Thanks David... that actually gives me some ideas.
On Sep 8, 2008, at 11:03 AM, David Bobroff wrote:
I'm not sure that LilyPond has a parameter to set to do what you
want. What springs to my mind is using \break to achieve the effect
you want.
Let's assume your piece is in 4/4 and is 25 measures long.
myBreaks = {
\repeat unfold 25 {
s1 \break
Then, in your \score block use \myBreaks inside << >> with your
music expression. This will force a break after every measure.
Hope this helps.
Josh Parmenter wrote:
I've been searching through the docs and online, and i think the
keywords I am using are making this difficult... does anyone have a
suggestion for how I can set up parameters so that lilypond only
allows one measure per line?
Thanks for any help.
/* Joshua D. Parmenter
“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own
interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether
actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes
choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject
himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary,
historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono
lilypond-user mailing list
/* Joshua D. Parmenter
“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own
interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively
or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this
regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual
renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social
palingenesis." - Luigi Nono
lilypond-user mailing list