2008/10/29 Brett Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I couldn't find \cresc in the Notation Reference, but it does appear in the
> Internals Reference, where it is listed simply as an alternative notation
> for \<. From George's file, it appears to not only generate a text crescendo
> but also switch the display of crescendos to text mode until explicitly
> changed back to hairpin - is this the intended behaviour?

Use the Source, Luke...

ly/spanners-init.ly, line 21:

cresc =  {
   #(ly:export (make-event-chord (list cr)))
   \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic "cresc." }
   \set crescendoSpanner = #'text

I don't know why George used \cresc in the first place though.


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