can the lines of a fret diagram get diffent widths?
For example 6th string thick, 5th string thinner, 1st thinnest?
Thank you
lilypond-user mailing list
I get clefs in the first system (version 2.11.49), no clefs in system
When I do _not_ remove the Bar_engraver I get clefs in both systems.
> Dear Lilypond users,
> why are the clefs not shown in the below quoted example?
> rechts = { \clef "treble" s1*2 \break s1*2 }
> links = {
I don't have an annswer, but just ad a \noBreak after the c.
> Thanks for your quick answer - it works good!
> Now I´ve got the problem, that I cannot press this short piece into
> one line. I use a special paper size because these songs will be
> printed in a small songbook. Can you give
I always get a line instead of dashes.
Shouldn't setting dash-fraction to e.g. 0.2 work?
\override Voice.TextSpanner #'dash-fraction = #'0.2
LilyPond 2.11.57
Windows XP SP3
lilypond-user mailing list
> define
>\override TextSpanner #'style = #'dashed-line
> hth
> Am 27.08.2008, 15:33 Uhr, schrieb Thomas Scharkowski
> > Hi,
> >
> > I always get a line instead of dashes.
> &g
Hi Nick,
IIRC #-6 is the default for fingering numbers. Have you tried e.g. #-
Works here!
OT: Shouldn't this dance be notated in 2/2 (Alla breve)? It is quite
slow in your version.
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Nick,
1. is easy: You could use
c^\markup {\finger {\char ##x2014 1}}
c^\markup {\finger \char ##x2014 \finger 1}
> I attempted to use an em dash on some fingerings. Two problems:
> 1. It causes the font size of the fingering number to increase by
> about 50% 2. There is a s
Just add:
\override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
and the following line should work as you want, scaling is not
<< { c8 8 8 } \\ c,4. >>
> I am a beginner too... both to music and lilypond ;)
> Thanks to this post I've learned how to engrave some
Hello list,
is it possible to specify an absolute font size in text markups?
I found this in the list archive:
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello list,
the following code results in an unclosed first volta bracket.
Changing StaffGroup to ChoirStaff or removing staffII gives correct
Searching the archive I found my own question (22 Feb 2007) regarding
the same problem in a different context (with chord symbols) and the
Lilypond 2.4.6 on cygwin produces a 26 KB pdf.
> This has been added as
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=519
> but we really need more information. The gap between 1.9.8 and 2.10
> is huge, so no further action will be taken unless somebody narrows
> down the versio
is it possible to produce horizontal beams somehow?
\override Beam #'damping = #10 does not work, as already reported
last year:
Thank you,
Lilypond 2.11.34
Hello list,
how can I get a hairpin below a textscript ("a tempo" in this case)?
Does something like "script-priority" exist for hairpin/textscript
(like script/textscript)?
LilyPond 2.11.37
Windows XP SP2
lilypond-user mailing list
This \override does not have any effect, no error messages.
Could anyone explain or is it a bug?
Windows XPSP2
\version "2.11.39"
\relative c' {
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( -20 . 0 )
\repeat unfold 24 {
{c d e f}
Thank you Kieren,
it used to work in single staff contexts before, I must have missed
the change.
> Hi Thomas,
> > This \override does not have any effect, no error messages.
> It has an effect... you just can't see it with a single Staff
> context! =)
> Try this instead:
Duden - Die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung:
three "t"!
> > 1. Are "natürlichen Flageolettönen" and "künstlichen Flageolettönen"
> > the correct terms for natural and artificial harmonics?
> Plural with article:
> 1. Fall: die natürlichen/künstlichen Flageolet
Hello all,
I have to admit that I am a bit confused in the moment.
I have been using Scribus to import LilyPond PDF and it worked
Now (on a new Windows XP install) it does not work like it did
Importing ps or eps files does work, but the ledger lines are too
thin, nearly
> 943324&big_mirror=1
> Good Luck!
> Dave
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have to admit that I am a bit confused in the moment.
> > ;-)
> >
> > I have been usi
Hello list,
I have asked about a week ago:
Typing "guile" at cmd gives the following:
ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm" in load path
This is my guile.bat:
@echo off
set GUILE_LOAD_PATH=C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\share\guile\1.7
> Thomas Scharkowski writes:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I have asked about a week ago:
> > Typing "guile" at cmd gives the following:
> >
> > ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
> > ERROR: Unable to find file "ice-9/boot-9.scm&qu
> What happens if
> you also prepend ...LilyPond\usr\bin to PATH, like lilypond.bat does,
> ie, insert
> set "PATH=c:\programme\lilypond\usr\bin;%PATH%"
No change.
> Waitaminute. Strange problems often have to do with file permissions.
> Have you installed LilyPond as superuser? Double che
Hello list,
in this example the clefs collide - LilyPond doesn't care for the
\version "2.4.6" % Windows XP, Cygwin
\paper {raggedright=##t}
\header {}
global = { \time 3/8
\set Staff.midiInstrument="acoustic guitar (nylon)"
\key d \major
\clef "G_8" }
Hello Bert,
I have installed the new version and get the following:
/usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-13.scm:159:1: In procedure dynamic-
link in expression (load-extension "libguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1"
/usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-13.scm:159:1: file: "libguile-srfi-
Thank you, I had changed this already!
> I suggest looking at Plugin Options, because now the default is to use
> the native version of LilyPond.
> Bert
lilypond-user mailing list
Sorry,I had overlooked this option:
> (make sure that Use cygwin is checked in the options.)
Works now.
I had to change some "\" to "/" manually in jEdit plugin options.
Now I get this message:
GNU LilyPond 2.4.6
lstat(./C:) failed ...
./C:: No such file or directory
Then everything works as ex
Will a cygwin version also be available?
> A new version for Windows (only cca. 10MB) will come out next week.
> Keep an eye on the website.
> This new version is called 'native', because the older Windows
> versions depended on a unix emulation layer called cygwin. The newer
> version d
> >Will a cygwin version also be available?
> >
> >
> >
> Yes, I'm planning to make it.
> Bert
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list
Windows native 2.5.31 (XP SP1)
convert-ly.py does not work anymore:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\bin\convert-ly.py", line 27, in ?
import lilylib as ly
ImportError: No module named lilylib
Process convert-ly.py exited with code 1
With last version (2.5.
> How can I make LilyPond output .EPS files for insertion into page
> layout programs like InDesign?
> Thanks,
> Basil
I found this in the archive:
dvips -u lilypond.map -E myScore.dvi -o myScore.eps
it works for LilyPond 2.4.6 (cygwin).
> Please could someone reassure me that Lilypond 2.6 will still be
> available on Cygwin, even though there is now a native Windows
> version?
> 5. I generally run Lilypond from jEdit and I'm
> not sure if I can get jEdit to run the native version.
It works with with lilypond tool 0.2.8.
Hi Craig,
>\ times
should be
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello list,
I cannot open a *.ps file produced with LilyPond 2.6.0-1 on Windows
XP (PDF is ok).
This is the error message:
GSview 4.6 2004-01-11
Unknown in Comments section at line 7:
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font CenturySchL-Bold
Unknown in Comments section at line 8:
gt; help to get a more recent version of Ghostscript. Anyway, I view
> the PS file more as an intermediate file that's mainly used
> internally by LilyPond to produce the final PDF.
> Citerar Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hell
Hello list,
LilyPond 2.4.6 (Win XP, Cygwin) stops processing the attached
rossignol.ly, no further error messages.
aborted (core dumped)
Can I do anything about it?
Commenting out
\once \override Voice.Beam #'positions = #'(-2.0 . -1.8)
helps, but I can't see what's wrong with this lin
> Hello list,
> LilyPond 2.4.6 (Win XP, Cygwin) stops processing the attached
> rossignol.ly, no further error messages.
> --
> aborted (core dumped)
> --
> Can I do anything about it?
> Commenting out
> \once \override Voice.Beam #'positions = #'(-2.0 . -1.8)
> helps, but I can't se
> On Tuesday 05 July 2005 19.43, Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > LilyPond 2.4.6 (Win XP, Cygwin) stops processing the attached
> > rossignol.ly, no further error messages.
> >
> > --
> > aborted (core dumped)
> > --
> &g
> but I also got the error about 'PFAPFAemmentaler-26.pfa.pfa' is not
> found.
> Rob
I also get this error:
error: can't find file:
lilypond-user mailing list
> Do you have fontconfig installed?
> Bert
Where do I find it?
lilypond-user mailing list
Sorry, this is no more a lilypond question, but perhaps you can help:
My cygwin installation does not work anymore. I tried to reinstall,
but bash does not find any command. There is no home directory.
Help please!
> In normal setup.exe
> You may need to manually install thefontconfig, freet
After some installations to lily 2.6.0 and back to 2.4.6 I have no
"normal" cygwin anymore. There is no home directory and I do not get
the former prompt, only "bash-3.00$".
Commands like "cd" or "ls" do not work.
Lilypond does work, but I get the following error message:
"Interpreting music..
I installed Cygwin again, but still get the same error message:
"Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
Music font has not been installed properly. Aborting"
How do I get the linux commands back? Even the simplest commands do
not work anymore (ls, cd etc.).
Shouldn't the c
> I think something happened with the /etc/profile.d directory or the
> /etc/profile file
> >"Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
> >Music font has not been installed properly. Aborting"
> >
> >
> This happens when lilypond-profile.sh has not run.
> Bert
Can I run it "m
I found out that there is a broken package in the cygwin
"coreutils-5.3.0-8 is currently broken and makes it through to the
mirrors, see http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2005-07/msg00171.html,
try to fetch 5.3.0-7 or wait until it is fixed, please."
(from the cygwin ml archive)
I get:
/bin/sh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
> Yes, type this:
> . /etc/profile.d/lilypond-profile.sh
> >Can I run it "manually"?
> >
> >
> >
> >
lilypond-user mailing list
> > ...
> > You're welcome to reinstate the ec fonts as your private defaults,
> > though.
> Well, this (I mean reinstating the ec fonts as my private defaults) is
> what I would like to do, and also asked how this could be done in this
> list three weeks ago. I got, however, no answer. Could yo
Hello list,
shouldn't the following code give the same result for both notes?
The first \circle markup is shifted to the left.
\version "2.6.0"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
\header {
title = "Markup alignment"
\relative c''
Hello list,
in the following example produces a collision of tie and dot.
Could anyone help me to shift the tie up?
The "\override TieColumn #'tie-configuration" command doesn't seen to
have any effect. What do the values (pos . dir) stand for?
Vertical position and direction (1 for up, -1 for d
Hello list,
the following example results in a too narrow, too small tie.
What would be the best/easiest way to change this?
I have attached the pdf for 2.7.10 and 2.4.6 (which is better imo).
Thank you,
LilyPond 2.7.10 Windows native and 2.4.6 cygwin
\version "2.7.10"
my posting a
> few minutes ago: "FW: How to override bar line?"
> - Bruce
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Thomas Scharkowski Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 7:4
Hello list,
in LilyPond 2.7.12 Windows native I set annotatespacing=##t and
notice a space following "headsep" which is not labeled. Can I access
this space somehow?
I think this extra space was not there in 2.7.10 IIRC.
>From above I have:
- unlabeled space -
Y-extent (of th
Hello list,
nobody answered to my question below until now, maybe it's to
Perhaps someone could point me where to look?
Thank you,
in LilyPond 2.7.12 Windows native I set annotatespacing=##t and
notice a space following "headsep" which is not labeled. Can I access
this space
pagetopspace is mentioned in the index (web documentation 2.7.14) but
I could not find it elsewhere.
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > in LilyPond 2.7.12 Windows native I set annotatespacing=##t and
> > notice a space following "head
I have tried several eps-files here (LilyPond 2.7.11 Windows native,
Windows XP, Ghostscript 8.15) here, none of them worked.
LilyPond in some cases produced ps files, but production of pdf never
I cannot view the ps files with gsview (only a short flash, so I can
see there *is* the file
Hi Mats,
FYI: I have downloaded box.eps from your site and it worked.
I will respect your warning - I had tried different eps-files from
different sources and none of them worked - except box.eps you
> As I said, it's produced when you run the markup-eps.ly example,
> but I've
Same problem here.
I tried:
\override Voice.Tie #'minimum-length = #5
but this has no effect.
I don't understand "This requires an appropriate routine for the
spacing-procedure property" from the manual, though.
Is any other setting neccesary to make it work?
Thank you,
LilyPond 2.7.1
Hi list,
I have a brand new Kanotix/Debian-sid and installed the autopackage.
Everything worked smoothly without any error messages.
Now, when I start lilypond, I get the following error:
/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.6' not found (required
by lilypond)
shouldn't autopackage tak
stall a 2.7.* version now and use both versions this
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I have a brand new Kanotix/Debian-sid and installed the autopackage.
> > Everything worked smoothly without any error messages. Now, when I
> > sta
Hi list,
I think this is more a linux than a lilypond question, but I dare to ask:
How do I change the language of lilypond messages? They are now in german, so
jEdit doesn't recognize them and doesn't display them in its error list.
I have had this problem some time ago, when I tried LilyPond on
LC_ALL is unset, so what could I try next?
Thank you for your patience.
> Maybe you have LC_ALL set to german, then it will override LC_MESSAGES
> (which in turn overrides LANG).
> /Mats
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> >Hi list,
> >I think thi
> > ...plus you need to change the clef to a treble cleff with an "8"
> > beneath the loop - but I haven't found that clef yet.
> I can't understand why several people ask this question.
Because they are guitarists?
Thomas (guitarist)
I have tested LilyPond 2.7.18 on Windows XP and Kanotix/Debian, same box
(quite old), same file, same HD, both with jEdit:
Windows: 52 seconds
Linux: 27 seconds
lilypond-user mailing list
from 2.7.17 did not work, no error messages,
2.7.18 full install did work.
lilypond-user mailing list
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > from 2.7.17 did not work, no error messages,
> > 2.7.18 full install did work.
> "did not work" ? which means?
> --
> Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
Sorry, last one was too fast.
This means 2.7.18 is not installed, 2.7.17 is still there.
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> > from 2.7.17 did not work, no error messages,
> > 2.7.18 full install did work.
> "did not work" ? which means?
> --
Convert-ly gives the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\bin\convert-ly.py", line 32, in ?
import lilylib as ly
File "C:\PROGRA~1\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilylib.py", line 22, in ?
import tempfile
File "/home/hanwen/src/mingw/mingw/i
I don't know why, but this seems to work:
LilyPond 2.7.19 for Windows
> Hi,
> I'm facing some collision problems in a score with three voices on one
> staff:
Der folgende Teil dieser Nachricht enthält einen Anhang im
sogenannten Internet MIME Nachrichtenformat.
Wenn Sie Pegasus
Hello list,
the placement of the articulations is different in the attached pdfs
made with 2.4.6 (cygwin) and 2.7.19 (windows) and is incorrect in the
2.7.19 file. Is this a bug?
\version "2.4.6"
% \version "2.7.19"
\header {
title = "Gavotte"
piece = "Allegro modera
Hello list,
the placement of the staccato dots is different in the attached pdfs
made with 2.4.6 (cygwin) and 2.7.19 (windows) and is incorrect in the
2.7.19 file. Is this a bug?
\version "2.4.6"
% \version "2.7.19"
\header {
title = "Gavotte"
piece = "Allegro modera
Hello list,
I have noticed that the size of the pdfs produced by lily 2.7.27 on
(windows xp) is much bigger than in previous versions.
I have tested the same file unchanged with
2.7.18 Win > 44 KB
2.7.23 Win > 44 KB
2.7.27 Win > 1.220 KB
Perhaps there is something wrong? The output looks
See the manual:
7.5 Guitar
7.5.2 Tabulatures basic
lilypond-user mailing list
Nobody answered to my mail from Wednesday (Jan 11), so maybe I am the
only one who has this problem?
I wrote:
I have noticed that the size of the pdfs produced by lily 2.7.27 on
(windows xp) is much bigger than in previous versions.
I have tested the same file unchanged with
2.7.18 Win
--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message ---
Von:Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff:Re: Fw: again: PDF size
Datum: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:52:05 +0100
Point and click is disab
Inside the \layout block add:
indent = 0 \mm
\context {\Score \remove Bar_number_engraver}
> Having trouble finding these answers in docs:
> 1. How do I configure the first staff on a page so that it isn't
> indented?
> 2. How do I completely remove measure numbers?
> Usi
Hello all,
LilyPond 2.7.38 (WIN) places articulations outside the prasing slur.
When I first made the file with 2.7.12 they were inside, which I
How can I override the new behaviour?
Thank you,
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Thies,
thank you,
\override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside
does what I want.
I do not understand why this is not default, though.
> Hi Thomas!
> Thomas Scharkowski schrieb:
> > LilyPond 2.7.38 (WIN) places articulations outside the prasing slur.
> >
I havn't used lilypond-book (lily 2.8.1 - Windows XP) for a long
When processing "lilypond-book --output=out booktest.html" I get this
error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond-book.py", line 1770,
in ?
main ()
File "C:\Progra
tallation. However, this doesn't seem to be the
> case here.
Hm. I will try to find the information.
> I don't have a Windows version available here, but just
> tried it in Linux, where your example works without
> any problems.
> Thomas Schark
IIRC in previous versions I could reduce the distance between a staff
and chord symbols by this command:
\set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 1)
In 2.8.1 this is:
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 1)
or did I get something wrong?
Reducing the space this way do
Thank you for providing LilyPondTool!
I have been working with LilyPondTool since I first tried it and it helps me a
lot. Works well on Windows XP and Kanotix/Debian.
No need for a graphical frontend for me.
lilypond-user mailing list
When I change the defaults like in the following example
(myStaffSize...), the fonts are not scaled to staffsize.
When I delete the "myStaffSize" part it works.
Is this a bug or did I make a mistake?
Windows XP
LilyPond 2.8.1
\version "2.7.40"
#(set-global-staff-size 26)
Hello all,
from the doc:
"All units dimensions are measured in staff spaces."
I noticed that I cannot change this the usual way e.g.
"bottom-margin = 2 \cm" in the paper block.
Also from the doc:
"You can also define these values in Scheme. ...,
#(define bottom-margin (* 2 cm))"
This does al
For a long "cadenza" passage I want to beam all notes together, but
do not succeed: there is the a subdivision before last 16th note, and
this note has a small beam in the wrong direction.
\version "2.9.9"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
\score {
\relative c'' {
> stable version 2.8.x for any serious typesetting. Also, if you use the
> development version, please report bugs at bug-lilypond@gnu.org (but
> first check the archives to avoid duplicated bug reports). As far as I
> know, this bug should be fixed in version 2.9.10.
> Laura Conrad wrote:
> >I remember from reading the mailing list that there's an issue with
> >the Python that's in the GUB, and that one has to install python
> >separately and make sure that abc2ly is using the separate install
> >and not the one in the GUB.
Mats answered:
> It seems tha
> With version 2.8.5-1, midi2ly works fine.
> ...
Not here:
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Programme\LilyPond\usr\bin\midi2ly.py", line 24, in ?
import os
SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
Process pytho
> I don't see how jEdit can handle both. Two incarnations of jEdit?
> Can one instantiation easily flip among multiple installed LilyPond
> versions? Alt-l now executes 2.4. Is there a way to set another
> shortcut, say Alt-y, to execute 2.8? (Using jEdit 4.2 and LilyTool
> 0.2.8.)
> -
> Thomas, et. al. -
> 9) Your signature tag implies you juggle three LilyPond versions.
> How?
Hello Bruce,
I have kept the cygwin version (2.4.6) because it does not interfere
with the native windows version(s) and it still works (indeed I
haven't used it for some time).
Normally I only u
Mats wrote:
> ... Unfortunately, GSView doesn't
> accept LilyPond generated PostsScript files, otherwise viewing the PS
> files is a good alternative on most other operating systems.
Gsview works with LilyPond generated ps files if you add the path to
the fonts in GSview > Options > Configure
> Just installed lilypond using the script located at
> http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/linux-x86_/lilypond-2
> .8.6-1.linux.sh
> I installed it on an x86 running Debian stable. Tried
> to compile the .ly file here:
> http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/BachJS/BWV997/bwv997-01pr
LilyPond 2.9.16, Windows XP
I get the following error messang:
error: syntax error, unexpected \tempo
\midi {
\tempo 4=104}
Has the syntax changed since 2.9.15?
lilypond-user mailing list
t the new method to specify
> MIDI tempo hasn't made it there.
> Thomas Scharkowski wrote:
> >LilyPond 2.9.16, Windows XP
> >I get the following error messang:
> >
> >error: syntax error, unexpected \tempo
> > \midi {
Version 2.9.18 Windows:
When I set ragged-last-bottom = ##f \break commands are ingnored,
less bar per line are used resulting in more lines and a more even
appearance. Is this a new feature? I did not find it in the "NEWS"
section of the doc. I looks good but it should be possible to turn it
sorry, breaks are not ignored, but new breaks are inserted.
--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded message ---
Von:Thomas Scharkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Betreff:New feature with ragged-last-bottom
Hello list,
using OpenOfficeorg 2.0 with OOoLilyPond I get the following message:
LilyPond: unrecognized option "-b"
and nothing else.
Anything I can do about this?
Windows XP
LilyPond 2.8.6
lilypond-user mailing list
Samuel, thanks for your suggestion.
$ lilypond -b eps fragment.ly
does work from cmd.
I tried LilyPond 2.6.4 for cygwin when it came out some time ago, but
could not get it to work (someone else also reported).
2.4.6 cygwin still works fine though, but I rarely use it now.
> Tho
> Samuel-
> This is the problem with your potentially great addition, Cygwin
> version(s) of lilypond didn't work for me at all- I never could get it to
> go while the current (is 2.8x non or not I don't really know)stable
> version works great as did the non-cygwin stable version 2.6x.
> I'm kinda
I seem to have the same problem as already reported here:
(Windows XP, Lilypond 2.9.22)
lilypond -b eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts epstest.ly
produces an eps-file, which I can view with gsview, and a pdf.
I did insert the eps into a odt file, shows as a rectangle (this is
odt is "OpenDocument Text" (OpenOffice.org)
> ...
> What is "odt"?
> ...
lilypond-user mailing list
Now the eps backend works without "-dinclude-eps-fonts" here, but I
still cannot print.
I suppose my printer does not understand the binary part of the eps-
file. (?)
I converted the eps-file using epswrite (GSView), and now I get a
"text-only" eps, which I can print.
\override StringFinger #'digit-names = #' #("p" "i" "m" "a" "e")
This should be the default IMHO.
> Is there any way to change the P and I for a lowercase p and i?
> digit-names (unknown): #(P I m a x)
> Names for string finger digits.
> # (p i m a x)
> Daniel Tonda C
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