I liked the idea of a segue so much, that I decided that I should write a
custom markup command for it:
#(define-markup-command (segue layout props tosong)
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:small #:column "segue to" #:italic tosong)
The usage (as I extrapolated from the "character" and "smallCaps" examples in
the documentation) would be something like
c1_\segue #"Something Else"
Needless to say, it didn't work. ^_^
Some information that may help in trying to fix my error:
1. I have a main file which \include's the individual score files:
% main.ly
#(define-markup-command (segue layout props tosong)
(interpret-markup layout props
(markup #:small #:column "segue to" #:italic tosong)
\include "music.ly"
% music.ly
\score {
c1_\segue #"Something Else"
2. Here's the result of trying to run my example:
music.ly:2:7: error: unknown escaped string: `\segue'
\segue #"Something Else"
music.ly:2:14: error: syntax error, unexpected SCM_TOKEN
#"Something Else"
There's no output. (I was expecting some...)
3. I've written two other markup commands. Neither of them work, for reasons I
was hoping I can discover from insight from all of you guys. What I noticed is
that they get through the lilypond program fine--that is, until I try to use
it. I'm guessing that Lilypond won't check it's correct (or whatever the
problem is with the command) until it's being used.
By the way, I am interested in contributing to the documentation. It's worthy
to read, and has so far eaten up most of my day today. ^_^ If it improves,
we'll know when people spend less time reading it and more time making music.
I'd like to take part in that one.
Thanks for all the help so far... regards to all.
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