Hello list, hello Pedro,

You wrote:

> Well, yesterday I re-upload the files, maybe you have tried to get them
> when the repositoire was empty. I'd suggest you try again (but run
> "apt-get update" first). let me know if you have any trouble.

With the installation there was no more any trouble, thank You. :)

> BTW, I barely can read german, so please change the language to english
> next time :-) something like:

Excuse me, I will do so ... ;-)

Now, the new problem is, that AFTER the correct updating
(the version number was correct transformed to 2.3.22, too)
of an existing input-file with

    convert-ly-snapshot -e --from=2.1.28 w17-a-moll.ly 

the command

    lilypond-snapshot w17-a-moll.ly

produces an error-message, saying, the version would be incorrect.

Mmhh ...
Perhaps, step by step, it will become running correct on my system.
After reading the NEWS of the documentation I would like it. :)

(BTW, perhaps it could be helpful to others, if there would be any hint
on the web-page, that the according documentation is to install with
`apt-get install lilypond-snapshot-doc'. I by myself needed a while to
find out ... :)

The whole text-output of the command:
(remembering Your language-suggestion ;-)

Now processing `w17-a-moll.ly'
error: Incorrect lilypond version: 2.2.0 (2.3.22, 2.3.22)
error: Consider updating the input with the convert-ly script
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][58]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... 
Interpreting music... 
MIDI output to `w17-a-moll.midi'...
Track ... 
Layout output to `w17-a-moll.tex'...This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, greek, iceland
ic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, norsk, norsk, portuges, romanian, russian, s
lovak, slovene, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.

(./w17-a-moll.tex (/usr/share/lilypond/2.3.22/tex/lilyponddefs.tex
Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class
No auxiliary output files.

No file w17-a-moll.aux.
[1] [2] [3] )
Output written on w17-a-moll.dvi (3 pages, 139256 bytes).
Transcript written on w17-a-moll.log.
This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
' TeX output 2004.10.16:0058' -> w17-a-moll.ps
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 8000 --mag 1+0/8000 --dpi 8000 
mktexpk: Mismatched mode ljfour and resolution 8000; ignoring mode.
mktexpk: Can't guess mode for 8000 dpi devices.
mktexpk: Use a config file, or update me.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
dvips: Font ecrm0900 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
dvips: Such scaling will generate extremely poor output.
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 8000 --mag 1+0/8000 --dpi 8000 
mktexpk: Mismatched mode ljfour and resolution 8000; ignoring mode.
mktexpk: Can't guess mode for 8000 dpi devices.
mktexpk: Use a config file, or update me.
dvips: Font ecbx1200 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 8000 --mag 0+7624/8000 --dpi 7624 
mktexpk: Mismatched mode ljfour and resolution 8000; ignoring mode.
mktexpk: Can't guess mode for 8000 dpi devices.
mktexpk: Use a config file, or update me.
dvips: Font feta-braces-e not found, characters will be left blank.
<special.pro>. <feta13.pfa><ecbx10.pfa><ecti10.pfa><ecbi8.pfa>
<feta-nummer6.pfa><feta20.pfa><ecbx12.pfa><eccc10.pfa>[1] [2] [3] 

Invoking "latex \\\\nonstopmode \\\\input w17-a-moll.tex"
Invoking "dvips -t a4   -u+ec-mftrace.map -u+lilypond.map -Ppdf w17-a-moll"

Converting to `w17-a-moll.pdf'...

error: failed files: w17-a-moll.ly


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