This is a modification of tremolo to use it for stem ornaments in early English keyboard (virginals) music.
The problem with tremolo is that I could not find a way to prevent it adjusting the slash separation to match any beaming, so I redid the stencil in ps. It only works in 2.15 - in 2.14 the postscript prints in the wrong place. Submitted for comments, improvements and possible inclusion in LSR if people think it might be helpful. Here is a Byrd alman which I think has worked quite well. I had to adjust the stem length and beam postion each on one occasion, but otherwise it is untweaked. Mike \version "2.15" %% set tremolo-type to generate only one flag sstemtr = #(define-music-function (parser location sequential-music) (ly:music?) "single slashed stem trill for early english keyboard music" (let ( (result-sequential-music (ly:music-deep-copy sequential-music)) (dur (ly:duration-log (ly:music-property sequential-music 'duration))) (trem 8) ) (cond ((equal? dur 3)(set! trem 16)) ((equal? dur 4)(set! trem 32)) ((equal? dur 5)(set! trem 64)) ((equal? dur 6)(set! trem 128)) ) (set! (ly:music-property result-sequential-music 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'TremoloEvent 'tremolo-type trem) (ly:music-property result-sequential-music 'articulations))) result-sequential-music)) %% two flags stemtr = #(define-music-function (parser location sequential-music) (ly:music?) "double slashed stem trill for early english keyboard music" (let ( (result-sequential-music (ly:music-deep-copy sequential-music)) (dur (ly:duration-log (ly:music-property sequential-music 'duration))) (trem 16) ) (cond ((equal? dur 3)(set! trem 32)) ((equal? dur 4)(set! trem 64)) ((equal? dur 5)(set! trem 128)) ((equal? dur 6)(set! trem 256)) ) (set! (ly:music-property result-sequential-music 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'TremoloEvent 'tremolo-type trem) (ly:music-property result-sequential-music 'articulations))) result-sequential-music)) %% Stencil prints one slash if flag-count == 1, otherwise 2 %% Too few flags and stem engraver refuses to typeset it %% too many and the stem length is increased unnecessarily. stemtrill= #(lambda(grob) (let* ( (stem (ly:grob-parent grob X)) (duration (ly:grob-property stem 'duration-log)) (dir(ly:grob-property stem 'direction)) (flag-count(ly:grob-property grob 'flag-count)) ; give a little exra space for minims (base-pos (if (= 0 duration) 0.5 -0.2)) (separation (if (= 1 flag-count) 0 0.6)) (ps(format #f " /width 0.65 def /rise 0.5 def /thickness 0.3 def /slash {gsave currentpoint translate newpath -1 width mul exch moveto 2 width mul rise rlineto 0 -1 thickness mul rlineto -2 width mul -1 rise mul rlineto closepath fill grestore} def ~s slash ~s slash" (* base-pos dir) (* (- base-pos separation) dir))) ) (if ( > flag-count 2) (format #t "\nWarning Stemtrill duration: ~s flags: ~s\n" duration flag-count)) (ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps ps ) (cons 0 0) (cons 0 0)))) \layout{ \context { \Voice \override StemTremolo #'stencil = \stemtrill } } { %% Use either notation: the wrappers enforce the correct number of flags \stemtr g'1 \stemtr d''8 c'' b' d'' \sstemtr c'' b' a' c'' g'4:16 } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list