Re: Parenthesize multiple notes

2022-10-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 29/10/2022 à 22:42, Edizioni Migliori a écrit : Hello, How can I parenthesize multiple notes? In the example below, I am trying to enclose the two grace notes in one set of brackets. \version "2.23.10" \language "english" \relative { \afterGrace b'2\trill { a16 b } c2 } Have a look

Re: lilypond-user Digest, Vol 239, Issue 85

2022-10-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 29/10/2022 à 21:15, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : What is your OS? You said that. Sorry.

Re: Change clef size

2022-10-30 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 30/10/2022 à 23:06, Paul Hodges a écrit : To get the best match with other pieces being supplied to the same publisher I am using the Bravura font instead of Emmentaler.  However, the change-clef glyphs in this font are notably smaller than usual, and I've been asked to enlarge them.  I know

Re: Terminology question

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Jacques, Le 31/10/2022 à 06:39, Jacques Menu a écrit : Hello folks, Is there a LilyPond-specific term for the position of an element in a measure, such a 7/16? Do you mean 7/16 as a fraction of the length of a whole note, or a fraction of the length of a measure? The former is called "m


2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 31 oct. 2022 à 11:21, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a > écrit : > > Problem > > I have got an extra treble clef on the second Staff when using a PianoStaff > with two \clef bass staves. See the example below This is a frequently discussed issue, last time here:

Re: Question about paths in point-and-click

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 17:44, Paolo Prete a écrit : Is it possible to set/customize the path information in the point-and-click metadata of LilyPond's output? In general, no. There is no such facility. I guess you could post-process the PDF to change the links, though. What are you trying to achie

Re: Question about paths in point-and-click

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 17:56, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : In general, no. Well, I spoke too fast. You can do \version "2.23.80" #(set!   (@@ (lily output-ps) stencil-dispatch-alist)   (assq-set!    (@@ (lily output-ps) stencil-dispatch-alist)    'grob-cause    (lambda (offset grob)  

Re: Question about paths in point-and-click

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 18:20, Paolo Prete a écrit : Thank you as always! In Spontini-Editor there are examples with generated SVG files that rely on point-and-click in order to be edited. Although included paths are dummy paths, I would like to clean them without post-processing the files. But I th

Re: Question about paths in point-and-click

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 18:35, Paolo Prete a écrit : BTW, for unknown reasons your mails always go to the spam folder. I don't experience the same issue with other members of the ml, and I don't understand if the issue is on my account or on yours... Unfortunately, some people using GMail get my e

Re: Different time signatures on staves bug?

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 22:31, Hajo Baess a écrit : Hello all, I need to typeset a lied (voice/piano) where temporarily the time signatures change from 4/4 for both parts to 2/4 for the voice and to 6/8 for the piano and back to 4/4 again. In the NR there is a nice example how to achieve this with equal

Re: MetronomeMark in line with sectionLabel

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 29/10/2022 à 22:46, Edizioni Migliori a écrit : Is it possible to make a MetronomeMark (tempo indication) appear immediately to the right of a \sectionLabel, ideally also vertically-aligned? The only way I have found so far is by overriding X-offset, which seems convoluted. See example below

Re: Tremolos Again

2022-10-31 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 00:22, Craig Bakalian a écrit : Wait, Wait, I just gotta say, why does the tremolo interface breakdown on beam direction in big or macro durations like whole notes?  Why can't the tremolo interface adjust to the distance of the note heads on the staff to create an angle? I w

Re: Question about paths in point-and-click

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 05:54, David Wright a écrit : On Tue 01 Nov 2022 at 02:23:23 (+0100), Paolo Prete wrote: Neverthless, IMHO this feature should be exposed in the API, because the lack of control of personal data should not be a trade-off for using an appealing feature such as the point-and-click

Re: Curious behaviour of q and a tweak

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 31/10/2022 à 16:08, Paul Hodges a écrit : I wanted to lengthen the stem of a pair of tied chords, but it didn't work as expected.  After some playing around, I found that I cannot tweak the properties of a chord represented by q (repeating the previous chord), but that the tweaks on the orig

Re: MetronomeMark and break-visibility

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 12:55, Thomas Morley a écrit : Hi, the following code for _Rehearsal_Mark works as expected, i.e. the RehearsalMark is printed at end of line: { b1 \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = ##(#t #f #f) \mark \default \break b } Alas, the same for _Metrono

Re: 2.23.80- stopping text spanner text on subsequent lines

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 18:02, Paul Scott a écrit : Can someone please tell me how to stop text spanners from repeating the text on subsequent lines? \version "2.22.2" {   c'1     \tweak bound-details.left.text "A"     \tweak bound-details.left-broken.text "" % <==     \startTextSpan   \break

Re: Control distance between lyrics' syllables

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 17:41, CieMaKat a écrit : Hello, I'm looking for a setting that controls: - the minimum distance between words of a lyrics line (the minimum whitespace width) - the minimum distance between hyphenated words (the minimum width of a hyphen) I tried: \new Staff { \melody }

Re: 2.23.80- stopping text spanner text on subsequent lines

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 19:00, Paul Scott a écrit : optt = {   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text =   \markup { \fontsize #-2 \upright "Opt. Tpt tacet" }   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.broken.text = "" }   \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.broken.text = "" ^^^

Re: Frescobaldi: errors with 2.23.80

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 22:23, Knute Snortum a écrit : (I'm hoping this is the best place to post Frescobaldi issues.) I have found that Frescobaldi emits errors when in the Layout Control view with Display control points checked. Remember this?

Re: hairpins in dynami9c-event

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 20:53, Paul Scott a écrit : In Score.quotedCueEventTypes should dynamic-event include hairpins? Please clarify what your question is: are you asking whether dynamic-event does include hairpins? Whether it is a bug that it does not? Something else? Can you give an example of

Re: hairpins in dynami9c-event

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 22:51, Paul Scott a écrit : I  \set Score.quoteCueEventTypes #'(   note-event rest-event tie-event beam-event tuplet-span-event   dynamic-event slur-event articulation-event ) and when I use \cueDuring I get everything except hairpins on the cue. That is as expected, as you

Re: Curious behaviour of q and a tweak

2022-11-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 01/11/2022 à 19:59, David Kastrup a écrit : It makes more sense if a) a tweak on an to-be-expanded chord (no non-post-event chord elements) is applied to the ChordEvent expression itself after all. b) when expanding a RepeatChord, tweaks get copied over to the created elements. That adds comp

Re: Change clef size

2022-11-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/11/2022 à 13:12, Paul Hodges a écrit : I have now used this successfully in four scores (four parts of one work), but I have a mystery. In the first three, it worked perfectly as expected.  However, in the fourth (a larger score) it worked for a while and then the change clefs reverted

Re: The disappearing glissando - a horizontal spacing saga

2022-11-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 02/11/2022 à 18:18, Paul Hodges a écrit : 2) Possible solutions The composer has drawn the glissando to the note head, not to the accidental - this would work adequately, but the spacing would still be tight - and in any case I couldn't find any way to make this happen. \version "2.23.8

Re: \fine and \section across staves

2022-11-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 03/11/2022 à 18:12, Joel C. Salomon a écrit : There’s a change between 2.23.6 and 2.23.80 in how `\fine` and `\section` appear across staves.  Below is a near-minimal cut-down version of my score illustrating the change, and images showing the difference. I normally put commands like `\bar

Re: \fine and \section across staves

2022-11-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 03/11/2022 à 21:02, anthony a écrit : On 03/11/2022 17:41, Jean Abou Samra wrote: In general, it's always been a credo through repeat-related changes that the repeat structure in the user input is expected to match across staves, reflecting the actual music. If you do this, it will al

New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

2022-11-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, There used to be a WIP book on Scheme in LilyPond by Urs at This link appears to be dead now. The sources are still available on the repository at so I've hastily forked this and made the build

Re: Trying to write a scheme function

2022-11-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Valentin, Just a small correction: Le 04/11/2022 à 09:02, Valentin Petzel a écrit : For checking equality we have three basic functions: eq?, eqv? and equal?. eq? checks if we reference the same object, but fails for numbers and strings. eqv? does the same, but with numbers and strings it co

Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

2022-11-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/11/2022 à 00:13, Karlin High a écrit : Could a music function or something be shorthand for that? Let's see... That page is pretty ideal. Here's the general form, what it contains, and how it can be u

Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

2022-11-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/11/2022 à 12:09, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : Also, you will have surprises with \relative because the note appears twice, with its octave marks. You can use make-relative to fix that. P.S. The Internals Reference gives a (quite technical) explanation of make-relative: https

Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

2022-11-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/11/2022 à 15:20, David Kastrup a écrit : Ok, I'll give the doc text another try, but the documentation block in the manual starts with: Macro: make-relative … which is missing the input arguments from (define-syntax-rule-public (make-relative (variables ...) reference music) I

Re: New hosting for Urs Liska's Scheme WIP book

2022-11-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 04/11/2022 à 14:43, David Kastrup a écrit : Jean Abou Samra writes: P.S. The Internals Reference gives a (quite technical) explanation of make-relative: That description is a bunch of incomprehensible gobbledegook

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 6 nov. 2022 à 06:14, Jeff Olson a écrit : > >  > This MWE works in 2.22.1 but fails in 2.23.14 (running via Frescobaldi 3.1.1 > on up-to-date Windows 10): > > \version "2.22.1" > \markup { > \postscript #" > /Helvetica-Bold findfont > 4 scalefont setfont > (Hello, World!)

Re: Which timesteps are created?

2022-11-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 6 nov. 2022 à 20:38, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : > > Folks, > > I'm not quite sure how to phrase my question resp. whether it's meaningful at > all, but here goes: Which mechanisms control the creation of time steps? The Global_context class. Have a look at Global_context::add_momen

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 07/11/2022 à 05:39, Jeff Olson a écrit : Jean, please help me understand what this implies.  The above lilypond-devel thread basically ends with Harm's statement that It is no longer possible to specify fonts like above.

Re: Lilypond 2.22.1 fails with GitHub Actions

2022-11-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 07/11/2022 à 20:59, Vít Novotný a écrit : This indicates that there is some issue with GitHub Actions. N.B. Also, it works with the official LilyPond binaries, as I demonstrated on the GitLab issue. It fails wih the Ubuntu package. Furthermore, the error message indicates that this issu

Re: Lilypond 2.22.1 fails with GitHub Actions

2022-11-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 07/11/2022 à 21:20, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : Le 07/11/2022 à 20:59, Vít Novotný a écrit : This indicates that there is some issue with GitHub Actions. N.B. Also, it works with the official LilyPond binaries, as I demonstrated on the GitLab issue. It fails wih the Ubuntu package. I

Re: Lilypond 2.22.1 fails with GitHub Actions

2022-11-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
I'm going to ask about this at GitHub support for actions. OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Lilypond 2.22.1 fails with GitHub Actions

2022-11-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 08/11/2022 à 01:12, Vít Novotný a écrit : On Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 09:20:24PM +0100, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 07/11/2022 à 20:59, Vít Novotný a écrit : Furthermore, the error message indicates that this issue might related to Ghostscript rather than Lilypond. It does not. The message is

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 08/11/2022 à 06:59, Jeff Olson a écrit : Excellent!  Thank you three times for your examples and patient explanations! So part of the trick is discovering which lilypond font-name to specify in order to embed the desired font in lilypond's postscript. My target is /Helvetica-Bold in pos

Re: Time signatures above score, aligning short instrument names

2022-11-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 08/11/2022 à 14:13, Nate Whetsell a écrit : I’ve noticed two issues with this. First, the above-score time signatures are usually centered over bar lines, but not when a measure is preceded by a clef change. In this case, time signatures seem to be placed before the new clef rather than cent

Re: Change clef too close to the chord after it

2022-11-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 08/11/2022 à 16:30, Knute Snortum a écrit : On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 5:30 AM Paolo Cantamessa wrote: Hi Knute, this in my environment works: rightHand = { \repeat unfold 16 { c'16 } } leftHand = \relative { % Remove the markup and all is well \clef bass g,8\noBeam^\markup \large \itali

Re: Time signatures above score, aligning short instrument names

2022-11-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 08/11/2022 à 23:47, Nate Whetsell a écrit : Thank you for this! I’m not sure how it works—it looks like a Scheme engraver that changes the /x/ parent of some time signatures—but it sure does! Yes, that's it. Basically, in order to make TimeSignature support alignment via break-align-symbo

Re: Change clef too close to the chord after it

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/11/2022 à 01:13, Knute Snortum a écrit : Thank you for that, and for the URL to the documentation. I have one more question (for you or anyone): in my example if you remove the markup, the change clef is placed horizontally correctly. Is this a bug, or is something else going on that I don

Re: Explicitly add extra space before a note

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/11/2022 à 13:35, Volodymyr Prokopyuk a écrit : *Question* Is there a way to *explicitly add horizontal space before a note* to accommodate the extra slur in \volta 2? Have a look at this:

Re: Adding durations (for \after)

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/11/2022 à 19:21, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : I'm a bit surprised that \version "2.23.4" #(define (duration-or-music? x)    (or (ly:duration? x) (ly:music? x))) duration = #(define-scheme-function (x) (duration-or-music?)    (if (ly:duration? x)    x    (make-duration-of-length (

Re: Which timesteps are created?

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/11/2022 à 19:22, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : Anyway: Thanks to both of you (Jean and David); I'm a bit swamped at the moment and have to postpone further work on this, but will definitely follow the directions you gave me. I'm not sure what you mean by "working" on this (writing .ly co

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 09/11/2022 à 19:51, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : Thoughts? I'm afraid my own Scheme skills aren't up to the task for this. I'm also fully aware that I can adjust this manually at the problematic places. I'd like to avoid that if possible, but will do that if needed. Please let's talk with som

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/11/2022 à 00:16, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : As I've described to you before, that is my preferred approach to coding. :) Would be more than happy to do that — with or without you "live" (via video-conference) — and then watch as you take the next step(s): Sorry, I already have some b

Re: Manually override code names?

2022-11-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 07/11/2022 à 08:23, Tom Campbell a écrit : Using a rootless version of C13 in the piano left hand makes Lilypond call it an E variant. I can't figure out how to override chord names so I'm using markup, like this. What am I doing wrong? How about this: \version "2.22.2" leftHand = \rela

Re: Tie with slash (caesura) on the curve

2022-11-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/11/2022 à 04:31, Pierre Perol-Schneider a écrit : How about: \version "2.22.0" oldTie = \once \override Tie.after-line-breaking =      #(lambda (grob)         (let*          ((stencil (ly:tie::print grob))           (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))           (markup-stencil      

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, For your information, I have submitted a merge request to mention this change in LilyPond's Changes document ( Also, the red herring in is now tracked in Best, Jean

Re: Semantics of \section

2022-11-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 10/11/2022 à 16:49, Joel C. Salomon a écrit : Obviously, all three options below produce identical output. (And also, I know that `\sectionLabel` does not need to be attached to a `\section`.) But is there a notion of which generally best represents the way music is divided, clearer to the n

Re: Adding durations (for \after)

2022-11-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 11/11/2022 à 00:14, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit : Well, duration-or-music? already exists and it's used by \skip. Ah, my bad, I didn't think of looking whether it might already exist. I'm surprised that such an either-/or type predicate doesn't wreak havoc with the parser. It is somethin

Re: Adding durations (for \after)

2022-11-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 11/11/2022 à 00:40, Jean Abou Samra a écrit : But I don't know what syntax to pick for that, or if it's essential to have one or if "+" alone is already useful enough on its own. 1`16 is the best I could find, but it's not wonderfully mnemonic. I think the reason w

Contacting Wilbert

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, Sorry for bothering this list with this. I am unsuccessfully trying to contact Wilbert Berendsen (the maintainer of Frescobaldi). In case you know him personally, could you let me know off-list? Thanks. Jean OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Adding durations (for \after)

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 11/11/2022 à 03:37, David Kastrup a écrit : I think we should avoid piling on arbitrary stuff without clear need for expressing music into the LilyPond grammar. Personally, I find it striking that the *only* two LilyPond libraries I am hearing about regularly on mailing lists, edition-engr

Re: Custom NoteNames doesn't work in 2.22

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 11/11/2022 à 14:28, David Kastrup a écrit : \override NoteName #'stencil = #ChimeNoteNames This is the problematic line, and the error message should have indicated as much. This should be NoteName.stencil but you really really really should figure out how to run convert-ly in the correct

Re: Contacting Wilbert

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 11 nov. 2022 à 15:49, David Kastrup a écrit : > > That looks like contacting him for a transfer of responsibilities > (provisional or more permanent) might have a better chance for a > response than wanting him to fix stuff on the software side. That is exactly what I did, actually, bu

Re: Adding durations (for \after)

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 11 nov. 2022 à 15:02, Kieren MacMillan a > écrit : > > Hi Jean (et al.), > >> Personally, I find it striking that the *only* two LilyPond >> libraries I am hearing about regularly on mailing lists, >> edition-engraver and, are both about >> inserting / replacing music in a

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 10 nov. 2022 à 18:22, Carl Sorensen a écrit : > > Thinking about this in terms of Excel cells, where they can extend as far as > possible as long as there are no contents in adjacent cells > > Might it be possible for the lyrics engraver to add something like a > lyricPlaceholder g

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 11 nov. 2022 à 15:11, Kieren MacMillan a > écrit : > Now of course I realize the implementation of this idea is not necessarily > trivial… but I don't think we need to throw the whole spacing engine under > the bus on the first step of an [attempted] improvement plan. Before being able

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 12/11/2022 à 00:23, Carl Sorensen a écrit : IIUC, columns are spaced with springs and rods considering collisions between adjacent columns. The hope was that one could create negative space in the column with no lyricText, thus allowing the adjacent column to overlap the column with no lyr

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 12/11/2022 à 05:27, Jeff Olson a écrit : On 11/7/2022 6:58 AM, Hans Åberg wrote: In 2.22 you successfully get "Hello, World!" at top of page. This example works in LilyPond 2.23.80 (MacPorts), on MacOS 13.0. Interesting.  This must mean that Helvetica-Bold is available as a system font on

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 13/11/2022 à 01:56, Jeff Olson a écrit : Thanks, Jean. While we're at it, there are two other changes that I don't see listed in * -dbackend=cairo o Jonas invited users to try this out in the announcement for

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi, I'll react to most of this off-list on the samples you sent to me, but: Le 12/11/2022 à 06:43, Jeff Olson a écrit : I did most of this 5+ years ago in 2.18.2 before I knew any scheme, and my scheme attempts since then have not built my confidence. [Self-promotion:] Have you tried to read

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 12/11/2022 à 05:45, Jeff Olson a écrit : Would be nice if lilypond had a way to load a resource into the postscript file without having to produce this extra output, or sledge hammer the bold/italic styles. That's not my view. LilyPond is meant to be extensible in Scheme, not in Posts

Re: Multi-measure spacer rests

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Sámuel, Welcome to this list! Le 13/11/2022 à 21:37, Sámuel Simon-Németh a écrit : Also, I have seen s1*/NoOfMeasures/ on the Internet, however it does not seem to work for me. That is the usual solution. You say it does not work; how does it fail? Can you give an example? See https://l

Re: Multi-measure spacer rests

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 13/11/2022 à 21:44, Sámuel Simon-Németh a écrit : \version "2.23.80" \new Dynamics \with { % some settings here } { % for shared dynamics   s1 \p   s \>   s \!   s   s   s   s   s   s   \mf } works, but \version "2.23.80" \new Dynamics \with { % som

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 12/11/2022 à 16:38, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : Hi all, I know many of you follow a “Do first” process… so even though that’s not my process, here goes. ;) Here's a small example of this spacing “thorn”, and one way I might tweak it to fix the problem. Notes: – I realize it's constructed

Re: \textMark and text duplications when using multiple staves

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 00:01, Federico Bruni a écrit : Hi folks I've started using the new \textMark command and I see that text is duplicated when using a StaffGroup including Staff and TabStaff. Although I've found in the doc how to override the behaviour, I wonder if LilyPond could do better autom

Re: Multi-measure spacer rests

2022-11-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 00:24, Knute Snortum a écrit : My two cents on the subject: using empty chords to put hairpins on is not the same as using spacers. Consider this MWE: \version "2.23.81" \paper { indent = 0 } << { c''4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 } \\ { <>\< s1 <>\! <>\< s

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
The bit with LyricHyphen was not working, this will be better: \version "2.23.81" #(ly:set-option 'compile-scheme-code) \layout {   \context {     \Lyrics     \consists   #(lambda (context) (let ((previous #f))    (make-engraver     (acknowledgers ((lyr

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 17:11, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : Hi again! Given the success of my first sortie, here's another snippet that might be automated. (Note that this one matches the OP's situation.) This is definitely a tweak I do on a very regular basis in my music-with-text scores: sliding a te

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 21:33, Jeff Olson a écrit : Yes!  It is excellent and I highly recommend it.  Especially after you incorporated my 7/12/2022 off-list suggestions concerning named let and various presentation formatting issues (self-promotion 😉)! I am notoriously bad with remembering names

Re: Show ledger line with hidden staff

2022-11-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 21:29, Rajesh Baskar a écrit : Hi, I'm trying to display just the notes without the staff lines but I need the ledger line to be displayed. I know you can use \stopStaff or \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" but that removes the ledger line as well. Please advise and thanks in a

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 05:29, Jeff Olson a écrit : That's it exactly!  What a relief to know a fix is coming. For a start, version 2.23.81 is supposed to be better in this respect, although the problem remains in very intensive situations. Best, Jean OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital

Re: Resend: Vertical and horizontal spacing

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 19:00, Sámuel Simon-Németh a écrit : My first email didn't appear to send, so here we go with the copy-paste: First of all, sorry for not understanding the docs, I hope you get it, being a beginner sucks. So, the questions: 1) How would I increase the spacing between piano le

Re: Unable to use \bar","

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 14/11/2022 à 20:14, Stephen Robinson a écrit : This feels like it should be a simple problem. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? You are trying to use a 2.23 feature with the 2.22 version. Best, Jean OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: ghostscript 9.56.1 in lilypond 2.23.14 no longer finds font Helvetica-Bold, but gs in 2.22.1 did

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
One more thing ... Le 13/11/2022 à 01:35, Jeff Olson a écrit : I've done #(ly:font-config-display-fonts) as directed in the 2.23 NR (thanks for adding that), and it lists family Times New Roman  Times New Roman:style=Bold,Negreta, ... But the MWE above with all those variations still

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 19:10, Paul Scott a écrit : I'm, trying to learn the new segno repeat structure. 1. Why do I get a second staff? This has nothing to do with segno repeats, you'll get the same with \version "2.23.81" <<   { c }   { c' } >> The fix isto use \score { \new Staff << \timing

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
By the way, I would strongly discourage your score structure: \version "2.23.81" timing = {   [\repeat segno stuff] } music = \fixed c' {   [without \repeat segno] } \score { \new Staff << \timing \music >> } LilyPond does not make efforts to support differing repeat structures across voice

Re: 2.23.81 changing dalSegnoTextFormatter

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 21:24, Paul Scott a écrit : I see \set Score.dalSegnoTextFormatter = #format-dal-segno-text-brief in NR 1.4.1 . How can I find the documentation to change the text used? In the internals reference, like all properties in general.

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 21:50, Paul Scott a écrit : What about creating all the parts for a score? I certainly don't want to type all the common structure in each part. It is really that troublesome? It's the way it's intended to be used. You will find that \section and \fine only affect their staff

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 22:10, Paul Scott a écrit : On 11/15/22 13:57, Jean Abou Samra wrote: It is really that troublesome? Yes. It's the way it's intended to be used. ?? I learned much of what I do here and, of course, in the documentation I hope others will comment on this.  I'm

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 22:41, Paul Scott a écrit : On 11/15/22 1:57 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: Le 15/11/2022 à 21:50, Paul Scott a écrit : What about creating all the parts for a score? I certainly don't want to type all the common structure in each part. It is really that troublesome? It&

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 22:46, Paul Scott a écrit : Did you see the documentation advising mismatched \repeat-s across staves? No, can you point me to it? See my previous message. The documentation does not do it apart from one example that is considered a documentation bug. OpenPGP_signature D

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 22:51, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : Hi all, On Nov 15, 2022, at 4:20 PM, Jean Abou Samra wrote: \repeat, on the other hand, is a command that does not stand alone but transforms a piece of music. It should be applied to all music that it is supposed to transform. Interesting

Re: 2.23.81 changing dalSegnoTextFormatter

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 23:16, Paul Scott a écrit : I'm not finding a place to put that where it works. I get the default text. The example I gave works, so can you give an example of what you tried that does not work? OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 15/11/2022 à 23:03, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : It’s not for you to sweat about, though it will be nice to make things explicit in the documentation so nobody else builds up a 20-plus-year library of minefield-laden scores. Clearer documentation would be a good first step, but my ultimate

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 16 nov. 2022 à 09:36, Werner LEMBERG a écrit : > > I think that such a fine granularity of automatic lyric adjustment > would only be possible with LilyPond doing (at least) two typesetting > passes, if at all. Can you elaborate? What would it help with? > In general, implementing a

Re: 2.23.81 new D.S. code

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 12:21, Kieren MacMillan a écrit : What about creating all the parts for a score? I certainly don't want to type all the common structure in each part. If you type the structure first, then as you use emacs, it's easy to copy and paste sufficient copies of it before you enter the

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 10:05, Werner LEMBERG a écrit : I draw my idea from LaTeX, for example handling multi-page tables (see the 'longtable' package). I looked at the documentation ( The footnote on th

Re: 2.23.81 changing dalSegnoTextFormatter

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 19:01, Paul Scott a écrit : I still would appreciate help adding the coda. I will attach my last attempt again, You need to put \once \set ... just at the point where the "D.C." text appears. In your example, this means: \version "2.23.81" music = {   \repeat segno 2 {     c

Re: aligning text in text spanner

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 16:26, Martín Rincón Botero a écrit : Hello, the following code produces text on both sides of the spanner that looks vertically well aligned with the upper limit of its box instead of the inferior one: {   f'1   ~   - \tweak style #'line   - \tweak bound-details.left.stencil

Re: aligning text in text spanner

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Actually, I see now that line spanners also support absolute shifts (I didn't remember that, in spite of having worked on that code ...). So, just do \version "2.23.81" {   f'1   ~   - \tweak style #'line   - \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-offset #'(0 . -0.4)   - \tweak

Re: Repeated Music

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 21:45, Greg Lindstrom a écrit : Hello all - I am working on a score in Lilypond 2.22.1 and believe I saw, somewhere, a notation to use in the programming of the notes to repeat the previous measure of notes. Not in the music, I use the various repeats all the time; this is in

Re: Chord names from two voices

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 16/11/2022 à 23:44, Luca Fascione a écrit : Hi all, is there a way to run the chord naming logic from two voices (in my case bass and guitar comping part) together? I have written-out guitar parts with rootless chords, and the roots are in the double bass parts, and was hoping I could quic

Re: Flexible lyric alignment

2022-11-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le 17/11/2022 à 08:06, Werner LEMBERG a écrit : * In the first pass, typeset everything without stuff marked for a follow-up pass. Namely, typeset all notes? Yes. But how do you take into account the constraints from lyrics here? That is the whole problem. They should be completely ignore

Re: Horizontally aligning mixed articulations in /improvisationOn mode

2022-11-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Le 17/11/2022 11:07 CET, Viktor Mastoridis a > écrit : > > > Hello, > > Adding a ^\staccato articulation to \improvisationOn notation renders it > correctly, the dot is aligned with the top of the stem. > When adding \upbow however, the articulation is aligned with the note head, > being

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