Re: need to generate mass quantities of random notes for practice

2007-06-01 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Jay, You wrote: > I'm a newbie and I'd like to create a blithe score of quarter notes purely > for practice from middle c up an octave and half to g. > I'm learning guitar and need copious amounts of notes. > When I attempted to do it manually with just jEdit (not using lilypondt

Re: using "\transpose" with variables

2007-09-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Tomas, You wrote: > Hi, > I try to use \transpose with a variable as parameter like > > mykey = {d'} > > melody = \transpose c' \mykey > \relative c' {... } > > what??s wrong? > > I get the message: > syntax error, unexpected STRING, expecting NOTENAME_PITCH or TO

Re: using

2007-09-06 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats and Tomas, > > Tomas probably wants to do the same transposition on a number of > > different scores and be able to change the transposition of all of > > them, by only modifying a single line in the .ly file, namely a > > definition of a variable that's used as the second a

version 2.6.x for debian (unstable or sarge)?

2005-09-19 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, during the last month's I wasn't able to work with lilypond. Now I think it would be better to update or new install 2.6.x or higher. But at I cannot see how to do so. :-( In the past it was Pedro Kroegers website, which contained the version I could install on my machine

Re: version 2.6.x for debian (unstable or sarge)?

2005-09-19 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Josiah, Thanks for Your help! :) > Unless you're interested in installing from source, which shouldn't be a > problem if you're using the ghostscript packages from Sid, by far the > easiest thing you can do is install with autopackage. It works, quite > nicely. You can install i

Re: version 2.6.x for debian (unstable or sarge)?

2005-09-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Yosiah, You wrote: > > So, if I understand correctly, at the moment the only way to get 2.6 or > > 2.7 for my debian systems would be installing from source, am I right? > > No. That is not what I said. Yes, You are right, I reread Your E-Mail. Autopackage seems to be quite ea

Re: version 2.6.x for debian (unstable or sarge)?

2005-09-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Josiah, You wrote: > On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 21:38 +0200, Roland Goretzki wrote: > > [ ... ] > > And now there is a problem with installing guile 1.6.7. > > > > [ ... ] > > > > I will post again after solving. > > Hmm. I don'

giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, since many weeks now I would like to use lilypond 2.6.x on my debian system, but with autopacke there was a problem concerning the guile version. Now, after completely new installing a clean debian sarge 3.1 system (from printemps 2004) there still remaines the following problem: exec

Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, You wrote: > Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I suppose the best way is > > apt-get install guile-1.6 > > so it will take care of all dependencies for you. Well, I did so on my unstable system, the only system with e-mail and int

Not giving up yet ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-19 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, Thanks for Your answer. Meanwhile I have installed a new sarge 3.1 (from middle of last week) on both of my machines. Now we'll see more ... Best Regards Roland ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-19 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Jan, Thanks for the answer. You wrote: > Roland Goretzki writes: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/noten/$ ./lilypond- > > Please use the full version. The -upgrade package does not not contain > guile or any other dependencies. Oh,

Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-20 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello /Mats, You wrote: > A quick search at will help you > find libltdl. Okay, I didn't look for libltdl or libltdl3, but for with apt-cache search. :-I With apt-cache search this libltdl3 it was to find. Thanks and Best Regards

The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-20 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Jan, You wrote: > try >apt-get install libltdl3 Thank You, this did work, but afterwards there were two other libs to install, one after another ... That did work also, and then lilypond --version gave a good output. But then came the next desillusionation: Trying a littl


2005-10-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Han-Wen, You wrote: > MX wrote: > >Hi all, bonjour à tous. > > > >1. How can I ajust the position of the beginning of the slur in the > >picture attached ? > > > >I tried to override the control-points property of the slur object but I > >couldn't find rules to use it and I jus

2.6.4 with autopackage

2005-10-25 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, just having fetched the lilypond-2.6.4.x86.package I get the following problem: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ./lilypond-2.6.4.x86.package Verifing archive integrity failed Error in MD5 sums: 80670e72a905f2b3b61b6995ceb0d6f2 is different from 8685940ef6efe7d83c658ed7cfe873bb Please can me somebody

Re: The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-26 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list,, I wrote: > Trying a little example with > > lilypond > > results in an error message: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/noten/ > lilypond > GNU LilyPond > [ ... ] > /home/roland/.local/bin/lilypond-bin- relocation error: >

Re: The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Erik, You wrote: > Well, a 2.6.3 .deb is in debian unstable now, so perhaps you can try that. Thank You, I tried, but on my sarge 3.1 there are some difficulties with dependencies, so this is not the way ... :-( Every download (meanwhile more than five) spends over 80 minutes,

Re: The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-30 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello /Mats, You wrote: > The easiest solution for you is probably to compile the program yourself. > I'll do it myself on Debian Sarge in the coming days and can send detailed > instructions, but it seems that the only thing you need to compile in > addition > to lilypond is a newer

Sucess!! :-) Was: Re: The frust is growing up ... Was: Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-11-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello /Mats, You wrote: > Sorry for taking so long. Never mind! I'm glad to hear something helping ... :-) > First of all, I can tell you that the latest autopackage installer, > version from the Downloads page at works > excellently on Debian stable. In deed,

special characters in lyricmode

2006-04-06 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, using 2.8.1 I couldn't find out in the user archives how to get special charakters like german ess-tzet (ß) in lyricmode. In one answer-e-mail from Mats Bengtsson I could read the three forms \ss \"s '\ss{}' , but all of them don't work on my system (debian-linux with vim). Thanks for any hi

Re: special characters in lyricmode

2006-04-06 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, thank You for the very fast answer! You wrote: > Where did you search? This is certainly a very common question that has > been answered multiple times and is also answered in the manual, see the > section on "Text encoding". Now I read at this point: To use a Unicode esc

Re: special characters in lyricmode

2006-04-06 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Geoff, You wrote: > If you have a UTF-8 compatible text editor, you should be able to type > the character you want directly into your input file. On my machine I'm using latin1, and so with Your hint I found another solution now: I created a file "umlaute" with the six special

Re: special characters in lyricmode

2006-04-09 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello David, You wrote: > Have you looked at the Vim ^k command ? (help i_^k) > That lets you enter a lot of things as two-letter combos. (try, for > example, ^ka: when you're in insert mode). I've had no time the last days for that, but now. :-) Knowing a lot of vi, I can't unders

Are there diff-files?

2006-04-09 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, firstly my gratulation to the new version 2.8.1-3 btw. 2.8.1-4. Installation is quite easy, and installation of the documentation too. :-) Now, because I've still a 56k modem, I would know about a possibility, not always to fetch the whole stuff, if there is a new version after fixed bug

missing something like \afterAcciaccatura

2006-04-09 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, in this documentation for 2.8 I found the \afterGrace command. Just that I was looking for, but for acciaccatura. But this I couldn'd find. Or is ist wrong, to take a \afterAcciaccatura? In a song score, which I'm typing in, there does it exist ... Can anybody help me, please? Best Reg

Something like #'height-limit for ties in 2.8.1?

2006-04-19 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, (version 2.8.1 on debian sarge) With \override Slur #'height-limit = #'3 it is possible to get a slur with higher maximum point. I'm very surprised to realize, that there doesn't seem to be the same feature for ties. Or couldn't I simply find it? Thanks for any help ... Best Regard

Re: Cadenza question

2006-05-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Rick, You wrote: > How do I get my cadenzas to maintain bar numbers? LilyPond halts > numbering bars until after I turn off the cadenza, and I don't want > that. Example: > > bar 55 | cadenza | bar 56 > > I want: > > bar 55 | (bar 56 cadenza) | bar 57 Simply add \set

missing fonts

2006-05-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, with version 2.8.2-2 lilypond-book works quite fine, and the output is okay, as far as I can see, but I get the following message: This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2006.05.15:0028' -> dvips: Font Aybabtu-Reg

Re: Beam Positions

2006-05-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Trent, You wrote: > I'm having trouble with changing the lengths of beams. When I use: > > \once \override Beam #'positions = #'(1 . 1.5) > > in the below example I get a strange beamed group. The 32nd beamed notes > stick out. No matter how I adjust the numbers the 32nd no

Re: missing fonts

2006-05-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham, You wrote: > From the documentation, 13.2: > "Running dvips will produce some warnings about fonts; these are > harmless and may be ignored." > > Does that help? Oh, yes, it does. I've thought something like that, but wasn't shure. :-) Thanks and Best Regards

beatLength - bug in 2.8.2?

2006-05-20 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, what's the matter with beatLength in 2.8.2? Trying to update the 13. Chopin Study on mutopia (which was still typeset with 2.2.6) I found, that the setting for beatLength to quarters in "\times 2/3" does no longer work. I've tried to reproduce and demonstrate it with a very short example con

avoid-slur for ties

2006-05-21 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, using 2.8.2 avoid-slur for ties doesn't work. In the "Program reference: Tie" there is described the same way as for slurs. For slurs it does work, but for ties not. A very short example: \version "2.8.2" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \relative c' { r2 \override Script #'av

Re: avoid-slur for ties

2006-05-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, Thanks for Your answer, but for me it is not exhaustive enough: > Isn't it that if you specify the avoid-slur property of the Tie > object, then slurs will avoid ties (not that ties will avoid scripts > as you seem to think)? Maybe I'm understanding it not quite correctly

(again?) beatLength - bug in 2.8.2?

2006-05-23 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, what's the matter with beatLength in 2.8.2? Trying to update the 13. Chopin Study on mutopia (which was still typeset with 2.2.6) I found, that the setting for beatLength to quarters in "\times 2/3" does no longer work. I've tried to reproduce and demonstrate it with a very short example con

Re: Automatic beaming

2006-05-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Stewart, convert-ly and the documentation say, that You can get what You want with \set Staff.beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) instead of #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4) But this doesn't seem to work, whereas the following does work: \set Staff.bea

A new tie-bug?

2006-05-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, using 2.8.2 I found a bad looking tie-end after using \tieDown for octaves in the bass (needed par example for the left hand in the first Chopin study Op. 10, No. 1, because of many notes for the right hand have to appear in the bass. Attached a short example with comments. Best Regards

Re: Automatic beaming

2006-05-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Stewart, You wrote: > Hmm... I think I may have misunderstood the documentation originally. Me too. :) > If I use > > #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff) > #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 2 'Staff) > #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end *

octavation at line breaks

2006-05-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, version 2.8.2 (How) is it possible to move the octavation line only AFTER line breaks? Sometimes there are in the following line fingerings and so on, which I want to have inside the octavation line, and moving the octavation line BEFORE the line break lets view the octavation line too high.

Little slurs at finger changes?

2006-05-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, version 2.8.2: In earlier versions it was possible to take little slurs over finger changes instead of "-", with writing { "$\frown$" } in markup texts. I can't figure out how to do something like this yet. { "$\frown$" } doesn't longer work ... :-( Could someone help, please? Best Regards

Re: Little slurs at finger changes?

2006-05-30 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham, You wrote: > On 29-May-06, at 5:37 AM, Roland Goretzki wrote: > >In earlier versions it was possible to take little slurs over finger > >changes instead of "-", with writing { "$\frown$" } in markup texts. > > This is a LaTeX c

Re: programming error : no heads for arpeggio found ?

2006-06-24 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello David, You wrote: > I get this error also. It comes when I use the \arpeggio without > specifically assigning a chord with it. In other words: \arpeggio = > no error while something like > << e\arpeggio \\ c\arpeggio >> will generate the error. The output looks > correct wi

Re: Fwd: lilypond and editors

2006-12-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Arjan, You wrote: > Remember: While all editors can save your files, only one can save > your soul. > (Per Abrahamsen on alt.religion.emacs) In deed, what he means, is the vi. :) Best Regards Roland ___ lilypond-user maili

probably a bug?

2007-01-07 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, Using version 2.10.9 I found a bug concerning beams during staff-changes at PianoStaffs: If the right hand has its notation in the lower staff, then do the beams during \stemUp appear too high, exactly just before the next staff-change will happen. Stem-lengths seem to be normal, so the

Re: Strange...

2007-01-10 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Han-Wen, the same problem I'd described with a little example on 2006, January 08. under the Subject "Probably a bug", but got no answer until yet. Chopin's Studie Opus 10 No. 1 was quite ready to commit to mutopia with version 2.8.2, but before committing I wanted to update to

New bug Was: Re: Strange...

2007-01-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Han-Wen, thank You for the very fast fixing of the "beam on wrong side". After installing version 2.10.11 all beams in op 10 No. 1 are correct again. Unfortunately I found a new bug, which did still exist in version 2.10.9, but I'd not seen before ... This bug has to do with t

Re: Strange...

2007-01-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Sorry, the following E-Mail was not for the list before: Hello list, hello -Rune, You wrote: > Roland Goretzki wrote: > > >the same problem I'd described with a little example > >on 2006, January 08. under the Subject "Probably a bug", but got no I beg Your

Re: ps and pdf question

2007-01-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Gilles, You wrote: > So, I too, would rather have lilypond convert automatically to PS level 2. Me too. :-) Best Regards Roland ___ lilypond-user mailing list

extender line doesn't work correctly

2007-01-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, with version 2.10.11 extender line doesn't work correctly. In the little attached .ly file it does work correctly, but if You outcomment the alternative 2 and incomment the alternative 1, then it doesn't. In earlier versions (2.8 and earlier) there was no difference between the two alt

Re: New bug Was: Re: Strange...

2007-01-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello /Mats, You wrote: > Please send bug reports ot Okay. > (I forward your email there). Thanks! Best Regards Roland ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New bug Was: Re: Strange...

2007-01-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham, You wrote: > Thanks, entered as > > > Roland, please read our guidelines for reporting bugs: > Well, I did. But I'm not able to shorten the .ly-example less than 30

Again: rest on wrong side

2007-01-17 Thread Roland Goretzki
Dear Han Wen, under I found Your comment to the bug report with rest on wrong side. Your comment: The voice containing the rests should have stems/stemdown set, otherwise lily will mess up with collisions, whether they contain rests or notes.

Re: Again: rest on wrong side

2007-01-25 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham, You wrote: > Roland Goretzki wrote: > >under > > > >I found Your comment to the bug report with rest on wrong side. > > Please keep emails on the appropriate list. I process all my bug-

Why is the text shifted, when using \hspace ?

2007-01-31 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, using crescendoText with a dashed line I wanted to put a bit more space between the text and the dashed line with \hspace #1. But then I found that the dashed line was shifted to the right as wanted, but the text from the crescendoText was shifted also, upwards, ca. .5 staff spaces, and

make-dynamic-script shows mysterious aligning behaviour

2007-02-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, (using version 2.10.14) make-dynamic-script is a nice feature, but there seems to be a bug, from which I don't know, wether it is a lilypond bug or a font bug or something like that: If You have a crescendoText and then an own dynamic with normal text, the dynamic will not align exact

A new feature since 2.10.14 doesn't work

2007-02-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, the new feature described in the documentation under "Changes" as: "Objects that belong outside of the staff are now positioned automatically to avoid collisions." doesn't work on my machine (debian sarge 3.1), neither with 2.10.14 nor with 2.10.15. I copied the source from there and co

word-space at crescendoText?

2007-02-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, (version 2.10.15) In the documentation under "8.1.6 Overview of text markup commands" is written, that the property word-space determines the space between each markup in args. This does work properly. :-) But trying to use it with setting the crescendoText, it doesn't work, and I ca

wrong placed staccato dot

2007-02-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, (version 2.10.15) Setting the direction of staccato with "_" causes wrong positioning in x-direction. The very small .ly-snippet below demonstrates this. But I'm not sure, if this is a bug or a feature. If it were a feature, I would like to get a hint, how to disable this feature for

Re: make-dynamic-script shows mysterious aligning behaviour

2007-02-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Joe, You wrote: > On 2/2/07, Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > [ ... ] > >In the following I've listed the lower case characters, which show a > >different behaviour ( > > 1. with "?" they are aligned about .4 o

Re: word-space at crescendoText?

2007-02-08 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats and Graham, You wrote: > Mats Bengtsson wrote: > >Hint: What type of layout object is it that handles your > >crescendoText? It's not a TextScript! > > Hint #2: there's a list of commonly tweaked layout objects in 5.2 Fixing > overlapping notation. oh, yes, thanks, it's

fine and odd slurs

2007-02-10 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, (version 2.10.15) the attached example is not so very short (but not TOO long, I think), because I want to demonstrate the behaviour of a slur at line break without manipulating it. The first slur looks very nice, although there are many things to take in account. The second slur looks

Re: A new feature since 2.10.14 doesn't work

2007-02-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Graham, You wrote: > Roland Goretzki wrote: > >the new feature described in the documentation under "Changes" as: > >"Objects that belong outside of the staff are now positioned automatically > >to avoid collisions." > > You we

Why is the text shifted, when using \hspace ?

2007-02-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi list, (version 2.10.14) I posted this on Feb, 01, but got no reply, so I ask it again: Using crescendoText with a dashed line I wanted to put a bit more space between the text and the dashed line with \hspace #1. But then I found that the dashed line was shifted to the right as wanted, but t

define own variables

2007-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, Using version 2.10.20 I've tried to define an own variable, but it doesn't seem to work, although lilypond doesn't give an error or warning. In the attached .ly -file I'm using a variable "manualBeam" taken from the documentation, and this does work as expected. I'm no programmer, so I can't

manipulate BarLine

2007-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, Using version 2.10.20 with piano staff I've tried to manipulate the BarLine (in the attached file with #'transparent), but this has only effect to the bar lines in the particular systems and not to the bar line between the systems. I searched in the archives and in the LSR, but couldn't find

Re: manipulate BarLine

2007-03-28 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Kieren, You wrote: > >Using version 2.10.20 with piano staff I've tried to manipulate the > >BarLine (in the attached file with #'transparent), but this has only > >effect to the bar lines in the particular systems and not to the bar > >line between the systems. > > Try > >

Re: define own variables

2007-03-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > You have hit upon a fine detail in the Scheme programming language. > One solution is to do > Abstand = > #(define-music-function (parser location wert) > (number?) > #{ > \overrideProperty > #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn" >

again a defining problem

2007-03-29 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, using version 2.10.20 it is possible to define a variable to change the color of NoteHeads. So after defining the variable "rot" (as done in the attached file) the changing of NoteHeads with the color red can be notated as \rot d instead of \once\override NoteHead #'color = #red d and i

Why doesn't this work?

2007-04-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, using 2.10.20 I tried to define the following: blau = #(define-music-function (parser location Note) (ly:music?) #{ \tweak #'color #blue $Note #}) But it doesn't seem to work ... Is there a mistake in the syntax or isn't it possible to define music-functions including the "\tweak

Re: Why doesn't this work?

2007-04-02 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > I have not idea why it doesn't work. However, if you look in > ly/, you will notice that the \tweak command > itself is implemented using music functions, so one possibility is to > use that definition as a starting point and modify it to

Re: producing "archival" scores

2007-04-08 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Tom, You wrote: > > . . . if convert-ly doesn't work, most of the note-entry should be > > straightforward to reuse, leaving organization and tweaking to be done > > (for me, that usually takes about half of the time of preparing a > > score, so that's not so bad). > > [ ... ] >

Re: producing "archival" scores

2007-04-09 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Tim, You wrote: > Roland asked: I wonder what the typical note-entry-time/layout-tweak-time > ratio is amongst LilyPond users. It was Tom, not Roland. :-) Best Regards Roland ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user

Re: Fingerings Below Bowings?

2007-04-20 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Matt, You wrote: > I am trying to figure out how to tell lilypond to always > put fingerings below bowings in my music. I found > this in the manual: > > Commonly tweaked properties > The vertical ordering of scripts is controlled > with the script-priority property. The lo

Re: horizontal spacing with negative value?

2004-05-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Han-Wen, You wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > My question: > > How is it possible to get this spacing with a negative value? > > > > ( #'padding = #-1 doesn't work. )-: > > > > Or isn't it possible? > > I think it's not possible. Unfortunately, the spacing engi

Re: prallup

2004-05-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Thomas, You wrote: > I want to use the "prallup" symbol ("scripts-prallup"), so that it is > _left_ to the note and "inside" the stave. > I tried ^\markup {\musicglyph #"scripts-prallup"}, but I cannot move > the symbol down into the stave. Why not use \once\override

horizontal spacing with negative value?

2004-05-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, perhaps my question from last week was not recognized as a question, so now I'm asking again: With extraSpace = \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1 I can use a good macro for extra spacing. My question: How is it possible to get this spacing with a negative v

Re: \bar ":|:" inconsistency?

2004-05-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello David, > Schott--20th century, is always dots thin thick thin dots. Two thicks > is just old fashioned. I beg Your pardon, but: Henle and Peters -- 20th century, is always dots thick thick dots. I can't believe, that this is just old fashioned. The Schott's form I've seen some

paging at piano-music for four hands

2004-05-04 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello, I'm using lilypond version 2.2.0. My question: Are there routines to generate a usefull paging at piano music for four hands? I couldn't find anything about this in the documentation, sorry ... :-( A detailed look at mutopia couldn't help, because there are only music for four hands, wh

Re: bar collisions and triplets

2004-05-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > No, I don't think so! However, I found a hint in a recent email > on the mailing list that lead me to the following solution: > > d2.~ \times 2/3 {d4 d8~} \extraSpace | > > where the macro \extraSpace is defined by adding the following > line at the top of th

Re: paging at piano-music for four hands

2004-05-05 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > Unfortunately, there's no good support for this feature at the moment. > I'm afraid you have to insert line breaks (\break) and page breaks > (\newpage) manually. To mix the pages, I would typeset the two > parts after each other and then use a postscript tool

problem with Ties in midi

2004-05-23 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, (v2.2.0) about two month ago, Han Wen wrote, that ties in midi do work again. Really, they do, but in my example they do a bit chaotic: Some ties are well tied in midi, but at some ties the second note is played again. I cannot control this behaviour. The .ly file is attached. Plea

Re: problem with Ties in midi

2004-05-24 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Erik, You wrote: > This is a known bug, which hopefully will be fixed pretty soon (fyi, the bug's > name in our bug database is midi-tie). Thank You for the information! :-) Best Regards Roland -- The difference between theory and practice is that: in theory, ther

beaming problem

2004-07-09 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi, my version is 2.2.0. In a piece with \time 9/16 I need almost notes in the form eight sixteenth eight sixteenth eight sixteenth ... and so on. A little example: a8 ( e16 g8 f16 d'8 d,16 g8 d16 f8 e16 g8 f16 ) a8 ( g16 e'8 e,16 c'8 e,16 ) I'm using the automatic be

Re: beaming problem

2004-07-11 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Sami, You wrote: > Try \set stemRightBeamCount and \set stemLeftBeamCount as in following > example ( from Lilypond tips and tricks: > > > > fragment = \notes { > #(override-auto-beam-set

Handling of Ties in chords individually?

2004-07-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all. I'm still using lilypond 2.2.0, and I wonder, wether it is possible to determine at tied chords explicitely, which direction every tie shall have. To demonstrate that this is necessary, here a little piece of code: \include "" \score { \context Staff \notes\relative

shorten beamed stems without overriding beam-positions?

2004-09-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all. I'm using version 2.2.0 and want to shorten many beamed stems in a way, which allows to transpose the whole score afterwards several times, so I cannot use e.g. \override Beam #'positions = #'(2 . 0). In my short example at the bottom I can't find a way to shorten the stems enough. :-(

Re: shorten beamed stems without overriding beam-positions?

2004-09-23 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > Did you try to set all the three properties you mentioned at > the same time? Then you'll see the difference. No, I didn't, because I didn't know, that it is necessary. Still I don't know, HOW it works, but it works. :-) > Also, you may want to reduce the dam

2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-12 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, just newly installed, the version 2.3.20 doesn't work. After convert-ly on a little .ly-file and then invoking lilypond on it, lilypond says: lilypond: Symbol `kpse_format_info' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking `' wird jetzt verarbeitet

Re: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-13 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Jan, Thank You for answering so fast! Unfortunately it's no help to me (maybe, I cannot understand correct.) :-( You wrote: > Roland Goretzki writes: > > > lilypond: Symbol `kpse_format_info' has different size in shared object, > > consider r

Re: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, Thank You for the hint You wrote: > Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Pardon, I've forgotten to tell, that I've fetched 2.3.20 from Pedro > > Krögers website, and now I've the following new .deb's correct > &g

Re: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-14 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, Thanks for the hint. You wrote: > Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > How can I get 2.3.22? > my package is called "lilypond-snapshot", so: Ooops ... I've thought, 2.3.22 and snapshot were two different versions ... :-I &

lilypond-snapshot Was: 2.3.20 doesn't work :-(

2004-10-15 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, You wrote: > Well, yesterday I re-upload the files, maybe you have tried to get them > when the repositoire was empty. I'd suggest you try again (but run > "apt-get update" first). let me know if you have any trouble. With the installation there was no more any trouble,

Seems to be still "only" a font problem ; -) Was Re: lilypond-snapshot

2004-10-16 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Pedro, You wrote: > Roland Goretzki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > produces an error-message, saying, the version would be incorrect. > > could you send the lilypond file? AFAIK this list doesn't allow > attachments, but you can paste the code i

Re: Documentation build

2004-10-16 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello who-ever-You-are, You wrote: >There's a problem building lilypond-2.3.22 on my system. > >The documentation build stops with errorcode 139, > which is 128+11 meaning memory segmentation error, I think. > >I had a running 2.3.13 on the same system, now it is 2.3.22

Re: Upgrade to 2.3.22

2004-10-17 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Paul and Walter, You wrote: > Walter Hofmeister wrote: > > >I just upgraded to 2.3.22 and am excited about the new page layout > >[ ... ] > >warning: lily-guile: Must use #(set-paper-size .. ) within \paper { ... } > >Interpreting music... [8][16][24][28] > >Preprocessing grap

Re: Upgrade to 2.3.22

2004-10-17 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Erik, You wrote: > There's some confusion going on about \paper, \layout, \bookpaper etc. > Be prepared that names may change again soon. Do You mean, that it would be better to wait, perhaps for version 2.4.0, instead of trying to get lilypond-snapshot-2.3.22-1 running? Best

problem at convert-ly

2004-10-18 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, lilypond-2.2.6 freshly installed, I wanted to update an old file named, produced with 2.2.0, but convert-ly produces a SyntaxWarning. What does this mean, and is it relevant or not? A file named with 0 bytes was created, and the original file was untouched.

shift the ottava-number

2004-10-22 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hi at all, I'm using version 2.2.6 and want to shift the number of octavation (e.g. 8) relatively to the dashed-line or vice versa. The default looks like: * * * * * * * *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * | * *

space above footer

2004-10-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, My version is 2.2.6. The footer seems me too near under the last line, if I use interscorelinefill = 5.0 \mm lastpagefill = 1.0 \mm I've no idea, how to change this, if I don't want to do it with a workaround (unvisible note very low). The workaround would be VERY awful, be

Re: shift the ottava-number

2004-10-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Mats, You wrote: > Hi guys on the developers list, can anybody answer this > question, I don't really have a clue. Meanwhile I solved this with a workaround: \set Staff\ottavation = #"" and \markup { \finger\bold\fontsize #2.8 \italic "8" } on a note, so I can shift o

Re: Super duplex

2004-10-27 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Laura, You wrote: > The psutils package also has really cool options for producing > booklets and such. So that if you want to reduce your pages and print > them 4 per sheet so that they can be stapled in the middle as a > booklet, you can do: > > psbook | psn

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