On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 at 00:33, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
> Le mardi 20 juin 2023 à 23:44 +0300, Lib Lists a écrit :
> I think the problem is caused by Lilypond putting too many systems on the 
> page (have no idea why).
> The precise positioning of grobs such as tuplet brackets depends on the 
> horizontal spacing, which is not known yet during page breaking, so LilyPond 
> uses estimates at this stage. For tuplet brackets specifically, no such 
> estimates are currently implemented, so their height is not taken into 
> account, which is the reason why LilyPond ends up placing more systems on the 
> page than is reasonable in this code. This usually isn't a problem since 
> scores are usually not made of continuous tuplets (if there are tuplets 
> across all the score, you would customarily omit them after writing out the 
> first few).

Wow, interesting, and thank you (this is very useful to know)! I was
just reading yesterday about pure-unpure containers in Lilypond,
trying to figure out some possible use cases.

I think I've encountered a similar issue during the years, but I had
no idea what was the reason. I (think I) never asked for help here
thinking it's a bug and ended up instructing Lilypond to put less
systems per page or modifying the layout, staff size, etc. I
personally use a lot of brackets and in general there are many cases
in which the bracket shouldn't be omitted. Is there any technical
advantage in not having estimates for the brackets?


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