Re: Custom Volta repeats

2007-07-11 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Thanks to all the people who gave suggestions. I thought about volta brackets a good deal this afternoon while considering all the suggestions, and it dawned on me that the collision between volta spanners isn't happening where I thought it was happening. I first thought that the collision was h

Aligning relative to page

2007-07-11 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I was wondering what kind of contexts of control I have over \markup stuff outside \score stuff. Specifically, this is what I would like to accomplish. \version "2.10.25" \score { \new Voice \relative c'' { g4 g g a | c b a g | e d e g | e1 } } \markup {


2007-07-12 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
A "system" is a single line of a set of staves that are grouped together. OK, maybe that isn't the best explanation, but maybe an illustration is better: Grand Piano |||||| Guitar |||||| Flute |||||| GPno ||-||---

Re: Aligning relative to page

2007-07-12 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Thanks for all the suggestions. Everything that I read on the mailing list sends me back to the LilyPond user manual, and every time that happens, I understand it a little bit more. The document is pretty cryptic in places, but then again, so are most important documents. I mean, I think Lilypon

Trying to create a custom markup command

2007-07-12 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I liked the idea of a segue so much, that I decided that I should write a custom markup command for it: #(define-markup-command (segue layout props tosong) (string?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:small #:column "segue to" #:italic tosong) ) ) The usage (as I extrap

Re: Trying to create a custom markup command

2007-07-12 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
c1_\segue #"Something Else" Only `c1-\segue' works, IIRC. Writing something which works with `_' and `^' is a bit more difficult; however, I've added an example some time ago to the docs. Werner I tried `c1-\segue #"Something Else"'. This didn't work, either. The log file says th

Re: Trying to create a custom markup command

2007-07-12 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Ah, all right! Now I'm pointed in the right direction. Thanks, again, guys. Maybe I shouldn't code or read the manual when my mind is telling me that I should sleep. It sure is clear what I did wrong now that I see my code in the light of day! But hey, a bug, right? That's pretty exciting; I've


2007-07-16 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I don't know how much help my suggestion is, but I've run into a similar situation. Could it be that the paper is the wrong size? Or, more importantly in the same line of reasoning, could the line width be too long for the given page size? One time I was trying to get my music onto 6 by 9 inch

Polyphony and (disappearing) lyrics

2007-07-19 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I came into this question right at the end of typesetting a piece. Here's the (minimal) code: \version "2.10.25" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } \score { << \new Voice="twinkle" \relative c' { c c g' g << { a4 a g2 } \\ { f4 f e2 }

voltaOnThisStaff property in the master file's \layout block

2007-07-26 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I found the following fix in the LSR, which puts volta brackets above the chord names: \version "2.10.0" \score { << \new ChordNames \with { voltaOnThisStaff = ##t } \chordmode { c1 c } \new Staff \with { voltaOnThisStaff = ##f } { \repeat volta 2 { c'1 } \alternative { c' } }

Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines

2007-08-02 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
After tooling around a bit in LilyPond, I think I may have developed something potentially useful for someone out there. And wouldn't you know, I got to it because I needed it myself! ^_^ In the songbook we use at church, the verses to the song are stacked on top of each other if the melody li

Re: Dashed slurs indicating optional slurs between lyric lines

2007-08-04 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Heh, I could have sworn that I read through that section of the manual three times without realizing that it was the solution I was looking for! I used the suggested style in my current project, being careful to keep the line-thickness property override. By the way, I saw in the Program Referen

Re: Battle of the beginning of a measure: Rehearsal marks vs. Manual volta brackets

2007-08-21 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Thank you for the insight. I'm thinking of submitting my definitions to the LSR. Maybe someone would find it useful (maybe more useful than my earlier "tweak" ^_^). Romel - Original Message - From: Neil Puttock To: Romel Anthony Bismonte Cc: lilypond-user@gnu

re: vim compiles always in root directory

2008-03-26 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
I ran into a similar issue when I was writing this musical some time back. My workaround was basically this: 1) In the directory that I have the music in (let's say it was /path/to) I put in a "startvim" script and a "render" script. 2) The startvim script just called vim. 3) The render script h

How to make the copyright notice appear with the tagline

2008-04-04 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Hi again, all, I know that the copyright notice will appear in the footer of the first page, and the LilyPond tagline will appear in the footer of the last page. But what about if the piece were only one page long? I decided to customize oddFooterMarkup in my ly file: \version "2.10.25" #(s

Re:How to make the copyright notice appear with the tagline

2008-04-05 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Thanks for the upgrade suggestion. I have upgraded to 2.11.43, but the tagline and copyright notice still do not appear on the bottom of the first page. Perhaps the header needs to be in a different place now that I'm in 2.11? Francisco, I noticed in your snippet that the \header block is before

Re: How to make the copyright notice appear with the tagline

2008-04-06 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Thanks to all that responded! The short of it was that I did need to upgrade and reposition the \header block in order to make the titles appear. Perhaps by the copyright being outside and before the \score block the program knows what it is "just in time" when I needed it. The long of it was i


2008-04-10 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Hi Stefan. "~" means your home directory. In a Linux shell, typing "cd ~" will take you to your home directory (which is something like /home/yourusername or something; I used Ubuntu). You can look there for the .vim folder. In Windows XP the home directory is usually C:\Documents and Settings

Marking a chord line as capo 3

2012-12-26 Thread Romel Anthony S . Bismonte
Hello, I have two chord lines above my music line, and I was wondering how I can mark the upper chord line as being "Capo 3" for the guitar. In lyrics, you can set the "stanza" of a line--is there something similar to that? Something like: Capo 3: DBm ... FDm ... Th

Re: Marking a chord line as capo 3

2012-12-27 Thread Romel Anthony S . Bismonte
Thomas Morley> writes: > 2012/12/27 Romel Anthony S. Bismonte>: >>I have two chord lines above my music line, and I was wondering how I can mark >>the upper chord line as being "Capo 3" for the guitar. In lyrics, you can set >

Re: Marking a chord line as capo 3

2012-12-27 Thread Romel Anthony S . Bismonte
David Kastrup> writes: > > Johan Vromans> writes: > > > "Romel Anthony S. Bismonte"> writes: > > > >> I have two chord lines above my music line, and I was wondering how I > >> can mark

Why are the chords printed below the staff in this example?

2010-05-02 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
Hi All, When I render the following music on Lilypond, I get the staff on top, the chords below the staff, and the lyrics below the chords. This is unexpected behavior, as I wanted the chords above the staff (as indicated by the order of the staff elements in \score). What am I missing in this

Re: Why are the chords printed below the staff in this example?

2010-05-02 Thread Romel Anthony S. Bismonte
From: "Alexander Kobel" > Thus, take them out to the same nesting level as Staff: > > chd = \chordmode { c1 a:m } > mus = \relative c'' { c4 d4 e2 | a4 b4 c2 } > lyr = \lyricmode { See the E, A bu -- sy } > > \score { > << > \new ChordNames \chd > \new Staff << > \new Voice = "one