I believe I've just discovered a bug.
Running the development version of lily
(2.17.5, commit bc4b56a8dee39a1fa3f40ac329ab0754d46fc56f )
the following snippet produces two notes next to each other, without any
visible barline at all. See the attached image.
I checked it in the current documen
And - 2.16.0 is free of this bug.
2012/11/3 Jakub Pavlík
> Hi,
> I believe I've just discovered a bug.
> Running the development version of lily
> (2.17.5, commit bc4b56a8dee39a1fa3f40ac329ab0754d46fc56f )
> the following snippet produces two notes next
I'm sorry for the noise
and thankful for the explanation.
2012/11/3 Thomas Morley
> 2012/11/3 Jakub Pavlík :
> > And - 2.16.0 is free of this bug.
> >
> > J.
> >
> >
> >
> > 2012/11/3 Jakub Pavlík
> >>
> >>
is it possible to detect slurred notes in a callback function? I would like
to use a callback function to modify properties of all slurred notes.
Below is my unsuccessful attempt.
The callback function receives NoteHead grob as argument. The grob itself
doesn't seem to contain information abo
Thank you very much, now I know at least how to get from a grob to the
corresponding music object.
In order to "catch" the notes under a slur that aren't slur attach points
("middle notes") I tried to use a closure as the callback function and
store information on the "slurred state" (in slur / no
Hi David,
thank you very much - actually this is just what I was looking for! It
works great.
> It would be interesting to see your code for this. This randomness was
> the topic of an earlier thread, and I wonder if your observation is
> related:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user%40g
Hi David,
as promised, here is my unsuccessful attempt based on a closure preserving
state information between invocations.
\version "2.19.32"
#(define (contains-slur-event-with-direction? lst direction)
(if (null-list? lst)
(if (music-is-of-type? (car ls
is it possible to make an unbreakable space in multi-line top-level markup?
Some languages (including Czech) prohibit e.g. prepositions at the end of line
- and I haven't been able to adjust line-breaking in these and similar cases.
Jakub P
I have tried to find some description of the valid syntax of LilyPond variables
and haven't found any. I would like to use variable names with numbers and
possibly with underscores - is it somehow possible?
a2c = { a a a } % doesn't work
a_c = { a a a } % also doesn't work
is there any way to define my own algorithm of horizontal spacing for the score?
Thanks, J. Pavlík
lilypond-user mailing list
breathe sign is typesetted flying over the staff. I want
it to lie on the top-most line, on the line A, but I haven't found any way to
modify vertical positioning of this sign. Is there any?
Jakub Pavlík
lilypond-user mailing list
it would be very useful for me to be able to access score headers inside of the
score, like this:
\score {
\relative c' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
\fromproperty #'header:piece
a a a
\header {
piece = "Great Piece"
But it doesn't work. Is th
> Původní zpráva
> Od: Reinhold Kainhofer
> Předmět: Re: Using headers inside of a score
> Datum: 27.6.2011 20:19:11
> Am Montag, 27. Juni 2011, 18:08:47 schrieb Jakub Pavlík:
> > Hi,
> >
> &g
Your e-mail inspired me to start work on a VexTab-to-LilyPond converter, which
should make it possible to make use both of the simple VexTab input and fancy
LilyPond output.
At this time it doesn't have enough functionality for your needs - but I'm
slowly working on it.
J. Pavlik
> ---
> Jakub Pavlík jn. wrote:
> >
> > Your e-mail inspired me to start work on a VexTab-to-LilyPond converter,
> > which should make it possible to make use both of the simple VexTab input
> > and fancy LilyPond output.
> > At this time it doesn't have enou
> Reinhold
I suggest adding sheets for gregorian chant - staffs of four lines, without a
clef (because the clefs may be placed on different lines and writing more small
pieces like antiphons on one sheet you usually need different clef placements).
Jakub Pavlík
See section "Noteheads" in the Notation manual:
> Původní zpráva
> Od: valerian.neisse
> Předmět: Re: ghoste notes
> Datum: 09.9.2011 18:56:29
> i have tryed
It seems that 2.12 didn't have commands \xNotesOn, \xNotesOff and \xNote -
but you can make them easily yourself - try to compile the attached file, it
should work.
> Původní zpráv
I have a large project containing many small scores (in large files each
containing a bundle of scores) which often change.
The project is stored in a git repository.
I would like to be able to get the date of last modification for each of the
scores from git. Does anyone have an idea how to
(Was sent to Hraban, but was meant for the OP or ML)
I would also appreciate the .ly sources - because 1. I would like to
print just a selection of the carols and 2. I have (living in Europe)
no printer printing on letter-sized paper.
J. Pavlík
In regular modern scores it is logical that the ends of a slur attach to a
notehead or to an end of a stem, depending on the direction of stems of the
notes connected by the slur.
I'm typesetting chant transcriptions and make stems transparent:
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
Some slurs, atta
Thank you both, David and James.
> Původní zpráva
> Od: David Nalesnik
> Předmět: Re: How to make slurs ignore stems?
> Datum: 22.12.2011 20:44:59
> Hi Jakub,
> 2011/12/22 Jakub Pavlík
> Původní zpráva
> Od: Светлана
> Předmět: Re: Change color for some symbols in a sylable
> Datum: 09.1.2012 23:24:50
> 10.01.2012, 00:01, "Francisco Vila" :
> > Use complex markups as syllables.
> >
> > { c' } \addlyrics { \mark
If you need any help, you should better explain, what you need, maybe provide
an example of the LilyPond code you're working on...
I can't really understand, what you need.
P.S.: Sorry for posting this twice, the first time I posted the reply by
accident only to you and not to
Is the libpoppler-qt4 library visible for Python when you're running
Frescobaldi? (Try to check the environment variable PYTHONPATH.)
Původní zpráva
Od: Peter O'Doherty
Předmět: Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 2.0.2 is available
Datum: 05.2.2012 10:11:06
2012/3/6 Zbyněk Burget
> Dne 5.3.2012 12:30, Francisco Vila napsal(a):
> 2012/3/5 -Eluze:
>>> O.K. - see attachment - I am interested in the "R" at the end of even
verses (symbol "R" I've created).
>> gregorian.ly defines \ij \iij etc for prefixing and a two \responsum
having a file with multiple \bookparts (each of them contains multiple
\scores), LilyPond puts score title and author name at the top of the first
page of each bookpart by default.
I would love to have these two fields only on the very first page of the
whole book and at the beginning of the b
3 behaved just how I expected it
to behave...
Jakub Pavlík
Description: Unix tar archive
lilypond-user mailing list
2012/3/20 Julien Rioux
> Jakub Pavlík gmail.com> writes:
> > I've found a serious difference in behaviour between lilypond-book
> 2.12.3 and
> 2.15.34:
> Thanks, I've added it here:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2423
> R
I have a funny problem with LilyPond 2.15.37:
in the following snippet, the custos appears one octave higher than the
note which actually follows on the next line. Does anyone have an idea
where I make (or LilyPond makes) an error and how to fix it?
Jakub Pavlík
-- snippet
Dne 18. dubna 2012 14:06 Marek Klein napsal(a):
> Hello,
> 2012/4/18 Jakub Pavlík
>> Hi,
>> I have a funny problem with LilyPond 2.15.37:
>> in the following snippet, the custos appears one octave higher than the
>> note which actually follo
2012/4/18 David Kastrup
> Jakub Pavlík writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> > I have a funny problem with LilyPond 2.15.37:
> Do you have a way to check whether 2.14 is affected as well?
> > in the following snippet, the custos appears one octave highe
> **
> Hi- please direct me to..
> I can't find how to underline a single word in the lyrics
> I'd settle for italic if that's the only possibility but I couldn't find
> either in manual or repository.
> using stable version
> thanks
> jay
Maybe one more hint may b
Not directly.
But you can export your music e.g. from Finale to one of the formats
supported by the standard LilyPond converters and then convert the music
from this format to LilyPond.
2012/8/9 Jeff Mau
> Wi
Oh, blind me. Using etf2ly you can import from Finale directly...
2012/8/12 Jakub Pavlík
> Not directly.
> But you can export your music e.g. from Finale to one of the formats
> supported by the standard LilyPond converters and then convert the music
> from this format
I confess having no experience with this, as LilyPond is the single
application I use for musical notation.
I just shared what I found in the documentation regarding this subject.
2012/8/12 Laura Conrad
> >>>>> "Jakub" == Jakub Pavlík writes:
it seems behavior of lilypond-book concerning .ly files including other .ly
files changed between 2.14.2 and 2.15.42:
Let's say I have a book:
This books includes a LilyPons score
In the same directory where I have the book there is my file containing
2012/8/29 Daniel E. Moctezuma
> Hello LilyPonders,
> I am trying to do a title page / cover page using LaTex without too much
> success.
> The result I get is a Y-centered text (on LaTex) but with a noticeable
> space on X-axis (space at the right), in addition, the next pages (of
> music) have
I have a very funny issue using the Charis SIL font:
under some special circumstances instead of the "Z" "a" is set in lyrics as
well as in markups.
I tried to isolate the issue, but haven't been really successfull. What I
can see about the code below is that
1. the issue only occurs with th
2012/9/11 Werner LEMBERG
> Please report this (with examples) to the ghostscript people so that
> they can analyze and fix it.
> Werner
Patrick, will you report it to the GS devs? I don't understand PostScript
(and thus also what you found about the issue) enough...
Thanks, Jakub
I would like to have the full book title on the first page of the first
bookpart only and an abbreviated book title on the first pages of the
subsequent bookparts.
I know the sollution with resetting the unwanted fields in the bookpart
headers, but it would be more convenient to define the who
\bookpart {
\header {
subtitle = "part 1"
\score { \relative c' { a } }
\bookpart {
\header {
subtitle = "part 2"
\score { \relative c' { b } }
--- /snip
2013/11/9 Eluze
> Jakub Pavlík wrote
> > Hi,
> >
> &g
while typesetting notes without stems I encountered (actually Janek W.
spotted and drew my attention to) a weird behavior of slurs avoiding stems
that are (hopefully) correctly removed.
Attached is a set of minimal examples with stems removed in various ways.
Only the one where I manually cha
I am quite unhappy about the removal of the "master" document variable,
which I have relied on quite heavily. For my workflows it is much more
useful than sessions.
If this decision is final, I will either stick to 2.0.11 for the rest of my
life :) or try to maintain a "topic fork" of Frescoba
Thank you very much!
2013/12/28 Wilbert Berendsen
> op 28-12-13 13:25, Jakub Pavlík schreef:
>> Hi,
>> I am quite unhappy about the removal of the "master" document variable,
>> which I have relied on quite heavily. For my workflows it is
Conversion between gregorio and lilypond is a relevant topic for me too.
Some time ago I started working on it - https://github.com/igneus/lygre -
and for now there is grely, a Ruby script translating gabc to simple
lilypond (simplified modern notation, not the quadratic notation also
supported by
>From the description I don't understand your problem. Why is the lilypond
mode not suitable for you purposes? The example seems to be just a regular
lilypond file ...
2015-01-27 16:57 GMT+01:00 Craig Parker-Feldmann :
> I find it wonderful that some Emacs wizard(s) took the trouble to wri
pá 11. 10. 2024 v 23:17 odesílatel Werner LEMBERG napsal:
> > Utilities converting Gregorio scores to LilyPond code have been
> > available for years, but it's definitely more convenient to include
> > gabc scores directly, without invoking an external utility - either
> > pasting gabc code rig
Many of those involved in Gregorian chant are probably familiar with the
gabc notation format used by Gregorio, which is widely used for square
notation typesetting, with a vast amount of freely available transcriptions.
Utilities converting Gregorio scores to LilyPond code have been available
I've been developing a package which programatically generates music. The
logic is non-trivial, data structures sometimes unwieldy and I'm used to
the comfort of codebases secured by massive test coverage, which led me to
a search for methods of automated testing in the LilyPond ecosystem.
The pac
is there a way to build in Scheme arbitrary input-location (pointing to any
location in any file, even one not processed as LilyPond code by the
LilyPond interpreter) for use with the ly:set-origin! procedure?
When a LilyPond document is engraved landscape like
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4landscape")
it is displayed appropriately in Frescobaldi.
Are you looking for a way to rotate the music view, so that a portrait
document can still be viewed landscape, with staffs running vertically
rather than
Thank you all very much, especially David for the explanation how the
contexts work. Indeed I didn't know what I was doing.
Forcing a particular context with \context for the first \applyContext call
then solved my issue.
I've run into a surprising edge case with \applyContext.
The example score below has Stem.length overridden in the layout block.
\applyContext is called before and after the first note, logging the value
of Stem.length to the standard output. I would expect both instances to
print the value se
Have you considered leaving Frescobaldi for VS Code?
It's rather cost-ineffective to develop specifically for Frescobaldi
functionality which is common to many code editors. It would be great if
Frescobaldi supported extensions made for some established code editor and
could benefit from its ecosy
It works, thank you very much.
I've been trying to change colour of divisiones in chant notation.
The Divisio layout object seemed to be an obvious choice, so I tried it
first, to no effect.
Then I inspected the definition of divisiones of gregorian.ly: they seem to
be implemented as breathing signs, but overriding Breathin
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