Hello, I realised that Lilypond doesn't like it if the metronome value is a non-integer. In the example below, assigning 7 to the voiceAmount variable triggers a 'error: not an unsigned integer'. I tried to construct the metronome number marking as a markup, but without success.
Any suggestions? The idea is to have the metronome markings values automatically generated, starting from 4 = 120 in the upper staff. Below both a M(non-)WE and the complete example Thank you in advance for any help! Cheers, Lib %%% MWE %%% \version "2.25.5" \score { \new Staff { \tempo 4 = #(* 1 (/ 120 7 )) { c' } } } %%% %%% COMPLETE EXAMPLE %%% \version "2.25.5" voiceAmount = 7 \score { \new StaffGroup << #@(map (lambda (i) #{ \new Staff { \scaleDurations #(cons voiceAmount i) { \tempo 4 = #(* i (/ 120 voiceAmount )) \relative c'' \repeat unfold #i {{c c c c }} \bar "||" } } #}) (iota voiceAmount voiceAmount -1)) >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove Metronome_mark_engraver \cadenzaOn } \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver \consists Metronome_mark_engraver } } } %%%