Hi all...
I was wondering if anyone else has seen this. I compiled lilypond
according to the instructions here (thanks by the way!):
I used MacPorts for the dependencies. Running lilypond from the
command line works great, and I have it loaded into my path wi
Hi all,
I'm just getting started with LilyPond, and am trying to create a
spatial notation, and using Glissandos to show duration. My question
has to do with the middle three notes in the example below.
1) For the connection between the B-flat to the C, then the C to the B-
flat, is there
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Josh Parmenter
Hi all,
I'm just getting started with LilyPond, and am trying to create a
spatial notation, and using Glissandos to show duration. My question
has to do with the middle three notes in the example belo
Hi all -
Does anyone have a suggestion for having the glissando drawn between
both members of the chord in the example below?
Thanks for your help.
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
\version "2.11.58"
myGliss = {
\clef bass
\time 4/4
2 \glissando 2
\score {
\new Staff
thanks everyone.
If nothing else, I have a better idea about how to use the search
now... will do that first from here on.
On Sep 5, 2008, at 1:50 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Werner (et al):
Hmm. Searching for `kieren' and `glissando' yields nothing.
Ha! You're right…
I agree! Very nice! As I am just learning how to use LilyPond - it is
already making things faster.
Is it possible to download the document to have a local (offline)
copy? Or should I wget it?
On Sep 5, 2008, at 3:37 PM, James E. Bailey wrote:
Wow, the new documentation real
Hi Anders,
for what it's worth, I agree with you (I seem to remember that
On Sep 8, 2008, at 9:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Seems the Dillon example (showing violin-music) didnt get too far, but
point is illustrated well with first example. If anyone wants to see
I've been searching through the docs and online, and i think the
keywords I am using are making this difficult... does anyone have a
suggestion for how I can set up parameters so that lilypond only
allows one measure per line?
Thanks for any help.
in 4/4 and is 25 measures long.
myBreaks = {
\repeat unfold 25 {
s1 \break
Then, in your \score block use \myBreaks inside << >> with your
music expression. This will force a break after every measure.
Hope this helps.
Josh Parmenter wrot
brilliant! Thanks all.
On Sep 8, 2008, at 11:52 PM, Mark Polesky wrote:
Let's say you have 100 measures in your score.
Either of these will work:
\layout {
ragged-right = ##t
system-count = #100
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
system-count = #100
again, thanks! these both help quite a bit!
On Sep 9, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
2008/9/9 Mark Polesky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Let's say you have 100 measures in your score.
Either of these will work:
I would say:
Let's say you have N measures in your score.
Hmm... a FInale user that thinks they are picky about how things look?
In answer to your question... you can set the font-size :
\paper {
ragged-right = ##t
\score {
\clef bass
\override Staff.Clef #'font-size = 20
c4 d e f
Hope that helps.
On S
Hi all... I am trying to understand the Beam #'beaming property, and
can't seem to figure out the syntax to override the settings. As a
short example, what I would like to do is tell the middle beam not to
draw. None of these syntaxes throws an error, but none seems to change
any settings.
You can set the tagline to "" in the \header block.
%% SuperCollider output from Wed Sep 17 12:58:57 2008
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
\include "english.ly"
\header {
tagline = ""
soprano = \new Voice = "soprano" {
< c' ef' g'>4
< b f' g'>4
I've been following this, and just tested the latest version on OSX...
quite nice guys!
Perhaps the -V flag can be set to not open the image after it is done?
This utility will be great for mass creating images (as most command
line tools are), but having Preview open each one up will get v
Not on OSX. You are using the 'open' command, and this will open the
file regardless of the viewer that is passed in.
On Sep 19, 2008, at 2:51 PM, Patrick Horgan wrote:
Josh Parmenter wrote:
I've been following this, and just tested the latest version on
ver popped up a viewer.
Of course it would return a status to tell you if it was successful.
Josh Parmenter wrote:
I've been following this, and just tested the latest version on
OSX... quite nice guys!
Perhaps the -V flag can be set to not open the image after it is
If you are familiar with scripting, and have Windows, use it as a
template. But my guess is you will need to find different utilities to
do the conversion and cropping. This is pretty straight-forward to do,
since most of these utilities run just fine on linux and mac (though
most scripts c
On Nov 13, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Sorry, folks, but why does this email on Vim show up on the thread
about Lilypond being excessively slow on Vista? (My email app is
set to sort incoming mail by thread.) This has happened on a couple
of other threads recently, too. Does t
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