orks great so far, but is there any way I can dynamicly shrink the png to
size and remove the excess white space on the output?
Tnx in advance
lilypond-user mailing list
On 21 déc. 2012, at 14:01, Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Mike,
>> I have two 16ish-hour flights this holiday season and I'll be filling them
>> with composition, Sudoku, and LilyPond programming. So, this is the time to
>> send me:
>> 1) Features you ne
On 6 févr. 2013, at 09:31, Keith OHara wrote:
> Thomas Morley googlemail.com> writes:
>> in some situations I used to override the Y-extent of the Clef.
>> With 2.17.10 it doesn't work any more.
> I noticed this, too, and found the change that caused it.
> https://lists.gnu
On 25 avr. 2013, at 09:44, Edward Andrews-Hodgson wrote:
> Hi there
> I'm transcribing some music which has a compound time signature (3/4 + 3/8).
> I've managed to set the set the beaming using
> \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 3)
> But I'd also like to have an automatic dashed bar lin
Before I start on this, can anyone think of a quick & easy way to do this
lilypond-user mailing list
financial contribution to the
project. Is anyone here interested in exploring this with me?
I believe that Mike Solomon and Patrick McCarty would be the best
two people to approach. I'm a bit surprised that they haven't
said anything alerady, actually. :)
- Graham
Sorry - I sh
y Athens,
I'll be on it over the weekend!
Back to the Acropolis,
lilypond-user mailing list
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:52:15 +1100, Nick Payne wrote:
On 28/11/11 11:04, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
Dear LilyPond developers,
Dear Bug Squad members, could you add this enhancement request to
the tracker? Thanks!
This is by far the most popular enhancement request from the French
users mailing lis
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 06:03:57 + (UTC), Julia wrote:
I am having a devil of a time!
I confirmed that lilypond is working.
The log says my compilation is successful.
But neither the ps or pdf file were created.
I downloaded the 2.14 version for windows xp.
I don't know how to fix that.
On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 12:11:47 + (GMT), Paolo Prete wrote:
how can I obtain a glissando similar to that in the attached file?
There are two ways.
1) Place hidden notes at the kink points and then make several
glissandi w/ padding=0 on the left and right at the notes
Dear Luis,
Lionel Rascle is working on this sorta thing.
You can e-mail him at le...@free.fr for some code.
On Mar 19, 2012, at 12:28 AM, luis jure wrote:
> hello list,
> i'm transcribing a fragment of a blues recording, and i'm trying to solve
> how to notate all the pitch
On 29 mai 2012, at 23:56, Lucas Gonze wrote:
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Nils wrote:
>> AFAIK musescore dropped Lilypond export support because of a lack of
>> interest and in favour of musicXML (whatever that means, I read it somewhere
>> on the musescore twitter account or something li
y:make-stencil(list 'embedded-ps ps )
(cons 0 1)(cons -1 -1)))
(ly:stencil-add tie-stencil tick-stencil)
On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 03:54:47PM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> > PS: list server *seems* to be swallowing posts: apologies if this appears
> > several times.
> So far four times.
> > Or maybe I am too impatient.
> Maybe.
Eek! How embarrassing - groveling apologies to all for the noise.
\version "2.15"
%% set tremolo-type to generate only one flag
sstemtr =
#(define-music-function (parser location sequential-music)
"single slashed stem trill for early english keyboard musi
Here is my solution for marking ties as editorial.
It seems that the size of tie is not known when the
stencil is called, so I used a function from sencil.scm
to calculate its extent. I thought scheme was not too
bad until I saw this - I have no idea how it works, but
the answers seem plausible.
- the wrongness only appears on a staff system.
Both 2.14 and 2.15 give the same result.
Looks like a bug to me, or at least very unintuitive behaviour. Is
it known, with or without a workaround?
VoiceOne = \relative e'' {
\repeat volta 2 {
\clef "treble
race s16 in the corresponding \alternatives fixes it
I was at that page before: Looked be did not See !
lilypond-user mailing list
virtual server all
for myself? Any suggestions on what to ask/request from Hostmonster's support?
tar: ./usr/lib/libgs.so: Cannot create symlink to `libgs.so.8.70':
Permission denied
tar: ./usr/lib/libgmodule-2.0.so: Cannot create symlink to
> I would try running the install script *without* the --prefix option. It
> should then install just fine in your home directory where you should
> have write permissions.
Thanks! Unfortunately it didn't work.
After uninstalling, I have changed to my home dir and issued
> Is this a Samba mount or NFS or something? Maybe you just cannot create
> symbolic links?
Thanks for helping.
It is not a Samba mount or NFS, to my knowledge. I am definitely not using
it from Windows or anything, I'm just logging in via puTTY.
I am able to create symbolic links, but I think th
> First cd to your home directory. Then issue the command:
> bash path/to/lilypond-2.19.42-1.linux-x86.sh --prefix lilypond-
Thank you so much for trying to help, but unfortunately I'm getting the same
errors, after executing this in my home dir:
[~]# bash lilypond_install/lilypond-2.
> > [~]# bash lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh --prefix lilypond
> I can't understand this. It looks like root's prompt, not a user's.
It's just my user's prompt. It shows that I'm in my home dir.
> Please post all the output. It ought to be about 40 lines at most.
> If the
> >> > [~]# bash lilypond_install/lilypond-2.18.2-1.linux-64.sh --prefix
> >>
> >> I can't understand this. It looks like root's prompt, not a user's.
> >
> > It's just my user's prompt. It shows that I'm in my home dir.
> Are you sure? The `#' sign usually indicates a super-us
I see. Well this is the prompt I found, I didn't override it.
[~]# id
uid=1292(myusername) gid=1288(myusername) groups=1288(myusername)
[~]# uname -a
Linux host137.hostmonster.com 3.12.52-20160119.106.ELK6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue
Jan 19 16:53:32 CST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Thanks all f
> For example, we have:
> libtiff.so -> libtiff.so.5.2.0 (in the same directory).
> To this extent, lilypond is self contained.
Nice one, thanks. OK I'm trying to sort out these links manually, so far so
[~/lilypond/usr/lib]# ln -s libgs.so.8.70 libgs.so
[~/lilypond/usr/lib]# ls -l li
OK, linking manually seemed to work! Weird huh? Seems like I can create
symlinks, but not from within the install script.
Is there a conclusive test to thoroughly verify my install?
I'll try a hello world now.
Thanks again.
[~]# lilypond -v
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
Copyright (c) 1996--2012 by
> I'll try a hello world now.
Uhm... Hello world is having trouble with ps->pdf, so far as I can see.
Again, executing that command manually worked fine, and the resulting PDF
looks good.
Should I start a new thread?
[~/tmp/lily]# lilypond test.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.18.2
Processing `test.ly'
> Interesting that you had to descend a level to see those links.
> My suggestion is that you reinstall with the script just as I showed,
> using a unique, non-existing prefix. The obvious prefix is
> lilypond-2.18.2-1 which includes the version number. I'm *guessing*
> that you've tried to inst
> This sort of error is usually a good sign that you're trying to run a
> locally installed LP with the Linux Distribution versions of, eg,
> GhostScript or Python; not a good idea.
> Your full output of the installation process (in the other subthread)
> is useful, difficult to understand, and
> IIRC it's a compatibility issue. I think the LilyPond wrapper script
(usually ~/bin/lilypond) has to set
> the right path to the local Lilypond gs.
> Basically, if LilyPond invokes the system gs it's often the wrong version.
The wrapper looks good to me:
me=`basename $0`
export LD_L
> When you run LP, it will ask gs to convert the file. However, which
> version of gs runs, LP's or the system's? Will it be happy running
> with LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home1/myusername/lilypond/usr/lib"?
No, same error I'm afraid.
> Do I know if LP's symlinks are set up correctly? Not really.
> Do
> > > When you run LP, it will ask gs to convert the file. However, which
> > > version of gs runs, LP's or the system's? Will it be happy running
> > > with LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home1/myusername/lilypond/usr/lib"?
> >
> > No, same error I'm afraid.
> "No" isn't an answer to "which version of gs r
Update: I have tried to build the latest tar on my system, but I got the
following errors - interestingly all to do with symlinks:
70: extrac07.at:27 extracting symlinks to a read-only dir
extract extract07 read-only symlink
76: extrac13.at:26 extract over symlinks
> I suspect that you are not using GNU tar while lilypond's tarball gets
> created with GNU tar.
Thanks Werner. Actually I am using GNU tar (1.23) and I was trying to
upgrade to the latest GNU tar (1.29).
lilypond-user mailing list
ensions already installed - a 'chat', a forums
extension, and the wikitex extension for inline rendering.
lilypond-user mailing list
a good model. Other suggested models are the Choral Public Domain
Library (www.cpdl.org) and the
International Music Scores Library Project at www.imslp.org
Jordan Eldredge wrote:
This is wonderful. I set up a similar wiki with the idea that it could be a
place to collaborate on transc
security breaches with the system.
thanks and cheers,
lilypond-user mailing list
ilypond" user to
delete/modify anything that isn't strictly temporary, then all
well and good.
Oh I see... No, lilypond is isolated from the rest of the filesystem.
Thx - I didn't know that about lilypond and I'll try som
-beam-setting' but the
examples in the manual are making my head spin (especially after having
spent way too long last night dicking around with sendmail.cf - I
can't handle anything remotely cryptic today).
Thx and cheers,
Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I'll just use brackets for now and
look at Alexander's suggestions more closely a bit later on. This was
prompted by a project to do Schubert's Winterreise, but I'm thinking
ahead to Wagner's Ring. . Ok, now that you're all stopped
laughing, I'm only half-j
's not being promoted much -
just people on this list and the mutopia list. )
lilypond-user mailing list
Yes, here: http://draft.wikilily.org/wiki/index.php/Sandbox - click on
'edit' tab to edit the code.
(You'll have to put in a midi block if ya want 'listen' to work and
don't forget to wrap code within tags)
PS ( or make a user account for your own
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
how can you make your own sandbox as a user?
Just enter as a page name User:Mike Blackstock and edit away
(substituting your own username of course).
lilypond-user mailing list
and will post that up for anybody who would like to help finish it.
I'll post it today or Monday - my boss just poured another glass of
Lagavulin in preparation for his garden party so i may not get much work
done today.
lilypond-user mailing list
tablish fair dealing. In some cases even quoting
the entire work may be fair dealing."
Ok, enough.. I just wanted to touch on this in a public forum... I think
using snippets of works, and posting them, to learn a computer program
is &
ple can search everything from one
location; Nutch runs under tomcat so I'll look into the root issue.
PS Incidentally, great job on the lilypond jail mode - it was pretty
straightforward getting it running once I installed Olivier Sessink's
jailkit. (Well, as staightfor
beer) and
look at the options - tons of places around there are wireless hot spots.
Valentin Villenave wrote:
there are several systems that allow to do so, but you need to know
that a) lilypond-based web applications are still at a very early
stage, b) you will need a (powe
an't be the right approach. Is there something in the manual I've
missed? And how come the different behavior in the 2 examples?
Thanks. - PS the quickest way to visualize the above is at
Ottawa U when I was there.
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Mike,
Is there something in the manual I've missed?
lilypond-user mailing list
Mike Blackstock wrote:
Incidentally Kieren are you related to Keith and/or Edward? Keith was
the Chairman of the music dept. at Ottawa U when I was there.
Well if you are my apologies - it's 'Ernest' not 'Edward' of course.
w to do this. Your help
would be greatly appreciated!
lilypond-user mailing list
rent = ##t
\override Voice . NoteHead #'stencil =
#(make-stencil-boxer 0.05 1 ly:note-head::print)
b16 [a b c a b b a g a b a]
If there is any way to enclose these notes within a single box, please let
me know. I can do it in an svg editor if need be, but it'd be ideal to be
ative position of
the NoteColumn to which said markup is attached. There must be a better way
to go about this, and I am relative new to lilypond so I have yet to find it
- any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks thanks,
lilypond-user mailing
rubato of sorts, but
more prescribed and unidirectional). Before I undertake the work of
overloading the stencil object for Slur, I was hoping that there was an easy
tweak to make this happen.
Many thanks!
lilypond-user mailing list
signature with
an image of the note that it represents! Is this possible? Can you help??
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me what the source codes are for staff lines and time signatures
or where to find them?
lilypond-user mailing list
alled. Debian is not bi-arch currently due to limitations
in apt-get so if you use Debian that could be the problem.
thanks -mike
lilypond-user mailing list
also shifted
upward. Now the distance between the staff and the lyrics become extremely
wide. I've added a sample. Is there a workaround to:
a. make the rest of the soprano and alto voice collide
b. to force the lyrics to its normal distance to the staff.
Staff as in the
other Staffs?
Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list
import lilylib as ly
SystemError: NULL result without error in PyObject_Call
Can you please give me advice how to get lilypond-book running? Thank you in
advance for your help.
bility of C and Scheme.
Thanks to all who have contributed to the development of lilypond. I'm
still a beginner but having lots of fun creating some great looking
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks for you help,
On 9/23/06, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Quoting Mike Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:> While creating identifiers for fret diagrams I found the identifiers
> can be alpha only. I've searched the archives to see if th
ks for any help.
PS. Incidentally, I'm setting up a CVS server to collaborate on scores
development, if anyone is interested.
lilypond-user mailing list
really screwed up the Tex fonts here or something and time has not
permitted me to track down the problem. I'm thinking of an upgrade
to fedora core 5 with the Planet CCRMA stuff.
Ok, thx for the help and suggestion. Excellent job on the manual by the
way -
this is really the only th
d book on a lousy day!).
oh I got this error: "programming error: Cannot find file for FontConfig
Is that important?
lilypond-user mailing list
something like "Typeset by Mike Blackstock; engraved by Lilypond" right
up under the title, flush left.
lilypond-user mailing list
ursion in human language might make it a
little easier to transter
the knpwledge over to programming lanuages.
I'm writing in haste - does any of the above make sense?
lilypond-user mailing list
guitar.php )
I've seen very little mention of NoteEdit and I'm wondering, is the
project dead in the water? It seems to me to be a good base for a
GUI for lilypond.
Any ideas anyone?
lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list
I need to convert .ly version 2.0 files to version 2.10
Conversion stops with the following output:
convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.10.0
Processing `trio_flute.ly'...
Applying conversion: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.7, 2.1.10, 2.1.11,
2.1.12, 2.1.13, 2.1.14, 2.1.15, 2.1.16, 2.1.17, 2.1.18, 2.1.
C:\Program Files\basic\script.xlb"
- In the "Append Libraries" dialog click "OK"
- Close all open dialog boxes
In particular, OpenOffice 2.1 does not have a radio button, nor an "Append"
option (it has "New" and "Import", but I am too new to
I hope this isn't too far off topic; maybe Lilypond
could somehow be fit into the thing as a music-printing
engine or something:
from http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/01/31/1951219
"It would have an iPod running Linux plugged in,
that would allow me to record the music that was
played on i
ans to claim a copyright
on an edition of music that is itself in the public domain.
Good Luck
Yeah. I'm now half through Part three of Danses de travers. But I'm not
sure about the copyright, Satie is dead long enough, but my score is
marked with (c) 1978.
es of
scores; finding a particular score is faster than searching via
the major search engines.
It's a project-in-progress but I find it useful enough to share with others.
The url is http://www.blackstock.ca/egroupware/sitemgr/utilities/ and if
anybody knows of good sites to index, let me know.
aims to offer search
and retrieval of music fragments within midi and mp3 files. I'm
not sure how far along that project is, but searching into lilypond
files, as you suggest, does not seem to pose insumountable problems,
at least when thinking out loud about it in really general terms.
Hello all,
I just wrote a little program for NoteWorthy Composer that exports .ly
data. It works as a user tool in NoteWorthy Composer 2. Not everything
is supported yet, so you'll probably have to edit the generated file a
bit. You can find it here:
Mike Wi
aving to rewrite the program every time they update NoteWorthy.
Regards, Mike
Maurizio Tomasi wrote:
> Mike, is there the possibility to compile a stand-alone version for
> Linux of your Noteworthy plug-in (i.e. to create a command-line program)?
> I'm asking this because I us
(e.g. the soprano and alto part have common rests which are shown above
Also the stanza numbers do not show (music starts with 4 bars rests). Is there
a way to get the stanza numbers at the beginning of the bar?
Many thanks for your attention and help!
Mike Bosschaert
When I try to download Lillypond, I get a dialog
"connection to cygwin.com refused". Is there another site where I can
Mike A
lilypond-user mailing list
eally like to try Lilypond
Lilypond-user mailing list
pecific pitch.
I guess it is like a
percussive note, or rhythmic notes,
but I can't figure
it out how to insert into my single
staff lyrical
ht on the staff
and stuff like that. Plus the lilypond rendering is done in the background
with ajax calls to the server. 'xajax' is pretty nifty.
lilypond-user mailing list
kudos on the new release - it's awesome.
lilypond-user mailing list
yway, Lilypond's the way to go. Will have some kindof demo ready at some
point in the next few months. Trying to get financing so I can do it
fuull-time - we all know THAT story ;)
lilypond-user mailing list
Anyway, I've been spending my 'sabbatical' (as I call it) working on this
kind of stuff and I hope to relaunch by summer's end.
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 8:56 AM, wrote:
> But getting back to your questions: Mutopia is nice, but I should hope
>> that, some
down the road) and others but web developers for
the most part haven't.
For sure, I'll keep you posted. When's your presentation?
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:17 AM, MonAmiPierrot wrote:
> Looks like very interesting. It's quite a bit of tim
t you want with.
The guy I'm gonna use for this tells me I can do pretty much anything, short
of recompiling the kernel ;)
Hope this helps - I did it myself last year so fire away if you have
any questions
after searching the archives.
> When you say that you know how to
n was how
to prevent people from executing
arbitrary commands that may remove important system files. The answer is
install the jail and limit what's
in your bin directories. That'll stop the 'kiddie' hackers, which is
probably what you want to do.
On W
se the systems to
disrupt other systems and - here's the key part - learn from it.
My beer's getting warm - Cheers,
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Graham Percival
> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 02:47:54PM -0400, Mike Blackstock wrote:
> > Of course, 'security
ave removed the Bar_engraver.
3) I have set the Stem stencil to ##f instead of removing the
Additionally, if there are any other optimization suggestions you have,
please let me know!
Description: Binary data
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
Slightly more than 2*(3**7) quarter notes (without stems)
Grob count: 24833
On hour 15 of my new compile... Keep the suggestions coming!
On 6/2/09 12:17 AM, "-Eluze" wrote:
> is this from midi input?
> if so
yout {
\context {
\remove Bar_engraver
\context {
\remove Stem_engraver
\remove Beam_engraver
Of course, I am always on the lookout for a better way than either of these
here exists a scheme function I could call that would give me the # of
measures in a system (or, alternatively, if TupletNumber has a
parent/grandparent/great-grandparent... that contains this info), I can
tweak the TupletNumber after-line-break callback function.
lilypond-user mailing list
\override Stem #'direction = #UP c'4 } >> }
Too left.
\relative c' { << { 1 } \\ { \override Stem #'transparent = ##t c'4
} >> }
Too left.
\relative c' { << { 1 } { \override Stem #'transparent = ##t c'4 }
>> }
Too right.
ided is more or less a full-measure multiphonic.
In the score I'm writing, this chord is accompanied by an eps markup w/ a
fingering chart, but other than that what I've put below constitutes a
measure of the actual score.
THANK YOU very much for your help!
On 7/4/09 12:25 PM, &q
tone code
(see below).
As I'll be using a lot of microtones, I may work on automating your very
good solution. My deadline for the piece is July 20, so I am under the gun,
but as Confucius once said, "One day devoted to automating a process saves
you a lifetime of doing it manually.&qu
\version "2.13.0"
#(define (make-number-bcl layout props fsize stretch offset val)
(ly:text-interface::interpret-markup layout props
(make-general-align-markup X RIGHT (make-general-align-markup Y DOWN (
markup #:abs-fon
d so you can see how they look
Also, I have no clue why I called it multiphonic - I'm going on 7h of sleep
for the past 3.5 days...but the code works...
lilypond-user mailing list
say use yours as a template it looks amazing!
On 7/8/09 6:10 AM, "Gilles THIBAULT" wrote:
> I am a bit disapointed because a year ago i made a clarinet tablature but i
> never managed to make it compile by the LSR.
> I thought it was because the version on te
1 - 100 of 495 matches
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