Hello list, hello Peter,
which lilypond version do You use for the following?
You wrote:
> Maybe your bottom margin is printing outside the printable area of the
> paper? Try increasing the bottom margin. I had the same problem with
> the Lilypond tagline missing from hardcopy until I added \b
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> [ ... ]
> Nevertheless, the bottommargin parameter was introduced in
> version 2.3.xx and is completely unknown to lilypond 2.2.6.
This is exactly what I wanted to know. :-)
Thanks and Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Ruud,
You wrote:
> I have a question regarding musical notation/engraving. I am currently
> typesetting a piece of music which has two voices in ones staff. At the end
> of the piece the first voice goes from a g1 to an e1 ~ e1 and the second
> voice from an f1 to a g1 ~ g1 (I
Hi at all,
about the last two years there was ALWAYS a warning at invoking
lilypond, but nevertheless I was always satisfied by the output, so that
I didn't mention it.
The warning was:
/usr/bin/lilypond:666: SyntaxWarning: local name 'e' in
'make_html_menu_file' shadows use of 'e' as glo
Hello list, hello Tim,
You wrote:
> In percussion music, it is normal to have a tie to nothing after a cymbal
> note, to indicate that the cymbal should be left to ring.
> Can anyone help me achieve this effect in lilypond 2.0.3 (lilypond book if
> that makes any difference)?
I'm not quite
Hi at all,
after installing lilypond-snapshot 2.4.0 from Pedro Kroegers site
on a never-online-host with dpkg as follows:
dpkg -i ec-fonts-mftraced_1.0.7-1_all.deb
dpkg -i lilypond-snapshot_2.4.0_i386.deb
and both worked successfully, I got the following error message
after running lilyp
Hello list, hello Pedro,
You wrote:
> could you, please, try the new and corrected version I upload recently?
> it's here:
> http://www.pedrokroeger.net/lilypond/lilypond-snapshot-doc_2.4.0-2_all.deb
> Please, let me know if it works for you (or not).
Now there is another error message:
Hello list, hello Paul,
You wrote:
> Sébastien Lardière wrote:
> >$ lilypond-snapshot deus_en-dro_darger-2.4.0.ly
> >GNU LilyPond 2.4.1
> >ERROR: In procedure primitive-load-path:
> >ERROR: Unable to find file "lily.scm" in load path
> >
> >But lily.scm is found :
> >
> >$ dpkg -S lily.scm
Hello list, hello Pedro,
You wrote:
> Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> http://www.pedrokroeger.net/lilypond/lilypond-snapshot-doc_2.4.0-2_all.deb
> I actually meant:
> http://www.pedrokroeger.net/lilypond/lilypond-snapshot_2.4.0-2_i386
Hello list, hello Paul,
You wrote:
> Roland Goretzki wrote:
> [ ... ]
> >Excuse me, but I think, this would make no sense,
> >if the bug would be in both, 2.4.0-2 AND 2.4.1,
> >as I assume ... :-(
> >
> I am running Debian sid. I am working quite well w
Hello list, hello James,
You wrote:
> Two questions:
> 1. How do you add text above the time signature (or somewhere close)? I've
> seen the a4^"This is text" syntax, but I'd like to add text before the first
> note. (The music I'm looking at has things like "Moderately slow", "slow
> gospe
Hello list, hello Paul,
Oh, it was my turn for misunderstanding (I'm not firm in English)-:
You wrote:
> Take care,
These were the words, which me let believe, You could have feeled
attacked by me.
I didn't see this until yet as a greeting form ... :)
Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Pedro,
You wrote:
> I fixed the lilypond-snapshot package. It should work now.
Yes, in deed, it seems to work now. :-)
Thank You very much!
Best Regards Roland
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> Why not use \mark "Some text"? It should work both before the
> first note and at the final bar line.
This is just a third (and probably the best) possibility, which I've had
in my mind (but never used before).
During my posting I couldn't exact remember this
Hello list, hello Donald,
You wrote:
> I need to adjust stems manually so that they do not collide.
> How can I do that?
> In the example below stems grow longer when there are no beams (4rths)
> however, LilyPond ignores stem-length when there are beams.
> What can I do?
Do You want to
Hello list, hello Tim,
You wrote:
> Thanks all, but I can't get it to work.
> I'm doing
> \begin[20pt]{lilypond}
> \score
> {
> \notes
> {
> \time 4/4
> \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'()
> \clef bass
> \stemUp
> b1:32~b4^"L.V." r4 r2
Hello list, hello Graham,
You wrote:
> Use gis' g!'' if you want to be certain.
Perhaps a bit too fast? ;-)
Correct syntax:
Use gis' g''! if you want to be certain.
Just trying to keep low any confusion ... ;-)
Best Regards Roland
Hello list,
meanwhile I'm using lilypond-snapshot 2.4.1.
The standard-solution for slurs is very fine so far. :-)
Nevertheless I'm missing the attachment-offset, which was implemented
with lilypond 2.2.6 (or earlier?), and which I found (together with
ratio and height-limit) the very best solutio
Hello list,
meanwhile I'm using lilypond-snapshot 2.4.1 and 2.4.2.
With both of them I've the same trouble at printing.
The barlines at the beginning of the staves and the braces (and
sometimes the ledgerlines) are not printed correctly at printing the
At printing the pdf-file there's a
Hello list,
with version 2.4.2 I wanted to enlarge hairpins horizontally.
Therefore I did use
\override Voice.Hairpin #'bound-padding = #'.1
\override Voice.Hairpin #'bound-padding = #'9
as read in the documentation.
Though I don't know, if this is the right way to enlarge hairpins,
Hello list,
I wrote:
> meanwhile I'm using lilypond-snapshot 2.4.1 and 2.4.2.
> With both of them I've the same trouble at printing.
> ...
Is there no Idea to solve this problem?
The next Chopin-Studie ist ready to come out for mutopia after a last
proofread, but this problem should be solved b
Hello list, hello Josiah,
You wrote:
> If I wanted to put parentheses around noteheads, is the easiest way to
> use \markup? Something like \markup{ {} \raise #-4.0 {( )}}?
I would do either this way or (as I did at second fingerings) take the
left- and right-parenthese for accidentals:
Hello list,
version 2.4.2
when I put fingerings beside the notes (e.g. with
"\set fingeringOrientations = #'(right)"
), then lilypond puts a little extra space between the fingerin and the
following note.
Now I wanted to make smaller this extra space, but reading the
documentation over and o
Hello list, hello Mats and Paul,
Mats wrote:
> For dynamics, it might actually be even better to define them as dynamics,
> to get better alignment with crescendi, for example. Just add
> sfzp = #(make-dynamic-script "sfzp")
> at the beginning of your file.
Excellent! :)
Often it is very useful
Hello list, hello Mats,
thanks for Your response.
But it is not what I'm looking for:
You wrote:
> Why not try the minimum-length property?
1. Because of the spaces between the notes will stretched together with
the hairpin, which I don't want.
2. Because I want to exactly specify the lengt
Hello list, hello Gilles,
You wrote:
> Hello.
> The default position of the sustain markings makes it clash
> with the dynamics markings.
> Unfortunately, I cant't seem to move it down; I've used
> \override SustainPedalLineSpanner #'padding = #15.0
> inside the \score, but whatever th
Hello list, hello Christian,
You wrote:
> Thanks for the hint.
> Sadly this doesn't work if the second score-block contains a
> header-block.
> The following example shows this behavior (the second and third scores
> remain on the same page):
> [ ... ]
I didn't test the following idea:
Hallo list,
Jeffrey Philpott and me did talk about german speaking users of the
lilypond-mailinglist, and we are wondering how many users of this
mailinglist possibly would be interested in a lilypond-mailinglist for
german (nature) speakers:
If there were enough persons interested in, then perha
Hello list, hello Jobst,
You wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using SuSE 9.0 and want to try LilyPond. SuSE 9.0 is not listed among
> the
> platforms on the download page. Is there a version which I can try under SuSE
> 9.0?
As far as I know, there might be a LilyPond-version on the SuSE 9.0 CD's
or the
Hello list, hello Gilles,
no, it is no bug, really! ;-)
Excuse me, but at the first posting I didn't exact recognize, what You
wanted exactly, but now, as You wrote
> To no avail: the sustain line doesn't move, whatever the numbers.
I got the right idea (I hope ;-):
You want to use pedal brack
Hi list,
using 2.4.2 I have a problem with setting the accidental-style.
As You can see in the (unfortunately a little bit long, but important in
its whole length to understand the problem) example.ly attached, there
are four outcommented settings of accidental-style.
Taking away the %% at the f
Hello list, hello Keenan,
You wrote:
> Hi, I'm a new user of lilypond and I want to make some small images of
> musical excerpts to embed in an essay I'm writing.
Do You write it with latex?
Then the easiest way could be using lilypond-book.
Have a look at the documentation under:
9.2 Integ
Hello list, hello Jan,
just regarded, that I sent the following mail to Jan instead of to the
mailing-list, so here it comes (a little bit late, excuse me, please ;-)
to the list:
- Forwarded message from Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 15:39:22 +010
Hi at all,
using lilypond-snapshot 2.4.2
I get the following warning:
Interpreting music... warning: FIXME: key change merge
warning: FIXME: key change merge
The output looks very well, and I don't know, if this is important or
Can somebody help me, please?
Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> You get this warning when LilyPond generates MIDI output.
> I've seen these messages for a long time and it seems to
> work well anyway.
Thanks four Your answer!
Best Regards Roland
Hi at all,
the following problem was a problem to me, but maybe some other
lilypond-users could have the same:
How is it possible to switch off a shiftoff at note collision?
Using version 2.2.6 the following happened:
The real good solution for prohibiting note collisions was a feature,
which I
Hello list, hello Karina,
You wrote:
> For example, I put in:
> bes[( a])
If there was given a duration to a note before as for a 1/8-note,
1/16-note or more, it might work.
Otherwise lilypond will use the default, which is a quarter note.
And perhaps for this case You have to learn also, tha
Hello list, hello Luis,
please ALWAYS say, which version You mean, so that it is not necessary
for the helping person to remember or to look up older E-Mails.
My propose will be for the 2.2.x, and You might update it for 2.4.x:
You wrote:
> I have no rests in that staff; I would need something l
Hello list, hello alex,
You wrote:
> [ ... ]
> If I add a single note to the lilypond section, like this:
> \begin{lilypond}
> {
> \key g \major
> c
> }
Probably one trick would be to hide the note (not tested):
\key g \major
\hideNotes c
Best Regards Roland
Hello list, hello Pedro,
You wrote:
> I have been quite busy the last weeks and will not be able to work on
> the package again until February. I just want to thank your nice bug
> reports and let you know that the snapshot package is not in an
> unmaintained status, it's just paused until Februar
\version 2.12.2
if I use \stemDown for the lower voice in one staff, the ties
automatically show up, and normaly this is fine.
In some situations, however, I want to have them showing down, too.
This is possible with \tieDown, but this doesn't have any effect to a
How can I make
I wrote:
> How can I make a \repeatTie also show down, if the stems show down?
Pardon, I played a little and found the solution:
e_\repeatTie does it.
Best Regards Roland
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi David,
You wrote:
> Using \voiceTwo to set stems, ties and dots to go down/under works on
> \repeatTie in 2.13.4. Interestingly, with \voiceTwo in force, \tieUp
> affects everything but the \repeatTie.
The solution would probably be notepitch^\repeatTie, according to the
solution I've found
version 2.12.2
Hi at all,
according to the snippet below, and AFAIK and have seen, in complex
piano music it is common practice to show an accidental, if the note was
printed with a natural before, ALSO if this did happen in the previous
bar, AND ALSO if it was in another octave.
So in the snipp
Hello List, hello Mats,
many thanks for Your reply!
On the first view Your proposed solution seemed to work for what I
But then I must recognize, that other accidentals were missing.
There was no chance, to get more information unless to look at both:
Your proposed url and the scm/music-f
Hello list, hello Mats,
I wrote:
> It is very difficult for me to understand them all (and this is the
> reason for my late reply), but meanwhile I'm really not sure if You are
> right with what You wrote:
> > All the predefined accidental styles just do a number of property
> > settings and t
Hello list, hello Sarah,
You wrote:
> Ok. I had to get rid of some a naturals that it thought were errors.
> when I play c minor scale on the piano I often use a flat not a
> natural.I think this was what might have been tripping me up. I'll
> have to listen to this and see. No pun intended. lol!
Hello list, hello Sarah,
You wrote:
> I did read that section but this also has some unison parts as well.
> I'll play with that.
Sorry, but why do You want to use divisi in this peace at all?
I wonder if You got a view of my example.
Let's see the first bar of all five instruments:
Hello list, hello Sarah,
now I've seen, that You are using the standard language, ie.
nederlands.ly. (I've written "assuming You're using english.ly")
That requires different input notes, so this was the reason for writing
other notes than You. ;-)
You wrote:
> I could if I wanted to, how ever O
Hello list, hello Sarah,
You wrote:
> Oh btw another question. Let's say I did want the cello part to play
> the middle notes in the cluster shall we say. How do I just simply
> have 1 note be divisi, or so I show it as a cord with the less then
> and grader then symbols?
Do You mean something li
Hello list, hello Sarah,
You wrote:
> Yeah that's it. I don't' quite understand how that works. I read the
> section but was a bit confused on the double back slash method. Is
> there an analogy I could use to maybe help me on that one? I'm getting
> everything else slowly but yeah. I think where
Hello list, hello Sarah,
You wrote:
> Ok. it looks like the viola part needs to be device as these double
> stops are not fun. here it is with the notes and cords with out taking
> the divisi in to consideration.
> { c aes, g ees |
> ees f | }
The first note has to be g instead of c, be
Hello list, hello Sarah,
I think You should carefully read this complete mail, because it may
solve many problems. :-)
To revise Your .ly with the information from the log, you should always
go top-down, that means You should firstly take the first error You see.
That's because of many errors us
Hello list, hello Francisco,
You wrote:
> [ ... ]
> B. On error, hit Control E and the cursor jumps to the text
> coordinates of the error. So, no need to count lines or even to have
> them numbered.
Well, I disagree with this conclusion, for the following two reasons:
1. Even for advanced lil
Hallo Liste, hallo Bernhard,,
You wrote:
> I have two score blocks and don't want the opus to be printed when the
> second score starts. Follwing the fine manual I tried
> \score {
> ...
> \header {
> piece = ##f
> opus = ##f
> }
> }
> which didn't work as (I) expected.
> I really don't dar
Hello list, hello Simon,,
thank's for that, just a little correction:
You wrote:
> The double cut c time signature occurs in Schubert, op. 90, no. 4
It's definitely
Schubert, op. 90, no. 3 instead of
Schubert, op. 90, no. 4
> disambiguation of c and cut c. There are numerous historical
> depe
Hello list, hello Martin,
You wrote:
> One of the things I remember from my music Theory and History classes is
> that C had not much to do with the letter "C" but was in fact half of a
> circle. The Circle O was used when there were 3 beats in a measure, the
> Tempus Perfectum, 3 being the Hol
Hello list, hello MusFelix,
You wrote:
> Thanks. But that only works when the articulation is on the notehead side,
> not when it is on the bar side. See this:
> \version "2.13.51"
> \include "english.ly"
> \relative c'
> {
> \override Slur #'details #'steeper-slope-factor = #0
Hello list,
I have a problem concerning textspanner, and found this E-Mail:
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:58:13 +0100, Steve Yegge
> wrote:
> >I've got a text spanners with a relatively long string for its
> >#'bound-details #'left #'text property, and the spanner spans
> >several line breaks. The
Hello list, hello Keith,
You wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > > \override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left-broken text) = ##f
> [ ... ]
> > This is just half of the solution I'm looking for:
> > The dashed line after the linebreak should begin together with the first
> > note in the new line, but it does beg
Hello list, hello David,
You wrote:
> You could also use this snippet, which works with the default
> control-points: http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Snippet?id=639
Wow, that's really great! :-)
Now I'm able to handle control-points, which was impossible to me
without this tool. (Too complicated to
Hello list, hello James,
You wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I've looked and not been able to find the answer to this
> > question in the manual. Can lilypond embed the names of
> > notes in it's output like the example shown at this link?
> >
> > http://www.amazon.com/Great-Mussorgsky-Piano-Sheet
Hello list, hello Keith,
You wrote:
> Roland Goretzki roland-goretzki.de> writes:
> >
> > However, can You tell me, why the output prints the correct notes with
> > English NoteNames, while I'm using \include "deutsch.ly"?
> The output lett
(according to the film "Princess Lillifee and the Little Unicorn")
lilypond-user mailing list
Hello Stefan & all,
You wrote:
> has someone experiences and/or ideas for using lilypond for
> eartraining-purposes?
> [ ... ]
> Are there other projects/ideas around?
well, while NOT being a programmer, nevertheless I created a little
web-based cgi-program especially for training note-reading, a
Hello Harm,
You wrote:
> Am So., 18. Nov. 2018 um 08:36 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
> :
> > In the past I have just made an attachment to the post,
> Please continue to do so.
> Speaking only for myself, frequently I don't see inline images here.
Me to.
So, YES: Please continue to do so.
for me proofreading line by line as Wol described is the most helpfull
method, and I use it as the top method beside reading the original in
combination with hearing the midi-output.
Best Regards Roland
Hello Ralph,
I think the same, and I'm thankful, too.
A nice Christmas to all ponders. :-)
Best Regards Roland
You wrote::
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 1:43 PM Jonas Hahnfeld via LilyPond user discussion
> wrote:
> > We are proud to announce the release of GNU LilyPond 2.24.0.
> > Li
Hello Knute,
sorry, I can't help achieve good results at slurs, but I probably
regarded a little typo at your example "bad-slurs.png":
As far as I know, it's not "Alegro", but "Allegro", as You can see in
the example "good-slurs.png".
Best Regards Roland
Hello Andrew,
QuiZi is just an abbreviation for "Quinten-Zirkel", and this is in
English "circle of fifths". :-)
Best Regards Roland
You wrote
> Hi Manuela,
> Don???t apologise! It???s a really wonderful piece of code!
> But can you tell me what QuiZi means in the code? That one
I'm new on this mailing-list.
My first question:
Is there any possibility to shift a rest like R2. with lilypond-1.6.6 ?
(Because about several weeks I'm not able to install a newer lilypond
Thanks Roland Goretzki
my workaround. :)
Greetings Roland Goretzki
Lilypond-user mailing list
Hello Zbynek,
You wrote:
> Is some possibility to disable automatic vertical shifting of rest
> symbol in case of two voices in one stave?
> [ ... ]
> Exists some property, that solve this problem?
I don't know, wether You mean exactly this, but maybe You need something
like this:
the combination
\property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'default
\time 2/2
creates a symbol like the big letter C with a line cross from top to
bottom, in german called "Alla breve".
Now, my problem is:
How can I put two of this symbols directly one after another?
(e.g.: C|C|
Hello list, hello /Mats
You wrote:
> symbol. However, as I wrote in my previous answer, if you also add
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> and make sure NOT to have
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> in your file header, then also ß in the input should work fine
Wow! :)
I was waiting a very long time f
Hello list, hello /Mats
You wrote:
> Take a look at
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.0/input/test/out-www/collated-files.html#time-signature-double.ly
> and
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.0/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond/Text-markup.html#Text%20markup
> (the music glyph for the 'C' is called 'time
Hello list, hello David,
You wrote:
> In this instance the word is "heissen" (with ess-tset, of course).
> Should it be "heiss - en" or "hei - ssen"? Or does the ess-tset get
> broken up thusly: "heis - sen"? I know just enough about German to be
> completely unsure.
AFAIK the second form is c
Hello list, hello /Oddmund,
You wrote:
> I have just completed some songs for a German composer, and he sais
> that ess-tset (ß) shall be broken s-s ("heis-sen").
AFAIK this is correct, but only for songs. In this case I do the same.
(In songs it is no linebreak, but each syllable is fixed to e
Hello list, hello Matthew,
> << { \skip 2. #(set-octavation 1) \acciaccatura cis' cis''4
> \acciaccatura fis fis'2 #(set-octavation 0) } \\ { < fis, cis, >2.~ <
> fis, cis, >2. } >>
Is it possible, that You made a typing error?
Perhaps it has to be:
<< { \skip 2. #(
Hello list, hello Ruven,
> I'm using 2.1.28. How do I adjust (decrease) the distance between
> systems of PianoStaff staves? I figured out how to adjust the distance
> between the upper and lower staves within the systems.
The following line in the paper block will enlarge the distance between
Hello list, hello Thomas,
You wrote:
> how can I use the font used for fingerings for \markup?
> I tried:
> \markup { \number \tiny 3 }
\markup { \finger 3 }
This creates the normal fingering font for \markup.
> but the resulting number is much too big.
When I type:
Hello list, hello Christoph,
You wrote:
> I couldn't find any special rules for the typesetting of songs.
> The 21st edition of the Duden gives the following rules (corresponding
> to the new orthography):
> - The ess-tset is usually treated like any other consonant.
>An example similar
Hello list, hello Thomas,
You wrote:
> Hallo Roland,
> a few examples from Schubert, Lieder, Neue Ausgabe, Peters:
> Die schöne Müllerin, Ungeduld, bar 16:
> "hei - ßen Drang"
> bar 17:
> "wei - ßen Zettel"
> Winterreise, Erstarrung, bar 29/30:
> "hei - ßen Tränen"
Well, I looked it up
Hello list, hello Zbynek,
You wrote:
> Is way to define linebreak (or pagebreak) in files with \score sections?
> Breaks are on other place at score and on other place at part.
AFAIK You can give the linebreaks in the global section, par example:
global = \notes {
\key c \major \time 2/4
Hello list, hello Chip,
You wrote:
> I am trying to get a measure like this -
> 8thRest 8thNote 8thNote 8thNote 4Note triplet8thNotes
> using this code
> r8 a' csharp'' e'' csharp''4 \times 4/3 {gsharp''8[ gsharp'' gsharp'']}
> but it fails a bar check, and I don't understand why. Below is the
Hello list, hello Benjamin,
at this time I can only answer the first question.
You wrote:
> I am using Lilypond 2.1.28 on Mac OS X 10.3.2. I can't manually set
I'm not quite shure, wether You are using an older lilypond-file.
If You are using 2.1.28, You have to convert older files with
Hi at all,
since about two days I use lilypond version 2.1.28, and I'm very happy
with it. :)
Nevertheless I can't figure out how to determine the textheigt of page
layout (In the past, with version 1.6.6 it was no problem with setting
the textheight in the paper-block).
It seems, that it is now
Hello list, hello Kili,
You wrote:
> I'v even seen a piano sheet with a crescendo on a single half note chord,
> at tempo allegretto.
> Technically, that's of course complete nonsense.
This is not quite correct:
The speciality at good piano playing is not the real sound in the air,
but the sou
Hi at all,
to get the headers from my lilypondfiles I have to put the following
lines in my buch-probe.tex - file:
\input titledefs.tex
Running lilypond-book on buch-probe.tex creates the notes from
my .ly - files WITHOUT any hea
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> See http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2004-02/msg00124.html
> /Mats
This partially solves another problem (headers with lilypond-book).
See my second Mail there.
Regards Roland
meanwhile (following another tip from Mats, thanks! :)
I've changed the two lines
\input titledefs.tex
Now it works, but only for the first piece of music (lilypondfile),
Hello list, hello Mats,
You wrote:
> The TeX command that typesets the titles also resets the
> definition of mustmakelilypondtitle{}, so if you want
> another title in the same file, you have to repeat
> \def\mustmakelilypondtitle{}
> before every new score.
Even that I'd tried before, but
Hi at all,
(lilypond version 2.1.28)
in my last E-Mail with this subject I said, that in a book-dokument with
many little scores the headers would appear to far above the scores (in
opposite to the same scores (*.ly), translated with lilypond -P to *.ps)
Now I found, that this is not quite correc
I have the line
\include "deutsch.ly"
in my .ly-files, but if I use the
\translator { \EasyNotation }
then the result for the english note "b", which in german is called "h",
is only the english B in the note.
Perhaps it could be easy to change it by myself:
Par example, it is very
Hello list, hello daveA,
You wrote:
> Thanks for bringing this up. That's a bug, surely.
Is it necessary, that I make a bug-report?
> I asked some time ago for b for flat in english.ly. I am reluctant to
> edit it, because it would have to be maintained. Perhaps I should copy
> the language
Hello list, hello daveA,
You wrote:
> The only problem was the h, which may require changing a line. I'm
> not clear about what b-double-flat is. beses? bes? heses? hes?
It is listed in "deutsch.ly", nevertheless I give an explanation:
In german the seven notenames, which refer to
Hello list, hello Han-Wen,
You wrote:
> > In which file could I change the names for the easy-notation-note-names?
> in lily/note-head.cc!
This file is not to find on my machine.
> Seriously, you have found a bug. I've fixed this in CVS, so you can
> set
> \o
Hello list, hello Paul,
You wrote
> Roland Goretzki wrote:
> >>>In which file could I change the names for the easy-notation-note-names?
> >>in lily/note-head.cc!
> >This file is not to find on my machine.
> >
> He was joking. That's why he said &quo
Hello list, hello Thomas,
You wrote:
> \dotsUp does not help.
> Something like:
> \override Dot #'positions = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
> ?
I was immediately interested, and with a little bit playing I found this
\override Staff.Dots #'extra-offset = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
Hope it will help. ;-)
My version: 2.1.28
The spacing of midstaff-clef-symbol often doesn't look very nice.
(Too far away from previous and too close to next)
So how can I change the spacing of a midstaff-clef-symbol or shift it to
the left?
Best Regards Roland
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