Le 07/11/2022 à 08:23, Tom Campbell a écrit :
Using a rootless version of C13 in the piano left hand makes Lilypond call it an E variant. I can't figure out how to override chord names so I'm using markup, like this. What am I doing wrong?
How about this: \version "2.22.2" leftHand = \relative c, { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 \once \override ChordName.text = "C13" <e' a bes d>4 \once \override ChordName.text = "C13" <e a bes d>4 \once \override ChordName.text = "F13" <ees g a d> \once \override ChordName.text = "F13" <ees g a d> } << \new ChordNames \leftHand \new Staff = "lower" \leftHand >> You can also shorten the command: \version "2.22.2" chordText = \once \override ChordName.text = \etc leftHand = \relative c, { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 \chordText "C13" <e' a bes d>4 \chordText "C13" <e a bes d>4 \chordText "F13" <ees g a d> \chordText "F13" <ees g a d> } << \new ChordNames \leftHand \new Staff = "lower" \leftHand >> See https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/substitution-function-examples about \etc. Alternatively, you could use tags to change the chord notes for the ChordNames context while keeping the correct notes for the piano part. \version "2.22.2" \tagGroup piano,chordNames leftHand = \relative c, { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 \tag piano { <e' a bes d>4 q } \tag chordNames { <c e g a'> q } \tag piano { <ees g a d> q } \tag chordNames { <f, a c d'> q } } << \new ChordNames \keepWithTag chordNames \leftHand \new Staff = "lower" \keepWithTag piano \leftHand >> See the documentation for tags: https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.22/Documentation/notation/different-editions-from-one-source Best, Jean
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