
2008-03-08 Thread James E. Bailey
I won't pretend to know who handles the documentation at the moment, or even assume that something like this can be quickly resolved, but in the snippets pdf and the lilypond-learning pdf, the jazz combo templates are without the source lilypond files. It's not a big deal, I just went to we

Re: on a single page

2008-03-13 Thread James E. Bailey
Section 3.1.3 of the manual talks about this, but really, all you need is a file with that includes all of the files you want to include in order. \include "" \include "" On 13.03.2008, at 11:23, Steffen Pfundmaier wrote: Hello together, since a couple of month I'm using


2008-03-14 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello, I'm having some difficulty with changing the short-indent setting. I've tried it in a paper block, I've tried it in a layout block, I've tried it with a 0.0\cm number, I've tried it with a #0 number, and try as I might, I cannot change the value. I wanted to do so specifically for th

bartók pizzicato?

2008-03-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Is there somewhere in lilypond the bartok pizzicato symbol? ___ lilypond-user mailing list


2008-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Also, just a follow-up, does anyone know anything about the short- indent setting? It doesn't seem to do anything for me. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

multiple pitchnames

2008-03-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it just me, or does lilypond have a problem with multiple \include "" statements. I'm coming to a place where I need to figure out where I can put that and not have an error. ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://

choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-03-31 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts all have their dynamics, but the piano part shouldn't. And the handy snippet I found generates a piano part with all the dynamics showing. Thanks ___

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-03-31 Thread James E. Bailey
On 31.03.2008, at 15:08, Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/3/31, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts all have their dynamics, but the piano par

Re: choir music, easy piano reduction and dynamics

2008-04-01 Thread James E. Bailey
On 01.04.2008, at 14:22, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Arjan Bos wrote: On 31 mrt 2008, at 14:59, James E. Bailey wrote: I'm wondering if there's an easy way to generate a piano reduction from a choral piece but without all of the dynamics. The choir parts all have their dynamic

combining parts

2008-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to combine four parts into two voices on one staff, ideally with one voice stems up and the other voice stems down? I've gotten as far as two voices combined into one voice with stems in the direction I want, but every time I add the other voice, I either lose the two voice c

Re: combining parts

2008-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
mme>> \new Voice <<\voiceTwo \DritteStimme \VierteStimme>> >> } This solution will even combine rests if they happen in one and the same voice. However, if you have simultaneous rests in all the four parts, then you will see them duplicated, which may or may not be what y

Re: combining parts

2008-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
On 09.04.2008, at 16:53, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Mittwoch, 9. April 2008 schrieb James E. Bailey: My gosh, thank you. You have no idea how long I tried to get that to work. And I'm perfectly happy with \remove Rest_engraver. Doesn&

Re: combining parts

2008-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
iceOne \ErsteStimme \ZweiteStimme>> \new Voice <<\voiceTwo \DritteStimme \VierteStimme>> >> } This solution will even combine rests if they happen in one and the same voice. However, if you have simultaneous rests in all the four parts, then you will see them duplicate

Re: combining parts

2008-04-09 Thread James E. Bailey
ames of these Voice contexts is hard-coded, which means that the results of your two \partcombine commands end up in one and the same Voice context (since the name is the same). This is just one of many limitations and problems with \partcombine. It should be a fairly simple exercise in Scheme pro

Re: Learning Music

2008-04-10 Thread James E. Bailey
\midi {} in your \score {} block is probably the fastest way. Am 10.04.2008 um 11:22 schrieb Eric Beaty: I've recently been studying how to read music though I've played music by ear for many years. I downloaded LilyPond but I need a way to test/hear what I've created to make sure I'm writin

Re: Extracting only lyrics and chords

2008-04-11 Thread James E. Bailey
Ah, then you just need a voice without the staff and its engravers. I would look at the snippet that adds all the engravers one by one, because it will have everything already removed, and you can just add what you need. Am 11.04.2008 um 09:50 schrieb Brett Duncan: James E. Bailey wrote

Re: Another LilyPond/Leopard solution

2008-04-12 Thread James E. Bailey
I kind of avoid emacs and its clones like the plague, but, does aquamacs have any lilypond syntax coloring? or foldings like TextMate? I usually use nano or TeXShop, but there are some aspects of TextMate that I would really like to use, but the syntax coloring in TextMate is so bad that I

Re: OCR to lilypond

2008-04-14 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 14.04.2008 um 17:50 schrieb Rick Hansen (aka RickH): I've used just about every notaion program that exists, but I still like to just write out my sheets on staff paper with a pencil prior to entering the data into a formal notaion software like lilypond or whatever. It would be wonde

Re: GDP: end singleton lists with a period?

2008-04-17 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 17.04.2008 um 23:55 schrieb Graham Percival: OK, silly question, but I simply cannot make up my mind. If we have a single entry in a list in the @seealso section, should it end with a period or not? For example, in this: --- See also Music Glossary: chord. Snippets: Simultaneous --- sh

Re: GDP: end singleton lists with a period?

2008-04-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.04.2008 um 00:19 schrieb Graham Percival: On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:05:28 +0200 "James E. Bailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Am 17.04.2008 um 23:55 schrieb Graham Percival: OK, silly question, but I simply cannot make up my mind. If we have a single entry in a list

Re: New behaviour with --output= option ?!

2008-04-18 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 18.04.2008 um 10:21 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi luc, On Apr 16, 2008, at 7:34 PM, Luc wrote: new behaviour with version 2.11.44 (windows xp) IIRC, when invoking lilypond, the option --output=folder directed all output files to the specific folder. Now this has changed: If I run "lilypon

Re: New behaviour with --output= option ?!

2008-04-18 Thread James E. Bailey
mply use a filter in my explorer. btw: I tried the version replacing the equal sign by a space and it also works under windows... greeting Luc On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:23:12 +0200, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Am 18.04.2008 um 10:21 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi luc,

Re: short instrument names going off the page

2008-04-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.04.2008 um 16:11 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: My short instrument names go off the left side of the page. I've searched the manuals and can't find the tweak or setting to keep this from happening. Seems like it must be something in the layout block. The full instrument names print norma

a snippet

2008-04-22 Thread James E. Bailey
I wanted to submit a snippet for the LSR, but that didn't work out so well for me, so I thought I would just put it here, it's the next best thing, really. I needed a way to have in a choral piece a single line of text for most of the work, and at the end, in the stretto, the texts exploded

Re: a snippet

2008-04-22 Thread James E. Bailey
ween four voices on two staves, and then how to have each voice have its own text." Am 22.04.2008 um 17:50 schrieb Valentin Villenave: 2008/4/22 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I wanted to submit a snippet for the LSR, but that didn't work out so well What problems did

Re: baffling error message

2008-04-22 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 22.04.2008 um 18:02 schrieb Valentin Villenave: 2008/4/22 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Yea!! Thanks Reinhold, Mats, and Neil. This instantly fixed the problem. Oy. I was using a template from somewhere and didn't know what that "" was for but kept it anyway. There ought


2008-04-25 Thread James E. Bailey
I thought I would ask the list's collective knowledge before I begin this, has anyone here any experience with having an introit for a choral piece, say for a mass that begins wtih a quotation of a chant. I can think of several ways to put a single measure, slightly smaller, without time si


2008-04-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Okay, so I was a bit mistaken, I've gotten everything done except centering the measure. I thought I could use something simple like indent = #0 line-width=measureLength, but that was a big not. So, is there any way I can accurately (and easily) center a measure horizontally on the page?

Re: introitus

2008-04-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Thank you so much! I had no idea I could include a \score block inside a markup Am 25.04.2008 um 16:27 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: One solution is to typeset it using a centered markup: \markup{\fill-line {\score{\relative { c d e f }\layout{ragged- right=##t /Mats James E. Bailey

Re: installation

2008-05-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.05.2008 um 11:32 schrieb Alan Fabian: Hi, I just installed lilypond via fink without any errors. Then I tried to generate the example { c'4 e' g' } saved in a text ( file on my Desktop. Then I typed "lilypond Desktop/" in my terminal window and I got the following erro

Re: Help getting started with Danny Boy

2008-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 03.05.2008 um 04:24 schrieb plasmacarwash: Hey Forum, I am transcribing Danny Boy from this mans arrang. (Mark D. Lew) . (3 pages short) It is from key 'D' to 'C' that I desire. I need only help on the vocal. I already have th

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
It looks as though jedit is looking for python in the lilypond path. And then looking for convert-ly to be there. convert-ly is actually in /Applications/ so if you can tell jedit to look there for convert-ly, problem solved Am 03.05.2008 um 16:54 schrieb

Re: Repeating title

2008-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey Am 03.05.2008 um 23:49 schrieb Alberto Simões: Hi, folks. I have a four-hands piece and I would like to repeat titles (and create a new page). At the moment I have two '\score' command. It is rendering correctly a title, at the beginnin

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
update syntax is the same as convert-ly on macintosh. Is the solution to just not use jedit? Again, I use TeXShop for lilypond, so I don't know much about jedit, but I can sure give it a try later today. Am 04.05.2008 um 05:53 schrieb Jonathan Kulp: I haven't tried to update any files from J

Re: Help getting started with Danny Boy

2008-05-03 Thread James E. Bailey
ok with the 'horizontal spacing" issue from yesteryear. Thank-you James. -Jay Peek I would also suggest using the 2.11 documentation if you aren't already, it's a bit easier to read, certainly more thorough, and makes using lilypond a lot clearer. James E. Bail

Re: Help getting started with Danny Boy

2008-05-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.05.2008 um 05:59 schrieb Paul Scott: On May 3, 2008, at 6:44 PM, plasmacarwash wrote: Dear James, Actually I was wondering, once we set the time signature and choose which value our notes will be (half, quart, eighth) -does the program automatically create the desired bars? The ap

Re: mac os x, lilypondtool, jedit, a puzzle

2008-05-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.05.2008 um 18:58 schrieb Stan Sanderson: On May 4, 2008, at 3:10 AM, Brett Duncan wrote: Stan Sanderson wrote: In the interest of improving a great tool, I ask... I'm sure I'm not the only one using jEdit with LilyPondTool on Mac OS 10 (10.4.11, PPC). I've had a dialogue with Bertal

Re: pdf is not procuced

2008-05-06 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 06.05.2008 um 11:49 schrieb Stefan Thomas: Dear lilypond users, when I want to make a pdf-file of my score I get the following message: pdf is not procuced /home/Stefan/partituren/differance/musik/ Warnung: Keine rhythmische Gruppe zu beenden r 4 \times 2/3 { r

Re: Lyrics, barlines and whiteout

2008-05-08 Thread James E. Bailey
I was going to say that I didn't see a problem with doing the file without the bar lines in the text and removing the bar engraver, and then I realised that you're using 2.10.33. While I can't speak for that version, in 2.11, it works fine without the workaround. I would highly recommend 2.

Re: Lyrics, barlines and whiteout

2008-05-08 Thread James E. Bailey
the text. What happens in 2.11? One wouldn't want gaps in the barlines at the end of systems. James E. Bailey wrote: I was going to say that I didn't see a problem with doing the file without the bar lines in the text and removing the bar engraver, and then I realised that you'r

emacs mode test file

2008-05-08 Thread James E. Bailey
is there a file that shows all of the pretty color options that the emacs mode shows? I may attempt a nanorc that does something similar, and I'd just like to know what options there are. Rather, I'd like to know what emacs does so I can emulate it somewhat. ___

strange suggestAccidentals behaviour

2008-05-09 Thread James E. Bailey
So, I came across this as I was typesetting some bach: \include "" I = \relative g' { \clef treble \set suggestAccidentals = ##t r2 r8 g16 f es4~| %1 es8 d c2. \bar "|:" %2 r16 d es f g4~ g8 a h4~ | %3 h8 c d4~ d16 g f e d4~ | %4 }

strange suggestAccidentals behaviour

2008-05-09 Thread James E. Bailey
I've even gone so far as to figure out that it's the two b-flats that are the problem. If one or the other (it doesn't seem to matter) is a b-natural, it's fine. As soon as both b's are flat, there's a problem. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypo

strange suggestAccidentals behaviour

2008-05-09 Thread James E. Bailey
I've even gone so far as to figure out that it's the two b-naturals that are the problem. If one or the other (it doesn't seem to matter) is a b-natural, it's fine. As soon as both b's are natural, there's a problem. ___ lilypond-user mailing lis

Re: strange suggestAccidentals behaviour

2008-05-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 09.05.2008 um 14:16 schrieb Valentin Villenave: 2008/5/9 James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: I've even gone so far as to figure out that it's the two b-naturals that are the problem. If one or the other (it doesn't seem to matter) is a b- natural, it's fin

Re: strange suggestAccidentals behaviour

2008-05-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 09.05.2008 um 19:38 schrieb Neil Puttock: Hi James, I posted a temporary solution to this here: It should tide you over until the bug's fixed in the next release. Regards, Neil Thanks, btw, trying to get acceptable

Re: etf2ly

2006-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
I think I'll just re-do the score. It’s only two parts, and the hassle of installing a translator that likely won’t work well is not really how I want to spend my time. Thanks Am 24.01.2006 um 00:57 schrieb Erik Sandberg: On Tuesday 24 January 2006 07.58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I'

page size?

2006-01-24 Thread James E. Bailey
I have a funny thing. So I'm using 2.6.5 (latest stable) and I have # (set-default-paper-size "tabloid"). What outputs is a file that is letter size, but thinks it's tabloid. Would making a \paper block resolve this? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: partial error

2006-01-31 Thread James E. Bailey
Sorry, I'm using latest stable 2.6.5 and I get a bar check failed error. It's not been a problem, I'm just wondering if I should be worried. Am 31.01.2006 um 00:49 schrieb Ramana Kumar: On 1/31/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: so I have this file, I'll attach it. My questi

Re: partial error

2006-02-01 Thread James E. Bailey
they're just a bit annoying) i presume you've actually checked all your bars are the right lengths. On 2/1/06, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sorry, I'm using latest stable 2.6.5 and I get a bar check failed error. It's not been a problem, I'm just wondering

Re: split lyrics

2006-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Wow, that’s grat. I didn’t know about the ”align above context”‘cause it’s not in the manual. Thanks Am 09.02.2006 um 07:55 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: I'm not sure if you ever got an answer to your question. Also, I'm not sure exactly what you tried to achieve and what failed. If, for example, y

PPC Version?

2006-11-05 Thread James E. Bailey
I’m in the process of migrating OS’s (‘cause apple is pissing me off) and I’m wondering if there’s a linux PPC build of LilyPond. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PPC Version?

2006-11-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Thanks, luckily lilypond 2.6 was compiled for ubuntu, so I was able to get that version. I guess I won’t worry about an update until I need it. Am 05.11.2006 um 09:12 schrieb Han-Wen Nienhuys: Julian Peterson escreveu: Depending on your distro, it can probably be acquired via the normal pa

Re: Tutorial

2006-11-29 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm having some difficulty with the Metronome_Mark_engraver. I've successfully hidden it, but the notes are spaced around it so there's some odd spacing. I'm wondering it's possible to remove the metronome mark altogether. The code is here:

Re: paper sizes

2006-11-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Alas, I am on macintosh. Intel iMac, OSX 10.4 On Thursday, November 30, 2006, at 08:55AM, "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > >James E. Bailey-2 wrote: >> >> I was reading the archives on how to define a custom page size, and &g

Re: a2 paper

2006-12-04 Thread James E. Bailey
I edit the file successfully. The same file that works on windows, on macintosh generates a PDF that's rotated landscape. I am editing the paper.scm inside the lilypond app. Here's what happens. I compile the file in lilypond, and the pdf that is generated is my new paper size, but the paper is

odd choral score problem

2006-12-04 Thread James E. Bailey
So, I'm creating a choral score and having some difficulties. First of all, I put everything in separate files because it's just easier for me to find errors that way, so posting music would be a bit difficult, I'll explain everything as well as I can. I have "SopranoMusic" defined in its own f

Re: ps and pdf question

2007-01-12 Thread James E. Bailey
This would be a bad idea from my point of view, because in order to generate a pdf that's on a non-standard sheet of paper, I must use the postscript, so not having that file would make it impossible for me to generate a file that prints on, say, 9"x12" paper. On Friday, January 12, 2007, at 0

convert problem

2007-02-21 Thread James E. Bailey
Hello list I haven't had any problems recently, so I haven't been here in a bit. I'm running OSX, I just downloaded 2.11.19-1 (Build from Sun Feb 18 01:19:40) and I'm having a problem converting what I thought was a pretty recent file. The file is this: \version "2.10" AltoMusic =\relativ

Re: LilyPond is hosed! Any suggestions?

2007-02-25 Thread James E. Bailey
Well, the problem only occurs on Intel Macintosh computers, that may explain why you do not have the problem. Also, I've found that 2.10.13-1 is the most recent version that will successfully compile a file on the Intel Macintoshes. From: Fred Leason Subject:Re: LilyPond is hosed!

Re: Stopwatch time in markup

2009-01-26 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 26.01.2009 um 20:33 schrieb Tim Reeves: The long part, the definition, could even be hidden away in another file that you \include. That's a really useful aspect. That you can include the code in your init file, and just use it. Mind you, I could not have written that function, but I'

Re: Lyrics spacing problem - overlapping syllables

2009-01-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.01.2009 um 13:19 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool): Lyrics syllables should not overlap in any case, LilyPond should automatically increase the note dinstance if needed. So it seems to me as a bug. It's a known issue in section 2.1.3. "Melismata are not detected automatically

Re: Lyrics spacing problem - overlapping syllables

2009-01-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 28.01.2009 um 13:28 schrieb James E. Bailey: Am 28.01.2009 um 13:19 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool): Lyrics syllables should not overlap in any case, LilyPond should automatically increase the note dinstance if needed. So it seems to me as a bug. It's a known iss

Re: vista

2009-01-28 Thread James E. Bailey
Please see the instructions at or Tutorial Am 28.01.2009 um 18:49 schrieb Antoine Plante: Hello, I have been trying to install the software without succes

Re: Bass Clef Lyrics Above Staff

2009-01-30 Thread James E. Bailey
easiest way that I know of is: \version "2.12.2" music = \relative { \clef bass c1 } lyric = \lyricmode { text } \score { << \new Staff = "bass" \new Voice = "bass" \music \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext=bass} \lyricsto bass \lyric >> } Am 30.01.2009 um 06:29 schrieb Eze

Re: Anchoring markups

2009-01-30 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 30.01.2009 um 10:29 schrieb Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool): I think there is a general problem in LilyPond with the positioning of things. You can easily attach a markup (that now actually can contain anything) to a note. But can't attach it to a clef, a stem, a bar line etc. It would b

Re: \bar "||" kills start-repeat

2009-01-30 Thread James E. Bailey
I haven't really taken a close look, but do you want the "||:" barline Am 30.01.2009 um 22:30 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi, the following snippet kills the start-repeat barline in bar 6. removing the \bar "||" shows the start-repeat. is there any way to get the \bar "||" and the "|:" to show at

Re: Make eighth looks like quarter note

2009-01-31 Thread James E. Bailey
in this case, why don't you just use <> to show that it's two notes happening in the same voice simultaneously. hh8 hh hh16 Also, since you're really new to lilypond, you should probably read through the entire Learning Manual before attempting to make a score. You'll learn a lot about ho

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.02.2009 um 09:46 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:25 AM, Robin Bannister wrote: Well, \repeatTie doesn't take you very far into the ensuing phrase. And it doesn't swoop properly. A fairly easy way in this case is to add a hidden grace note: { \hideNotes \grace b16\( \u

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-02 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 02.02.2009 um 09:56 schrieb Simon Bailey: hi, On Feb 2, 2009, at 9:52 AM, James E. Bailey wrote: given how well it works, defining a variable like PhrasingAdjustment = {s1*32 \grace s8 } and then just including that in all parts doesn't seem to be too much of a hassle. And wou

Re: phrasing slur continued through a repeat?

2009-02-04 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 04.02.2009 um 14:01 schrieb Ed Ravin: On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:00:23PM +0100, Robin Bannister wrote: Ed Ravin wrote: Would the extra grace notes corrupt the MIDI output? No. But you can hear them, and you might think that inappropriate. :) Try out this: { \once \override Rest #'transp

Re: Possible in Ubuntu?

2009-02-05 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 05.02.2009 um 08:33 schrieb den trompetter: Hello, yesterday I installed Lilypond in Ubuntu. But I don't see it in the program's list. How can I work with it? I'm not sure. Jvuz You'll want to have a look at index.php?title=Where_is_the_app%3F_(Linu

Re: printed page does not match the .pdf file

2009-02-06 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 06.02.2009 um 00:08 schrieb Chip: When I view my file as .pdf it shows the very small margins all the way around the page. When I print the .pdf using jpedal I get what appears to be 1" margins left and right and bottom, and about 2" from the top of the page to the top of the title. Wha

Re: two rehearsal mark on one barline

2009-02-06 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 05.02.2009 um 22:17 schrieb Zbyněk Burget: Hi, one more question can I put two rehearsal marks to one barline? I need fermata on barline (I put it as rehearsal mark) and real rehearsal mark (number of part) together. ...and there is complication - this barline is on end of staffline :-(

Re: two rehearsal mark on one barline

2009-02-06 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 06.02.2009 um 17:06 schrieb Mats Bengtsson: James E. Bailey wrote: Also, you can have a separate context for each mark, since only one mark can be in a voice at a time. If you try your suggestion, I'm afraid you'll get disappointed. Since rehearsal marks are crea

Re: printed page does not match the .pdf file

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.02.2009 um 01:55 schrieb Anthony W. Youngman: In message <>, Simon Bailey writes chip, On Feb 6, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Chip wrote: When I view my file as .pdf it shows the very small margins all the way around the page. When I print the .pd

Re: How to tie a note in a chord to a note outside a chord

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.02.2009 um 15:50 schrieb Jayaratna: Dear subscribers, I am inputting some very complicated polyphonic music for keyboard. Maybe this is a newbie idiotic question, but I cannot understand how to input these two bars: the problem is printing the tied A across the measures while keep

Re: How to tie a note in a chord to a note outside a chord

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Aside from the tie/stem collision, is this not what you wanted? \version "2.12.2" \new Staff \relative c'' { << { \voiceOne c2~ c4 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo g4 \voiceOne a_~ a } >> } <> Am 07.02.2009 um 17:21 schrieb Jayaratna: Hi Robin, in fact I just came back to the list because I still

Re: Problem with lyrics

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
in mm 123 of what I'm assuming is the second voice, there's a tie. That's probably preventing the lyric from appearing. a 8 d' _~ d' 2 _~ r4 Am 07.02.2009 um 17:39 schrieb Lorenzo Bicci: Hi everybody! Here's the problem: when compiling the file below, no syllable gets assigned to the firs

Re: How to tie a note in a chord to a note outside a chord

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
ottom Lilypond says: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns { << { \voiceOne c'2~ c4 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo g4 \voiceOne a_~ a } \\{s2 d,2.}>> } %%%%%% James E. Bailey-3 wrote: Aside from the tie/stem

Re: How to tie a note in a chord to a note outside a chord

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
% warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns { << { \voiceOne c'2~ c4 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo g4 \voiceOne a_~ a } \\{s2 d,2.}>> } %% James E. Bailey-3 wrote: Aside from the tie/stem collision, is this n

Re: printed page does not match the .pdf file

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.02.2009 um 18:53 schrieb Anthony W. Youngman: It's probably not helped by the fact that I have an A4 document, printing on an A4 printer, and Acrobat (the ONLY application to do it) insists the printer has American Letter paper. Ah, that's the problem. You need to make sure that acr

chord naming question

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
I'm going to be engraving some more music with chords, and thanks to last time, I have appropriate templates that will work. But, one problem that is inconsistent is the placement of the flat symbol. I have to use a modified semi-german chord naming method because the person I'm engraving f

Re: chord naming question

2009-02-07 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 07.02.2009 um 23:34 schrieb Carl D. Sorensen: On 2/7/09 1:27 PM, "James E. Bailey" wrote: I'm going to be engraving some more music with chords, and thanks to last time, I have appropriate templates that will work. But, one problem that is inconsistent is the placem

stanza numbers repeated

2009-02-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to have lilypond automatically repeat stanza numbers at the start of each line? I know I can manually set line breaks and put the stanza numbers in, but is there an *easy* way to have that automated? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Is there a way to get the slashed six from the figured bass mode into chordmode? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-08 Thread James E. Bailey
Am 08.02.2009 um 23:24 schrieb M Watts: James E. Bailey wrote: Is there a way to get the slashed six from the figured bass mode into chordmode? In your chordname exceptions, just use: \markup { \slashed-digit #6 } You might want to fiddle with the font / size to get it looking right. Of

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 08.02.2009, a las 23:24, M Watts escribió: James E. Bailey wrote: Is there a way to get the slashed six from the figured bass mode into chordmode? In your chordname exceptions, just use: \markup { \slashed-digit #6 } You might want to fiddle with the font / size to get it looking

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 16:08, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, But neither of your code examples match what was suggested, i.e. -\markup \slashed-digit { #6 } -\markup \slashed-digit #6 is not -\markup { \slashed-digit #6 } which works fine in my copy (v2.12). HTH! Kieren.

parenthesize a fermata

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
Is it possible to parenthesize a fermata? Trying \parenthesize \fermata doesn't work for me. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 16:08, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, -\markup { \slashed-digit #6 } which works fine in my copy (v2.12). HTH! Kieren. Okay, I've gotten as far as lilypond not complaining that the code is wrong, but now I don't know how to actually get this chord to show

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E . Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 16:08, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, -\markup { \slashed-digit #6 } which works fine in my copy (v2.12). HTH! Kieren. Okay, I've gotten as far as lilypond not complaining that the code is wrong, but now I don't know how to actually get this chord to s

Re: parenthesize a fermata

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 16:54, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, Is it possible to parenthesize a fermata? Trying \parenthesize \fermata doesn't work for me. c-\parenthesize \fermata Works fine for me… Kieren. Wow, this could be better explained in the documentation. In the section on p

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 16:53, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, Okay, I've gotten as far as lilypond not complaining that the code is wrong, but now I don't know how to actually get this chord to show up. Sorry, I really have no clue about chords this one is just confusing me. At this po

Re: parenthesize a fermata

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 18:23, Jonathan Kulp escribió: James E. Bailey wrote: El 09.02.2009, a las 16:54, Kieren MacMillan escribió: Hi James, Is it possible to parenthesize a fermata? Trying \parenthesize \fermata doesn't work for me. c-\parenthesize \fermata Works fine for me… K

Re: text in staves

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
El 09.02.2009, a las 17:46, Nikolay Kirov escribió: Hello! Is there a way to insert a character or a string into staves? I would like to write big parenthesis centered at vertical center of staves. I hope this is possible but I cannot find any advice in the documentation. Nikolay The ea

Re: text in staves

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
v escribió: My goal is to put text ON the staves, not between them, like \parenthesize. N.K. On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:21 PM, James E. Bailey wrote: El 09.02.2009, a las 17:46, Nikolay Kirov escribió: Hello! Is there a way to insert a character or a string into staves? I would like to

Re: slashed six in chordmode

2009-02-09 Thread James E . Bailey
I've decided to forego the \slashed-digit, since it's the wrong font, and I just made up a slashed 6 for this purpose. I'm sure when someone who knows how to use Scheme needs this sort of thing, it can be better formatted, but as someone in need, this works! \version "2.12.2" myChordDefini

yet another chord question

2009-02-09 Thread James E. Bailey
I'd like to have a chord that is C-10. I have myChordDefinitions = { -\markup \super {-10} } And then, of course the requisite myChordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordDefinitions #t) ignatzekExceptions) myChordInit = { \set chordNameExceptions = #m

yet another chord question

2009-02-09 Thread James E . Bailey
I'd like to have a chord that is C-10. I have myChordDefinitions = { -\markup \super {-10} } And then, of course the requisite myChordExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions myChordDefinitions #t) ignatzekExceptions) myChordInit = { \set chordNameExceptions = #m

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