Hello everybody,
a long-time user here, never been a power user though, but I'm back to
Lilypond after quite many years. I'm considering the possibility of
notating a future orchestral project using Lilypond. As I never used
it for anything bigger than chamber music, I'm learning how to
organise a
On Tue, 26 May 2020 at 19:38, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> On Tue, 26 May 2020 at 18:12, Lib Lists wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > However, I know that \partcombine doesn't accept more than two voices,
> > so I guess I cannot (hypothetically) combine all the voi
On Tue, 26 May 2020 at 20:49, Valentin Villenave wrote:
> On 5/26/20, Lib Lists wrote:
> > For example, I'd start with the concertmaster's part, then duplicate
> > it and edit it to generate the music the second soloist, then the
> > other soloists, then desk
On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 18:10, Valentin Villenave wrote:
> On 5/27/20, Lib Lists wrote:
> > merge the stems so
> > that the final result looks like one voice.
> In that case, what you want clearly is \partcombine (\partCombine since 2.21).
> If you have more
xtremely useful, at least
for me. I couldn't find such an example in the otherwise awesome
documentation, and I was thinking to contribute myself once I'll be
more familiar.
Thank you!
> On 5/28/20 10:33 AM, Lib Lists wrote:
> > On Wed, 27 May 2020 at 18:10, Valentin Villen
On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 10:26, Rutger Hofman wrote:
> Well, it turned out to keep that tutorial short. Still, I think it will
> have its use, since questions about temp staves/divisi turn up at
> regular intervals.
> My first attempt is here:
> https://www.rutgerhofman.nl/lilypond/divisi-doc/d
I have two problems related to the trill spanner length.
\version "2.22.1"
\time 3/4
d2\startTrillSpan d4\startTrillSpan \stopTrillSpan
First bar: according to Gould (p. 136) the trill line should stop at
the barline. Is there a way to achieve this?
Second bar: t
> \time 3/4
> d2
> -\tweak bound-details.right.padding #1
> -\tweak springs-and-rods #ly:spanner::set-spacing-rods
> -\tweak minimum-length #8
> \startTrillSpan d4\startTrillSpan \stopTrillSpan
> }
> HTH,
> Dimitris
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 6:24 PM
The solution was simple, I just had to place a '-' before \tweak.
\pitchedTrill ees1 -\tweak to-barline ##t \startTrillSpan e
\time 3/4
f2. \stopTrillSpan
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 at 10:24, Lib Lists wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you so much. Both seem to
I'm trying to change the vertical alignment of the dashed line so that
it is at the same level with the bottom of the text 'cresc.', instead
of being at the centre.
I checked the documentation for the DynamicTextSpanner but couldn't
find the right property to change.
\version "2.22.1"
DynamicTextSpanner.bound-details.right.Y = #-1
> \override DynamicTextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-offset = #'(-0.75 .
> 0)
> c'1\cresc
> d'
> e'\ff
> }
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Dienstag, 30. November 2021, 12:35:25 CET schrieb Lib Lists:
> >
On Tue, 30 Nov 2021 at 15:12, Valentin Petzel wrote:
> Hello Lib,
> just remove the overrides to left.Y and right.Y. But having the line centered
> but the cresc raised will look a bit weird. Maybe experiment by setting the Y
> values to something between 0 and -1.
Hello everybody, and happy new year!
In the example below I would like to add another set of grid lines to
show the triplet subdivisions in the lower staff. Moreover, I'd like
to colour the two grid lines differently. I couldn't find any example
and I'm not sure whether this is actually possible.
, 1 Jan 2022 at 18:15, Valentin Petzel wrote:
> Hello Lib, I think I can implement something for that, give me a day or two.
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Samstag, 1. Jänner 2022, 15:56:18 CET schrieb Lib Lists:
> > Hello everybody, and happy new year!
> >
> &g
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Samstag, 1. Jänner 2022, 21:17:52 CET schrieb Lib Lists:
> > Hi Valentin,
> > wow, thanks, if you have the time that would be great!
> >
> > To clarify what I mean, here attached is an example made with
> > Inkscape. I susp
verrides to have them printed
> in some color.
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Sonntag, 2. Jänner 2022, 10:31:25 CET schrieb Lib Lists:
> > Hi Valentin,
> > thank you so much! The example you attached looks perfect.
> > However, it doesn't seem to work under Lilypond 2
I'd like to change the size of the half-diminished chord symbol, but I
cannot find a way to do it.
\version "2.25.5"
\chords {
\set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { \override #'(thickness . 2)
\triangle ##f "7" }
c4:maj7 a:min7.5-
I'm aware there's not a halfDimishedSymbol, but I cannot fin
On Fri, 26 May 2023 at 03:16, wrote:
> > I'd like to change the size of the half-diminished chord symbol, but I
> > cannot find a way to do it.
> >
> > \version "2.25.5"
> > \chords {
> > \set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { \override #'(thickness . 2)
> > \triangle ##f "7" }
> > c4:maj7 a:min7.5-
I'd like to change the size of the accidentals and their alignment in
chord symbols.
Here a MWE:
\version "2.25.5"
\chords {
aes2 cis
Specifically, I'd like to have all the flats smaller, and the sharps
smaller and horizontally center-aligned with the root note name.
I checked the manual an
ake-musicglyph-markup "accidentals.sharp")))
However, I didn't manage to change the size of the accidentals. If
anyone could point me in the right direction it would be great! Bear
in mind, my knowledge of Scheme is primitive to say the least.
Best regards,
On Fri, 26 May 2023 at 1
markup list.
It's not yet perfect, as I'd wish the sharp sign to be still smaller,
but satisfactory enough.
See screenshot 'before' and 'after'.
On Sat, 27 May 2023 at 12:49, Lib Lists wrote:
> Replying to myself, as it might help someone else
in the following example (see attached edited pdf) I'd like to reduce
the distance between the suffixes. It looks like the distance between
the root and the first suffix is smaller than the distances between
the following suffixes.
\version "2.25.5"
des:maj7.5+ fis:7.5+.9+.11+
Indeed chordNameSeparator is responsible for the space between suffixes.
Solved as follows:
\version "2.25.5"
des:maj7.5+ fis:7.5+.9+.11+
\layout {
\context {
chordNameSeparator = #(make-hspace-markup 0.2)
On Sat, 27 May 2023 at 17:59, Lib Li
Just checked on macOS Ventura 13.4 and Frescobaldi adds the .ly
extension automatically.
On Mon, 29 May 2023 at 22:52, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm wondering if we can close this old Frescobaldi issue:
> https://github.com/frescobaldi/frescobaldi/issues/16
> In some des
> >
> >\new Staff = "down" {
> > \override Beam.positions = #'( 6 . 6 )
> > \clef bass
> > \stemUp b8[ c' \up c' b]
> > \down b8[ \up c' b]
> > \down c'[ \up c']
> > \down b8 \up
I'm (re)working on a series of pieces for player piano. I'd like to
find a way to generate all the \scaleDurations values so that I don't
have to type them by hand. In the example below they follow a simple
pattern (60/60k 60/59, 60/58, etc.). Unfortunately my knowledge of
Scheme is very lim
On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 00:08, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le dimanche 11 juin 2023 à 23:55 +0200, Lib Lists a écrit :
> Hello, I'm (re)working on a series of pieces for player piano. I'd like to
> find a way to generate all the \scaleDurations values so that I don'
On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 12:44, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> [Adding back the list]
Oops, thank you!
> Le lundi 12 juin 2023 à 12:23 +0200, Lib Lists a écrit :
> > On Mon, 12 Jun 2023 at 10:58, Jean Abou Samra
> > <[j...@abou-samra.fr](mailto:j...@abou-samra.
When trying to compile the complete score of the piece below (88
staves and 120 quarter notes), I noticed it was taking many hours (I
didn't finish the compilation). Trying with shorter versions, I got
the following compilation times:
- 2x quarter notes -> 16.7",
- 4x quarter notes -> 1'17",
Dear Jean (and Valentin!),
thank you so much! The page breaker was the problem, and after
applying your fix the compilation time on my machine is around 3
minutes. I'll soon be able to finish the score, just need to fix the
duration ratio and the layout.
Again, thank you!
P.S. I just found an o
Here is a hack, and among the various things to be fixed, the beam
thickness of the fake grace notes needs to be checked more carefully
against the 'real' grace notes. I calculated the starting point of the
fake grace according to the percussion part, so it begins on the
upbeat of the 3rd beat.
I was going to submit a bug report about the collision issues, but it
> appears that someone already did so about 10 years ago:
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/2630
> Take care,
> Mike Seifert
> > On Jun 15, 2023, at 12:54 PM,
On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 22:18, Mogens Lemvig Hansen wrote:
> It struck we as weird to put the lyrics inside the DrumStaff, so I tried
> something closer to what I would have done for a choir:
> \score {
> <<
> \new DrumStaff <<
> \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \CyBars }
Maybe even better than writing explicitly the number of systems per page,
\paper { page-breaking-system-system-spacing.padding = 2 }
seems to work.
On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 23:44, Lib Lists wrote:
On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 at 00:33, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le mardi 20 juin 2023 à 23:44 +0300, Lib Lists a écrit :
> I think the problem is caused by Lilypond putting too many systems on the
> page (have no idea why).
> The precise positioning of grobs such as tuplet br
On Fri, 23 Jun 2023 at 12:24, Valentin Petzel wrote:
> To be more general the clef modifier specifies a shift in steps where we start
> with 1 as unison. So as an octave is 7 steps n octaves will have a shift of
> 7*n, but we will add a 1 as we start with 1 = unison, which gives 0+1 = 1, 7+1
> =
I realised that Lilypond doesn't like it if the metronome value is a
non-integer. In the example below, assigning 7 to the voiceAmount
variable triggers a 'error: not an unsigned integer'. I tried to
construct the metronome number marking as a markup, but without
Any suggestions?
> 72.4
> 'tempo-unit
> (ly:make-duration 2)
> 'text
> "Weird tempo")
> \set Score.tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment (* 724/10 1/4))
> c
> }
> \layout { }
> \midi { }
> }
> If you do not what to d
> Interestingly, and this would have been the topic of my next message, the
> resulting MIDI output is always correct whatever \tempo I put (it can be the
> same \tempo for all staves). In the example below the top staff is always set
> to 4 = 120 and the other staves correctly follow. I'm wonde
I'm testing different ways to notate the top-staff rhythm in the
example below (a 25:16 tuplet over two bars, or a quintuplet built on
four notes of another quintuplet). I have a couple of problems:
1. I'd like to notate the first staff ratio as in the attached image,
but I have no idea how
\translate-scaled #'(3.3 . 2.8) \magnify #0.5 "5" } \override
TupletBracket.padding = #0 \override TupletNumber.Y-offset = #1.5
\tuplet 5/4 { c8[ c c c c] } }
On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 at 16:34, Lib Lists wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm testing different ways to notate
On Fri, 28 Jul 2023 at 14:50, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le vendredi 28 juillet 2023 à 10:57 +0300, Lib Lists a écrit :
> The solution was to build the tuplet number text as a markup. I wonder if
> there is a way to specify the alignment of the tuplet number with the tuplet
> inserted before the notes, allowing us to add additional overides or stuff.
> This function will automatically derive the numbers (e.g. 5:4) from the
> tuplet.
> E.g the tuplet in this example turns into
> \override TupletNumber.text = #(tuplet-number::custom-text #{ 8 #
Hi Valentin
On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 16:08, Valentin Petzel wrote:
> Hi Lib,
> Am Dienstag, 1. August 2023, 11:21:31 CEST schrieb Lib Lists:
> > Hi Valentin,
> > I'm speechless, that's absolutely wonderful and useful, thank you so much!
> glad you like
ut block:
> \override StandaloneRhythm.TupletNumber.font-series = #'bold
> Cheers,
> Valentin
> Am Mittwoch, 2. August 2023, 08:04:31 CEST schrieb Lib Lists:
> > Ooops, I clearly skipped that part, my bad!
> > I now see why you did it, and you also added some space around th
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to find the right option to make sure that the bar spacing
follows the length of a text markup.
See this example: if it's one bar long it works, if 2 or more it doesn't.
\version "2.25.19"
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff = "upper" {
c'4 -\mar
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 at 08:26, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> The irregular distance is caused by LilyPond trying to vertically fit
> the items as tight as possible, which is what you normally want.
> > I'm a bit lost regarding the distance between them.
> > I tried this but with no success (and I
On Wed, 25 Sept 2024 at 22:22, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >> In this example, everything looks fine when there are max. 3 nested
> >> analysis brackets (first score). However, when the brackets are 4
> >> the distance between them is irregular.
> >>
> >> Moreover, how to reverse the order of the
Hi Kieren,
this also works, thank you!
On Thu, 26 Sept 2024 at 01:50, Kieren MacMillan
> Hi,
> > However, when the scores are four, the distribution seems problematic,
> > as the scores begin to overlap. Moreover, they are not equally
> > distributed. I sort of get why (
Hi everybody,
I'm connecting to this thread as it's a very similar situation:
I'm making a score consisting of fragments, and I ended up using the
\markup \fill-line \score construct.
However, when the scores are four, the distribution seems problematic,
as the scores begin to overlap. Moreover, th
On Fri, 20 Sept 2024 at 15:56, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
> On 20/09/2024 12:44, Lib Lists wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm connecting to this thread as it's a very similar situation:
> I'm making a score consisting of fragments, and I ended up using the
Hi everybody,
In this example, everything looks fine when there are max. 3 nested
analysis brackets (first score). However, when the brackets are 4 the
distance between them is irregular.
Moreover, how to reverse the order of the brackets so that the
shortest ones are closer to the staff?
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