2008/10/9 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Valentin,
> Could you make a png file of your clef?  When I tried to open it with
> FontForge it said the file was corrupted or not the right type. Weird.

Better yet: here's a ready-to-use snippet.


altoClef = \markup \postscript #"
gsave newpath
   0.004 0.004 scale
   -180 0 translate
   248 -306 moveto
         248 -492 lineto
         248 -496 245 -500 240 -500 curveto
         218 -500 lineto
         213 -500 210 -496 210 -492 curveto
         210 492 lineto
         210 496 213 500 218 500 curveto
         240 500 lineto
         245 500 248 496 248 492 curveto
         248 292 lineto
         274 270 348 242 370 242 curveto
         404 242 462 228 462 453 curveto
         462 560 476 670 576 670 curveto
         628 670 671 626 671 571 curveto
         671 516 628 471 576 471 curveto
         526 471 530 496 520 503 curveto
         513 502 510 478 510 437 curveto
         510 340 lineto
         510 192 490 94 477 79 curveto
         442 39 332 70 248 70 curveto
         248 -83 lineto
         332 -83 442 -53 477 -93 curveto
         490 -108 510 -206 510 -354 curveto
         510 -451 lineto
         510 -491 513 -516 520 -517 curveto
         530 -509 526 -485 576 -485 curveto
         628 -485 671 -530 671 -584 curveto
         671 -640 628 -684 576 -684 curveto
         476 -684 462 -574 462 -467 curveto
         462 -242 404 -256 370 -256 curveto
         348 -256 274 -283 248 -306 curveto
        130 -500 moveto
         8 -500 lineto
         4 -500 0 -496 0 -492 curveto
         0 492 lineto
         0 496 4 500 8 500 curveto
         130 500 lineto
         134 500 138 496 138 492 curveto
         138 -492 lineto
         138 -496 134 -500 130 -500 curveto
fill grestore"

\relative c'' {
  \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \override Staff.Clef #'text = \altoClef
  \clef alto



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