Le 30/10/2022 à 23:06, Paul Hodges a écrit :
To get the best match with other pieces being supplied to the same publisher I am using the Bravura font instead of Emmentaler.  However, the change-clef glyphs in this font are notably smaller than usual, and I've been asked to enlarge them.  I know how to use the full size clef glyphs, but that's not an acceptable solution, and I cannot find any size property attached to clefs which I could tweak.  Am I missing something simple, or do I have to find a way to change the glyph in the font?

Something like this?

\version "2.22.2"

\layout {
  \context {
    \override Clef.font-size =
      #(lambda (grob)
         (let* ((glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name))
                (is-change (string-endswith glyph "_change")))
           (if is-change
               0.5 ;; adjust
    \override Clef.before-line-breaking =
      #(lambda (grob)
         ;; Necessary to trigger font-size callback.  Otherwise it is
         ;; not triggered because font-size is used via the same property
         ;; alist chain mechanism as markups.
         (ly:grob-property grob 'font-size))

  \clef "treble"
  \clef bass


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