Hi list,

(version 2.10.15)

the attached example is not so very short (but not TOO long, I think),
because I want to demonstrate the behaviour of a slur at line break
without manipulating it.

The first slur looks very nice, although there are many things to take
in account.

The second slur looks quite odd.


Any hints?

Best Regards           Roland
\version "2.10.15"

global = { \key f \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 s4 s1*5 }

rechts = \context Staff \relative c'{
  \context Voice = "rechts"
  \override Fingering #'avoid-slur = #'inside
  \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside
% =============== % AUFTAKT:
  { c''4 \trill ( }
    { s8. \grace {
      \once\override Fingering #'font-size = #-6
      b16 -2 [
      \once\override Fingering #'font-size = #-6
      c -1 ]
% =============== % TAKT  1:
a'16 -4 -> g f c
a -4 -> g f c
a -4 -> g f c
\change Staff = down \stemUp
a -4 ^> g f c)
% =============== % TAKT  2:
f -> -2 ( g a c -1
\change Staff = up \stemDown
f -> -2 g a c -1
f -> g a c -1
f -> -2 g a g
% =============== % TAKT  3:
f -> c a -4 g
f -> c a -4 g
f -> c
\change Staff = down \stemUp
a -4 g
f -> c f a)

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<
    \context Staff = "up" << \global \clef violin \rechts >>
    \context Staff = "down" << \global \clef bass >>
  \layout { }
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