Hi Anders,

for what it's worth, I agree with you (I seem to remember that conversation!)


On Sep 8, 2008, at 9:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Seems the Dillon example (showing violin-music) didnt get too far, but
point is illustrated well with first example.  If anyone wants to see
more 'real-life' examples of slanted on-stem tremolos in beamed
note-groups, tell me and ill send some.

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/* Joshua D. Parmenter

“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

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