Hi list,

using 2.4.2 I have a problem with setting the accidental-style.
As You can see in the (unfortunately a little bit long, but important in
its whole length to understand the problem) example.ly attached, there
are four outcommented settings of accidental-style.

Taking away the %% at the first setting is needed to prohibit the dis
(right hand) in bar 3 getting a natural before the sharp (which in most
cases is not there in piano music). This effects further, that par
example the as (7. note in bar 4) gets an accidental and the es (5. note
in bar 9) and the b (2. note in bar 13) also, all remembering, that IN
THE BAR BEFORE each was in its natural form and shall now get the
default global accidental (f minor) again.

So far it is good, I like it, because it's usual in piano music. :-)

Now comes the special case:
To get a correct score according an original score I want to take away
the accidental from the as (7. note in bar 4), therefore please take
away the second %%. This has the effect, that now all global settings
are forgotten, so I wanted to switch on again the piano-style, taking
away the %% from the fourth setting, with --- NO EFFECT.

After a while being shocked, I got the idea to give the default setting
BEFORE the piano-style-setting, taking away the third %%, and this
worked!, but only for the necessarily needed accidental for the
following b (8. note in bar 4), BUT NOT for the es (5. note in bar 9)
AND NOT for the b (2. note in bar 13).

This could have been easily solved, if there would be a switch like the
exclamation mark !, which sets an unnecessary accidental, e.g. an
UNEXCLAMATION mark to take away only one accidental (The unvisible
function is not good, because it doesn't take away the special spacing
for the accidental).

This I would have had used par example for the as (7. note in bar 4),
and my posting would have been obsolete. ;-)

I experimented a long time, but now I came to the conclusion, if this is
not a bug, then I need some help to see, what I not yet can see.

Is there anyone who can help me, please?

Best Regards           Roland
\include "deutsch.ly"
global = { \key f \minor \time 2/2 \partial 4 s4 s1*14 }

rechts = \relative c'{
\context Voice = rechts
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4)
\override TupletBracket #'direction = #1
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
  \times 2/3 {
    c8 des h c es des c des h c fis g               % 1
    \override TupletBracket #'number-visibility = ##f
%%    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
    c, des h c es des c des h c as' f               % 2
    e f e dis e g b c b a b des                     % 3
    c des c h c g
%%    #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
    %\once\override Voice.Accidental #'transparent = ##t
%%    #(set-accidental-style 'default)
%%    #(set-accidental-style 'piano)
    b as g as e                                     % 4
    f g f e f c des es des c des h                  % 5
    c des c h c g as b as g as f                    % 6
    e g b des e g b des c b as g                    % 7
    b c as g as f e g f e f des                     % 8
    c des h c es des c des h c fis g                % 9
    c, des h c es des c des h c as' f               % 10
    es! f es d es g b c b a b f'                    % 11
    es f es d es h c des c h c g                    % 12
    as b as g as e f g f e f des                    % 13
    c des b g as b c des es f g as                  % 14

links = \relative c{
\override TupletBracket #'direction = #1
\override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
  \times 2/3 {
    e ( g' c,) b ( g' c,)                           % 1
    f, ( as' c,) as ( as' c,)                       % 2
    \clef violin
    g ( b' e,) des ( b' es,)                        % 3
    as, ( as' f) c ( as' f)                         % 4

  \context PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff = "up" <<
      \clef violin
    \context Staff = "down" <<
      \clef bass
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