
2008/10/29 Brett Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I couldn't find \cresc in the Notation Reference, but it does appear in the
> Internals Reference, where it is listed simply as an alternative notation
> for \<. From George's file, it appears to not only generate a text crescendo
> but also switch th
2008/10/29 Brett Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> as clearly shown in Notation Reference 1.3.1, it there really a need to keep
> it? I can't say that I've seen many instances of the text "cresc." without
> the dashed line, but perhaps others have.
AFAICS it is used quite a bit in one of our example
2008/10/26 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> We really should provide our users with a shortcut: a single command,
> less powerful, less flexible but simpler to use. Ideally , this
> command would take the spanner's text as an argument, and start the
> spanner automa
2008/10/29 Daniel Hulme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I got in too late to help with this particular problem, but I wanted to
> reply to say how nice it is to see more percussionists on the list.
> Commercial drum parts are pretty variable in quality and I often
> re-engrave them in Lilypond just to get
2008/10/29 Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Looks good. :)
> As a minor refinement, you could use assoc-get instead of assoc.
guile> (help assoc-get)
Did not find any object named `assoc-get'
> Hmm, this isn't as elegant as make-text-span itself
2008/10/29 Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> \cresc ... Starts a text crescendo
> \decresc ... Starts a text decrescendo
> \dim ... Starts a text diminuendo
> All of these would simply be ended by \!.
I agree, but in this case we'd have to first have a convert rule that turns
\version "
2008/10/31 Father Gordon Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm trying to help a friend of mine get started with LilyPond, and the
> easiest way I've found to do my .ly editing is via jEdit. So I had her
> install that, as well as LilyPond. But I can't seem to find out how to
> install the LilyPond
2008/10/31 Patrick McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://uoregon.edu/~pmccarty/texi2html/lilypond-index.html
> I would greatly appreciate any feedback on the new color choices.
I like it very much; maybe the links would look better in a more
green-ish tone (but still not too green-ish, otherwis
Le 1 novembre 2008 14:20, www.bigcab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> le probleme c'est qu'il n'y a pas de bloc score quand on execute
> musicxmltoly
Effectivement ; il faut donc en ajouter un (autour de
\new Staff << ... >>
\new StaffGroup << ... >>
à la fin du fichier).
2008/10/31 Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> As a minor refinement, you could use assoc-get instead of assoc.
> It's in lily-library.scm. :)
Hm, it requires a default-value. Why do I need to use it?
>>> Hmm, this isn't as elegant as make-text-span itself; you can't use markup.
>> Do you k
2008/11/1 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Le 1 novembre 2008 14:20, www.bigcab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>> le probleme c'est qu'il n'y a pas de bloc score quand on execute
>> musicxmltoly
Hi everybody,
sorry for the noise (I meant to
2008/11/1 Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It saves you having to use cdr to get the value.
#(define (make-text-span txt)
"Make a TextSpanner that begins with the given STR."
(let* ((m (make-music 'TextSpanEvent
'span-direction -1))
2008/11/2 Craig Bakalian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>I think Lily Pond needs a function that can set the number of systems
> per page. system-count sets the complete number of systems, it just doesn't
> have a purpose for me, as a composer... I spent a good deal of time hacking
> my way throug
2008/11/2 Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No. Make your font known by fontconfig (this normally means adding it
> to the right directory so that it gets cached), then you can access it
> as any other text font.
Werner: I take this as an opportunity to ask if there could be a way
to use a f
2008/11/2 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Lilypond users,
> I hope, I am not boring. But I found out a possibilitie to get very easily a
> five-sixteenth note.
> with the use of the "make-rhythm"-function. If You like it, please feel
> free to use it!
We have a place for such contributi
2008/11/2 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Where on the web is the bug mailing
> list so much more visible than the usage list?
Any link in the column on the right brings them to an interface to bug-lilypond.
(I'm personally happy with it, since -user
2008/11/4 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> For us who follow the bug mailing list, it's not a problem to answer these
> questions, but it's a bit annoying for the poor
> newcomer that she/he has to receive a "next time you have a usage question,
> please use the lilypond-user mailing list ins
2008/11/4 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If somebody (not necessarily you) were willing to monitor multiple
> mailing lists and write a newsletter about them every two weeks or
> so, then I think that inventing a -beginner list is a great idea.
> If not, then I don't think that -beginner w
2008/11/4 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> To save us all from that, it would be great if there was some
> enthusiastic person who liked to read half a dozen mailists, who
> could write weekly or biweekly summaries of anything interesting
> that happened on those mailists. That way we'd all
2008/11/4 Dany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've read Lilypond's documentation, and something has been bothering me: what
> is
> a \score block? I mean what does it actually do? For instance, what is the
> difference between entering a \score block and writing \new Score? I haven't
> found anything abo
2008/11/4 胡Hu Haipeng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> During some months' work, and getting your kind help, I have made up many
> defs in a large file which I always include. It contains many defs grm
> mailinglist and LSR. Now, I'd like to share some context defs with you.
Greetings Haipeng,
Nice work!
2008/11/5 Reino Ruusu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes, you definitely need to change the documentation. Is there some simple
> alternative way to achieve this?
To achieve what? Typesetting lyrics or rewriting the docs? :-)
> I happened to hit this issue while typesetting lyrics to a song, in which
2008/11/8 Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I just released a basic package for lilypond editing under KDE 4.1+
Hi Wilbert,
wonderful! I'll have a look right away.
> - three icons for LilyPond documents, based on oxygen, crystalsvg and one
> neutral one, based on the LilyPond note XPM ico
2008/11/9 Wilbert Berendsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes! I used the same approach. Your oxygen variant is even better, with the
> shadowed note! :-)
Feel free to use it :)
Well, I have compiled and installed it, it runs fine (though it
currently doesn't do much, I can't wait to see the full lilyk
2008/11/11 Donald Tharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I went to your site and got the exe file to download to my computer, but
> then the directions given will not install for me. Thanks,
my guess is that LilyPond has actually been successfully installed on
your computer, but it may not do
2008/11/12 Charlie Ledocq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> But now I do not know how to start lilypond:
> there is a /usr/bin/lilypond file and I presume something had to be done on
> it but what?
since /usr/bin is already part of the PATH variable of the operating
system, just type
lilypond my_file.ly
2008/11/12 Tim Slattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> it sits for almost 50 seconds, apparently doing NOTHING. Then it wakes
> up and processes the file. It's still usable, but it sure slows things
> down.
Hi Tim,
just to be sure: which 2.11 version are you referring to?
(and have you deleted the font
2008/11/12 Charlie Ledocq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> lilypond: Symbol `scm_i_freelist' has different size in shared object,
> consider re-linking
> GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
> Segmentation fault
Perhaps you should check your guile installation.
2008/11/12 Charlie Ledocq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> bzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;
>perhaps it is corrupted? *Possible* reason follows.
> bzip2: Invalid argument
>Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)
Last time I tried, it worked fine on both Puppy Linux and Slackw
2008/11/13 Alexander Kobel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Use
>\relative c'' {c4^\markup{\finger{\char ##x2014 "1"}}}
> or
>\relative c'' {c4^\markup{\finger{\concat{\char ##x2014 "1"
> respectively; \finger only applies to one argument.
... And anyway, I don't think the font includes
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